node-rsa.js 327 KB

  1. /*! For license information please see node-rsa.bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */ ! function(t, e) {
  2. "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.NODERSA = e() : t.NODERSA = e()
  3. }(globalThis, (() => (() => {
  4. var t = {
  5. 6395: t => {
  6. t.exports = {
  7. newInvalidAsn1Error: function(t) {
  8. var e = new Error;
  9. return = "InvalidAsn1Error", e.message = t || "", e
  10. }
  11. }
  12. },
  13. 5670: (t, e, r) => {
  14. var n = r(6395),
  15. i = r(6299),
  16. o = r(3319),
  17. s = r(1431);
  18. for (var a in t.exports = {
  19. Reader: o,
  20. Writer: s
  21. }, i) i.hasOwnProperty(a) && (t.exports[a] = i[a]);
  22. for (var f in n) n.hasOwnProperty(f) && (t.exports[f] = n[f])
  23. },
  24. 3319: (t, e, r) => {
  25. var n = r(4529),
  26. i = r(4774).Buffer,
  27. o = r(6299),
  28. s = r(6395).newInvalidAsn1Error;
  29. function a(t) {
  30. if (!t || !i.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("data must be a node Buffer");
  31. this._buf = t, this._size = t.length, this._len = 0, this._offset = 0
  32. }
  33. Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "length", {
  34. enumerable: !0,
  35. get: function() {
  36. return this._len
  37. }
  38. }), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "offset", {
  39. enumerable: !0,
  40. get: function() {
  41. return this._offset
  42. }
  43. }), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "remain", {
  44. get: function() {
  45. return this._size - this._offset
  46. }
  47. }), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "buffer", {
  48. get: function() {
  49. return this._buf.slice(this._offset)
  50. }
  51. }), a.prototype.readByte = function(t) {
  52. if (this._size - this._offset < 1) return null;
  53. var e = 255 & this._buf[this._offset];
  54. return t || (this._offset += 1), e
  55. }, a.prototype.peek = function() {
  56. return this.readByte(!0)
  57. }, a.prototype.readLength = function(t) {
  58. if (void 0 === t && (t = this._offset), t >= this._size) return null;
  59. var e = 255 & this._buf[t++];
  60. if (null === e) return null;
  61. if (128 & ~e) this._len = e;
  62. else {
  63. if (0 == (e &= 127)) throw s("Indefinite length not supported");
  64. if (e > 4) throw s("encoding too long");
  65. if (this._size - t < e) return null;
  66. this._len = 0;
  67. for (var r = 0; r < e; r++) this._len = (this._len << 8) + (255 & this._buf[t++])
  68. }
  69. return t
  70. }, a.prototype.readSequence = function(t) {
  71. var e = this.peek();
  72. if (null === e) return null;
  73. if (void 0 !== t && t !== e) throw s("Expected 0x" + t.toString(16) + ": got 0x" + e.toString(16));
  74. var r = this.readLength(this._offset + 1);
  75. return null === r ? null : (this._offset = r, e)
  76. }, a.prototype.readInt = function() {
  77. return this._readTag(o.Integer)
  78. }, a.prototype.readBoolean = function() {
  79. return 0 !== this._readTag(o.Boolean)
  80. }, a.prototype.readEnumeration = function() {
  81. return this._readTag(o.Enumeration)
  82. }, a.prototype.readString = function(t, e) {
  83. t || (t = o.OctetString);
  84. var r = this.peek();
  85. if (null === r) return null;
  86. if (r !== t) throw s("Expected 0x" + t.toString(16) + ": got 0x" + r.toString(16));
  87. var n = this.readLength(this._offset + 1);
  88. if (null === n) return null;
  89. if (this.length > this._size - n) return null;
  90. if (this._offset = n, 0 === this.length) return e ? i.alloc(0) : "";
  91. var a = this._buf.slice(this._offset, this._offset + this.length);
  92. return this._offset += this.length, e ? a : a.toString("utf8")
  93. }, a.prototype.readOID = function(t) {
  94. t || (t = o.OID);
  95. var e = this.readString(t, !0);
  96. if (null === e) return null;
  97. for (var r = [], n = 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
  98. var s = 255 & e[i];
  99. n <<= 7, n += 127 & s, 128 & s || (r.push(n), n = 0)
  100. }
  101. return n = r.shift(), r.unshift(n % 40), r.unshift(n / 40 | 0), r.join(".")
  102. }, a.prototype._readTag = function(t) {
  103. n.ok(void 0 !== t);
  104. var e = this.peek();
  105. if (null === e) return null;
  106. if (e !== t) throw s("Expected 0x" + t.toString(16) + ": got 0x" + e.toString(16));
  107. var r = this.readLength(this._offset + 1);
  108. if (null === r) return null;
  109. if (this.length > 4) throw s("Integer too long: " + this.length);
  110. if (this.length > this._size - r) return null;
  111. this._offset = r;
  112. for (var i = this._buf[this._offset], o = 0, a = 0; a < this.length; a++) o <<= 8, o |= 255 & this._buf[this._offset++];
  113. return 128 & ~i || 4 === a || (o -= 1 << 8 * a), 0 | o
  114. }, t.exports = a
  115. },
  116. 6299: t => {
  117. t.exports = {
  118. EOC: 0,
  119. Boolean: 1,
  120. Integer: 2,
  121. BitString: 3,
  122. OctetString: 4,
  123. Null: 5,
  124. OID: 6,
  125. ObjectDescriptor: 7,
  126. External: 8,
  127. Real: 9,
  128. Enumeration: 10,
  129. PDV: 11,
  130. Utf8String: 12,
  131. RelativeOID: 13,
  132. Sequence: 16,
  133. Set: 17,
  134. NumericString: 18,
  135. PrintableString: 19,
  136. T61String: 20,
  137. VideotexString: 21,
  138. IA5String: 22,
  139. UTCTime: 23,
  140. GeneralizedTime: 24,
  141. GraphicString: 25,
  142. VisibleString: 26,
  143. GeneralString: 28,
  144. UniversalString: 29,
  145. CharacterString: 30,
  146. BMPString: 31,
  147. Constructor: 32,
  148. Context: 128
  149. }
  150. },
  151. 1431: (t, e, r) => {
  152. var n = r(4529),
  153. i = r(4774).Buffer,
  154. o = r(6299),
  155. s = r(6395).newInvalidAsn1Error,
  156. a = {
  157. size: 1024,
  158. growthFactor: 8
  159. };
  160. function f(t) {
  161. var e, r;
  162. e = a, r = t || {}, n.ok(e), n.equal(typeof e, "object"), n.ok(r), n.equal(typeof r, "object"), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach((function(t) {
  163. if (!r[t]) {
  164. var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
  165. Object.defineProperty(r, t, n)
  166. }
  167. })), t = r, this._buf = i.alloc(t.size || 1024), this._size = this._buf.length, this._offset = 0, this._options = t, this._seq = []
  168. }
  169. Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "buffer", {
  170. get: function() {
  171. if (this._seq.length) throw s(this._seq.length + " unended sequence(s)");
  172. return this._buf.slice(0, this._offset)
  173. }
  174. }), f.prototype.writeByte = function(t) {
  175. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a Number");
  176. this._ensure(1), this._buf[this._offset++] = t
  177. }, f.prototype.writeInt = function(t, e) {
  178. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a Number");
  179. "number" != typeof e && (e = o.Integer);
  180. for (var r = 4;
  181. (!(4286578688 & t) || -8388608 == (4286578688 & t)) && r > 1;) r--, t <<= 8;
  182. if (r > 4) throw s("BER ints cannot be > 0xffffffff");
  183. for (this._ensure(2 + r), this._buf[this._offset++] = e, this._buf[this._offset++] = r; r-- > 0;) this._buf[this._offset++] = (4278190080 & t) >>> 24, t <<= 8
  184. }, f.prototype.writeNull = function() {
  185. this.writeByte(o.Null), this.writeByte(0)
  186. }, f.prototype.writeEnumeration = function(t, e) {
  187. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a Number");
  188. return "number" != typeof e && (e = o.Enumeration), this.writeInt(t, e)
  189. }, f.prototype.writeBoolean = function(t, e) {
  190. if ("boolean" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a Boolean");
  191. "number" != typeof e && (e = o.Boolean), this._ensure(3), this._buf[this._offset++] = e, this._buf[this._offset++] = 1, this._buf[this._offset++] = t ? 255 : 0
  192. }, f.prototype.writeString = function(t, e) {
  193. if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a string (was: " + typeof t + ")");
  194. "number" != typeof e && (e = o.OctetString);
  195. var r = i.byteLength(t);
  196. this.writeByte(e), this.writeLength(r), r && (this._ensure(r), this._buf.write(t, this._offset), this._offset += r)
  197. }, f.prototype.writeBuffer = function(t, e) {
  198. if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("tag must be a number");
  199. if (!i.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("argument must be a buffer");
  200. this.writeByte(e), this.writeLength(t.length), this._ensure(t.length), t.copy(this._buf, this._offset, 0, t.length), this._offset += t.length
  201. }, f.prototype.writeStringArray = function(t) {
  202. if (!t instanceof Array) throw new TypeError("argument must be an Array[String]");
  203. var e = this;
  204. t.forEach((function(t) {
  205. e.writeString(t)
  206. }))
  207. }, f.prototype.writeOID = function(t, e) {
  208. if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a string");
  209. if ("number" != typeof e && (e = o.OID), !/^([0-9]+\.){3,}[0-9]+$/.test(t)) throw new Error("argument is not a valid OID string");
  210. var r = t.split("."),
  211. n = [];
  212. n.push(40 * parseInt(r[0], 10) + parseInt(r[1], 10)), r.slice(2).forEach((function(t) {
  213. ! function(t, e) {
  214. e < 128 ? t.push(e) : e < 16384 ? (t.push(e >>> 7 | 128), t.push(127 & e)) : e < 2097152 ? (t.push(e >>> 14 | 128), t.push(e >>> 7 & 255 | 128), t.push(127 & e)) : e < 268435456 ? (t.push(e >>> 21 | 128), t.push(e >>> 14 & 255 | 128), t.push(e >>> 7 & 255 | 128), t.push(127 & e)) : (t.push(e >>> 28 & 255 | 128), t.push(e >>> 21 & 255 | 128), t.push(e >>> 14 & 255 | 128), t.push(e >>> 7 & 255 | 128), t.push(127 & e))
  215. }(n, parseInt(t, 10))
  216. }));
  217. var i = this;
  218. this._ensure(2 + n.length), this.writeByte(e), this.writeLength(n.length), n.forEach((function(t) {
  219. i.writeByte(t)
  220. }))
  221. }, f.prototype.writeLength = function(t) {
  222. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("argument must be a Number");
  223. if (this._ensure(4), t <= 127) this._buf[this._offset++] = t;
  224. else if (t <= 255) this._buf[this._offset++] = 129, this._buf[this._offset++] = t;
  225. else if (t <= 65535) this._buf[this._offset++] = 130, this._buf[this._offset++] = t >> 8, this._buf[this._offset++] = t;
  226. else {
  227. if (!(t <= 16777215)) throw s("Length too long (> 4 bytes)");
  228. this._buf[this._offset++] = 131, this._buf[this._offset++] = t >> 16, this._buf[this._offset++] = t >> 8, this._buf[this._offset++] = t
  229. }
  230. }, f.prototype.startSequence = function(t) {
  231. "number" != typeof t && (t = o.Sequence | o.Constructor), this.writeByte(t), this._seq.push(this._offset), this._ensure(3), this._offset += 3
  232. }, f.prototype.endSequence = function() {
  233. var t = this._seq.pop(),
  234. e = t + 3,
  235. r = this._offset - e;
  236. if (r <= 127) this._shift(e, r, -2), this._buf[t] = r;
  237. else if (r <= 255) this._shift(e, r, -1), this._buf[t] = 129, this._buf[t + 1] = r;
  238. else if (r <= 65535) this._buf[t] = 130, this._buf[t + 1] = r >> 8, this._buf[t + 2] = r;
  239. else {
  240. if (!(r <= 16777215)) throw s("Sequence too long");
  241. this._shift(e, r, 1), this._buf[t] = 131, this._buf[t + 1] = r >> 16, this._buf[t + 2] = r >> 8, this._buf[t + 3] = r
  242. }
  243. }, f.prototype._shift = function(t, e, r) {
  244. n.ok(void 0 !== t), n.ok(void 0 !== e), n.ok(r), this._buf.copy(this._buf, t + r, t, t + e), this._offset += r
  245. }, f.prototype._ensure = function(t) {
  246. if (n.ok(t), this._size - this._offset < t) {
  247. var e = this._size * this._options.growthFactor;
  248. e - this._offset < t && (e += t);
  249. var r = i.alloc(e);
  250. this._buf.copy(r, 0, 0, this._offset), this._buf = r, this._size = e
  251. }
  252. }, t.exports = f
  253. },
  254. 3100: (t, e, r) => {
  255. var n = r(5670);
  256. t.exports = {
  257. Ber: n,
  258. BerReader: n.Reader,
  259. BerWriter: n.Writer
  260. }
  261. },
  262. 4529: (t, e, r) => {
  263. "use strict";
  264. var n = r(1514)();
  265. function i(t, e) {
  266. if (t === e) return 0;
  267. for (var r = t.length, n = e.length, i = 0, o = Math.min(r, n); i < o; ++i)
  268. if (t[i] !== e[i]) {
  269. r = t[i], n = e[i];
  270. break
  271. } return r < n ? -1 : n < r ? 1 : 0
  272. }
  273. function o(t) {
  274. return r.g.Buffer && "function" == typeof r.g.Buffer.isBuffer ? r.g.Buffer.isBuffer(t) : !(null == t || !t._isBuffer)
  275. }
  276. var s = r(4591),
  277. a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
  278. f = Array.prototype.slice,
  279. u = "foo" === function() {}.name;
  280. function c(t) {
  281. return
  282. }
  283. function h(t) {
  284. return !o(t) && "function" == typeof r.g.ArrayBuffer && ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(t) : !!t && (t instanceof DataView || !!(t.buffer && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)))
  285. }
  286. var p = t.exports = m,
  287. l = /\s*function\s+([^\(\s]*)\s*/;
  288. function y(t) {
  289. if (s.isFunction(t)) {
  290. if (u) return;
  291. var e = t.toString().match(l);
  292. return e && e[1]
  293. }
  294. }
  295. function g(t, e) {
  296. return "string" == typeof t ? t.length < e ? t : t.slice(0, e) : t
  297. }
  298. function d(t) {
  299. if (u || !s.isFunction(t)) return s.inspect(t);
  300. var e = y(t);
  301. return "[Function" + (e ? ": " + e : "") + "]"
  302. }
  303. function v(t, e, r, n, i) {
  304. throw new p.AssertionError({
  305. message: r,
  306. actual: t,
  307. expected: e,
  308. operator: n,
  309. stackStartFunction: i
  310. })
  311. }
  312. function m(t, e) {
  313. t || v(t, !0, e, "==", p.ok)
  314. }
  315. function S(t, e, r, n) {
  316. if (t === e) return !0;
  317. if (o(t) && o(e)) return 0 === i(t, e);
  318. if (s.isDate(t) && s.isDate(e)) return t.getTime() === e.getTime();
  319. if (s.isRegExp(t) && s.isRegExp(e)) return t.source === e.source && === && t.multiline === e.multiline && t.lastIndex === e.lastIndex && t.ignoreCase === e.ignoreCase;
  320. if (null !== t && "object" == typeof t || null !== e && "object" == typeof e) {
  321. if (h(t) && h(e) && c(t) === c(e) && !(t instanceof Float32Array || t instanceof Float64Array)) return 0 === i(new Uint8Array(t.buffer), new Uint8Array(e.buffer));
  322. if (o(t) !== o(e)) return !1;
  323. var a = (n = n || {
  324. actual: [],
  325. expected: []
  326. }).actual.indexOf(t);
  327. return -1 !== a && a === n.expected.indexOf(e) || (n.actual.push(t), n.expected.push(e), function(t, e, r, n) {
  328. if (null == t || null == e) return !1;
  329. if (s.isPrimitive(t) || s.isPrimitive(e)) return t === e;
  330. if (r && Object.getPrototypeOf(t) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(e)) return !1;
  331. var i = _(t),
  332. o = _(e);
  333. if (i && !o || !i && o) return !1;
  334. if (i) return S(t =, e =, r);
  335. var a, u, c = w(t),
  336. h = w(e);
  337. if (c.length !== h.length) return !1;
  338. for (c.sort(), h.sort(), u = c.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)
  339. if (c[u] !== h[u]) return !1;
  340. for (u = c.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)
  341. if (!S(t[a = c[u]], e[a], r, n)) return !1;
  342. return !0
  343. }(t, e, r, n))
  344. }
  345. return r ? t === e : t == e
  346. }
  347. function _(t) {
  348. return "[object Arguments]" ==
  349. }
  350. function b(t, e) {
  351. if (!t || !e) return !1;
  352. if ("[object RegExp]" == return e.test(t);
  353. try {
  354. if (t instanceof e) return !0
  355. } catch (t) {}
  356. return !Error.isPrototypeOf(e) && !0 ==={}, t)
  357. }
  358. function E(t, e, r, n) {
  359. var i;
  360. if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"block" argument must be a function');
  361. "string" == typeof r && (n = r, r = null), i = function(t) {
  362. var e;
  363. try {
  364. t()
  365. } catch (t) {
  366. e = t
  367. }
  368. return e
  369. }(e), n = (r && ? " (" + + ")." : ".") + (n ? " " + n : "."), t && !i && v(i, r, "Missing expected exception" + n);
  370. var o = "string" == typeof n,
  371. a = !t && i && !r;
  372. if ((!t && s.isError(i) && o && b(i, r) || a) && v(i, r, "Got unwanted exception" + n), t && i && r && !b(i, r) || !t && i) throw i
  373. }
  374. p.AssertionError = function(t) {
  375. = "AssertionError", this.actual = t.actual, this.expected = t.expected, this.operator = t.operator, t.message ? (this.message = t.message, this.generatedMessage = !1) : (this.message = g(d(this.actual), 128) + " " + this.operator + " " + g(d(this.expected), 128), this.generatedMessage = !0);
  376. var e = t.stackStartFunction || v;
  377. if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, e);
  378. else {
  379. var r = new Error;
  380. if (r.stack) {
  381. var n = r.stack,
  382. i = y(e),
  383. o = n.indexOf("\n" + i);
  384. if (o >= 0) {
  385. var s = n.indexOf("\n", o + 1);
  386. n = n.substring(s + 1)
  387. }
  388. this.stack = n
  389. }
  390. }
  391. }, s.inherits(p.AssertionError, Error), = v, p.ok = m, p.equal = function(t, e, r) {
  392. t != e && v(t, e, r, "==", p.equal)
  393. }, p.notEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  394. t == e && v(t, e, r, "!=", p.notEqual)
  395. }, p.deepEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  396. S(t, e, !1) || v(t, e, r, "deepEqual", p.deepEqual)
  397. }, p.deepStrictEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  398. S(t, e, !0) || v(t, e, r, "deepStrictEqual", p.deepStrictEqual)
  399. }, p.notDeepEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  400. S(t, e, !1) && v(t, e, r, "notDeepEqual", p.notDeepEqual)
  401. }, p.notDeepStrictEqual = function t(e, r, n) {
  402. S(e, r, !0) && v(e, r, n, "notDeepStrictEqual", t)
  403. }, p.strictEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  404. t !== e && v(t, e, r, "===", p.strictEqual)
  405. }, p.notStrictEqual = function(t, e, r) {
  406. t === e && v(t, e, r, "!==", p.notStrictEqual)
  407. }, p.throws = function(t, e, r) {
  408. E(!0, t, e, r)
  409. }, p.doesNotThrow = function(t, e, r) {
  410. E(!1, t, e, r)
  411. }, p.ifError = function(t) {
  412. if (t) throw t
  413. }, p.strict = n((function t(e, r) {
  414. e || v(e, !0, r, "==", t)
  415. }), p, {
  416. equal: p.strictEqual,
  417. deepEqual: p.deepStrictEqual,
  418. notEqual: p.notStrictEqual,
  419. notDeepEqual: p.notDeepStrictEqual
  420. }), p.strict.strict = p.strict;
  421. var w = Object.keys || function(t) {
  422. var e = [];
  423. for (var r in t), r) && e.push(r);
  424. return e
  425. }
  426. },
  427. 6100: t => {
  428. "function" == typeof Object.create ? t.exports = function(t, e) {
  429. t.super_ = e, t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype, {
  430. constructor: {
  431. value: t,
  432. enumerable: !1,
  433. writable: !0,
  434. configurable: !0
  435. }
  436. })
  437. } : t.exports = function(t, e) {
  438. t.super_ = e;
  439. var r = function() {};
  440. r.prototype = e.prototype, t.prototype = new r, t.prototype.constructor = t
  441. }
  442. },
  443. 3845: t => {
  444. t.exports = function(t) {
  445. return t && "object" == typeof t && "function" == typeof t.copy && "function" == typeof t.fill && "function" == typeof t.readUInt8
  446. }
  447. },
  448. 4591: (t, e, r) => {
  449. var n = r(5606),
  450. i = /%[sdj%]/g;
  451. e.format = function(t) {
  452. if (!v(t)) {
  453. for (var e = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) e.push(a(arguments[r]));
  454. return e.join(" ")
  455. }
  456. r = 1;
  457. for (var n = arguments, o = n.length, s = String(t).replace(i, (function(t) {
  458. if ("%%" === t) return "%";
  459. if (r >= o) return t;
  460. switch (t) {
  461. case "%s":
  462. return String(n[r++]);
  463. case "%d":
  464. return Number(n[r++]);
  465. case "%j":
  466. try {
  467. return JSON.stringify(n[r++])
  468. } catch (t) {
  469. return "[Circular]"
  470. }
  471. default:
  472. return t
  473. }
  474. })), f = n[r]; r < o; f = n[++r]) g(f) || !_(f) ? s += " " + f : s += " " + a(f);
  475. return s
  476. }, e.deprecate = function(t, i) {
  477. if (m(r.g.process)) return function() {
  478. return e.deprecate(t, i).apply(this, arguments)
  479. };
  480. if (!0 === n.noDeprecation) return t;
  481. var o = !1;
  482. return function() {
  483. if (!o) {
  484. if (n.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(i);
  485. n.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(i) : console.error(i), o = !0
  486. }
  487. return t.apply(this, arguments)
  488. }
  489. };
  490. var o, s = {};
  491. function a(t, r) {
  492. var n = {
  493. seen: [],
  494. stylize: u
  495. };
  496. return arguments.length >= 3 && (n.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (n.colors = arguments[3]), y(r) ? n.showHidden = r : r && e._extend(n, r), m(n.showHidden) && (n.showHidden = !1), m(n.depth) && (n.depth = 2), m(n.colors) && (n.colors = !1), m(n.customInspect) && (n.customInspect = !0), n.colors && (n.stylize = f), c(n, t, n.depth)
  497. }
  498. function f(t, e) {
  499. var r = a.styles[e];
  500. return r ? "[" + a.colors[r][0] + "m" + t + "[" + a.colors[r][1] + "m" : t
  501. }
  502. function u(t, e) {
  503. return t
  504. }
  505. function c(t, r, n) {
  506. if (t.customInspect && r && w(r.inspect) && r.inspect !== e.inspect && (!r.constructor || r.constructor.prototype !== r)) {
  507. var i = r.inspect(n, t);
  508. return v(i) || (i = c(t, i, n)), i
  509. }
  510. var o = function(t, e) {
  511. if (m(e)) return t.stylize("undefined", "undefined");
  512. if (v(e)) {
  513. var r = "'" + JSON.stringify(e).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'";
  514. return t.stylize(r, "string")
  515. }
  516. return d(e) ? t.stylize("" + e, "number") : y(e) ? t.stylize("" + e, "boolean") : g(e) ? t.stylize("null", "null") : void 0
  517. }(t, r);
  518. if (o) return o;
  519. var s = Object.keys(r),
  520. a = function(t) {
  521. var e = {};
  522. return t.forEach((function(t, r) {
  523. e[t] = !0
  524. })), e
  525. }(s);
  526. if (t.showHidden && (s = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r)), E(r) && (s.indexOf("message") >= 0 || s.indexOf("description") >= 0)) return h(r);
  527. if (0 === s.length) {
  528. if (w(r)) {
  529. var f = ? ": " + : "";
  530. return t.stylize("[Function" + f + "]", "special")
  531. }
  532. if (S(r)) return t.stylize(, "regexp");
  533. if (b(r)) return t.stylize(, "date");
  534. if (E(r)) return h(r)
  535. }
  536. var u, _ = "",
  537. O = !1,
  538. B = ["{", "}"];
  539. return l(r) && (O = !0, B = ["[", "]"]), w(r) && (_ = " [Function" + ( ? ": " + : "") + "]"), S(r) && (_ = " " +, b(r) && (_ = " " +, E(r) && (_ = " " + h(r)), 0 !== s.length || O && 0 != r.length ? n < 0 ? S(r) ? t.stylize(, "regexp") : t.stylize("[Object]", "special") : (t.seen.push(r), u = O ? function(t, e, r, n, i) {
  540. for (var o = [], s = 0, a = e.length; s < a; ++s) x(e, String(s)) ? o.push(p(t, e, r, n, String(s), !0)) : o.push("");
  541. return i.forEach((function(i) {
  542. i.match(/^\d+$/) || o.push(p(t, e, r, n, i, !0))
  543. })), o
  544. }(t, r, n, a, s) : {
  545. return p(t, r, n, a, e, O)
  546. })), t.seen.pop(), function(t, e, r) {
  547. return t.reduce((function(t, e) {
  548. return e.indexOf("\n"), t + e.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1
  549. }), 0) > 60 ? r[0] + ("" === e ? "" : e + "\n ") + " " + t.join(",\n ") + " " + r[1] : r[0] + e + " " + t.join(", ") + " " + r[1]
  550. }(u, _, B)) : B[0] + _ + B[1]
  551. }
  552. function h(t) {
  553. return "[" + + "]"
  554. }
  555. function p(t, e, r, n, i, o) {
  556. var s, a, f;
  557. if ((f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, i) || {
  558. value: e[i]
  559. }).get ? a = f.set ? t.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special") : t.stylize("[Getter]", "special") : f.set && (a = t.stylize("[Setter]", "special")), x(n, i) || (s = "[" + i + "]"), a || (t.seen.indexOf(f.value) < 0 ? (a = g(r) ? c(t, f.value, null) : c(t, f.value, r - 1)).indexOf("\n") > -1 && (a = o ? a.split("\n").map((function(t) {
  560. return " " + t
  561. })).join("\n").substr(2) : "\n" + a.split("\n").map((function(t) {
  562. return " " + t
  563. })).join("\n")) : a = t.stylize("[Circular]", "special")), m(s)) {
  564. if (o && i.match(/^\d+$/)) return a;
  565. (s = JSON.stringify("" + i)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2), s = t.stylize(s, "name")) : (s = s.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), s = t.stylize(s, "string"))
  566. }
  567. return s + ": " + a
  568. }
  569. function l(t) {
  570. return Array.isArray(t)
  571. }
  572. function y(t) {
  573. return "boolean" == typeof t
  574. }
  575. function g(t) {
  576. return null === t
  577. }
  578. function d(t) {
  579. return "number" == typeof t
  580. }
  581. function v(t) {
  582. return "string" == typeof t
  583. }
  584. function m(t) {
  585. return void 0 === t
  586. }
  587. function S(t) {
  588. return _(t) && "[object RegExp]" === O(t)
  589. }
  590. function _(t) {
  591. return "object" == typeof t && null !== t
  592. }
  593. function b(t) {
  594. return _(t) && "[object Date]" === O(t)
  595. }
  596. function E(t) {
  597. return _(t) && ("[object Error]" === O(t) || t instanceof Error)
  598. }
  599. function w(t) {
  600. return "function" == typeof t
  601. }
  602. function O(t) {
  603. return
  604. }
  605. function B(t) {
  606. return t < 10 ? "0" + t.toString(10) : t.toString(10)
  607. }
  608. e.debuglog = function(t) {
  609. if (m(o) && (o = n.env.NODE_DEBUG || ""), t = t.toUpperCase(), !s[t])
  610. if (new RegExp("\\b" + t + "\\b", "i").test(o)) {
  611. var r =;
  612. s[t] = function() {
  613. var n = e.format.apply(e, arguments);
  614. console.error("%s %d: %s", t, r, n)
  615. }
  616. } else s[t] = function() {};
  617. return s[t]
  618. }, e.inspect = a, a.colors = {
  619. bold: [1, 22],
  620. italic: [3, 23],
  621. underline: [4, 24],
  622. inverse: [7, 27],
  623. white: [37, 39],
  624. grey: [90, 39],
  625. black: [30, 39],
  626. blue: [34, 39],
  627. cyan: [36, 39],
  628. green: [32, 39],
  629. magenta: [35, 39],
  630. red: [31, 39],
  631. yellow: [33, 39]
  632. }, a.styles = {
  633. special: "cyan",
  634. number: "yellow",
  635. boolean: "yellow",
  636. undefined: "grey",
  637. null: "bold",
  638. string: "green",
  639. date: "magenta",
  640. regexp: "red"
  641. }, e.isArray = l, e.isBoolean = y, e.isNull = g, e.isNullOrUndefined = function(t) {
  642. return null == t
  643. }, e.isNumber = d, e.isString = v, e.isSymbol = function(t) {
  644. return "symbol" == typeof t
  645. }, e.isUndefined = m, e.isRegExp = S, e.isObject = _, e.isDate = b, e.isError = E, e.isFunction = w, e.isPrimitive = function(t) {
  646. return null === t || "boolean" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t || "symbol" == typeof t || void 0 === t
  647. }, e.isBuffer = r(3845);
  648. var A = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
  649. function x(t, e) {
  650. return, e)
  651. }
  652. e.log = function() {
  653. var t, r;
  654. console.log("%s - %s", (r = [B((t = new Date).getHours()), B(t.getMinutes()), B(t.getSeconds())].join(":"), [t.getDate(), A[t.getMonth()], r].join(" ")), e.format.apply(e, arguments))
  655. }, e.inherits = r(6100), e._extend = function(t, e) {
  656. if (!e || !_(e)) return t;
  657. for (var r = Object.keys(e), n = r.length; n--;) t[r[n]] = e[r[n]];
  658. return t
  659. }
  660. },
  661. 7526: (t, e) => {
  662. "use strict";
  663. e.byteLength = function(t) {
  664. var e = a(t),
  665. r = e[0],
  666. n = e[1];
  667. return 3 * (r + n) / 4 - n
  668. }, e.toByteArray = function(t) {
  669. var e, r, o = a(t),
  670. s = o[0],
  671. f = o[1],
  672. u = new i(function(t, e, r) {
  673. return 3 * (e + r) / 4 - r
  674. }(0, s, f)),
  675. c = 0,
  676. h = f > 0 ? s - 4 : s;
  677. for (r = 0; r < h; r += 4) e = n[t.charCodeAt(r)] << 18 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 12 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 2)] << 6 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 3)], u[c++] = e >> 16 & 255, u[c++] = e >> 8 & 255, u[c++] = 255 & e;
  678. return 2 === f && (e = n[t.charCodeAt(r)] << 2 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 1)] >> 4, u[c++] = 255 & e), 1 === f && (e = n[t.charCodeAt(r)] << 10 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 1)] << 4 | n[t.charCodeAt(r + 2)] >> 2, u[c++] = e >> 8 & 255, u[c++] = 255 & e), u
  679. }, e.fromByteArray = function(t) {
  680. for (var e, n = t.length, i = n % 3, o = [], s = 16383, a = 0, u = n - i; a < u; a += s) o.push(f(t, a, a + s > u ? u : a + s));
  681. return 1 === i ? (e = t[n - 1], o.push(r[e >> 2] + r[e << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 === i && (e = (t[n - 2] << 8) + t[n - 1], o.push(r[e >> 10] + r[e >> 4 & 63] + r[e << 2 & 63] + "=")), o.join("")
  682. };
  683. for (var r = [], n = [], i = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", s = 0; s < 64; ++s) r[s] = o[s], n[o.charCodeAt(s)] = s;
  684. function a(t) {
  685. var e = t.length;
  686. if (e % 4 > 0) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
  687. var r = t.indexOf("=");
  688. return -1 === r && (r = e), [r, r === e ? 0 : 4 - r % 4]
  689. }
  690. function f(t, e, n) {
  691. for (var i, o, s = [], a = e; a < n; a += 3) i = (t[a] << 16 & 16711680) + (t[a + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & t[a + 2]), s.push(r[(o = i) >> 18 & 63] + r[o >> 12 & 63] + r[o >> 6 & 63] + r[63 & o]);
  692. return s.join("")
  693. }
  694. n["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, n["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63
  695. },
  696. 8287: (t, e, r) => {
  697. "use strict";
  698. var n = r(7526),
  699. i = r(251);
  700. e.Buffer = a, e.SlowBuffer = function(t) {
  701. return +t != t && (t = 0), a.alloc(+t)
  702. }, e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
  703. var o = 2147483647;
  704. function s(t) {
  705. if (t > o) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"');
  706. var e = new Uint8Array(t);
  707. return e.__proto__ = a.prototype, e
  708. }
  709. function a(t, e, r) {
  710. if ("number" == typeof t) {
  711. if ("string" == typeof e) throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
  712. return c(t)
  713. }
  714. return f(t, e, r)
  715. }
  716. function f(t, e, r) {
  717. if ("string" == typeof t) return function(t, e) {
  718. if ("string" == typeof e && "" !== e || (e = "utf8"), !a.isEncoding(e)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e);
  719. var r = 0 | l(t, e),
  720. n = s(r),
  721. i = n.write(t, e);
  722. return i !== r && (n = n.slice(0, i)), n
  723. }(t, e);
  724. if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) return h(t);
  725. if (null == t) throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t);
  726. if (H(t, ArrayBuffer) || t && H(t.buffer, ArrayBuffer)) return function(t, e, r) {
  727. if (e < 0 || t.byteLength < e) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
  728. if (t.byteLength < e + (r || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
  729. var n;
  730. return (n = void 0 === e && void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(t) : void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(t, e) : new Uint8Array(t, e, r)).__proto__ = a.prototype, n
  731. }(t, e, r);
  732. if ("number" == typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
  733. var n = t.valueOf && t.valueOf();
  734. if (null != n && n !== t) return a.from(n, e, r);
  735. var i = function(t) {
  736. if (a.isBuffer(t)) {
  737. var e = 0 | p(t.length),
  738. r = s(e);
  739. return 0 === r.length || t.copy(r, 0, 0, e), r
  740. }
  741. return void 0 !== t.length ? "number" != typeof t.length || F(t.length) ? s(0) : h(t) : "Buffer" === t.type && Array.isArray( ? h( : void 0
  742. }(t);
  743. if (i) return i;
  744. if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && "function" == typeof t[Symbol.toPrimitive]) return a.from(t[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), e, r);
  745. throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t)
  746. }
  747. function u(t) {
  748. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
  749. if (t < 0) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"')
  750. }
  751. function c(t) {
  752. return u(t), s(t < 0 ? 0 : 0 | p(t))
  753. }
  754. function h(t) {
  755. for (var e = t.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | p(t.length), r = s(e), n = 0; n < e; n += 1) r[n] = 255 & t[n];
  756. return r
  757. }
  758. function p(t) {
  759. if (t >= o) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + o.toString(16) + " bytes");
  760. return 0 | t
  761. }
  762. function l(t, e) {
  763. if (a.isBuffer(t)) return t.length;
  764. if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || H(t, ArrayBuffer)) return t.byteLength;
  765. if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof t);
  766. var r = t.length,
  767. n = arguments.length > 2 && !0 === arguments[2];
  768. if (!n && 0 === r) return 0;
  769. for (var i = !1;;) switch (e) {
  770. case "ascii":
  771. case "latin1":
  772. case "binary":
  773. return r;
  774. case "utf8":
  775. case "utf-8":
  776. return U(t).length;
  777. case "ucs2":
  778. case "ucs-2":
  779. case "utf16le":
  780. case "utf-16le":
  781. return 2 * r;
  782. case "hex":
  783. return r >>> 1;
  784. case "base64":
  785. return M(t).length;
  786. default:
  787. if (i) return n ? -1 : U(t).length;
  788. e = ("" + e).toLowerCase(), i = !0
  789. }
  790. }
  791. function y(t, e, r) {
  792. var n = !1;
  793. if ((void 0 === e || e < 0) && (e = 0), e > this.length) return "";
  794. if ((void 0 === r || r > this.length) && (r = this.length), r <= 0) return "";
  795. if ((r >>>= 0) <= (e >>>= 0)) return "";
  796. for (t || (t = "utf8");;) switch (t) {
  797. case "hex":
  798. return T(this, e, r);
  799. case "utf8":
  800. case "utf-8":
  801. return B(this, e, r);
  802. case "ascii":
  803. return x(this, e, r);
  804. case "latin1":
  805. case "binary":
  806. return P(this, e, r);
  807. case "base64":
  808. return O(this, e, r);
  809. case "ucs2":
  810. case "ucs-2":
  811. case "utf16le":
  812. case "utf-16le":
  813. return I(this, e, r);
  814. default:
  815. if (n) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + t);
  816. t = (t + "").toLowerCase(), n = !0
  817. }
  818. }
  819. function g(t, e, r) {
  820. var n = t[e];
  821. t[e] = t[r], t[r] = n
  822. }
  823. function d(t, e, r, n, i) {
  824. if (0 === t.length) return -1;
  825. if ("string" == typeof r ? (n = r, r = 0) : r > 2147483647 ? r = 2147483647 : r < -2147483648 && (r = -2147483648), F(r = +r) && (r = i ? 0 : t.length - 1), r < 0 && (r = t.length + r), r >= t.length) {
  826. if (i) return -1;
  827. r = t.length - 1
  828. } else if (r < 0) {
  829. if (!i) return -1;
  830. r = 0
  831. }
  832. if ("string" == typeof e && (e = a.from(e, n)), a.isBuffer(e)) return 0 === e.length ? -1 : v(t, e, r, n, i);
  833. if ("number" == typeof e) return e &= 255, "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? i ?, e, r) :, e, r) : v(t, [e], r, n, i);
  834. throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")
  835. }
  836. function v(t, e, r, n, i) {
  837. var o, s = 1,
  838. a = t.length,
  839. f = e.length;
  840. if (void 0 !== n && ("ucs2" === (n = String(n).toLowerCase()) || "ucs-2" === n || "utf16le" === n || "utf-16le" === n)) {
  841. if (t.length < 2 || e.length < 2) return -1;
  842. s = 2, a /= 2, f /= 2, r /= 2
  843. }
  844. function u(t, e) {
  845. return 1 === s ? t[e] : t.readUInt16BE(e * s)
  846. }
  847. if (i) {
  848. var c = -1;
  849. for (o = r; o < a; o++)
  850. if (u(t, o) === u(e, -1 === c ? 0 : o - c)) {
  851. if (-1 === c && (c = o), o - c + 1 === f) return c * s
  852. } else - 1 !== c && (o -= o - c), c = -1
  853. } else
  854. for (r + f > a && (r = a - f), o = r; o >= 0; o--) {
  855. for (var h = !0, p = 0; p < f; p++)
  856. if (u(t, o + p) !== u(e, p)) {
  857. h = !1;
  858. break
  859. } if (h) return o
  860. }
  861. return -1
  862. }
  863. function m(t, e, r, n) {
  864. r = Number(r) || 0;
  865. var i = t.length - r;
  866. n ? (n = Number(n)) > i && (n = i) : n = i;
  867. var o = e.length;
  868. n > o / 2 && (n = o / 2);
  869. for (var s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
  870. var a = parseInt(e.substr(2 * s, 2), 16);
  871. if (F(a)) return s;
  872. t[r + s] = a
  873. }
  874. return s
  875. }
  876. function S(t, e, r, n) {
  877. return j(U(e, t.length - r), t, r, n)
  878. }
  879. function _(t, e, r, n) {
  880. return j(function(t) {
  881. for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) e.push(255 & t.charCodeAt(r));
  882. return e
  883. }(e), t, r, n)
  884. }
  885. function b(t, e, r, n) {
  886. return _(t, e, r, n)
  887. }
  888. function E(t, e, r, n) {
  889. return j(M(e), t, r, n)
  890. }
  891. function w(t, e, r, n) {
  892. return j(function(t, e) {
  893. for (var r, n, i, o = [], s = 0; s < t.length && !((e -= 2) < 0); ++s) n = (r = t.charCodeAt(s)) >> 8, i = r % 256, o.push(i), o.push(n);
  894. return o
  895. }(e, t.length - r), t, r, n)
  896. }
  897. function O(t, e, r) {
  898. return 0 === e && r === t.length ? n.fromByteArray(t) : n.fromByteArray(t.slice(e, r))
  899. }
  900. function B(t, e, r) {
  901. r = Math.min(t.length, r);
  902. for (var n = [], i = e; i < r;) {
  903. var o, s, a, f, u = t[i],
  904. c = null,
  905. h = u > 239 ? 4 : u > 223 ? 3 : u > 191 ? 2 : 1;
  906. if (i + h <= r) switch (h) {
  907. case 1:
  908. u < 128 && (c = u);
  909. break;
  910. case 2:
  911. 128 == (192 & (o = t[i + 1])) && (f = (31 & u) << 6 | 63 & o) > 127 && (c = f);
  912. break;
  913. case 3:
  914. o = t[i + 1], s = t[i + 2], 128 == (192 & o) && 128 == (192 & s) && (f = (15 & u) << 12 | (63 & o) << 6 | 63 & s) > 2047 && (f < 55296 || f > 57343) && (c = f);
  915. break;
  916. case 4:
  917. o = t[i + 1], s = t[i + 2], a = t[i + 3], 128 == (192 & o) && 128 == (192 & s) && 128 == (192 & a) && (f = (15 & u) << 18 | (63 & o) << 12 | (63 & s) << 6 | 63 & a) > 65535 && f < 1114112 && (c = f)
  918. }
  919. null === c ? (c = 65533, h = 1) : c > 65535 && (c -= 65536, n.push(c >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), c = 56320 | 1023 & c), n.push(c), i += h
  920. }
  921. return function(t) {
  922. var e = t.length;
  923. if (e <= A) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t);
  924. for (var r = "", n = 0; n < e;) r += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t.slice(n, n += A));
  925. return r
  926. }(n)
  927. }
  928. e.kMaxLength = o, a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function() {
  929. try {
  930. var t = new Uint8Array(1);
  931. return t.__proto__ = {
  932. __proto__: Uint8Array.prototype,
  933. foo: function() {
  934. return 42
  935. }
  936. }, 42 ===
  937. } catch (t) {
  938. return !1
  939. }
  940. }(), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || "undefined" == typeof console || "function" != typeof console.error || console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "parent", {
  941. enumerable: !0,
  942. get: function() {
  943. if (a.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer
  944. }
  945. }), Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "offset", {
  946. enumerable: !0,
  947. get: function() {
  948. if (a.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset
  949. }
  950. }), "undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.species && a[Symbol.species] === a && Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.species, {
  951. value: null,
  952. configurable: !0,
  953. enumerable: !1,
  954. writable: !1
  955. }), a.poolSize = 8192, a.from = function(t, e, r) {
  956. return f(t, e, r)
  957. }, a.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, a.__proto__ = Uint8Array, a.alloc = function(t, e, r) {
  958. return function(t, e, r) {
  959. return u(t), t <= 0 ? s(t) : void 0 !== e ? "string" == typeof r ? s(t).fill(e, r) : s(t).fill(e) : s(t)
  960. }(t, e, r)
  961. }, a.allocUnsafe = function(t) {
  962. return c(t)
  963. }, a.allocUnsafeSlow = function(t) {
  964. return c(t)
  965. }, a.isBuffer = function(t) {
  966. return null != t && !0 === t._isBuffer && t !== a.prototype
  967. }, = function(t, e) {
  968. if (H(t, Uint8Array) && (t = a.from(t, t.offset, t.byteLength)), H(e, Uint8Array) && (e = a.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), !a.isBuffer(t) || !a.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
  969. if (t === e) return 0;
  970. for (var r = t.length, n = e.length, i = 0, o = Math.min(r, n); i < o; ++i)
  971. if (t[i] !== e[i]) {
  972. r = t[i], n = e[i];
  973. break
  974. } return r < n ? -1 : n < r ? 1 : 0
  975. }, a.isEncoding = function(t) {
  976. switch (String(t).toLowerCase()) {
  977. case "hex":
  978. case "utf8":
  979. case "utf-8":
  980. case "ascii":
  981. case "latin1":
  982. case "binary":
  983. case "base64":
  984. case "ucs2":
  985. case "ucs-2":
  986. case "utf16le":
  987. case "utf-16le":
  988. return !0;
  989. default:
  990. return !1
  991. }
  992. }, a.concat = function(t, e) {
  993. if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
  994. if (0 === t.length) return a.alloc(0);
  995. var r;
  996. if (void 0 === e)
  997. for (e = 0, r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) e += t[r].length;
  998. var n = a.allocUnsafe(e),
  999. i = 0;
  1000. for (r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) {
  1001. var o = t[r];
  1002. if (H(o, Uint8Array) && (o = a.from(o)), !a.isBuffer(o)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
  1003. o.copy(n, i), i += o.length
  1004. }
  1005. return n
  1006. }, a.byteLength = l, a.prototype._isBuffer = !0, a.prototype.swap16 = function() {
  1007. var t = this.length;
  1008. if (t % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
  1009. for (var e = 0; e < t; e += 2) g(this, e, e + 1);
  1010. return this
  1011. }, a.prototype.swap32 = function() {
  1012. var t = this.length;
  1013. if (t % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
  1014. for (var e = 0; e < t; e += 4) g(this, e, e + 3), g(this, e + 1, e + 2);
  1015. return this
  1016. }, a.prototype.swap64 = function() {
  1017. var t = this.length;
  1018. if (t % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
  1019. for (var e = 0; e < t; e += 8) g(this, e, e + 7), g(this, e + 1, e + 6), g(this, e + 2, e + 5), g(this, e + 3, e + 4);
  1020. return this
  1021. }, a.prototype.toString = function() {
  1022. var t = this.length;
  1023. return 0 === t ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? B(this, 0, t) : y.apply(this, arguments)
  1024. }, a.prototype.toLocaleString = a.prototype.toString, a.prototype.equals = function(t) {
  1025. if (!a.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
  1026. return this === t || 0 ===, t)
  1027. }, a.prototype.inspect = function() {
  1028. var t = "",
  1029. r = e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
  1030. return t = this.toString("hex", 0, r).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > r && (t += " ... "), "<Buffer " + t + ">"
  1031. }, = function(t, e, r, n, i) {
  1032. if (H(t, Uint8Array) && (t = a.from(t, t.offset, t.byteLength)), !a.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof t);
  1033. if (void 0 === e && (e = 0), void 0 === r && (r = t ? t.length : 0), void 0 === n && (n = 0), void 0 === i && (i = this.length), e < 0 || r > t.length || n < 0 || i > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index");
  1034. if (n >= i && e >= r) return 0;
  1035. if (n >= i) return -1;
  1036. if (e >= r) return 1;
  1037. if (this === t) return 0;
  1038. for (var o = (i >>>= 0) - (n >>>= 0), s = (r >>>= 0) - (e >>>= 0), f = Math.min(o, s), u = this.slice(n, i), c = t.slice(e, r), h = 0; h < f; ++h)
  1039. if (u[h] !== c[h]) {
  1040. o = u[h], s = c[h];
  1041. break
  1042. } return o < s ? -1 : s < o ? 1 : 0
  1043. }, a.prototype.includes = function(t, e, r) {
  1044. return -1 !== this.indexOf(t, e, r)
  1045. }, a.prototype.indexOf = function(t, e, r) {
  1046. return d(this, t, e, r, !0)
  1047. }, a.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(t, e, r) {
  1048. return d(this, t, e, r, !1)
  1049. }, a.prototype.write = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1050. if (void 0 === e) n = "utf8", r = this.length, e = 0;
  1051. else if (void 0 === r && "string" == typeof e) n = e, r = this.length, e = 0;
  1052. else {
  1053. if (!isFinite(e)) throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
  1054. e >>>= 0, isFinite(r) ? (r >>>= 0, void 0 === n && (n = "utf8")) : (n = r, r = void 0)
  1055. }
  1056. var i = this.length - e;
  1057. if ((void 0 === r || r > i) && (r = i), t.length > 0 && (r < 0 || e < 0) || e > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
  1058. n || (n = "utf8");
  1059. for (var o = !1;;) switch (n) {
  1060. case "hex":
  1061. return m(this, t, e, r);
  1062. case "utf8":
  1063. case "utf-8":
  1064. return S(this, t, e, r);
  1065. case "ascii":
  1066. return _(this, t, e, r);
  1067. case "latin1":
  1068. case "binary":
  1069. return b(this, t, e, r);
  1070. case "base64":
  1071. return E(this, t, e, r);
  1072. case "ucs2":
  1073. case "ucs-2":
  1074. case "utf16le":
  1075. case "utf-16le":
  1076. return w(this, t, e, r);
  1077. default:
  1078. if (o) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + n);
  1079. n = ("" + n).toLowerCase(), o = !0
  1080. }
  1081. }, a.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  1082. return {
  1083. type: "Buffer",
  1084. data: || this, 0)
  1085. }
  1086. };
  1087. var A = 4096;
  1088. function x(t, e, r) {
  1089. var n = "";
  1090. r = Math.min(t.length, r);
  1091. for (var i = e; i < r; ++i) n += String.fromCharCode(127 & t[i]);
  1092. return n
  1093. }
  1094. function P(t, e, r) {
  1095. var n = "";
  1096. r = Math.min(t.length, r);
  1097. for (var i = e; i < r; ++i) n += String.fromCharCode(t[i]);
  1098. return n
  1099. }
  1100. function T(t, e, r) {
  1101. var n, i = t.length;
  1102. (!e || e < 0) && (e = 0), (!r || r < 0 || r > i) && (r = i);
  1103. for (var o = "", s = e; s < r; ++s) o += (n = t[s]) < 16 ? "0" + n.toString(16) : n.toString(16);
  1104. return o
  1105. }
  1106. function I(t, e, r) {
  1107. for (var n = t.slice(e, r), i = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o += 2) i += String.fromCharCode(n[o] + 256 * n[o + 1]);
  1108. return i
  1109. }
  1110. function k(t, e, r) {
  1111. if (t % 1 != 0 || t < 0) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
  1112. if (t + e > r) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")
  1113. }
  1114. function D(t, e, r, n, i, o) {
  1115. if (!a.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
  1116. if (e > i || e < o) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
  1117. if (r + n > t.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range")
  1118. }
  1119. function R(t, e, r, n, i, o) {
  1120. if (r + n > t.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
  1121. if (r < 0) throw new RangeError("Index out of range")
  1122. }
  1123. function N(t, e, r, n, o) {
  1124. return e = +e, r >>>= 0, o || R(t, 0, r, 4), i.write(t, e, r, n, 23, 4), r + 4
  1125. }
  1126. function L(t, e, r, n, o) {
  1127. return e = +e, r >>>= 0, o || R(t, 0, r, 8), i.write(t, e, r, n, 52, 8), r + 8
  1128. }
  1129. a.prototype.slice = function(t, e) {
  1130. var r = this.length;
  1131. (t = ~~t) < 0 ? (t += r) < 0 && (t = 0) : t > r && (t = r), (e = void 0 === e ? r : ~~e) < 0 ? (e += r) < 0 && (e = 0) : e > r && (e = r), e < t && (e = t);
  1132. var n = this.subarray(t, e);
  1133. return n.__proto__ = a.prototype, n
  1134. }, a.prototype.readUIntLE = function(t, e, r) {
  1135. t >>>= 0, e >>>= 0, r || k(t, e, this.length);
  1136. for (var n = this[t], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < e && (i *= 256);) n += this[t + o] * i;
  1137. return n
  1138. }, a.prototype.readUIntBE = function(t, e, r) {
  1139. t >>>= 0, e >>>= 0, r || k(t, e, this.length);
  1140. for (var n = this[t + --e], i = 1; e > 0 && (i *= 256);) n += this[t + --e] * i;
  1141. return n
  1142. }, a.prototype.readUInt8 = function(t, e) {
  1143. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 1, this.length), this[t]
  1144. }, a.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(t, e) {
  1145. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 2, this.length), this[t] | this[t + 1] << 8
  1146. }, a.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(t, e) {
  1147. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 2, this.length), this[t] << 8 | this[t + 1]
  1148. }, a.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(t, e) {
  1149. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length), (this[t] | this[t + 1] << 8 | this[t + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[t + 3]
  1150. }, a.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(t, e) {
  1151. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[t] + (this[t + 1] << 16 | this[t + 2] << 8 | this[t + 3])
  1152. }, a.prototype.readIntLE = function(t, e, r) {
  1153. t >>>= 0, e >>>= 0, r || k(t, e, this.length);
  1154. for (var n = this[t], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < e && (i *= 256);) n += this[t + o] * i;
  1155. return n >= (i *= 128) && (n -= Math.pow(2, 8 * e)), n
  1156. }, a.prototype.readIntBE = function(t, e, r) {
  1157. t >>>= 0, e >>>= 0, r || k(t, e, this.length);
  1158. for (var n = e, i = 1, o = this[t + --n]; n > 0 && (i *= 256);) o += this[t + --n] * i;
  1159. return o >= (i *= 128) && (o -= Math.pow(2, 8 * e)), o
  1160. }, a.prototype.readInt8 = function(t, e) {
  1161. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 1, this.length), 128 & this[t] ? -1 * (255 - this[t] + 1) : this[t]
  1162. }, a.prototype.readInt16LE = function(t, e) {
  1163. t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 2, this.length);
  1164. var r = this[t] | this[t + 1] << 8;
  1165. return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r
  1166. }, a.prototype.readInt16BE = function(t, e) {
  1167. t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 2, this.length);
  1168. var r = this[t + 1] | this[t] << 8;
  1169. return 32768 & r ? 4294901760 | r : r
  1170. }, a.prototype.readInt32LE = function(t, e) {
  1171. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length), this[t] | this[t + 1] << 8 | this[t + 2] << 16 | this[t + 3] << 24
  1172. }, a.prototype.readInt32BE = function(t, e) {
  1173. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length), this[t] << 24 | this[t + 1] << 16 | this[t + 2] << 8 | this[t + 3]
  1174. }, a.prototype.readFloatLE = function(t, e) {
  1175. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length),, t, !0, 23, 4)
  1176. }, a.prototype.readFloatBE = function(t, e) {
  1177. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 4, this.length),, t, !1, 23, 4)
  1178. }, a.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(t, e) {
  1179. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 8, this.length),, t, !0, 52, 8)
  1180. }, a.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(t, e) {
  1181. return t >>>= 0, e || k(t, 8, this.length),, t, !1, 52, 8)
  1182. }, a.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1183. t = +t, e >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, n || D(this, t, e, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0);
  1184. var i = 1,
  1185. o = 0;
  1186. for (this[e] = 255 & t; ++o < r && (i *= 256);) this[e + o] = t / i & 255;
  1187. return e + r
  1188. }, a.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1189. t = +t, e >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, n || D(this, t, e, r, Math.pow(2, 8 * r) - 1, 0);
  1190. var i = r - 1,
  1191. o = 1;
  1192. for (this[e + i] = 255 & t; --i >= 0 && (o *= 256);) this[e + i] = t / o & 255;
  1193. return e + r
  1194. }, a.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(t, e, r) {
  1195. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 1, 255, 0), this[e] = 255 & t, e + 1
  1196. }, a.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(t, e, r) {
  1197. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 2, 65535, 0), this[e] = 255 & t, this[e + 1] = t >>> 8, e + 2
  1198. }, a.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(t, e, r) {
  1199. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 2, 65535, 0), this[e] = t >>> 8, this[e + 1] = 255 & t, e + 2
  1200. }, a.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(t, e, r) {
  1201. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[e + 3] = t >>> 24, this[e + 2] = t >>> 16, this[e + 1] = t >>> 8, this[e] = 255 & t, e + 4
  1202. }, a.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(t, e, r) {
  1203. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[e] = t >>> 24, this[e + 1] = t >>> 16, this[e + 2] = t >>> 8, this[e + 3] = 255 & t, e + 4
  1204. }, a.prototype.writeIntLE = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1205. if (t = +t, e >>>= 0, !n) {
  1206. var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1);
  1207. D(this, t, e, r, i - 1, -i)
  1208. }
  1209. var o = 0,
  1210. s = 1,
  1211. a = 0;
  1212. for (this[e] = 255 & t; ++o < r && (s *= 256);) t < 0 && 0 === a && 0 !== this[e + o - 1] && (a = 1), this[e + o] = (t / s | 0) - a & 255;
  1213. return e + r
  1214. }, a.prototype.writeIntBE = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1215. if (t = +t, e >>>= 0, !n) {
  1216. var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * r - 1);
  1217. D(this, t, e, r, i - 1, -i)
  1218. }
  1219. var o = r - 1,
  1220. s = 1,
  1221. a = 0;
  1222. for (this[e + o] = 255 & t; --o >= 0 && (s *= 256);) t < 0 && 0 === a && 0 !== this[e + o + 1] && (a = 1), this[e + o] = (t / s | 0) - a & 255;
  1223. return e + r
  1224. }, a.prototype.writeInt8 = function(t, e, r) {
  1225. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 1, 127, -128), t < 0 && (t = 255 + t + 1), this[e] = 255 & t, e + 1
  1226. }, a.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(t, e, r) {
  1227. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 2, 32767, -32768), this[e] = 255 & t, this[e + 1] = t >>> 8, e + 2
  1228. }, a.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(t, e, r) {
  1229. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 2, 32767, -32768), this[e] = t >>> 8, this[e + 1] = 255 & t, e + 2
  1230. }, a.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(t, e, r) {
  1231. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[e] = 255 & t, this[e + 1] = t >>> 8, this[e + 2] = t >>> 16, this[e + 3] = t >>> 24, e + 4
  1232. }, a.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(t, e, r) {
  1233. return t = +t, e >>>= 0, r || D(this, t, e, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), t < 0 && (t = 4294967295 + t + 1), this[e] = t >>> 24, this[e + 1] = t >>> 16, this[e + 2] = t >>> 8, this[e + 3] = 255 & t, e + 4
  1234. }, a.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(t, e, r) {
  1235. return N(this, t, e, !0, r)
  1236. }, a.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(t, e, r) {
  1237. return N(this, t, e, !1, r)
  1238. }, a.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(t, e, r) {
  1239. return L(this, t, e, !0, r)
  1240. }, a.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(t, e, r) {
  1241. return L(this, t, e, !1, r)
  1242. }, a.prototype.copy = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1243. if (!a.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
  1244. if (r || (r = 0), n || 0 === n || (n = this.length), e >= t.length && (e = t.length), e || (e = 0), n > 0 && n < r && (n = r), n === r) return 0;
  1245. if (0 === t.length || 0 === this.length) return 0;
  1246. if (e < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
  1247. if (r < 0 || r >= this.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
  1248. if (n < 0) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
  1249. n > this.length && (n = this.length), t.length - e < n - r && (n = t.length - e + r);
  1250. var i = n - r;
  1251. if (this === t && "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin) this.copyWithin(e, r, n);
  1252. else if (this === t && r < e && e < n)
  1253. for (var o = i - 1; o >= 0; --o) t[o + e] = this[o + r];
  1254. else, this.subarray(r, n), e);
  1255. return i
  1256. }, a.prototype.fill = function(t, e, r, n) {
  1257. if ("string" == typeof t) {
  1258. if ("string" == typeof e ? (n = e, e = 0, r = this.length) : "string" == typeof r && (n = r, r = this.length), void 0 !== n && "string" != typeof n) throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
  1259. if ("string" == typeof n && !a.isEncoding(n)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + n);
  1260. if (1 === t.length) {
  1261. var i = t.charCodeAt(0);
  1262. ("utf8" === n && i < 128 || "latin1" === n) && (t = i)
  1263. }
  1264. } else "number" == typeof t && (t &= 255);
  1265. if (e < 0 || this.length < e || this.length < r) throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
  1266. if (r <= e) return this;
  1267. var o;
  1268. if (e >>>= 0, r = void 0 === r ? this.length : r >>> 0, t || (t = 0), "number" == typeof t)
  1269. for (o = e; o < r; ++o) this[o] = t;
  1270. else {
  1271. var s = a.isBuffer(t) ? t : a.from(t, n),
  1272. f = s.length;
  1273. if (0 === f) throw new TypeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
  1274. for (o = 0; o < r - e; ++o) this[o + e] = s[o % f]
  1275. }
  1276. return this
  1277. };
  1278. var C = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
  1279. function U(t, e) {
  1280. var r;
  1281. e = e || 1 / 0;
  1282. for (var n = t.length, i = null, o = [], s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
  1283. if ((r = t.charCodeAt(s)) > 55295 && r < 57344) {
  1284. if (!i) {
  1285. if (r > 56319) {
  1286. (e -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189);
  1287. continue
  1288. }
  1289. if (s + 1 === n) {
  1290. (e -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189);
  1291. continue
  1292. }
  1293. i = r;
  1294. continue
  1295. }
  1296. if (r < 56320) {
  1297. (e -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189), i = r;
  1298. continue
  1299. }
  1300. r = 65536 + (i - 55296 << 10 | r - 56320)
  1301. } else i && (e -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189);
  1302. if (i = null, r < 128) {
  1303. if ((e -= 1) < 0) break;
  1304. o.push(r)
  1305. } else if (r < 2048) {
  1306. if ((e -= 2) < 0) break;
  1307. o.push(r >> 6 | 192, 63 & r | 128)
  1308. } else if (r < 65536) {
  1309. if ((e -= 3) < 0) break;
  1310. o.push(r >> 12 | 224, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r | 128)
  1311. } else {
  1312. if (!(r < 1114112)) throw new Error("Invalid code point");
  1313. if ((e -= 4) < 0) break;
  1314. o.push(r >> 18 | 240, r >> 12 & 63 | 128, r >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r | 128)
  1315. }
  1316. }
  1317. return o
  1318. }
  1319. function M(t) {
  1320. return n.toByteArray(function(t) {
  1321. if ((t = (t = t.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(C, "")).length < 2) return "";
  1322. for (; t.length % 4 != 0;) t += "=";
  1323. return t
  1324. }(t))
  1325. }
  1326. function j(t, e, r, n) {
  1327. for (var i = 0; i < n && !(i + r >= e.length || i >= t.length); ++i) e[i + r] = t[i];
  1328. return i
  1329. }
  1330. function H(t, e) {
  1331. return t instanceof e || null != t && null != t.constructor && null != && ===
  1332. }
  1333. function F(t) {
  1334. return t != t
  1335. }
  1336. },
  1337. 8075: (t, e, r) => {
  1338. "use strict";
  1339. var n = r(453),
  1340. i = r(487),
  1341. o = i(n("String.prototype.indexOf"));
  1342. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  1343. var r = n(t, !!e);
  1344. return "function" == typeof r && o(t, ".prototype.") > -1 ? i(r) : r
  1345. }
  1346. },
  1347. 487: (t, e, r) => {
  1348. "use strict";
  1349. var n = r(6743),
  1350. i = r(453),
  1351. o = r(6897),
  1352. s = r(9675),
  1353. a = i("%Function.prototype.apply%"),
  1354. f = i(""),
  1355. u = i("%Reflect.apply%", !0) ||, a),
  1356. c = r(655),
  1357. h = i("%Math.max%");
  1358. t.exports = function(t) {
  1359. if ("function" != typeof t) throw new s("a function is required");
  1360. var e = u(n, f, arguments);
  1361. return o(e, 1 + h(0, t.length - (arguments.length - 1)), !0)
  1362. };
  1363. var p = function() {
  1364. return u(n, a, arguments)
  1365. };
  1366. c ? c(t.exports, "apply", {
  1367. value: p
  1368. }) : t.exports.apply = p
  1369. },
  1370. 955: function(t, e, r) {
  1371. var n;
  1372. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(754), r(4636), r(9506), r(7165), function() {
  1373. var t = n,
  1374. e = t.lib.BlockCipher,
  1375. r = t.algo,
  1376. i = [],
  1377. o = [],
  1378. s = [],
  1379. a = [],
  1380. f = [],
  1381. u = [],
  1382. c = [],
  1383. h = [],
  1384. p = [],
  1385. l = [];
  1386. ! function() {
  1387. for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 256; e++) t[e] = e < 128 ? e << 1 : e << 1 ^ 283;
  1388. var r = 0,
  1389. n = 0;
  1390. for (e = 0; e < 256; e++) {
  1391. var y = n ^ n << 1 ^ n << 2 ^ n << 3 ^ n << 4;
  1392. y = y >>> 8 ^ 255 & y ^ 99, i[r] = y, o[y] = r;
  1393. var g = t[r],
  1394. d = t[g],
  1395. v = t[d],
  1396. m = 257 * t[y] ^ 16843008 * y;
  1397. s[r] = m << 24 | m >>> 8, a[r] = m << 16 | m >>> 16, f[r] = m << 8 | m >>> 24, u[r] = m, m = 16843009 * v ^ 65537 * d ^ 257 * g ^ 16843008 * r, c[y] = m << 24 | m >>> 8, h[y] = m << 16 | m >>> 16, p[y] = m << 8 | m >>> 24, l[y] = m, r ? (r = g ^ t[t[t[v ^ g]]], n ^= t[t[n]]) : r = n = 1
  1398. }
  1399. }();
  1400. var y = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54],
  1401. g = r.AES = e.extend({
  1402. _doReset: function() {
  1403. if (!this._nRounds || this._keyPriorReset !== this._key) {
  1404. for (var t = this._keyPriorReset = this._key, e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes / 4, n = 4 * ((this._nRounds = r + 6) + 1), o = this._keySchedule = [], s = 0; s < n; s++)
  1405. if (s < r) o[s] = e[s];
  1406. else {
  1407. var a = o[s - 1];
  1408. s % r ? r > 6 && s % r == 4 && (a = i[a >>> 24] << 24 | i[a >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | i[a >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | i[255 & a]) : (a = i[(a = a << 8 | a >>> 24) >>> 24] << 24 | i[a >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | i[a >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | i[255 & a], a ^= y[s / r | 0] << 24), o[s] = o[s - r] ^ a
  1409. } for (var f = this._invKeySchedule = [], u = 0; u < n; u++) s = n - u, a = u % 4 ? o[s] : o[s - 4], f[u] = u < 4 || s <= 4 ? a : c[i[a >>> 24]] ^ h[i[a >>> 16 & 255]] ^ p[i[a >>> 8 & 255]] ^ l[i[255 & a]]
  1410. }
  1411. },
  1412. encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  1413. this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._keySchedule, s, a, f, u, i)
  1414. },
  1415. decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  1416. var r = t[e + 1];
  1417. t[e + 1] = t[e + 3], t[e + 3] = r, this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._invKeySchedule, c, h, p, l, o), r = t[e + 1], t[e + 1] = t[e + 3], t[e + 3] = r
  1418. },
  1419. _doCryptBlock: function(t, e, r, n, i, o, s, a) {
  1420. for (var f = this._nRounds, u = t[e] ^ r[0], c = t[e + 1] ^ r[1], h = t[e + 2] ^ r[2], p = t[e + 3] ^ r[3], l = 4, y = 1; y < f; y++) {
  1421. var g = n[u >>> 24] ^ i[c >>> 16 & 255] ^ o[h >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & p] ^ r[l++],
  1422. d = n[c >>> 24] ^ i[h >>> 16 & 255] ^ o[p >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & u] ^ r[l++],
  1423. v = n[h >>> 24] ^ i[p >>> 16 & 255] ^ o[u >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & c] ^ r[l++],
  1424. m = n[p >>> 24] ^ i[u >>> 16 & 255] ^ o[c >>> 8 & 255] ^ s[255 & h] ^ r[l++];
  1425. u = g, c = d, h = v, p = m
  1426. }
  1427. g = (a[u >>> 24] << 24 | a[c >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[h >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & p]) ^ r[l++], d = (a[c >>> 24] << 24 | a[h >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[p >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & u]) ^ r[l++], v = (a[h >>> 24] << 24 | a[p >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[u >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & c]) ^ r[l++], m = (a[p >>> 24] << 24 | a[u >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | a[c >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | a[255 & h]) ^ r[l++], t[e] = g, t[e + 1] = d, t[e + 2] = v, t[e + 3] = m
  1428. },
  1429. keySize: 8
  1430. });
  1431. t.AES = e._createHelper(g)
  1432. }(), n.AES)
  1433. },
  1434. 7165: function(t, e, r) {
  1435. var n, i, o, s, a, f, u, c, h, p, l, y, g, d, v, m, S, _, b;
  1436. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(9506), void(n.lib.Cipher || (i = n, o = i.lib, s = o.Base, a = o.WordArray, f = o.BufferedBlockAlgorithm, u = i.enc, u.Utf8, c = u.Base64, h = i.algo.EvpKDF, p = o.Cipher = f.extend({
  1437. cfg: s.extend(),
  1438. createEncryptor: function(t, e) {
  1439. return this.create(this._ENC_XFORM_MODE, t, e)
  1440. },
  1441. createDecryptor: function(t, e) {
  1442. return this.create(this._DEC_XFORM_MODE, t, e)
  1443. },
  1444. init: function(t, e, r) {
  1445. this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(r), this._xformMode = t, this._key = e, this.reset()
  1446. },
  1447. reset: function() {
  1448., this._doReset()
  1449. },
  1450. process: function(t) {
  1451. return this._append(t), this._process()
  1452. },
  1453. finalize: function(t) {
  1454. return t && this._append(t), this._doFinalize()
  1455. },
  1456. keySize: 4,
  1457. ivSize: 4,
  1458. _ENC_XFORM_MODE: 1,
  1459. _DEC_XFORM_MODE: 2,
  1460. _createHelper: function() {
  1461. function t(t) {
  1462. return "string" == typeof t ? b : S
  1463. }
  1464. return function(e) {
  1465. return {
  1466. encrypt: function(r, n, i) {
  1467. return t(n).encrypt(e, r, n, i)
  1468. },
  1469. decrypt: function(r, n, i) {
  1470. return t(n).decrypt(e, r, n, i)
  1471. }
  1472. }
  1473. }
  1474. }()
  1475. }), o.StreamCipher = p.extend({
  1476. _doFinalize: function() {
  1477. return this._process(!0)
  1478. },
  1479. blockSize: 1
  1480. }), l = i.mode = {}, y = o.BlockCipherMode = s.extend({
  1481. createEncryptor: function(t, e) {
  1482. return this.Encryptor.create(t, e)
  1483. },
  1484. createDecryptor: function(t, e) {
  1485. return this.Decryptor.create(t, e)
  1486. },
  1487. init: function(t, e) {
  1488. this._cipher = t, this._iv = e
  1489. }
  1490. }), g = l.CBC = function() {
  1491. var t = y.extend();
  1492. function e(t, e, r) {
  1493. var n = this._iv;
  1494. if (n) {
  1495. var i = n;
  1496. this._iv = void 0
  1497. } else i = this._prevBlock;
  1498. for (var o = 0; o < r; o++) t[e + o] ^= i[o]
  1499. }
  1500. return t.Encryptor = t.extend({
  1501. processBlock: function(t, r) {
  1502. var n = this._cipher,
  1503. i = n.blockSize;
  1504., t, r, i), n.encryptBlock(t, r), this._prevBlock = t.slice(r, r + i)
  1505. }
  1506. }), t.Decryptor = t.extend({
  1507. processBlock: function(t, r) {
  1508. var n = this._cipher,
  1509. i = n.blockSize,
  1510. o = t.slice(r, r + i);
  1511. n.decryptBlock(t, r),, t, r, i), this._prevBlock = o
  1512. }
  1513. }), t
  1514. }(), d = (i.pad = {}).Pkcs7 = {
  1515. pad: function(t, e) {
  1516. for (var r = 4 * e, n = r - t.sigBytes % r, i = n << 24 | n << 16 | n << 8 | n, o = [], s = 0; s < n; s += 4) o.push(i);
  1517. var f = a.create(o, n);
  1518. t.concat(f)
  1519. },
  1520. unpad: function(t) {
  1521. var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
  1522. t.sigBytes -= e
  1523. }
  1524. }, o.BlockCipher = p.extend({
  1525. cfg: p.cfg.extend({
  1526. mode: g,
  1527. padding: d
  1528. }),
  1529. reset: function() {
  1531. var t = this.cfg,
  1532. e = t.iv,
  1533. r = t.mode;
  1534. if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE) var n = r.createEncryptor;
  1535. else n = r.createDecryptor, this._minBufferSize = 1;
  1536. this._mode && this._mode.__creator == n ? this._mode.init(this, e && e.words) : (this._mode =, this, e && e.words), this._mode.__creator = n)
  1537. },
  1538. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  1539. this._mode.processBlock(t, e)
  1540. },
  1541. _doFinalize: function() {
  1542. var t = this.cfg.padding;
  1543. if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE) {
  1544. t.pad(this._data, this.blockSize);
  1545. var e = this._process(!0)
  1546. } else e = this._process(!0), t.unpad(e);
  1547. return e
  1548. },
  1549. blockSize: 4
  1550. }), v = o.CipherParams = s.extend({
  1551. init: function(t) {
  1552. this.mixIn(t)
  1553. },
  1554. toString: function(t) {
  1555. return (t || this.formatter).stringify(this)
  1556. }
  1557. }), m = (i.format = {}).OpenSSL = {
  1558. stringify: function(t) {
  1559. var e = t.ciphertext,
  1560. r = t.salt;
  1561. if (r) var n = a.create([1398893684, 1701076831]).concat(r).concat(e);
  1562. else n = e;
  1563. return n.toString(c)
  1564. },
  1565. parse: function(t) {
  1566. var e = c.parse(t),
  1567. r = e.words;
  1568. if (1398893684 == r[0] && 1701076831 == r[1]) {
  1569. var n = a.create(r.slice(2, 4));
  1570. r.splice(0, 4), e.sigBytes -= 16
  1571. }
  1572. return v.create({
  1573. ciphertext: e,
  1574. salt: n
  1575. })
  1576. }
  1577. }, S = o.SerializableCipher = s.extend({
  1578. cfg: s.extend({
  1579. format: m
  1580. }),
  1581. encrypt: function(t, e, r, n) {
  1582. n = this.cfg.extend(n);
  1583. var i = t.createEncryptor(r, n),
  1584. o = i.finalize(e),
  1585. s = i.cfg;
  1586. return v.create({
  1587. ciphertext: o,
  1588. key: r,
  1589. iv: s.iv,
  1590. algorithm: t,
  1591. mode: s.mode,
  1592. padding: s.padding,
  1593. blockSize: t.blockSize,
  1594. formatter: n.format
  1595. })
  1596. },
  1597. decrypt: function(t, e, r, n) {
  1598. return n = this.cfg.extend(n), e = this._parse(e, n.format), t.createDecryptor(r, n).finalize(e.ciphertext)
  1599. },
  1600. _parse: function(t, e) {
  1601. return "string" == typeof t ? e.parse(t, this) : t
  1602. }
  1603. }), _ = (i.kdf = {}).OpenSSL = {
  1604. execute: function(t, e, r, n) {
  1605. n || (n = a.random(8));
  1606. var i = h.create({
  1607. keySize: e + r
  1608. }).compute(t, n),
  1609. o = a.create(i.words.slice(e), 4 * r);
  1610. return i.sigBytes = 4 * e, v.create({
  1611. key: i,
  1612. iv: o,
  1613. salt: n
  1614. })
  1615. }
  1616. }, b = o.PasswordBasedCipher = S.extend({
  1617. cfg: S.cfg.extend({
  1618. kdf: _
  1619. }),
  1620. encrypt: function(t, e, r, n) {
  1621. var i = (n = this.cfg.extend(n)).kdf.execute(r, t.keySize, t.ivSize);
  1622. n.iv = i.iv;
  1623. var o =, t, e, i.key, n);
  1624. return o.mixIn(i), o
  1625. },
  1626. decrypt: function(t, e, r, n) {
  1627. n = this.cfg.extend(n), e = this._parse(e, n.format);
  1628. var i = n.kdf.execute(r, t.keySize, t.ivSize, e.salt);
  1629. return n.iv = i.iv,, t, e, i.key, n)
  1630. }
  1631. }))))
  1632. },
  1633. 9021: function(t, e) {
  1634. var r;
  1635. t.exports = (r = r || function(t, e) {
  1636. var r = Object.create || function() {
  1637. function t() {}
  1638. return function(e) {
  1639. var r;
  1640. return t.prototype = e, r = new t, t.prototype = null, r
  1641. }
  1642. }(),
  1643. n = {},
  1644. i = n.lib = {},
  1645. o = i.Base = {
  1646. extend: function(t) {
  1647. var e = r(this);
  1648. return t && e.mixIn(t), e.hasOwnProperty("init") && this.init !== e.init || (e.init = function() {
  1649. e.$super.init.apply(this, arguments)
  1650. }), e.init.prototype = e, e.$super = this, e
  1651. },
  1652. create: function() {
  1653. var t = this.extend();
  1654. return t.init.apply(t, arguments), t
  1655. },
  1656. init: function() {},
  1657. mixIn: function(t) {
  1658. for (var e in t) t.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this[e] = t[e]);
  1659. t.hasOwnProperty("toString") && (this.toString = t.toString)
  1660. },
  1661. clone: function() {
  1662. return this.init.prototype.extend(this)
  1663. }
  1664. },
  1665. s = i.WordArray = o.extend({
  1666. init: function(t, e) {
  1667. t = this.words = t || [], this.sigBytes = null != e ? e : 4 * t.length
  1668. },
  1669. toString: function(t) {
  1670. return (t || f).stringify(this)
  1671. },
  1672. concat: function(t) {
  1673. var e = this.words,
  1674. r = t.words,
  1675. n = this.sigBytes,
  1676. i = t.sigBytes;
  1677. if (this.clamp(), n % 4)
  1678. for (var o = 0; o < i; o++) {
  1679. var s = r[o >>> 2] >>> 24 - o % 4 * 8 & 255;
  1680. e[n + o >>> 2] |= s << 24 - (n + o) % 4 * 8
  1681. } else
  1682. for (o = 0; o < i; o += 4) e[n + o >>> 2] = r[o >>> 2];
  1683. return this.sigBytes += i, this
  1684. },
  1685. clamp: function() {
  1686. var e = this.words,
  1687. r = this.sigBytes;
  1688. e[r >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - r % 4 * 8, e.length = t.ceil(r / 4)
  1689. },
  1690. clone: function() {
  1691. var t =;
  1692. return t.words = this.words.slice(0), t
  1693. },
  1694. random: function(e) {
  1695. for (var r, n = [], i = function(e) {
  1696. var r = 987654321,
  1697. n = 4294967295;
  1698. return function() {
  1699. var i = ((r = 36969 * (65535 & r) + (r >> 16) & n) << 16) + (e = 18e3 * (65535 & e) + (e >> 16) & n) & n;
  1700. return i /= 4294967296, (i += .5) * (t.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1)
  1701. }
  1702. }, o = 0; o < e; o += 4) {
  1703. var a = i(4294967296 * (r || t.random()));
  1704. r = 987654071 * a(), n.push(4294967296 * a() | 0)
  1705. }
  1706. return new s.init(n, e)
  1707. }
  1708. }),
  1709. a = n.enc = {},
  1710. f = a.Hex = {
  1711. stringify: function(t) {
  1712. for (var e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes, n = [], i = 0; i < r; i++) {
  1713. var o = e[i >>> 2] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255;
  1714. n.push((o >>> 4).toString(16)), n.push((15 & o).toString(16))
  1715. }
  1716. return n.join("")
  1717. },
  1718. parse: function(t) {
  1719. for (var e = t.length, r = [], n = 0; n < e; n += 2) r[n >>> 3] |= parseInt(t.substr(n, 2), 16) << 24 - n % 8 * 4;
  1720. return new s.init(r, e / 2)
  1721. }
  1722. },
  1723. u = a.Latin1 = {
  1724. stringify: function(t) {
  1725. for (var e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes, n = [], i = 0; i < r; i++) {
  1726. var o = e[i >>> 2] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255;
  1727. n.push(String.fromCharCode(o))
  1728. }
  1729. return n.join("")
  1730. },
  1731. parse: function(t) {
  1732. for (var e = t.length, r = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) r[n >>> 2] |= (255 & t.charCodeAt(n)) << 24 - n % 4 * 8;
  1733. return new s.init(r, e)
  1734. }
  1735. },
  1736. c = a.Utf8 = {
  1737. stringify: function(t) {
  1738. try {
  1739. return decodeURIComponent(escape(u.stringify(t)))
  1740. } catch (t) {
  1741. throw new Error("Malformed UTF-8 data")
  1742. }
  1743. },
  1744. parse: function(t) {
  1745. return u.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)))
  1746. }
  1747. },
  1748. h = i.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = o.extend({
  1749. reset: function() {
  1750. this._data = new s.init, this._nDataBytes = 0
  1751. },
  1752. _append: function(t) {
  1753. "string" == typeof t && (t = c.parse(t)), this._data.concat(t), this._nDataBytes += t.sigBytes
  1754. },
  1755. _process: function(e) {
  1756. var r = this._data,
  1757. n = r.words,
  1758. i = r.sigBytes,
  1759. o = this.blockSize,
  1760. a = i / (4 * o),
  1761. f = (a = e ? t.ceil(a) : t.max((0 | a) - this._minBufferSize, 0)) * o,
  1762. u = t.min(4 * f, i);
  1763. if (f) {
  1764. for (var c = 0; c < f; c += o) this._doProcessBlock(n, c);
  1765. var h = n.splice(0, f);
  1766. r.sigBytes -= u
  1767. }
  1768. return new s.init(h, u)
  1769. },
  1770. clone: function() {
  1771. var t =;
  1772. return t._data = this._data.clone(), t
  1773. },
  1774. _minBufferSize: 0
  1775. }),
  1776. p = (i.Hasher = h.extend({
  1777. cfg: o.extend(),
  1778. init: function(t) {
  1779. this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t), this.reset()
  1780. },
  1781. reset: function() {
  1782., this._doReset()
  1783. },
  1784. update: function(t) {
  1785. return this._append(t), this._process(), this
  1786. },
  1787. finalize: function(t) {
  1788. return t && this._append(t), this._doFinalize()
  1789. },
  1790. blockSize: 16,
  1791. _createHelper: function(t) {
  1792. return function(e, r) {
  1793. return new t.init(r).finalize(e)
  1794. }
  1795. },
  1796. _createHmacHelper: function(t) {
  1797. return function(e, r) {
  1798. return new p.HMAC.init(t, r).finalize(e)
  1799. }
  1800. }
  1801. }), n.algo = {});
  1802. return n
  1803. }(Math), r)
  1804. },
  1805. 754: function(t, e, r) {
  1806. var n, i, o;
  1807. t.exports = (n = r(9021), o = (i = n).lib.WordArray, i.enc.Base64 = {
  1808. stringify: function(t) {
  1809. var e = t.words,
  1810. r = t.sigBytes,
  1811. n = this._map;
  1812. t.clamp();
  1813. for (var i = [], o = 0; o < r; o += 3)
  1814. for (var s = (e[o >>> 2] >>> 24 - o % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (e[o + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (o + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | e[o + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (o + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255, a = 0; a < 4 && o + .75 * a < r; a++) i.push(n.charAt(s >>> 6 * (3 - a) & 63));
  1815. var f = n.charAt(64);
  1816. if (f)
  1817. for (; i.length % 4;) i.push(f);
  1818. return i.join("")
  1819. },
  1820. parse: function(t) {
  1821. var e = t.length,
  1822. r = this._map,
  1823. n = this._reverseMap;
  1824. if (!n) {
  1825. n = this._reverseMap = [];
  1826. for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) n[r.charCodeAt(i)] = i
  1827. }
  1828. var s = r.charAt(64);
  1829. if (s) {
  1830. var a = t.indexOf(s); - 1 !== a && (e = a)
  1831. }
  1832. return function(t, e, r) {
  1833. for (var n = [], i = 0, s = 0; s < e; s++)
  1834. if (s % 4) {
  1835. var a = r[t.charCodeAt(s - 1)] << s % 4 * 2,
  1836. f = r[t.charCodeAt(s)] >>> 6 - s % 4 * 2;
  1837. n[i >>> 2] |= (a | f) << 24 - i % 4 * 8, i++
  1838. } return o.create(n, i)
  1839. }(t, e, n)
  1840. },
  1841. _map: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
  1842. }, n.enc.Base64)
  1843. },
  1844. 5503: function(t, e, r) {
  1845. var n;
  1846. t.exports = (n = r(9021), function() {
  1847. var t = n,
  1848. e = t.lib.WordArray,
  1849. r = t.enc;
  1850. function i(t) {
  1851. return t << 8 & 4278255360 | t >>> 8 & 16711935
  1852. }
  1853. r.Utf16 = r.Utf16BE = {
  1854. stringify: function(t) {
  1855. for (var e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes, n = [], i = 0; i < r; i += 2) {
  1856. var o = e[i >>> 2] >>> 16 - i % 4 * 8 & 65535;
  1857. n.push(String.fromCharCode(o))
  1858. }
  1859. return n.join("")
  1860. },
  1861. parse: function(t) {
  1862. for (var r = t.length, n = [], i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i >>> 1] |= t.charCodeAt(i) << 16 - i % 2 * 16;
  1863. return e.create(n, 2 * r)
  1864. }
  1865. }, r.Utf16LE = {
  1866. stringify: function(t) {
  1867. for (var e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes, n = [], o = 0; o < r; o += 2) {
  1868. var s = i(e[o >>> 2] >>> 16 - o % 4 * 8 & 65535);
  1869. n.push(String.fromCharCode(s))
  1870. }
  1871. return n.join("")
  1872. },
  1873. parse: function(t) {
  1874. for (var r = t.length, n = [], o = 0; o < r; o++) n[o >>> 1] |= i(t.charCodeAt(o) << 16 - o % 2 * 16);
  1875. return e.create(n, 2 * r)
  1876. }
  1877. }
  1878. }(), n.enc.Utf16)
  1879. },
  1880. 9506: function(t, e, r) {
  1881. var n, i, o, s, a, f, u, c;
  1882. t.exports = (c = r(9021), r(5471), r(1025), o = (i = (n = c).lib).Base, s = i.WordArray, f = (a = n.algo).MD5, u = a.EvpKDF = o.extend({
  1883. cfg: o.extend({
  1884. keySize: 4,
  1885. hasher: f,
  1886. iterations: 1
  1887. }),
  1888. init: function(t) {
  1889. this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t)
  1890. },
  1891. compute: function(t, e) {
  1892. for (var r = this.cfg, n = r.hasher.create(), i = s.create(), o = i.words, a = r.keySize, f = r.iterations; o.length < a;) {
  1893. u && n.update(u);
  1894. var u = n.update(t).finalize(e);
  1895. n.reset();
  1896. for (var c = 1; c < f; c++) u = n.finalize(u), n.reset();
  1897. i.concat(u)
  1898. }
  1899. return i.sigBytes = 4 * a, i
  1900. }
  1901. }), n.EvpKDF = function(t, e, r) {
  1902. return u.create(r).compute(t, e)
  1903. }, c.EvpKDF)
  1904. },
  1905. 25: function(t, e, r) {
  1906. var n, i, o, s;
  1907. t.exports = (s = r(9021), r(7165), i = (n = s).lib.CipherParams, o = n.enc.Hex, n.format.Hex = {
  1908. stringify: function(t) {
  1909. return t.ciphertext.toString(o)
  1910. },
  1911. parse: function(t) {
  1912. var e = o.parse(t);
  1913. return i.create({
  1914. ciphertext: e
  1915. })
  1916. }
  1917. }, s.format.Hex)
  1918. },
  1919. 1025: function(t, e, r) {
  1920. var n, i, o;
  1921. t.exports = (i = (n = r(9021)).lib.Base, o = n.enc.Utf8, void(n.algo.HMAC = i.extend({
  1922. init: function(t, e) {
  1923. t = this._hasher = new t.init, "string" == typeof e && (e = o.parse(e));
  1924. var r = t.blockSize,
  1925. n = 4 * r;
  1926. e.sigBytes > n && (e = t.finalize(e)), e.clamp();
  1927. for (var i = this._oKey = e.clone(), s = this._iKey = e.clone(), a = i.words, f = s.words, u = 0; u < r; u++) a[u] ^= 1549556828, f[u] ^= 909522486;
  1928. i.sigBytes = s.sigBytes = n, this.reset()
  1929. },
  1930. reset: function() {
  1931. var t = this._hasher;
  1932. t.reset(), t.update(this._iKey)
  1933. },
  1934. update: function(t) {
  1935. return this._hasher.update(t), this
  1936. },
  1937. finalize: function(t) {
  1938. var e = this._hasher,
  1939. r = e.finalize(t);
  1940. return e.reset(), e.finalize(this._oKey.clone().concat(r))
  1941. }
  1942. })))
  1943. },
  1944. 1396: function(t, e, r) {
  1945. var n;
  1946. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(3240), r(6440), r(5503), r(754), r(4636), r(5471), r(3009), r(6308), r(1380), r(9557), r(5953), r(8056), r(1025), r(19), r(9506), r(7165), r(2169), r(6939), r(6372), r(3797), r(8454), r(2073), r(4905), r(482), r(2155), r(8124), r(25), r(955), r(7628), r(7193), r(6298), r(2696), n)
  1947. },
  1948. 6440: function(t, e, r) {
  1949. var n;
  1950. t.exports = (n = r(9021), function() {
  1951. if ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer) {
  1952. var t = n.lib.WordArray,
  1953. e = t.init,
  1954. r = t.init = function(t) {
  1955. if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer && (t = new Uint8Array(t)), (t instanceof Int8Array || "undefined" != typeof Uint8ClampedArray && t instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || t instanceof Int16Array || t instanceof Uint16Array || t instanceof Int32Array || t instanceof Uint32Array || t instanceof Float32Array || t instanceof Float64Array) && (t = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength)), t instanceof Uint8Array) {
  1956. for (var r = t.byteLength, n = [], i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i >>> 2] |= t[i] << 24 - i % 4 * 8;
  1957., n, r)
  1958. } else e.apply(this, arguments)
  1959. };
  1960. r.prototype = t
  1961. }
  1962. }(), n.lib.WordArray)
  1963. },
  1964. 4636: function(t, e, r) {
  1965. var n;
  1966. t.exports = (n = r(9021), function(t) {
  1967. var e = n,
  1968. r = e.lib,
  1969. i = r.WordArray,
  1970. o = r.Hasher,
  1971. s = e.algo,
  1972. a = [];
  1973. ! function() {
  1974. for (var e = 0; e < 64; e++) a[e] = 4294967296 * t.abs(t.sin(e + 1)) | 0
  1975. }();
  1976. var f = s.MD5 = o.extend({
  1977. _doReset: function() {
  1978. this._hash = new i.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878])
  1979. },
  1980. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  1981. for (var r = 0; r < 16; r++) {
  1982. var n = e + r,
  1983. i = t[n];
  1984. t[n] = 16711935 & (i << 8 | i >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i << 24 | i >>> 8)
  1985. }
  1986. var o = this._hash.words,
  1987. s = t[e + 0],
  1988. f = t[e + 1],
  1989. l = t[e + 2],
  1990. y = t[e + 3],
  1991. g = t[e + 4],
  1992. d = t[e + 5],
  1993. v = t[e + 6],
  1994. m = t[e + 7],
  1995. S = t[e + 8],
  1996. _ = t[e + 9],
  1997. b = t[e + 10],
  1998. E = t[e + 11],
  1999. w = t[e + 12],
  2000. O = t[e + 13],
  2001. B = t[e + 14],
  2002. A = t[e + 15],
  2003. x = o[0],
  2004. P = o[1],
  2005. T = o[2],
  2006. I = o[3];
  2007. x = u(x, P, T, I, s, 7, a[0]), I = u(I, x, P, T, f, 12, a[1]), T = u(T, I, x, P, l, 17, a[2]), P = u(P, T, I, x, y, 22, a[3]), x = u(x, P, T, I, g, 7, a[4]), I = u(I, x, P, T, d, 12, a[5]), T = u(T, I, x, P, v, 17, a[6]), P = u(P, T, I, x, m, 22, a[7]), x = u(x, P, T, I, S, 7, a[8]), I = u(I, x, P, T, _, 12, a[9]), T = u(T, I, x, P, b, 17, a[10]), P = u(P, T, I, x, E, 22, a[11]), x = u(x, P, T, I, w, 7, a[12]), I = u(I, x, P, T, O, 12, a[13]), T = u(T, I, x, P, B, 17, a[14]), x = c(x, P = u(P, T, I, x, A, 22, a[15]), T, I, f, 5, a[16]), I = c(I, x, P, T, v, 9, a[17]), T = c(T, I, x, P, E, 14, a[18]), P = c(P, T, I, x, s, 20, a[19]), x = c(x, P, T, I, d, 5, a[20]), I = c(I, x, P, T, b, 9, a[21]), T = c(T, I, x, P, A, 14, a[22]), P = c(P, T, I, x, g, 20, a[23]), x = c(x, P, T, I, _, 5, a[24]), I = c(I, x, P, T, B, 9, a[25]), T = c(T, I, x, P, y, 14, a[26]), P = c(P, T, I, x, S, 20, a[27]), x = c(x, P, T, I, O, 5, a[28]), I = c(I, x, P, T, l, 9, a[29]), T = c(T, I, x, P, m, 14, a[30]), x = h(x, P = c(P, T, I, x, w, 20, a[31]), T, I, d, 4, a[32]), I = h(I, x, P, T, S, 11, a[33]), T = h(T, I, x, P, E, 16, a[34]), P = h(P, T, I, x, B, 23, a[35]), x = h(x, P, T, I, f, 4, a[36]), I = h(I, x, P, T, g, 11, a[37]), T = h(T, I, x, P, m, 16, a[38]), P = h(P, T, I, x, b, 23, a[39]), x = h(x, P, T, I, O, 4, a[40]), I = h(I, x, P, T, s, 11, a[41]), T = h(T, I, x, P, y, 16, a[42]), P = h(P, T, I, x, v, 23, a[43]), x = h(x, P, T, I, _, 4, a[44]), I = h(I, x, P, T, w, 11, a[45]), T = h(T, I, x, P, A, 16, a[46]), x = p(x, P = h(P, T, I, x, l, 23, a[47]), T, I, s, 6, a[48]), I = p(I, x, P, T, m, 10, a[49]), T = p(T, I, x, P, B, 15, a[50]), P = p(P, T, I, x, d, 21, a[51]), x = p(x, P, T, I, w, 6, a[52]), I = p(I, x, P, T, y, 10, a[53]), T = p(T, I, x, P, b, 15, a[54]), P = p(P, T, I, x, f, 21, a[55]), x = p(x, P, T, I, S, 6, a[56]), I = p(I, x, P, T, A, 10, a[57]), T = p(T, I, x, P, v, 15, a[58]), P = p(P, T, I, x, O, 21, a[59]), x = p(x, P, T, I, g, 6, a[60]), I = p(I, x, P, T, E, 10, a[61]), T = p(T, I, x, P, l, 15, a[62]), P = p(P, T, I, x, _, 21, a[63]), o[0] = o[0] + x | 0, o[1] = o[1] + P | 0, o[2] = o[2] + T | 0, o[3] = o[3] + I | 0
  2008. },
  2009. _doFinalize: function() {
  2010. var e = this._data,
  2011. r = e.words,
  2012. n = 8 * this._nDataBytes,
  2013. i = 8 * e.sigBytes;
  2014. r[i >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - i % 32;
  2015. var o = t.floor(n / 4294967296),
  2016. s = n;
  2017. r[15 + (i + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (o << 8 | o >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o << 24 | o >>> 8), r[14 + (i + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8), e.sigBytes = 4 * (r.length + 1), this._process();
  2018. for (var a = this._hash, f = a.words, u = 0; u < 4; u++) {
  2019. var c = f[u];
  2020. f[u] = 16711935 & (c << 8 | c >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (c << 24 | c >>> 8)
  2021. }
  2022. return a
  2023. },
  2024. clone: function() {
  2025. var t =;
  2026. return t._hash = this._hash.clone(), t
  2027. }
  2028. });
  2029. function u(t, e, r, n, i, o, s) {
  2030. var a = t + (e & r | ~e & n) + i + s;
  2031. return (a << o | a >>> 32 - o) + e
  2032. }
  2033. function c(t, e, r, n, i, o, s) {
  2034. var a = t + (e & n | r & ~n) + i + s;
  2035. return (a << o | a >>> 32 - o) + e
  2036. }
  2037. function h(t, e, r, n, i, o, s) {
  2038. var a = t + (e ^ r ^ n) + i + s;
  2039. return (a << o | a >>> 32 - o) + e
  2040. }
  2041. function p(t, e, r, n, i, o, s) {
  2042. var a = t + (r ^ (e | ~n)) + i + s;
  2043. return (a << o | a >>> 32 - o) + e
  2044. }
  2045. e.MD5 = o._createHelper(f), e.HmacMD5 = o._createHmacHelper(f)
  2046. }(Math), n.MD5)
  2047. },
  2048. 2169: function(t, e, r) {
  2049. var n;
  2050. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.mode.CFB = function() {
  2051. var t = n.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend();
  2052. function e(t, e, r, n) {
  2053. var i = this._iv;
  2054. if (i) {
  2055. var o = i.slice(0);
  2056. this._iv = void 0
  2057. } else o = this._prevBlock;
  2058. n.encryptBlock(o, 0);
  2059. for (var s = 0; s < r; s++) t[e + s] ^= o[s]
  2060. }
  2061. return t.Encryptor = t.extend({
  2062. processBlock: function(t, r) {
  2063. var n = this._cipher,
  2064. i = n.blockSize;
  2065., t, r, i, n), this._prevBlock = t.slice(r, r + i)
  2066. }
  2067. }), t.Decryptor = t.extend({
  2068. processBlock: function(t, r) {
  2069. var n = this._cipher,
  2070. i = n.blockSize,
  2071. o = t.slice(r, r + i);
  2072., t, r, i, n), this._prevBlock = o
  2073. }
  2074. }), t
  2075. }(), n.mode.CFB)
  2076. },
  2077. 6372: function(t, e, r) {
  2078. var n;
  2079. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.mode.CTRGladman = function() {
  2080. var t = n.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend();
  2081. function e(t) {
  2082. if (255 & ~(t >> 24)) t += 1 << 24;
  2083. else {
  2084. var e = t >> 16 & 255,
  2085. r = t >> 8 & 255,
  2086. n = 255 & t;
  2087. 255 === e ? (e = 0, 255 === r ? (r = 0, 255 === n ? n = 0 : ++n) : ++r) : ++e, t = 0, t += e << 16, t += r << 8, t += n
  2088. }
  2089. return t
  2090. }
  2091. var r = t.Encryptor = t.extend({
  2092. processBlock: function(t, r) {
  2093. var n = this._cipher,
  2094. i = n.blockSize,
  2095. o = this._iv,
  2096. s = this._counter;
  2097. o && (s = this._counter = o.slice(0), this._iv = void 0),
  2098. function(t) {
  2099. 0 === (t[0] = e(t[0])) && (t[1] = e(t[1]))
  2100. }(s);
  2101. var a = s.slice(0);
  2102. n.encryptBlock(a, 0);
  2103. for (var f = 0; f < i; f++) t[r + f] ^= a[f]
  2104. }
  2105. });
  2106. return t.Decryptor = r, t
  2107. }(), n.mode.CTRGladman)
  2108. },
  2109. 6939: function(t, e, r) {
  2110. var n, i, o;
  2111. t.exports = (o = r(9021), r(7165), o.mode.CTR = (i = (n = o.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()).Encryptor = n.extend({
  2112. processBlock: function(t, e) {
  2113. var r = this._cipher,
  2114. n = r.blockSize,
  2115. i = this._iv,
  2116. o = this._counter;
  2117. i && (o = this._counter = i.slice(0), this._iv = void 0);
  2118. var s = o.slice(0);
  2119. r.encryptBlock(s, 0), o[n - 1] = o[n - 1] + 1 | 0;
  2120. for (var a = 0; a < n; a++) t[e + a] ^= s[a]
  2121. }
  2122. }), n.Decryptor = i, n), o.mode.CTR)
  2123. },
  2124. 8454: function(t, e, r) {
  2125. var n, i;
  2126. t.exports = (i = r(9021), r(7165), i.mode.ECB = ((n = i.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()).Encryptor = n.extend({
  2127. processBlock: function(t, e) {
  2128. this._cipher.encryptBlock(t, e)
  2129. }
  2130. }), n.Decryptor = n.extend({
  2131. processBlock: function(t, e) {
  2132. this._cipher.decryptBlock(t, e)
  2133. }
  2134. }), n), i.mode.ECB)
  2135. },
  2136. 3797: function(t, e, r) {
  2137. var n, i, o;
  2138. t.exports = (o = r(9021), r(7165), o.mode.OFB = (i = (n = o.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend()).Encryptor = n.extend({
  2139. processBlock: function(t, e) {
  2140. var r = this._cipher,
  2141. n = r.blockSize,
  2142. i = this._iv,
  2143. o = this._keystream;
  2144. i && (o = this._keystream = i.slice(0), this._iv = void 0), r.encryptBlock(o, 0);
  2145. for (var s = 0; s < n; s++) t[e + s] ^= o[s]
  2146. }
  2147. }), n.Decryptor = i, n), o.mode.OFB)
  2148. },
  2149. 2073: function(t, e, r) {
  2150. var n;
  2151. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.pad.AnsiX923 = {
  2152. pad: function(t, e) {
  2153. var r = t.sigBytes,
  2154. n = 4 * e,
  2155. i = n - r % n,
  2156. o = r + i - 1;
  2157. t.clamp(), t.words[o >>> 2] |= i << 24 - o % 4 * 8, t.sigBytes += i
  2158. },
  2159. unpad: function(t) {
  2160. var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
  2161. t.sigBytes -= e
  2162. }
  2163. }, n.pad.Ansix923)
  2164. },
  2165. 4905: function(t, e, r) {
  2166. var n;
  2167. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.pad.Iso10126 = {
  2168. pad: function(t, e) {
  2169. var r = 4 * e,
  2170. i = r - t.sigBytes % r;
  2171. t.concat(n.lib.WordArray.random(i - 1)).concat(n.lib.WordArray.create([i << 24], 1))
  2172. },
  2173. unpad: function(t) {
  2174. var e = 255 & t.words[t.sigBytes - 1 >>> 2];
  2175. t.sigBytes -= e
  2176. }
  2177. }, n.pad.Iso10126)
  2178. },
  2179. 482: function(t, e, r) {
  2180. var n;
  2181. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.pad.Iso97971 = {
  2182. pad: function(t, e) {
  2183. t.concat(n.lib.WordArray.create([2147483648], 1)), n.pad.ZeroPadding.pad(t, e)
  2184. },
  2185. unpad: function(t) {
  2186. n.pad.ZeroPadding.unpad(t), t.sigBytes--
  2187. }
  2188. }, n.pad.Iso97971)
  2189. },
  2190. 8124: function(t, e, r) {
  2191. var n;
  2192. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.pad.NoPadding = {
  2193. pad: function() {},
  2194. unpad: function() {}
  2195. }, n.pad.NoPadding)
  2196. },
  2197. 2155: function(t, e, r) {
  2198. var n;
  2199. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(7165), n.pad.ZeroPadding = {
  2200. pad: function(t, e) {
  2201. var r = 4 * e;
  2202. t.clamp(), t.sigBytes += r - (t.sigBytes % r || r)
  2203. },
  2204. unpad: function(t) {
  2205. for (var e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes - 1; !(e[r >>> 2] >>> 24 - r % 4 * 8 & 255);) r--;
  2206. t.sigBytes = r + 1
  2207. }
  2208. }, n.pad.ZeroPadding)
  2209. },
  2210. 19: function(t, e, r) {
  2211. var n, i, o, s, a, f, u, c, h;
  2212. t.exports = (h = r(9021), r(5471), r(1025), o = (i = (n = h).lib).Base, s = i.WordArray, f = (a = n.algo).SHA1, u = a.HMAC, c = a.PBKDF2 = o.extend({
  2213. cfg: o.extend({
  2214. keySize: 4,
  2215. hasher: f,
  2216. iterations: 1
  2217. }),
  2218. init: function(t) {
  2219. this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(t)
  2220. },
  2221. compute: function(t, e) {
  2222. for (var r = this.cfg, n = u.create(r.hasher, t), i = s.create(), o = s.create([1]), a = i.words, f = o.words, c = r.keySize, h = r.iterations; a.length < c;) {
  2223. var p = n.update(e).finalize(o);
  2224. n.reset();
  2225. for (var l = p.words, y = l.length, g = p, d = 1; d < h; d++) {
  2226. g = n.finalize(g), n.reset();
  2227. for (var v = g.words, m = 0; m < y; m++) l[m] ^= v[m]
  2228. }
  2229. i.concat(p), f[0]++
  2230. }
  2231. return i.sigBytes = 4 * c, i
  2232. }
  2233. }), n.PBKDF2 = function(t, e, r) {
  2234. return c.create(r).compute(t, e)
  2235. }, h.PBKDF2)
  2236. },
  2237. 2696: function(t, e, r) {
  2238. var n;
  2239. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(754), r(4636), r(9506), r(7165), function() {
  2240. var t = n,
  2241. e = t.lib.StreamCipher,
  2242. r = t.algo,
  2243. i = [],
  2244. o = [],
  2245. s = [],
  2246. a = r.RabbitLegacy = e.extend({
  2247. _doReset: function() {
  2248. var t = this._key.words,
  2249. e = this.cfg.iv,
  2250. r = this._X = [t[0], t[3] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, t[1], t[0] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, t[2], t[1] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, t[3], t[2] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16],
  2251. n = this._C = [t[2] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[0] | 65535 & t[1], t[3] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[1] | 65535 & t[2], t[0] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[2] | 65535 & t[3], t[1] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[3] | 65535 & t[0]];
  2252. this._b = 0;
  2253. for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++);
  2254. for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) n[i] ^= r[i + 4 & 7];
  2255. if (e) {
  2256. var o = e.words,
  2257. s = o[0],
  2258. a = o[1],
  2259. u = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8),
  2260. c = 16711935 & (a << 8 | a >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (a << 24 | a >>> 8),
  2261. h = u >>> 16 | 4294901760 & c,
  2262. p = c << 16 | 65535 & u;
  2263. for (n[0] ^= u, n[1] ^= h, n[2] ^= c, n[3] ^= p, n[4] ^= u, n[5] ^= h, n[6] ^= c, n[7] ^= p, i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  2264. }
  2265. },
  2266. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2267. var r = this._X;
  2268., i[0] = r[0] ^ r[5] >>> 16 ^ r[3] << 16, i[1] = r[2] ^ r[7] >>> 16 ^ r[5] << 16, i[2] = r[4] ^ r[1] >>> 16 ^ r[7] << 16, i[3] = r[6] ^ r[3] >>> 16 ^ r[1] << 16;
  2269. for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) i[n] = 16711935 & (i[n] << 8 | i[n] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i[n] << 24 | i[n] >>> 8), t[e + n] ^= i[n]
  2270. },
  2271. blockSize: 4,
  2272. ivSize: 2
  2273. });
  2274. function f() {
  2275. for (var t = this._X, e = this._C, r = 0; r < 8; r++) o[r] = e[r];
  2276. for (e[0] = e[0] + 1295307597 + this._b | 0, e[1] = e[1] + 3545052371 + (e[0] >>> 0 < o[0] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[2] = e[2] + 886263092 + (e[1] >>> 0 < o[1] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[3] = e[3] + 1295307597 + (e[2] >>> 0 < o[2] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[4] = e[4] + 3545052371 + (e[3] >>> 0 < o[3] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[5] = e[5] + 886263092 + (e[4] >>> 0 < o[4] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[6] = e[6] + 1295307597 + (e[5] >>> 0 < o[5] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[7] = e[7] + 3545052371 + (e[6] >>> 0 < o[6] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, this._b = e[7] >>> 0 < o[7] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0, r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
  2277. var n = t[r] + e[r],
  2278. i = 65535 & n,
  2279. a = n >>> 16,
  2280. f = ((i * i >>> 17) + i * a >>> 15) + a * a,
  2281. u = ((4294901760 & n) * n | 0) + ((65535 & n) * n | 0);
  2282. s[r] = f ^ u
  2283. }
  2284. t[0] = s[0] + (s[7] << 16 | s[7] >>> 16) + (s[6] << 16 | s[6] >>> 16) | 0, t[1] = s[1] + (s[0] << 8 | s[0] >>> 24) + s[7] | 0, t[2] = s[2] + (s[1] << 16 | s[1] >>> 16) + (s[0] << 16 | s[0] >>> 16) | 0, t[3] = s[3] + (s[2] << 8 | s[2] >>> 24) + s[1] | 0, t[4] = s[4] + (s[3] << 16 | s[3] >>> 16) + (s[2] << 16 | s[2] >>> 16) | 0, t[5] = s[5] + (s[4] << 8 | s[4] >>> 24) + s[3] | 0, t[6] = s[6] + (s[5] << 16 | s[5] >>> 16) + (s[4] << 16 | s[4] >>> 16) | 0, t[7] = s[7] + (s[6] << 8 | s[6] >>> 24) + s[5] | 0
  2285. }
  2286. t.RabbitLegacy = e._createHelper(a)
  2287. }(), n.RabbitLegacy)
  2288. },
  2289. 6298: function(t, e, r) {
  2290. var n;
  2291. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(754), r(4636), r(9506), r(7165), function() {
  2292. var t = n,
  2293. e = t.lib.StreamCipher,
  2294. r = t.algo,
  2295. i = [],
  2296. o = [],
  2297. s = [],
  2298. a = r.Rabbit = e.extend({
  2299. _doReset: function() {
  2300. for (var t = this._key.words, e = this.cfg.iv, r = 0; r < 4; r++) t[r] = 16711935 & (t[r] << 8 | t[r] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (t[r] << 24 | t[r] >>> 8);
  2301. var n = this._X = [t[0], t[3] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, t[1], t[0] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, t[2], t[1] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, t[3], t[2] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16],
  2302. i = this._C = [t[2] << 16 | t[2] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[0] | 65535 & t[1], t[3] << 16 | t[3] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[1] | 65535 & t[2], t[0] << 16 | t[0] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[2] | 65535 & t[3], t[1] << 16 | t[1] >>> 16, 4294901760 & t[3] | 65535 & t[0]];
  2303. for (this._b = 0, r = 0; r < 4; r++);
  2304. for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) i[r] ^= n[r + 4 & 7];
  2305. if (e) {
  2306. var o = e.words,
  2307. s = o[0],
  2308. a = o[1],
  2309. u = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8),
  2310. c = 16711935 & (a << 8 | a >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (a << 24 | a >>> 8),
  2311. h = u >>> 16 | 4294901760 & c,
  2312. p = c << 16 | 65535 & u;
  2313. for (i[0] ^= u, i[1] ^= h, i[2] ^= c, i[3] ^= p, i[4] ^= u, i[5] ^= h, i[6] ^= c, i[7] ^= p, r = 0; r < 4; r++)
  2314. }
  2315. },
  2316. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2317. var r = this._X;
  2318., i[0] = r[0] ^ r[5] >>> 16 ^ r[3] << 16, i[1] = r[2] ^ r[7] >>> 16 ^ r[5] << 16, i[2] = r[4] ^ r[1] >>> 16 ^ r[7] << 16, i[3] = r[6] ^ r[3] >>> 16 ^ r[1] << 16;
  2319. for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) i[n] = 16711935 & (i[n] << 8 | i[n] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i[n] << 24 | i[n] >>> 8), t[e + n] ^= i[n]
  2320. },
  2321. blockSize: 4,
  2322. ivSize: 2
  2323. });
  2324. function f() {
  2325. for (var t = this._X, e = this._C, r = 0; r < 8; r++) o[r] = e[r];
  2326. for (e[0] = e[0] + 1295307597 + this._b | 0, e[1] = e[1] + 3545052371 + (e[0] >>> 0 < o[0] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[2] = e[2] + 886263092 + (e[1] >>> 0 < o[1] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[3] = e[3] + 1295307597 + (e[2] >>> 0 < o[2] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[4] = e[4] + 3545052371 + (e[3] >>> 0 < o[3] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[5] = e[5] + 886263092 + (e[4] >>> 0 < o[4] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[6] = e[6] + 1295307597 + (e[5] >>> 0 < o[5] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, e[7] = e[7] + 3545052371 + (e[6] >>> 0 < o[6] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, this._b = e[7] >>> 0 < o[7] >>> 0 ? 1 : 0, r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
  2327. var n = t[r] + e[r],
  2328. i = 65535 & n,
  2329. a = n >>> 16,
  2330. f = ((i * i >>> 17) + i * a >>> 15) + a * a,
  2331. u = ((4294901760 & n) * n | 0) + ((65535 & n) * n | 0);
  2332. s[r] = f ^ u
  2333. }
  2334. t[0] = s[0] + (s[7] << 16 | s[7] >>> 16) + (s[6] << 16 | s[6] >>> 16) | 0, t[1] = s[1] + (s[0] << 8 | s[0] >>> 24) + s[7] | 0, t[2] = s[2] + (s[1] << 16 | s[1] >>> 16) + (s[0] << 16 | s[0] >>> 16) | 0, t[3] = s[3] + (s[2] << 8 | s[2] >>> 24) + s[1] | 0, t[4] = s[4] + (s[3] << 16 | s[3] >>> 16) + (s[2] << 16 | s[2] >>> 16) | 0, t[5] = s[5] + (s[4] << 8 | s[4] >>> 24) + s[3] | 0, t[6] = s[6] + (s[5] << 16 | s[5] >>> 16) + (s[4] << 16 | s[4] >>> 16) | 0, t[7] = s[7] + (s[6] << 8 | s[6] >>> 24) + s[5] | 0
  2335. }
  2336. t.Rabbit = e._createHelper(a)
  2337. }(), n.Rabbit)
  2338. },
  2339. 7193: function(t, e, r) {
  2340. var n;
  2341. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(754), r(4636), r(9506), r(7165), function() {
  2342. var t = n,
  2343. e = t.lib.StreamCipher,
  2344. r = t.algo,
  2345. i = r.RC4 = e.extend({
  2346. _doReset: function() {
  2347. for (var t = this._key, e = t.words, r = t.sigBytes, n = this._S = [], i = 0; i < 256; i++) n[i] = i;
  2348. i = 0;
  2349. for (var o = 0; i < 256; i++) {
  2350. var s = i % r,
  2351. a = e[s >>> 2] >>> 24 - s % 4 * 8 & 255;
  2352. o = (o + n[i] + a) % 256;
  2353. var f = n[i];
  2354. n[i] = n[o], n[o] = f
  2355. }
  2356. this._i = this._j = 0
  2357. },
  2358. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2359. t[e] ^=
  2360. },
  2361. keySize: 8,
  2362. ivSize: 0
  2363. });
  2364. function o() {
  2365. for (var t = this._S, e = this._i, r = this._j, n = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  2366. r = (r + t[e = (e + 1) % 256]) % 256;
  2367. var o = t[e];
  2368. t[e] = t[r], t[r] = o, n |= t[(t[e] + t[r]) % 256] << 24 - 8 * i
  2369. }
  2370. return this._i = e, this._j = r, n
  2371. }
  2372. t.RC4 = e._createHelper(i);
  2373. var s = r.RC4Drop = i.extend({
  2374. cfg: i.cfg.extend({
  2375. drop: 192
  2376. }),
  2377. _doReset: function() {
  2379. for (var t = this.cfg.drop; t > 0; t--)
  2380. }
  2381. });
  2382. t.RC4Drop = e._createHelper(s)
  2383. }(), n.RC4)
  2384. },
  2385. 8056: function(t, e, r) {
  2386. var n;
  2387. t.exports = (n = r(9021), function(t) {
  2388. var e = n,
  2389. r = e.lib,
  2390. i = r.WordArray,
  2391. o = r.Hasher,
  2392. s = e.algo,
  2393. a = i.create([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13]),
  2394. f = i.create([5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11]),
  2395. u = i.create([11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6]),
  2396. c = i.create([8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11]),
  2397. h = i.create([0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838]),
  2398. p = i.create([1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]),
  2399. l = s.RIPEMD160 = o.extend({
  2400. _doReset: function() {
  2401. this._hash = i.create([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520])
  2402. },
  2403. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2404. for (var r = 0; r < 16; r++) {
  2405. var n = e + r,
  2406. i = t[n];
  2407. t[n] = 16711935 & (i << 8 | i >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (i << 24 | i >>> 8)
  2408. }
  2409. var o, s, l, _, b, E, w, O, B, A, x, P = this._hash.words,
  2410. T = h.words,
  2411. I = p.words,
  2412. k = a.words,
  2413. D = f.words,
  2414. R = u.words,
  2415. N = c.words;
  2416. for (E = o = P[0], w = s = P[1], O = l = P[2], B = _ = P[3], A = b = P[4], r = 0; r < 80; r += 1) x = o + t[e + k[r]] | 0, x += r < 16 ? y(s, l, _) + T[0] : r < 32 ? g(s, l, _) + T[1] : r < 48 ? d(s, l, _) + T[2] : r < 64 ? v(s, l, _) + T[3] : m(s, l, _) + T[4], x = (x = S(x |= 0, R[r])) + b | 0, o = b, b = _, _ = S(l, 10), l = s, s = x, x = E + t[e + D[r]] | 0, x += r < 16 ? m(w, O, B) + I[0] : r < 32 ? v(w, O, B) + I[1] : r < 48 ? d(w, O, B) + I[2] : r < 64 ? g(w, O, B) + I[3] : y(w, O, B) + I[4], x = (x = S(x |= 0, N[r])) + A | 0, E = A, A = B, B = S(O, 10), O = w, w = x;
  2417. x = P[1] + l + B | 0, P[1] = P[2] + _ + A | 0, P[2] = P[3] + b + E | 0, P[3] = P[4] + o + w | 0, P[4] = P[0] + s + O | 0, P[0] = x
  2418. },
  2419. _doFinalize: function() {
  2420. var t = this._data,
  2421. e = t.words,
  2422. r = 8 * this._nDataBytes,
  2423. n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
  2424. e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32, e[14 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = 16711935 & (r << 8 | r >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r << 24 | r >>> 8), t.sigBytes = 4 * (e.length + 1), this._process();
  2425. for (var i = this._hash, o = i.words, s = 0; s < 5; s++) {
  2426. var a = o[s];
  2427. o[s] = 16711935 & (a << 8 | a >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (a << 24 | a >>> 8)
  2428. }
  2429. return i
  2430. },
  2431. clone: function() {
  2432. var t =;
  2433. return t._hash = this._hash.clone(), t
  2434. }
  2435. });
  2436. function y(t, e, r) {
  2437. return t ^ e ^ r
  2438. }
  2439. function g(t, e, r) {
  2440. return t & e | ~t & r
  2441. }
  2442. function d(t, e, r) {
  2443. return (t | ~e) ^ r
  2444. }
  2445. function v(t, e, r) {
  2446. return t & r | e & ~r
  2447. }
  2448. function m(t, e, r) {
  2449. return t ^ (e | ~r)
  2450. }
  2451. function S(t, e) {
  2452. return t << e | t >>> 32 - e
  2453. }
  2454. e.RIPEMD160 = o._createHelper(l), e.HmacRIPEMD160 = o._createHmacHelper(l)
  2455. }(Math), n.RIPEMD160)
  2456. },
  2457. 5471: function(t, e, r) {
  2458. var n, i, o, s, a, f, u, c;
  2459. t.exports = (i = (n = c = r(9021)).lib, o = i.WordArray, s = i.Hasher, a = n.algo, f = [], u = a.SHA1 = s.extend({
  2460. _doReset: function() {
  2461. this._hash = new o.init([1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520])
  2462. },
  2463. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2464. for (var r = this._hash.words, n = r[0], i = r[1], o = r[2], s = r[3], a = r[4], u = 0; u < 80; u++) {
  2465. if (u < 16) f[u] = 0 | t[e + u];
  2466. else {
  2467. var c = f[u - 3] ^ f[u - 8] ^ f[u - 14] ^ f[u - 16];
  2468. f[u] = c << 1 | c >>> 31
  2469. }
  2470. var h = (n << 5 | n >>> 27) + a + f[u];
  2471. h += u < 20 ? 1518500249 + (i & o | ~i & s) : u < 40 ? 1859775393 + (i ^ o ^ s) : u < 60 ? (i & o | i & s | o & s) - 1894007588 : (i ^ o ^ s) - 899497514, a = s, s = o, o = i << 30 | i >>> 2, i = n, n = h
  2472. }
  2473. r[0] = r[0] + n | 0, r[1] = r[1] + i | 0, r[2] = r[2] + o | 0, r[3] = r[3] + s | 0, r[4] = r[4] + a | 0
  2474. },
  2475. _doFinalize: function() {
  2476. var t = this._data,
  2477. e = t.words,
  2478. r = 8 * this._nDataBytes,
  2479. n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
  2480. return e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32, e[14 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = Math.floor(r / 4294967296), e[15 + (n + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = r, t.sigBytes = 4 * e.length, this._process(), this._hash
  2481. },
  2482. clone: function() {
  2483. var t =;
  2484. return t._hash = this._hash.clone(), t
  2485. }
  2486. }), n.SHA1 = s._createHelper(u), n.HmacSHA1 = s._createHmacHelper(u), c.SHA1)
  2487. },
  2488. 6308: function(t, e, r) {
  2489. var n, i, o, s, a, f;
  2490. t.exports = (f = r(9021), r(3009), i = (n = f).lib.WordArray, o = n.algo, s = o.SHA256, a = o.SHA224 = s.extend({
  2491. _doReset: function() {
  2492. this._hash = new i.init([3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428])
  2493. },
  2494. _doFinalize: function() {
  2495. var t =;
  2496. return t.sigBytes -= 4, t
  2497. }
  2498. }), n.SHA224 = s._createHelper(a), n.HmacSHA224 = s._createHmacHelper(a), f.SHA224)
  2499. },
  2500. 3009: function(t, e, r) {
  2501. var n;
  2502. t.exports = (n = r(9021), function(t) {
  2503. var e = n,
  2504. r = e.lib,
  2505. i = r.WordArray,
  2506. o = r.Hasher,
  2507. s = e.algo,
  2508. a = [],
  2509. f = [];
  2510. ! function() {
  2511. function e(e) {
  2512. for (var r = t.sqrt(e), n = 2; n <= r; n++)
  2513. if (!(e % n)) return !1;
  2514. return !0
  2515. }
  2516. function r(t) {
  2517. return 4294967296 * (t - (0 | t)) | 0
  2518. }
  2519. for (var n = 2, i = 0; i < 64;) e(n) && (i < 8 && (a[i] = r(t.pow(n, .5))), f[i] = r(t.pow(n, 1 / 3)), i++), n++
  2520. }();
  2521. var u = [],
  2522. c = s.SHA256 = o.extend({
  2523. _doReset: function() {
  2524. this._hash = new i.init(a.slice(0))
  2525. },
  2526. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2527. for (var r = this._hash.words, n = r[0], i = r[1], o = r[2], s = r[3], a = r[4], c = r[5], h = r[6], p = r[7], l = 0; l < 64; l++) {
  2528. if (l < 16) u[l] = 0 | t[e + l];
  2529. else {
  2530. var y = u[l - 15],
  2531. g = (y << 25 | y >>> 7) ^ (y << 14 | y >>> 18) ^ y >>> 3,
  2532. d = u[l - 2],
  2533. v = (d << 15 | d >>> 17) ^ (d << 13 | d >>> 19) ^ d >>> 10;
  2534. u[l] = g + u[l - 7] + v + u[l - 16]
  2535. }
  2536. var m = n & i ^ n & o ^ i & o,
  2537. S = (n << 30 | n >>> 2) ^ (n << 19 | n >>> 13) ^ (n << 10 | n >>> 22),
  2538. _ = p + ((a << 26 | a >>> 6) ^ (a << 21 | a >>> 11) ^ (a << 7 | a >>> 25)) + (a & c ^ ~a & h) + f[l] + u[l];
  2539. p = h, h = c, c = a, a = s + _ | 0, s = o, o = i, i = n, n = _ + (S + m) | 0
  2540. }
  2541. r[0] = r[0] + n | 0, r[1] = r[1] + i | 0, r[2] = r[2] + o | 0, r[3] = r[3] + s | 0, r[4] = r[4] + a | 0, r[5] = r[5] + c | 0, r[6] = r[6] + h | 0, r[7] = r[7] + p | 0
  2542. },
  2543. _doFinalize: function() {
  2544. var e = this._data,
  2545. r = e.words,
  2546. n = 8 * this._nDataBytes,
  2547. i = 8 * e.sigBytes;
  2548. return r[i >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - i % 32, r[14 + (i + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = t.floor(n / 4294967296), r[15 + (i + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = n, e.sigBytes = 4 * r.length, this._process(), this._hash
  2549. },
  2550. clone: function() {
  2551. var t =;
  2552. return t._hash = this._hash.clone(), t
  2553. }
  2554. });
  2555. e.SHA256 = o._createHelper(c), e.HmacSHA256 = o._createHmacHelper(c)
  2556. }(Math), n.SHA256)
  2557. },
  2558. 5953: function(t, e, r) {
  2559. var n;
  2560. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(3240), function(t) {
  2561. var e = n,
  2562. r = e.lib,
  2563. i = r.WordArray,
  2564. o = r.Hasher,
  2565. s = e.x64.Word,
  2566. a = e.algo,
  2567. f = [],
  2568. u = [],
  2569. c = [];
  2570. ! function() {
  2571. for (var t = 1, e = 0, r = 0; r < 24; r++) {
  2572. f[t + 5 * e] = (r + 1) * (r + 2) / 2 % 64;
  2573. var n = (2 * t + 3 * e) % 5;
  2574. t = e % 5, e = n
  2575. }
  2576. for (t = 0; t < 5; t++)
  2577. for (e = 0; e < 5; e++) u[t + 5 * e] = e + (2 * t + 3 * e) % 5 * 5;
  2578. for (var i = 1, o = 0; o < 24; o++) {
  2579. for (var a = 0, h = 0, p = 0; p < 7; p++) {
  2580. if (1 & i) {
  2581. var l = (1 << p) - 1;
  2582. l < 32 ? h ^= 1 << l : a ^= 1 << l - 32
  2583. }
  2584. 128 & i ? i = i << 1 ^ 113 : i <<= 1
  2585. }
  2586. c[o] = s.create(a, h)
  2587. }
  2588. }();
  2589. var h = [];
  2590. ! function() {
  2591. for (var t = 0; t < 25; t++) h[t] = s.create()
  2592. }();
  2593. var p = a.SHA3 = o.extend({
  2594. cfg: o.cfg.extend({
  2595. outputLength: 512
  2596. }),
  2597. _doReset: function() {
  2598. for (var t = this._state = [], e = 0; e < 25; e++) t[e] = new s.init;
  2599. this.blockSize = (1600 - 2 * this.cfg.outputLength) / 32
  2600. },
  2601. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2602. for (var r = this._state, n = this.blockSize / 2, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  2603. var o = t[e + 2 * i],
  2604. s = t[e + 2 * i + 1];
  2605. o = 16711935 & (o << 8 | o >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (o << 24 | o >>> 8), s = 16711935 & (s << 8 | s >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (s << 24 | s >>> 8), (P = r[i]).high ^= s, P.low ^= o
  2606. }
  2607. for (var a = 0; a < 24; a++) {
  2608. for (var p = 0; p < 5; p++) {
  2609. for (var l = 0, y = 0, g = 0; g < 5; g++) l ^= (P = r[p + 5 * g]).high, y ^= P.low;
  2610. var d = h[p];
  2611. d.high = l, d.low = y
  2612. }
  2613. for (p = 0; p < 5; p++) {
  2614. var v = h[(p + 4) % 5],
  2615. m = h[(p + 1) % 5],
  2616. S = m.high,
  2617. _ = m.low;
  2618. for (l = v.high ^ (S << 1 | _ >>> 31), y = v.low ^ (_ << 1 | S >>> 31), g = 0; g < 5; g++)(P = r[p + 5 * g]).high ^= l, P.low ^= y
  2619. }
  2620. for (var b = 1; b < 25; b++) {
  2621. var E = (P = r[b]).high,
  2622. w = P.low,
  2623. O = f[b];
  2624. O < 32 ? (l = E << O | w >>> 32 - O, y = w << O | E >>> 32 - O) : (l = w << O - 32 | E >>> 64 - O, y = E << O - 32 | w >>> 64 - O);
  2625. var B = h[u[b]];
  2626. B.high = l, B.low = y
  2627. }
  2628. var A = h[0],
  2629. x = r[0];
  2630. for (A.high = x.high, A.low = x.low, p = 0; p < 5; p++)
  2631. for (g = 0; g < 5; g++) {
  2632. var P = r[b = p + 5 * g],
  2633. T = h[b],
  2634. I = h[(p + 1) % 5 + 5 * g],
  2635. k = h[(p + 2) % 5 + 5 * g];
  2636. P.high = T.high ^ ~I.high & k.high, P.low = T.low ^ ~I.low & k.low
  2637. }
  2638. P = r[0];
  2639. var D = c[a];
  2640. P.high ^= D.high, P.low ^= D.low
  2641. }
  2642. },
  2643. _doFinalize: function() {
  2644. var e = this._data,
  2645. r = e.words,
  2646. n = (this._nDataBytes, 8 * e.sigBytes),
  2647. o = 32 * this.blockSize;
  2648. r[n >>> 5] |= 1 << 24 - n % 32, r[(t.ceil((n + 1) / o) * o >>> 5) - 1] |= 128, e.sigBytes = 4 * r.length, this._process();
  2649. for (var s = this._state, a = this.cfg.outputLength / 8, f = a / 8, u = [], c = 0; c < f; c++) {
  2650. var h = s[c],
  2651. p = h.high,
  2652. l = h.low;
  2653. p = 16711935 & (p << 8 | p >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (p << 24 | p >>> 8), l = 16711935 & (l << 8 | l >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (l << 24 | l >>> 8), u.push(l), u.push(p)
  2654. }
  2655. return new i.init(u, a)
  2656. },
  2657. clone: function() {
  2658. for (var t =, e = t._state = this._state.slice(0), r = 0; r < 25; r++) e[r] = e[r].clone();
  2659. return t
  2660. }
  2661. });
  2662. e.SHA3 = o._createHelper(p), e.HmacSHA3 = o._createHmacHelper(p)
  2663. }(Math), n.SHA3)
  2664. },
  2665. 9557: function(t, e, r) {
  2666. var n, i, o, s, a, f, u, c;
  2667. t.exports = (c = r(9021), r(3240), r(1380), i = (n = c).x64, o = i.Word, s = i.WordArray, a = n.algo, f = a.SHA512, u = a.SHA384 = f.extend({
  2668. _doReset: function() {
  2669. this._hash = new s.init([new o.init(3418070365, 3238371032), new o.init(1654270250, 914150663), new o.init(2438529370, 812702999), new o.init(355462360, 4144912697), new o.init(1731405415, 4290775857), new o.init(2394180231, 1750603025), new o.init(3675008525, 1694076839), new o.init(1203062813, 3204075428)])
  2670. },
  2671. _doFinalize: function() {
  2672. var t =;
  2673. return t.sigBytes -= 16, t
  2674. }
  2675. }), n.SHA384 = f._createHelper(u), n.HmacSHA384 = f._createHmacHelper(u), c.SHA384)
  2676. },
  2677. 1380: function(t, e, r) {
  2678. var n;
  2679. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(3240), function() {
  2680. var t = n,
  2681. e = t.lib.Hasher,
  2682. r = t.x64,
  2683. i = r.Word,
  2684. o = r.WordArray,
  2685. s = t.algo;
  2686. function a() {
  2687. return i.create.apply(i, arguments)
  2688. }
  2689. var f = [a(1116352408, 3609767458), a(1899447441, 602891725), a(3049323471, 3964484399), a(3921009573, 2173295548), a(961987163, 4081628472), a(1508970993, 3053834265), a(2453635748, 2937671579), a(2870763221, 3664609560), a(3624381080, 2734883394), a(310598401, 1164996542), a(607225278, 1323610764), a(1426881987, 3590304994), a(1925078388, 4068182383), a(2162078206, 991336113), a(2614888103, 633803317), a(3248222580, 3479774868), a(3835390401, 2666613458), a(4022224774, 944711139), a(264347078, 2341262773), a(604807628, 2007800933), a(770255983, 1495990901), a(1249150122, 1856431235), a(1555081692, 3175218132), a(1996064986, 2198950837), a(2554220882, 3999719339), a(2821834349, 766784016), a(2952996808, 2566594879), a(3210313671, 3203337956), a(3336571891, 1034457026), a(3584528711, 2466948901), a(113926993, 3758326383), a(338241895, 168717936), a(666307205, 1188179964), a(773529912, 1546045734), a(1294757372, 1522805485), a(1396182291, 2643833823), a(1695183700, 2343527390), a(1986661051, 1014477480), a(2177026350, 1206759142), a(2456956037, 344077627), a(2730485921, 1290863460), a(2820302411, 3158454273), a(3259730800, 3505952657), a(3345764771, 106217008), a(3516065817, 3606008344), a(3600352804, 1432725776), a(4094571909, 1467031594), a(275423344, 851169720), a(430227734, 3100823752), a(506948616, 1363258195), a(659060556, 3750685593), a(883997877, 3785050280), a(958139571, 3318307427), a(1322822218, 3812723403), a(1537002063, 2003034995), a(1747873779, 3602036899), a(1955562222, 1575990012), a(2024104815, 1125592928), a(2227730452, 2716904306), a(2361852424, 442776044), a(2428436474, 593698344), a(2756734187, 3733110249), a(3204031479, 2999351573), a(3329325298, 3815920427), a(3391569614, 3928383900), a(3515267271, 566280711), a(3940187606, 3454069534), a(4118630271, 4000239992), a(116418474, 1914138554), a(174292421, 2731055270), a(289380356, 3203993006), a(460393269, 320620315), a(685471733, 587496836), a(852142971, 1086792851), a(1017036298, 365543100), a(1126000580, 2618297676), a(1288033470, 3409855158), a(1501505948, 4234509866), a(1607167915, 987167468), a(1816402316, 1246189591)],
  2690. u = [];
  2691. ! function() {
  2692. for (var t = 0; t < 80; t++) u[t] = a()
  2693. }();
  2694. var c = s.SHA512 = e.extend({
  2695. _doReset: function() {
  2696. this._hash = new o.init([new i.init(1779033703, 4089235720), new i.init(3144134277, 2227873595), new i.init(1013904242, 4271175723), new i.init(2773480762, 1595750129), new i.init(1359893119, 2917565137), new i.init(2600822924, 725511199), new i.init(528734635, 4215389547), new i.init(1541459225, 327033209)])
  2697. },
  2698. _doProcessBlock: function(t, e) {
  2699. for (var r = this._hash.words, n = r[0], i = r[1], o = r[2], s = r[3], a = r[4], c = r[5], h = r[6], p = r[7], l = n.high, y = n.low, g = i.high, d = i.low, v = o.high, m = o.low, S = s.high, _ = s.low, b = a.high, E = a.low, w = c.high, O = c.low, B = h.high, A = h.low, x = p.high, P = p.low, T = l, I = y, k = g, D = d, R = v, N = m, L = S, C = _, U = b, M = E, j = w, H = O, F = B, z = A, G = x, q = P, $ = 0; $ < 80; $++) {
  2700. var K = u[$];
  2701. if ($ < 16) var W = K.high = 0 | t[e + 2 * $],
  2702. V = K.low = 0 | t[e + 2 * $ + 1];
  2703. else {
  2704. var Y = u[$ - 15],
  2705. X = Y.high,
  2706. Z = Y.low,
  2707. J = (X >>> 1 | Z << 31) ^ (X >>> 8 | Z << 24) ^ X >>> 7,
  2708. Q = (Z >>> 1 | X << 31) ^ (Z >>> 8 | X << 24) ^ (Z >>> 7 | X << 25),
  2709. tt = u[$ - 2],
  2710. et = tt.high,
  2711. rt = tt.low,
  2712. nt = (et >>> 19 | rt << 13) ^ (et << 3 | rt >>> 29) ^ et >>> 6,
  2713. it = (rt >>> 19 | et << 13) ^ (rt << 3 | et >>> 29) ^ (rt >>> 6 | et << 26),
  2714. ot = u[$ - 7],
  2715. st = ot.high,
  2716. at = ot.low,
  2717. ft = u[$ - 16],
  2718. ut = ft.high,
  2719. ct = ft.low;
  2720. W = (W = (W = J + st + ((V = Q + at) >>> 0 < Q >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + nt + ((V += it) >>> 0 < it >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ut + ((V += ct) >>> 0 < ct >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), K.high = W, K.low = V
  2721. }
  2722. var ht, pt = U & j ^ ~U & F,
  2723. lt = M & H ^ ~M & z,
  2724. yt = T & k ^ T & R ^ k & R,
  2725. gt = I & D ^ I & N ^ D & N,
  2726. dt = (T >>> 28 | I << 4) ^ (T << 30 | I >>> 2) ^ (T << 25 | I >>> 7),
  2727. vt = (I >>> 28 | T << 4) ^ (I << 30 | T >>> 2) ^ (I << 25 | T >>> 7),
  2728. mt = (U >>> 14 | M << 18) ^ (U >>> 18 | M << 14) ^ (U << 23 | M >>> 9),
  2729. St = (M >>> 14 | U << 18) ^ (M >>> 18 | U << 14) ^ (M << 23 | U >>> 9),
  2730. _t = f[$],
  2731. bt = _t.high,
  2732. Et = _t.low,
  2733. wt = G + mt + ((ht = q + St) >>> 0 < q >>> 0 ? 1 : 0),
  2734. Ot = vt + gt;
  2735. G = F, q = z, F = j, z = H, j = U, H = M, U = L + (wt = (wt = (wt = wt + pt + ((ht += lt) >>> 0 < lt >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + bt + ((ht += Et) >>> 0 < Et >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + W + ((ht += V) >>> 0 < V >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ((M = C + ht | 0) >>> 0 < C >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0, L = R, C = N, R = k, N = D, k = T, D = I, T = wt + (dt + yt + (Ot >>> 0 < vt >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)) + ((I = ht + Ot | 0) >>> 0 < ht >>> 0 ? 1 : 0) | 0
  2736. }
  2737. y = n.low = y + I, n.high = l + T + (y >>> 0 < I >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), d = i.low = d + D, i.high = g + k + (d >>> 0 < D >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), m = o.low = m + N, o.high = v + R + (m >>> 0 < N >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), _ = s.low = _ + C, s.high = S + L + (_ >>> 0 < C >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), E = a.low = E + M, a.high = b + U + (E >>> 0 < M >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), O = c.low = O + H, c.high = w + j + (O >>> 0 < H >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), A = h.low = A + z, h.high = B + F + (A >>> 0 < z >>> 0 ? 1 : 0), P = p.low = P + q, p.high = x + G + (P >>> 0 < q >>> 0 ? 1 : 0)
  2738. },
  2739. _doFinalize: function() {
  2740. var t = this._data,
  2741. e = t.words,
  2742. r = 8 * this._nDataBytes,
  2743. n = 8 * t.sigBytes;
  2744. return e[n >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - n % 32, e[30 + (n + 128 >>> 10 << 5)] = Math.floor(r / 4294967296), e[31 + (n + 128 >>> 10 << 5)] = r, t.sigBytes = 4 * e.length, this._process(), this._hash.toX32()
  2745. },
  2746. clone: function() {
  2747. var t =;
  2748. return t._hash = this._hash.clone(), t
  2749. },
  2750. blockSize: 32
  2751. });
  2752. t.SHA512 = e._createHelper(c), t.HmacSHA512 = e._createHmacHelper(c)
  2753. }(), n.SHA512)
  2754. },
  2755. 7628: function(t, e, r) {
  2756. var n;
  2757. t.exports = (n = r(9021), r(754), r(4636), r(9506), r(7165), function() {
  2758. var t = n,
  2759. e = t.lib,
  2760. r = e.WordArray,
  2761. i = e.BlockCipher,
  2762. o = t.algo,
  2763. s = [57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4],
  2764. a = [14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32],
  2765. f = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28],
  2766. u = [{
  2767. 0: 8421888,
  2768. 268435456: 32768,
  2769. 536870912: 8421378,
  2770. 805306368: 2,
  2771. 1073741824: 512,
  2772. 1342177280: 8421890,
  2773. 1610612736: 8389122,
  2774. 1879048192: 8388608,
  2775. 2147483648: 514,
  2776. 2415919104: 8389120,
  2777. 2684354560: 33280,
  2778. 2952790016: 8421376,
  2779. 3221225472: 32770,
  2780. 3489660928: 8388610,
  2781. 3758096384: 0,
  2782. 4026531840: 33282,
  2783. 134217728: 0,
  2784. 402653184: 8421890,
  2785. 671088640: 33282,
  2786. 939524096: 32768,
  2787. 1207959552: 8421888,
  2788. 1476395008: 512,
  2789. 1744830464: 8421378,
  2790. 2013265920: 2,
  2791. 2281701376: 8389120,
  2792. 2550136832: 33280,
  2793. 2818572288: 8421376,
  2794. 3087007744: 8389122,
  2795. 3355443200: 8388610,
  2796. 3623878656: 32770,
  2797. 3892314112: 514,
  2798. 4160749568: 8388608,
  2799. 1: 32768,
  2800. 268435457: 2,
  2801. 536870913: 8421888,
  2802. 805306369: 8388608,
  2803. 1073741825: 8421378,
  2804. 1342177281: 33280,
  2805. 1610612737: 512,
  2806. 1879048193: 8389122,
  2807. 2147483649: 8421890,
  2808. 2415919105: 8421376,
  2809. 2684354561: 8388610,
  2810. 2952790017: 33282,
  2811. 3221225473: 514,
  2812. 3489660929: 8389120,
  2813. 3758096385: 32770,
  2814. 4026531841: 0,
  2815. 134217729: 8421890,
  2816. 402653185: 8421376,
  2817. 671088641: 8388608,
  2818. 939524097: 512,
  2819. 1207959553: 32768,
  2820. 1476395009: 8388610,
  2821. 1744830465: 2,
  2822. 2013265921: 33282,
  2823. 2281701377: 32770,
  2824. 2550136833: 8389122,
  2825. 2818572289: 514,
  2826. 3087007745: 8421888,
  2827. 3355443201: 8389120,
  2828. 3623878657: 0,
  2829. 3892314113: 33280,
  2830. 4160749569: 8421378
  2831. }, {
  2832. 0: 1074282512,
  2833. 16777216: 16384,
  2834. 33554432: 524288,
  2835. 50331648: 1074266128,
  2836. 67108864: 1073741840,
  2837. 83886080: 1074282496,
  2838. 100663296: 1073758208,
  2839. 117440512: 16,
  2840. 134217728: 540672,
  2841. 150994944: 1073758224,
  2842. 167772160: 1073741824,
  2843. 184549376: 540688,
  2844. 201326592: 524304,
  2845. 218103808: 0,
  2846. 234881024: 16400,
  2847. 251658240: 1074266112,
  2848. 8388608: 1073758208,
  2849. 25165824: 540688,
  2850. 41943040: 16,
  2851. 58720256: 1073758224,
  2852. 75497472: 1074282512,
  2853. 92274688: 1073741824,
  2854. 109051904: 524288,
  2855. 125829120: 1074266128,
  2856. 142606336: 524304,
  2857. 159383552: 0,
  2858. 176160768: 16384,
  2859. 192937984: 1074266112,
  2860. 209715200: 1073741840,
  2861. 226492416: 540672,
  2862. 243269632: 1074282496,
  2863. 260046848: 16400,
  2864. 268435456: 0,
  2865. 285212672: 1074266128,
  2866. 301989888: 1073758224,
  2867. 318767104: 1074282496,
  2868. 335544320: 1074266112,
  2869. 352321536: 16,
  2870. 369098752: 540688,
  2871. 385875968: 16384,
  2872. 402653184: 16400,
  2873. 419430400: 524288,
  2874. 436207616: 524304,
  2875. 452984832: 1073741840,
  2876. 469762048: 540672,
  2877. 486539264: 1073758208,
  2878. 503316480: 1073741824,
  2879. 520093696: 1074282512,
  2880. 276824064: 540688,
  2881. 293601280: 524288,
  2882. 310378496: 1074266112,
  2883. 327155712: 16384,
  2884. 343932928: 1073758208,
  2885. 360710144: 1074282512,
  2886. 377487360: 16,
  2887. 394264576: 1073741824,
  2888. 411041792: 1074282496,
  2889. 427819008: 1073741840,
  2890. 444596224: 1073758224,
  2891. 461373440: 524304,
  2892. 478150656: 0,
  2893. 494927872: 16400,
  2894. 511705088: 1074266128,
  2895. 528482304: 540672
  2896. }, {
  2897. 0: 260,
  2898. 1048576: 0,
  2899. 2097152: 67109120,
  2900. 3145728: 65796,
  2901. 4194304: 65540,
  2902. 5242880: 67108868,
  2903. 6291456: 67174660,
  2904. 7340032: 67174400,
  2905. 8388608: 67108864,
  2906. 9437184: 67174656,
  2907. 10485760: 65792,
  2908. 11534336: 67174404,
  2909. 12582912: 67109124,
  2910. 13631488: 65536,
  2911. 14680064: 4,
  2912. 15728640: 256,
  2913. 524288: 67174656,
  2914. 1572864: 67174404,
  2915. 2621440: 0,
  2916. 3670016: 67109120,
  2917. 4718592: 67108868,
  2918. 5767168: 65536,
  2919. 6815744: 65540,
  2920. 7864320: 260,
  2921. 8912896: 4,
  2922. 9961472: 256,
  2923. 11010048: 67174400,
  2924. 12058624: 65796,
  2925. 13107200: 65792,
  2926. 14155776: 67109124,
  2927. 15204352: 67174660,
  2928. 16252928: 67108864,
  2929. 16777216: 67174656,
  2930. 17825792: 65540,
  2931. 18874368: 65536,
  2932. 19922944: 67109120,
  2933. 20971520: 256,
  2934. 22020096: 67174660,
  2935. 23068672: 67108868,
  2936. 24117248: 0,
  2937. 25165824: 67109124,
  2938. 26214400: 67108864,
  2939. 27262976: 4,
  2940. 28311552: 65792,
  2941. 29360128: 67174400,
  2942. 30408704: 260,
  2943. 31457280: 65796,
  2944. 32505856: 67174404,
  2945. 17301504: 67108864,
  2946. 18350080: 260,
  2947. 19398656: 67174656,
  2948. 20447232: 0,
  2949. 21495808: 65540,
  2950. 22544384: 67109120,
  2951. 23592960: 256,
  2952. 24641536: 67174404,
  2953. 25690112: 65536,
  2954. 26738688: 67174660,
  2955. 27787264: 65796,
  2956. 28835840: 67108868,
  2957. 29884416: 67109124,
  2958. 30932992: 67174400,
  2959. 31981568: 4,
  2960. 33030144: 65792
  2961. }, {
  2962. 0: 2151682048,
  2963. 65536: 2147487808,
  2964. 131072: 4198464,
  2965. 196608: 2151677952,
  2966. 262144: 0,
  2967. 327680: 4198400,
  2968. 393216: 2147483712,
  2969. 458752: 4194368,
  2970. 524288: 2147483648,
  2971. 589824: 4194304,
  2972. 655360: 64,
  2973. 720896: 2147487744,
  2974. 786432: 2151678016,
  2975. 851968: 4160,
  2976. 917504: 4096,
  2977. 983040: 2151682112,
  2978. 32768: 2147487808,
  2979. 98304: 64,
  2980. 163840: 2151678016,
  2981. 229376: 2147487744,
  2982. 294912: 4198400,
  2983. 360448: 2151682112,
  2984. 425984: 0,
  2985. 491520: 2151677952,
  2986. 557056: 4096,
  2987. 622592: 2151682048,
  2988. 688128: 4194304,
  2989. 753664: 4160,
  2990. 819200: 2147483648,
  2991. 884736: 4194368,
  2992. 950272: 4198464,
  2993. 1015808: 2147483712,
  2994. 1048576: 4194368,
  2995. 1114112: 4198400,
  2996. 1179648: 2147483712,
  2997. 1245184: 0,
  2998. 1310720: 4160,
  2999. 1376256: 2151678016,
  3000. 1441792: 2151682048,
  3001. 1507328: 2147487808,
  3002. 1572864: 2151682112,
  3003. 1638400: 2147483648,
  3004. 1703936: 2151677952,
  3005. 1769472: 4198464,
  3006. 1835008: 2147487744,
  3007. 1900544: 4194304,
  3008. 1966080: 64,
  3009. 2031616: 4096,
  3010. 1081344: 2151677952,
  3011. 1146880: 2151682112,
  3012. 1212416: 0,
  3013. 1277952: 4198400,
  3014. 1343488: 4194368,
  3015. 1409024: 2147483648,
  3016. 1474560: 2147487808,
  3017. 1540096: 64,
  3018. 1605632: 2147483712,
  3019. 1671168: 4096,
  3020. 1736704: 2147487744,
  3021. 1802240: 2151678016,
  3022. 1867776: 4160,
  3023. 1933312: 2151682048,
  3024. 1998848: 4194304,
  3025. 2064384: 4198464
  3026. }, {
  3027. 0: 128,
  3028. 4096: 17039360,
  3029. 8192: 262144,
  3030. 12288: 536870912,
  3031. 16384: 537133184,
  3032. 20480: 16777344,
  3033. 24576: 553648256,
  3034. 28672: 262272,
  3035. 32768: 16777216,
  3036. 36864: 537133056,
  3037. 40960: 536871040,
  3038. 45056: 553910400,
  3039. 49152: 553910272,
  3040. 53248: 0,
  3041. 57344: 17039488,
  3042. 61440: 553648128,
  3043. 2048: 17039488,
  3044. 6144: 553648256,
  3045. 10240: 128,
  3046. 14336: 17039360,
  3047. 18432: 262144,
  3048. 22528: 537133184,
  3049. 26624: 553910272,
  3050. 30720: 536870912,
  3051. 34816: 537133056,
  3052. 38912: 0,
  3053. 43008: 553910400,
  3054. 47104: 16777344,
  3055. 51200: 536871040,
  3056. 55296: 553648128,
  3057. 59392: 16777216,
  3058. 63488: 262272,
  3059. 65536: 262144,
  3060. 69632: 128,
  3061. 73728: 536870912,
  3062. 77824: 553648256,
  3063. 81920: 16777344,
  3064. 86016: 553910272,
  3065. 90112: 537133184,
  3066. 94208: 16777216,
  3067. 98304: 553910400,
  3068. 102400: 553648128,
  3069. 106496: 17039360,
  3070. 110592: 537133056,
  3071. 114688: 262272,
  3072. 118784: 536871040,
  3073. 122880: 0,
  3074. 126976: 17039488,
  3075. 67584: 553648256,
  3076. 71680: 16777216,
  3077. 75776: 17039360,
  3078. 79872: 537133184,
  3079. 83968: 536870912,
  3080. 88064: 17039488,
  3081. 92160: 128,
  3082. 96256: 553910272,
  3083. 100352: 262272,
  3084. 104448: 553910400,
  3085. 108544: 0,
  3086. 112640: 553648128,
  3087. 116736: 16777344,
  3088. 120832: 262144,
  3089. 124928: 537133056,
  3090. 129024: 536871040
  3091. }, {
  3092. 0: 268435464,
  3093. 256: 8192,
  3094. 512: 270532608,
  3095. 768: 270540808,
  3096. 1024: 268443648,
  3097. 1280: 2097152,
  3098. 1536: 2097160,
  3099. 1792: 268435456,
  3100. 2048: 0,
  3101. 2304: 268443656,
  3102. 2560: 2105344,
  3103. 2816: 8,
  3104. 3072: 270532616,
  3105. 3328: 2105352,
  3106. 3584: 8200,
  3107. 3840: 270540800,
  3108. 128: 270532608,
  3109. 384: 270540808,
  3110. 640: 8,
  3111. 896: 2097152,
  3112. 1152: 2105352,
  3113. 1408: 268435464,
  3114. 1664: 268443648,
  3115. 1920: 8200,
  3116. 2176: 2097160,
  3117. 2432: 8192,
  3118. 2688: 268443656,
  3119. 2944: 270532616,
  3120. 3200: 0,
  3121. 3456: 270540800,
  3122. 3712: 2105344,
  3123. 3968: 268435456,
  3124. 4096: 268443648,
  3125. 4352: 270532616,
  3126. 4608: 270540808,
  3127. 4864: 8200,
  3128. 5120: 2097152,
  3129. 5376: 268435456,
  3130. 5632: 268435464,
  3131. 5888: 2105344,
  3132. 6144: 2105352,
  3133. 6400: 0,
  3134. 6656: 8,
  3135. 6912: 270532608,
  3136. 7168: 8192,
  3137. 7424: 268443656,
  3138. 7680: 270540800,
  3139. 7936: 2097160,
  3140. 4224: 8,
  3141. 4480: 2105344,
  3142. 4736: 2097152,
  3143. 4992: 268435464,
  3144. 5248: 268443648,
  3145. 5504: 8200,
  3146. 5760: 270540808,
  3147. 6016: 270532608,
  3148. 6272: 270540800,
  3149. 6528: 270532616,
  3150. 6784: 8192,
  3151. 7040: 2105352,
  3152. 7296: 2097160,
  3153. 7552: 0,
  3154. 7808: 268435456,
  3155. 8064: 268443656
  3156. }, {
  3157. 0: 1048576,
  3158. 16: 33555457,
  3159. 32: 1024,
  3160. 48: 1049601,
  3161. 64: 34604033,
  3162. 80: 0,
  3163. 96: 1,
  3164. 112: 34603009,
  3165. 128: 33555456,
  3166. 144: 1048577,
  3167. 160: 33554433,
  3168. 176: 34604032,
  3169. 192: 34603008,
  3170. 208: 1025,
  3171. 224: 1049600,
  3172. 240: 33554432,
  3173. 8: 34603009,
  3174. 24: 0,
  3175. 40: 33555457,
  3176. 56: 34604032,
  3177. 72: 1048576,
  3178. 88: 33554433,
  3179. 104: 33554432,
  3180. 120: 1025,
  3181. 136: 1049601,
  3182. 152: 33555456,
  3183. 168: 34603008,
  3184. 184: 1048577,
  3185. 200: 1024,
  3186. 216: 34604033,
  3187. 232: 1,
  3188. 248: 1049600,
  3189. 256: 33554432,
  3190. 272: 1048576,
  3191. 288: 33555457,
  3192. 304: 34603009,
  3193. 320: 1048577,
  3194. 336: 33555456,
  3195. 352: 34604032,
  3196. 368: 1049601,
  3197. 384: 1025,
  3198. 400: 34604033,
  3199. 416: 1049600,
  3200. 432: 1,
  3201. 448: 0,
  3202. 464: 34603008,
  3203. 480: 33554433,
  3204. 496: 1024,
  3205. 264: 1049600,
  3206. 280: 33555457,
  3207. 296: 34603009,
  3208. 312: 1,
  3209. 328: 33554432,
  3210. 344: 1048576,
  3211. 360: 1025,
  3212. 376: 34604032,
  3213. 392: 33554433,
  3214. 408: 34603008,
  3215. 424: 0,
  3216. 440: 34604033,
  3217. 456: 1049601,
  3218. 472: 1024,
  3219. 488: 33555456,
  3220. 504: 1048577
  3221. }, {
  3222. 0: 134219808,
  3223. 1: 131072,
  3224. 2: 134217728,
  3225. 3: 32,
  3226. 4: 131104,
  3227. 5: 134350880,
  3228. 6: 134350848,
  3229. 7: 2048,
  3230. 8: 134348800,
  3231. 9: 134219776,
  3232. 10: 133120,
  3233. 11: 134348832,
  3234. 12: 2080,
  3235. 13: 0,
  3236. 14: 134217760,
  3237. 15: 133152,
  3238. 2147483648: 2048,
  3239. 2147483649: 134350880,
  3240. 2147483650: 134219808,
  3241. 2147483651: 134217728,
  3242. 2147483652: 134348800,
  3243. 2147483653: 133120,
  3244. 2147483654: 133152,
  3245. 2147483655: 32,
  3246. 2147483656: 134217760,
  3247. 2147483657: 2080,
  3248. 2147483658: 131104,
  3249. 2147483659: 134350848,
  3250. 2147483660: 0,
  3251. 2147483661: 134348832,
  3252. 2147483662: 134219776,
  3253. 2147483663: 131072,
  3254. 16: 133152,
  3255. 17: 134350848,
  3256. 18: 32,
  3257. 19: 2048,
  3258. 20: 134219776,
  3259. 21: 134217760,
  3260. 22: 134348832,
  3261. 23: 131072,
  3262. 24: 0,
  3263. 25: 131104,
  3264. 26: 134348800,
  3265. 27: 134219808,
  3266. 28: 134350880,
  3267. 29: 133120,
  3268. 30: 2080,
  3269. 31: 134217728,
  3270. 2147483664: 131072,
  3271. 2147483665: 2048,
  3272. 2147483666: 134348832,
  3273. 2147483667: 133152,
  3274. 2147483668: 32,
  3275. 2147483669: 134348800,
  3276. 2147483670: 134217728,
  3277. 2147483671: 134219808,
  3278. 2147483672: 134350880,
  3279. 2147483673: 134217760,
  3280. 2147483674: 134219776,
  3281. 2147483675: 0,
  3282. 2147483676: 133120,
  3283. 2147483677: 2080,
  3284. 2147483678: 131104,
  3285. 2147483679: 134350848
  3286. }],
  3287. c = [4160749569, 528482304, 33030144, 2064384, 129024, 8064, 504, 2147483679],
  3288. h = o.DES = i.extend({
  3289. _doReset: function() {
  3290. for (var t = this._key.words, e = [], r = 0; r < 56; r++) {
  3291. var n = s[r] - 1;
  3292. e[r] = t[n >>> 5] >>> 31 - n % 32 & 1
  3293. }
  3294. for (var i = this._subKeys = [], o = 0; o < 16; o++) {
  3295. var u = i[o] = [],
  3296. c = f[o];
  3297. for (r = 0; r < 24; r++) u[r / 6 | 0] |= e[(a[r] - 1 + c) % 28] << 31 - r % 6, u[4 + (r / 6 | 0)] |= e[28 + (a[r + 24] - 1 + c) % 28] << 31 - r % 6;
  3298. for (u[0] = u[0] << 1 | u[0] >>> 31, r = 1; r < 7; r++) u[r] = u[r] >>> 4 * (r - 1) + 3;
  3299. u[7] = u[7] << 5 | u[7] >>> 27
  3300. }
  3301. var h = this._invSubKeys = [];
  3302. for (r = 0; r < 16; r++) h[r] = i[15 - r]
  3303. },
  3304. encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  3305. this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._subKeys)
  3306. },
  3307. decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  3308. this._doCryptBlock(t, e, this._invSubKeys)
  3309. },
  3310. _doCryptBlock: function(t, e, r) {
  3311. this._lBlock = t[e], this._rBlock = t[e + 1],, 4, 252645135),, 16, 65535),, 2, 858993459),, 8, 16711935),, 1, 1431655765);
  3312. for (var n = 0; n < 16; n++) {
  3313. for (var i = r[n], o = this._lBlock, s = this._rBlock, a = 0, f = 0; f < 8; f++) a |= u[f][((s ^ i[f]) & c[f]) >>> 0];
  3314. this._lBlock = s, this._rBlock = o ^ a
  3315. }
  3316. var h = this._lBlock;
  3317. this._lBlock = this._rBlock, this._rBlock = h,, 1, 1431655765),, 8, 16711935),, 2, 858993459),, 16, 65535),, 4, 252645135), t[e] = this._lBlock, t[e + 1] = this._rBlock
  3318. },
  3319. keySize: 2,
  3320. ivSize: 2,
  3321. blockSize: 2
  3322. });
  3323. function p(t, e) {
  3324. var r = (this._lBlock >>> t ^ this._rBlock) & e;
  3325. this._rBlock ^= r, this._lBlock ^= r << t
  3326. }
  3327. function l(t, e) {
  3328. var r = (this._rBlock >>> t ^ this._lBlock) & e;
  3329. this._lBlock ^= r, this._rBlock ^= r << t
  3330. }
  3331. t.DES = i._createHelper(h);
  3332. var y = o.TripleDES = i.extend({
  3333. _doReset: function() {
  3334. var t = this._key.words;
  3335. this._des1 = h.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(0, 2))), this._des2 = h.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(2, 4))), this._des3 = h.createEncryptor(r.create(t.slice(4, 6)))
  3336. },
  3337. encryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  3338. this._des1.encryptBlock(t, e), this._des2.decryptBlock(t, e), this._des3.encryptBlock(t, e)
  3339. },
  3340. decryptBlock: function(t, e) {
  3341. this._des3.decryptBlock(t, e), this._des2.encryptBlock(t, e), this._des1.decryptBlock(t, e)
  3342. },
  3343. keySize: 6,
  3344. ivSize: 2,
  3345. blockSize: 2
  3346. });
  3347. t.TripleDES = i._createHelper(y)
  3348. }(), n.TripleDES)
  3349. },
  3350. 3240: function(t, e, r) {
  3351. var n, i, o, s, a, f;
  3352. t.exports = (n = r(9021), o = (i = n).lib, s = o.Base, a = o.WordArray, (f = i.x64 = {}).Word = s.extend({
  3353. init: function(t, e) {
  3354. this.high = t, this.low = e
  3355. }
  3356. }), f.WordArray = s.extend({
  3357. init: function(t, e) {
  3358. t = this.words = t || [], this.sigBytes = null != e ? e : 8 * t.length
  3359. },
  3360. toX32: function() {
  3361. for (var t = this.words, e = t.length, r = [], n = 0; n < e; n++) {
  3362. var i = t[n];
  3363. r.push(i.high), r.push(i.low)
  3364. }
  3365. return a.create(r, this.sigBytes)
  3366. },
  3367. clone: function() {
  3368. for (var t =, e = t.words = this.words.slice(0), r = e.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) e[n] = e[n].clone();
  3369. return t
  3370. }
  3371. }), n)
  3372. },
  3373. 41: (t, e, r) => {
  3374. "use strict";
  3375. var n = r(655),
  3376. i = r(8068),
  3377. o = r(9675),
  3378. s = r(5795);
  3379. t.exports = function(t, e, r) {
  3380. if (!t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t) throw new o("`obj` must be an object or a function`");
  3381. if ("string" != typeof e && "symbol" != typeof e) throw new o("`property` must be a string or a symbol`");
  3382. if (arguments.length > 3 && "boolean" != typeof arguments[3] && null !== arguments[3]) throw new o("`nonEnumerable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
  3383. if (arguments.length > 4 && "boolean" != typeof arguments[4] && null !== arguments[4]) throw new o("`nonWritable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
  3384. if (arguments.length > 5 && "boolean" != typeof arguments[5] && null !== arguments[5]) throw new o("`nonConfigurable`, if provided, must be a boolean or null");
  3385. if (arguments.length > 6 && "boolean" != typeof arguments[6]) throw new o("`loose`, if provided, must be a boolean");
  3386. var a = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : null,
  3387. f = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : null,
  3388. u = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : null,
  3389. c = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6],
  3390. h = !!s && s(t, e);
  3391. if (n) n(t, e, {
  3392. configurable: null === u && h ? h.configurable : !u,
  3393. enumerable: null === a && h ? h.enumerable : !a,
  3394. value: r,
  3395. writable: null === f && h ? h.writable : !f
  3396. });
  3397. else {
  3398. if (!c && (a || f || u)) throw new i("This environment does not support defining a property as non-configurable, non-writable, or non-enumerable.");
  3399. t[e] = r
  3400. }
  3401. }
  3402. },
  3403. 655: (t, e, r) => {
  3404. "use strict";
  3405. var n = r(453)("%Object.defineProperty%", !0) || !1;
  3406. if (n) try {
  3407. n({}, "a", {
  3408. value: 1
  3409. })
  3410. } catch (t) {
  3411. n = !1
  3412. }
  3413. t.exports = n
  3414. },
  3415. 1237: t => {
  3416. "use strict";
  3417. t.exports = EvalError
  3418. },
  3419. 9383: t => {
  3420. "use strict";
  3421. t.exports = Error
  3422. },
  3423. 9290: t => {
  3424. "use strict";
  3425. t.exports = RangeError
  3426. },
  3427. 9538: t => {
  3428. "use strict";
  3429. t.exports = ReferenceError
  3430. },
  3431. 8068: t => {
  3432. "use strict";
  3433. t.exports = SyntaxError
  3434. },
  3435. 9675: t => {
  3436. "use strict";
  3437. t.exports = TypeError
  3438. },
  3439. 5345: t => {
  3440. "use strict";
  3441. t.exports = URIError
  3442. },
  3443. 9353: t => {
  3444. "use strict";
  3445. var e = Object.prototype.toString,
  3446. r = Math.max,
  3447. n = function(t, e) {
  3448. for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 1) r[n] = t[n];
  3449. for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i += 1) r[i + t.length] = e[i];
  3450. return r
  3451. };
  3452. t.exports = function(t) {
  3453. var i = this;
  3454. if ("function" != typeof i || "[object Function]" !== e.apply(i)) throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible " + i);
  3455. for (var o, s = function(t, e) {
  3456. for (var r = [], n = 1, i = 0; n < t.length; n += 1, i += 1) r[i] = t[n];
  3457. return r
  3458. }(arguments), a = r(0, i.length - s.length), f = [], u = 0; u < a; u++) f[u] = "$" + u;
  3459. if (o = Function("binder", "return function (" + function(t, e) {
  3460. for (var r = "", n = 0; n < t.length; n += 1) r += t[n], n + 1 < t.length && (r += ",");
  3461. return r
  3462. }(f) + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")((function() {
  3463. if (this instanceof o) {
  3464. var e = i.apply(this, n(s, arguments));
  3465. return Object(e) === e ? e : this
  3466. }
  3467. return i.apply(t, n(s, arguments))
  3468. })), i.prototype) {
  3469. var c = function() {};
  3470. c.prototype = i.prototype, o.prototype = new c, c.prototype = null
  3471. }
  3472. return o
  3473. }
  3474. },
  3475. 6743: (t, e, r) => {
  3476. "use strict";
  3477. var n = r(9353);
  3478. t.exports = Function.prototype.bind || n
  3479. },
  3480. 453: (t, e, r) => {
  3481. "use strict";
  3482. var n, i = r(9383),
  3483. o = r(1237),
  3484. s = r(9290),
  3485. a = r(9538),
  3486. f = r(8068),
  3487. u = r(9675),
  3488. c = r(5345),
  3489. h = Function,
  3490. p = function(t) {
  3491. try {
  3492. return h('"use strict"; return (' + t + ").constructor;")()
  3493. } catch (t) {}
  3494. },
  3495. l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  3496. if (l) try {
  3497. l({}, "")
  3498. } catch (t) {
  3499. l = null
  3500. }
  3501. var y = function() {
  3502. throw new u
  3503. },
  3504. g = l ? function() {
  3505. try {
  3506. return y
  3507. } catch (t) {
  3508. try {
  3509. return l(arguments, "callee").get
  3510. } catch (t) {
  3511. return y
  3512. }
  3513. }
  3514. }() : y,
  3515. d = r(4039)(),
  3516. v = r(24)(),
  3517. m = Object.getPrototypeOf || (v ? function(t) {
  3518. return t.__proto__
  3519. } : null),
  3520. S = {},
  3521. _ = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array && m ? m(Uint8Array) : n,
  3522. b = {
  3523. __proto__: null,
  3524. "%AggregateError%": "undefined" == typeof AggregateError ? n : AggregateError,
  3525. "%Array%": Array,
  3526. "%ArrayBuffer%": "undefined" == typeof ArrayBuffer ? n : ArrayBuffer,
  3527. "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": d && m ? m([][Symbol.iterator]()) : n,
  3528. "%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": n,
  3529. "%AsyncFunction%": S,
  3530. "%AsyncGenerator%": S,
  3531. "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": S,
  3532. "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": S,
  3533. "%Atomics%": "undefined" == typeof Atomics ? n : Atomics,
  3534. "%BigInt%": "undefined" == typeof BigInt ? n : BigInt,
  3535. "%BigInt64Array%": "undefined" == typeof BigInt64Array ? n : BigInt64Array,
  3536. "%BigUint64Array%": "undefined" == typeof BigUint64Array ? n : BigUint64Array,
  3537. "%Boolean%": Boolean,
  3538. "%DataView%": "undefined" == typeof DataView ? n : DataView,
  3539. "%Date%": Date,
  3540. "%decodeURI%": decodeURI,
  3541. "%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent,
  3542. "%encodeURI%": encodeURI,
  3543. "%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent,
  3544. "%Error%": i,
  3545. "%eval%": eval,
  3546. "%EvalError%": o,
  3547. "%Float32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? n : Float32Array,
  3548. "%Float64Array%": "undefined" == typeof Float64Array ? n : Float64Array,
  3549. "%FinalizationRegistry%": "undefined" == typeof FinalizationRegistry ? n : FinalizationRegistry,
  3550. "%Function%": h,
  3551. "%GeneratorFunction%": S,
  3552. "%Int8Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int8Array ? n : Int8Array,
  3553. "%Int16Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int16Array ? n : Int16Array,
  3554. "%Int32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int32Array ? n : Int32Array,
  3555. "%isFinite%": isFinite,
  3556. "%isNaN%": isNaN,
  3557. "%IteratorPrototype%": d && m ? m(m([][Symbol.iterator]())) : n,
  3558. "%JSON%": "object" == typeof JSON ? JSON : n,
  3559. "%Map%": "undefined" == typeof Map ? n : Map,
  3560. "%MapIteratorPrototype%": "undefined" != typeof Map && d && m ? m((new Map)[Symbol.iterator]()) : n,
  3561. "%Math%": Math,
  3562. "%Number%": Number,
  3563. "%Object%": Object,
  3564. "%parseFloat%": parseFloat,
  3565. "%parseInt%": parseInt,
  3566. "%Promise%": "undefined" == typeof Promise ? n : Promise,
  3567. "%Proxy%": "undefined" == typeof Proxy ? n : Proxy,
  3568. "%RangeError%": s,
  3569. "%ReferenceError%": a,
  3570. "%Reflect%": "undefined" == typeof Reflect ? n : Reflect,
  3571. "%RegExp%": RegExp,
  3572. "%Set%": "undefined" == typeof Set ? n : Set,
  3573. "%SetIteratorPrototype%": "undefined" != typeof Set && d && m ? m((new Set)[Symbol.iterator]()) : n,
  3574. "%SharedArrayBuffer%": "undefined" == typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? n : SharedArrayBuffer,
  3575. "%String%": String,
  3576. "%StringIteratorPrototype%": d && m ? m("" [Symbol.iterator]()) : n,
  3577. "%Symbol%": d ? Symbol : n,
  3578. "%SyntaxError%": f,
  3579. "%ThrowTypeError%": g,
  3580. "%TypedArray%": _,
  3581. "%TypeError%": u,
  3582. "%Uint8Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? n : Uint8Array,
  3583. "%Uint8ClampedArray%": "undefined" == typeof Uint8ClampedArray ? n : Uint8ClampedArray,
  3584. "%Uint16Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint16Array ? n : Uint16Array,
  3585. "%Uint32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint32Array ? n : Uint32Array,
  3586. "%URIError%": c,
  3587. "%WeakMap%": "undefined" == typeof WeakMap ? n : WeakMap,
  3588. "%WeakRef%": "undefined" == typeof WeakRef ? n : WeakRef,
  3589. "%WeakSet%": "undefined" == typeof WeakSet ? n : WeakSet
  3590. };
  3591. if (m) try {
  3592. null.error
  3593. } catch (t) {
  3594. var E = m(m(t));
  3595. b["%Error.prototype%"] = E
  3596. }
  3597. var w = function t(e) {
  3598. var r;
  3599. if ("%AsyncFunction%" === e) r = p("async function () {}");
  3600. else if ("%GeneratorFunction%" === e) r = p("function* () {}");
  3601. else if ("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%" === e) r = p("async function* () {}");
  3602. else if ("%AsyncGenerator%" === e) {
  3603. var n = t("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%");
  3604. n && (r = n.prototype)
  3605. } else if ("%AsyncIteratorPrototype%" === e) {
  3606. var i = t("%AsyncGenerator%");
  3607. i && m && (r = m(i.prototype))
  3608. }
  3609. return b[e] = r, r
  3610. },
  3611. O = {
  3612. __proto__: null,
  3613. "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
  3614. "%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"],
  3615. "%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"],
  3616. "%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"],
  3617. "%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"],
  3618. "%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"],
  3619. "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"],
  3620. "%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
  3621. "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
  3622. "%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"],
  3623. "%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"],
  3624. "%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"],
  3625. "%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"],
  3626. "%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"],
  3627. "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"],
  3628. "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"],
  3629. "%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"],
  3630. "%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"],
  3631. "%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"],
  3632. "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"],
  3633. "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"],
  3634. "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"],
  3635. "%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"],
  3636. "%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"],
  3637. "%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"],
  3638. "%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"],
  3639. "%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"],
  3640. "%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"],
  3641. "%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"],
  3642. "%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"],
  3643. "%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"],
  3644. "%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"],
  3645. "%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"],
  3646. "%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"],
  3647. "%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"],
  3648. "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"],
  3649. "%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"],
  3650. "%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"],
  3651. "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"],
  3652. "%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"],
  3653. "%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"],
  3654. "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"],
  3655. "%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"],
  3656. "%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"],
  3657. "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"],
  3658. "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"],
  3659. "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"],
  3660. "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"],
  3661. "%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"],
  3662. "%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"],
  3663. "%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"]
  3664. },
  3665. B = r(6743),
  3666. A = r(9957),
  3667. x =, Array.prototype.concat),
  3668. P =, Array.prototype.splice),
  3669. T =, String.prototype.replace),
  3670. I =, String.prototype.slice),
  3671. k =, RegExp.prototype.exec),
  3672. D = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g,
  3673. R = /\\(\\)?/g,
  3674. N = function(t, e) {
  3675. var r, n = t;
  3676. if (A(O, n) && (n = "%" + (r = O[n])[0] + "%"), A(b, n)) {
  3677. var i = b[n];
  3678. if (i === S && (i = w(n)), void 0 === i && !e) throw new u("intrinsic " + t + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");
  3679. return {
  3680. alias: r,
  3681. name: n,
  3682. value: i
  3683. }
  3684. }
  3685. throw new f("intrinsic " + t + " does not exist!")
  3686. };
  3687. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  3688. if ("string" != typeof t || 0 === t.length) throw new u("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");
  3689. if (arguments.length > 1 && "boolean" != typeof e) throw new u('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
  3690. if (null === k(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, t)) throw new f("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name");
  3691. var r = function(t) {
  3692. var e = I(t, 0, 1),
  3693. r = I(t, -1);
  3694. if ("%" === e && "%" !== r) throw new f("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");
  3695. if ("%" === r && "%" !== e) throw new f("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");
  3696. var n = [];
  3697. return T(t, D, (function(t, e, r, i) {
  3698. n[n.length] = r ? T(i, R, "$1") : e || t
  3699. })), n
  3700. }(t),
  3701. n = r.length > 0 ? r[0] : "",
  3702. i = N("%" + n + "%", e),
  3703. o =,
  3704. s = i.value,
  3705. a = !1,
  3706. c = i.alias;
  3707. c && (n = c[0], P(r, x([0, 1], c)));
  3708. for (var h = 1, p = !0; h < r.length; h += 1) {
  3709. var y = r[h],
  3710. g = I(y, 0, 1),
  3711. d = I(y, -1);
  3712. if (('"' === g || "'" === g || "`" === g || '"' === d || "'" === d || "`" === d) && g !== d) throw new f("property names with quotes must have matching quotes");
  3713. if ("constructor" !== y && p || (a = !0), A(b, o = "%" + (n += "." + y) + "%")) s = b[o];
  3714. else if (null != s) {
  3715. if (!(y in s)) {
  3716. if (!e) throw new u("base intrinsic for " + t + " exists, but the property is not available.");
  3717. return
  3718. }
  3719. if (l && h + 1 >= r.length) {
  3720. var v = l(s, y);
  3721. s = (p = !!v) && "get" in v && !("originalValue" in v.get) ? v.get : s[y]
  3722. } else p = A(s, y), s = s[y];
  3723. p && !a && (b[o] = s)
  3724. }
  3725. }
  3726. return s
  3727. }
  3728. },
  3729. 5795: (t, e, r) => {
  3730. "use strict";
  3731. var n = r(453)("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0);
  3732. if (n) try {
  3733. n([], "length")
  3734. } catch (t) {
  3735. n = null
  3736. }
  3737. t.exports = n
  3738. },
  3739. 592: (t, e, r) => {
  3740. "use strict";
  3741. var n = r(655),
  3742. i = function() {
  3743. return !!n
  3744. };
  3745. i.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = function() {
  3746. if (!n) return null;
  3747. try {
  3748. return 1 !== n([], "length", {
  3749. value: 1
  3750. }).length
  3751. } catch (t) {
  3752. return !0
  3753. }
  3754. }, t.exports = i
  3755. },
  3756. 24: t => {
  3757. "use strict";
  3758. var e = {
  3759. __proto__: null,
  3760. foo: {}
  3761. },
  3762. r = Object;
  3763. t.exports = function() {
  3764. return {
  3765. __proto__: e
  3766. }.foo === && !(e instanceof r)
  3767. }
  3768. },
  3769. 4039: (t, e, r) => {
  3770. "use strict";
  3771. var n = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol,
  3772. i = r(1333);
  3773. t.exports = function() {
  3774. return "function" == typeof n && "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof n("foo") && "symbol" == typeof Symbol("bar") && i()
  3775. }
  3776. },
  3777. 1333: t => {
  3778. "use strict";
  3779. t.exports = function() {
  3780. if ("function" != typeof Symbol || "function" != typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) return !1;
  3781. if ("symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator) return !0;
  3782. var t = {},
  3783. e = Symbol("test"),
  3784. r = Object(e);
  3785. if ("string" == typeof e) return !1;
  3786. if ("[object Symbol]" !== return !1;
  3787. if ("[object Symbol]" !== return !1;
  3788. for (e in t[e] = 42, t) return !1;
  3789. if ("function" == typeof Object.keys && 0 !== Object.keys(t).length) return !1;
  3790. if ("function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames && 0 !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).length) return !1;
  3791. var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
  3792. if (1 !== n.length || n[0] !== e) return !1;
  3793. if (!, e)) return !1;
  3794. if ("function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
  3795. var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);
  3796. if (42 !== i.value || !0 !== i.enumerable) return !1
  3797. }
  3798. return !0
  3799. }
  3800. },
  3801. 9957: (t, e, r) => {
  3802. "use strict";
  3803. var n =,
  3804. i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
  3805. o = r(6743);
  3806. t.exports =, i)
  3807. },
  3808. 251: (t, e) => {
  3809. = function(t, e, r, n, i) {
  3810. var o, s, a = 8 * i - n - 1,
  3811. f = (1 << a) - 1,
  3812. u = f >> 1,
  3813. c = -7,
  3814. h = r ? i - 1 : 0,
  3815. p = r ? -1 : 1,
  3816. l = t[e + h];
  3817. for (h += p, o = l & (1 << -c) - 1, l >>= -c, c += a; c > 0; o = 256 * o + t[e + h], h += p, c -= 8);
  3818. for (s = o & (1 << -c) - 1, o >>= -c, c += n; c > 0; s = 256 * s + t[e + h], h += p, c -= 8);
  3819. if (0 === o) o = 1 - u;
  3820. else {
  3821. if (o === f) return s ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (l ? -1 : 1);
  3822. s += Math.pow(2, n), o -= u
  3823. }
  3824. return (l ? -1 : 1) * s * Math.pow(2, o - n)
  3825. }, e.write = function(t, e, r, n, i, o) {
  3826. var s, a, f, u = 8 * o - i - 1,
  3827. c = (1 << u) - 1,
  3828. h = c >> 1,
  3829. p = 23 === i ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0,
  3830. l = n ? 0 : o - 1,
  3831. y = n ? 1 : -1,
  3832. g = e < 0 || 0 === e && 1 / e < 0 ? 1 : 0;
  3833. for (e = Math.abs(e), isNaN(e) || e === 1 / 0 ? (a = isNaN(e) ? 1 : 0, s = c) : (s = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.LN2), e * (f = Math.pow(2, -s)) < 1 && (s--, f *= 2), (e += s + h >= 1 ? p / f : p * Math.pow(2, 1 - h)) * f >= 2 && (s++, f /= 2), s + h >= c ? (a = 0, s = c) : s + h >= 1 ? (a = (e * f - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), s += h) : (a = e * Math.pow(2, h - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), s = 0)); i >= 8; t[r + l] = 255 & a, l += y, a /= 256, i -= 8);
  3834. for (s = s << i | a, u += i; u > 0; t[r + l] = 255 & s, l += y, s /= 256, u -= 8);
  3835. t[r + l - y] |= 128 * g
  3836. }
  3837. },
  3838. 3229: (t, e, r) => {
  3839. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  3840. i = r(7449),
  3841. o = r(5682),
  3842. s = (r(3200), r(3100).Ber, r(8226)._),
  3843. a = r(8226),
  3844. f = r(1768),
  3845. u = r(7460);
  3846. void 0 === i.RSA_NO_PADDING && (i.RSA_NO_PADDING = 3), t.exports = function() {
  3847. var t = {
  3848. node10: ["md4", "md5", "ripemd160", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"],
  3849. node: ["md4", "md5", "ripemd160", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"],
  3850. iojs: ["md4", "md5", "ripemd160", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"],
  3851. browser: ["md5", "ripemd160", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512"]
  3852. },
  3853. e = "pkcs1_oaep",
  3854. r = "pkcs1",
  3855. i = {
  3856. private: "pkcs1-private-pem",
  3857. "private-der": "pkcs1-private-der",
  3858. public: "pkcs8-public-pem",
  3859. "public-der": "pkcs8-public-der"
  3860. };
  3861. function c(t, i, f) {
  3862. if (!(this instanceof c)) return new c(t, i, f);
  3863. s.isObject(i) && (f = i, i = void 0), this.$options = {
  3864. signingScheme: r,
  3865. signingSchemeOptions: {
  3866. hash: "sha256",
  3867. saltLength: null
  3868. },
  3869. encryptionScheme: e,
  3870. encryptionSchemeOptions: {
  3871. hash: "sha1",
  3872. label: null
  3873. },
  3874. environment: a.detectEnvironment(),
  3875. rsaUtils: this
  3876. }, this.keyPair = new o.Key, this.$cache = {}, n.isBuffer(t) || s.isString(t) ? this.importKey(t, i) : s.isObject(t) && this.generateKeyPair(t.b, t.e), this.setOptions(f)
  3877. }
  3878. return c.prototype.setOptions = function(n) {
  3879. if ((n = n || {}).environment && (this.$options.environment = n.environment), n.signingScheme) {
  3880. if (s.isString(n.signingScheme)) {
  3881. var i = n.signingScheme.toLowerCase().split("-");
  3882. 1 == i.length ? t.node.indexOf(i[0]) > -1 ? (this.$options.signingSchemeOptions = {
  3883. hash: i[0]
  3884. }, this.$options.signingScheme = r) : (this.$options.signingScheme = i[0], this.$options.signingSchemeOptions = {
  3885. hash: null
  3886. }) : (this.$options.signingSchemeOptions = {
  3887. hash: i[1]
  3888. }, this.$options.signingScheme = i[0])
  3889. } else s.isObject(n.signingScheme) && (this.$options.signingScheme = n.signingScheme.scheme || r, this.$options.signingSchemeOptions = s.omit(n.signingScheme, "scheme"));
  3890. if (!f.isSignature(this.$options.signingScheme)) throw Error("Unsupported signing scheme");
  3891. if (this.$options.signingSchemeOptions.hash && -1 === t[this.$options.environment].indexOf(this.$options.signingSchemeOptions.hash)) throw Error("Unsupported hashing algorithm for " + this.$options.environment + " environment")
  3892. }
  3893. if (n.encryptionScheme) {
  3894. if (s.isString(n.encryptionScheme) ? (this.$options.encryptionScheme = n.encryptionScheme.toLowerCase(), this.$options.encryptionSchemeOptions = {}) : s.isObject(n.encryptionScheme) && (this.$options.encryptionScheme = n.encryptionScheme.scheme || e, this.$options.encryptionSchemeOptions = s.omit(n.encryptionScheme, "scheme")), !f.isEncryption(this.$options.encryptionScheme)) throw Error("Unsupported encryption scheme");
  3895. if (this.$options.encryptionSchemeOptions.hash && -1 === t[this.$options.environment].indexOf(this.$options.encryptionSchemeOptions.hash)) throw Error("Unsupported hashing algorithm for " + this.$options.environment + " environment")
  3896. }
  3897. this.keyPair.setOptions(this.$options)
  3898. }, c.prototype.generateKeyPair = function(t, e) {
  3899. if (e = e || 65537, (t = t || 2048) % 8 != 0) throw Error("Key size must be a multiple of 8.");
  3900. return this.keyPair.generate(t, e.toString(16)), this.$cache = {}, this
  3901. }, c.prototype.importKey = function(t, e) {
  3902. if (!t) throw Error("Empty key given");
  3903. if (e && (e = i[e] || e), !u.detectAndImport(this.keyPair, t, e) && void 0 === e) throw Error("Key format must be specified");
  3904. return this.$cache = {}, this
  3905. }, c.prototype.exportKey = function(t) {
  3906. return t = i[t = t || "private"] || t, this.$cache[t] || (this.$cache[t] = u.detectAndExport(this.keyPair, t)), this.$cache[t]
  3907. }, c.prototype.isPrivate = function() {
  3908. return this.keyPair.isPrivate()
  3909. }, c.prototype.isPublic = function(t) {
  3910. return this.keyPair.isPublic(t)
  3911. }, c.prototype.isEmpty = function(t) {
  3912. return !(this.keyPair.n || this.keyPair.e || this.keyPair.d)
  3913. }, c.prototype.encrypt = function(t, e, r) {
  3914. return this.$$encryptKey(!1, t, e, r)
  3915. }, c.prototype.decrypt = function(t, e) {
  3916. return this.$$decryptKey(!1, t, e)
  3917. }, c.prototype.encryptPrivate = function(t, e, r) {
  3918. return this.$$encryptKey(!0, t, e, r)
  3919. }, c.prototype.decryptPublic = function(t, e) {
  3920. return this.$$decryptKey(!0, t, e)
  3921. }, c.prototype.$$encryptKey = function(t, e, r, n) {
  3922. try {
  3923. var i = this.keyPair.encrypt(this.$getDataForEncrypt(e, n), t);
  3924. return "buffer" != r && r ? i.toString(r) : i
  3925. } catch (t) {
  3926. throw Error("Error during encryption. Original error: " + t)
  3927. }
  3928. }, c.prototype.$$decryptKey = function(t, e, r) {
  3929. try {
  3930. e = s.isString(e) ? n.from(e, "base64") : e;
  3931. var i = this.keyPair.decrypt(e, t);
  3932. if (null === i) throw Error("Key decrypt method returns null.");
  3933. return this.$getDecryptedData(i, r)
  3934. } catch (t) {
  3935. throw Error("Error during decryption (probably incorrect key). Original error: " + t)
  3936. }
  3937. }, c.prototype.sign = function(t, e, r) {
  3938. if (!this.isPrivate()) throw Error("This is not private key");
  3939. var n = this.keyPair.sign(this.$getDataForEncrypt(t, r));
  3940. return e && "buffer" != e && (n = n.toString(e)), n
  3941. }, c.prototype.verify = function(t, e, r, n) {
  3942. if (!this.isPublic()) throw Error("This is not public key");
  3943. return n = n && "buffer" != n ? n : null, this.keyPair.verify(this.$getDataForEncrypt(t, r), e, n)
  3944. }, c.prototype.getKeySize = function() {
  3945. return this.keyPair.keySize
  3946. }, c.prototype.getMaxMessageSize = function() {
  3947. return this.keyPair.maxMessageLength
  3948. }, c.prototype.$getDataForEncrypt = function(t, e) {
  3949. if (s.isString(t) || s.isNumber(t)) return n.from("" + t, e || "utf8");
  3950. if (n.isBuffer(t)) return t;
  3951. if (s.isObject(t)) return n.from(JSON.stringify(t));
  3952. throw Error("Unexpected data type")
  3953. }, c.prototype.$getDecryptedData = function(t, e) {
  3954. return "buffer" == (e = e || "buffer") ? t : "json" == e ? JSON.parse(t.toString()) : t.toString(e)
  3955. }, c
  3956. }()
  3957. },
  3958. 4538: (t, e, r) => {
  3959. var n = r(3200);
  3960. t.exports = {
  3961. getEngine: function(t, e) {
  3962. var i = r(7469);
  3963. return "node" === e.environment && "function" == typeof n.publicEncrypt && "function" == typeof n.privateDecrypt && (i = "function" == typeof n.privateEncrypt && "function" == typeof n.publicDecrypt ? r(2418) : r(1957)), i(t, e)
  3964. }
  3965. }
  3966. },
  3967. 2418: (t, e, r) => {
  3968. var n = r(3200),
  3969. i = r(7449),
  3970. o = r(1768);
  3971. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  3972. var r = o.pkcs1.makeScheme(t, e);
  3973. return {
  3974. encrypt: function(t, o) {
  3975. var s;
  3976. if (o) return s = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING, e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (s = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding), n.privateEncrypt({
  3977. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("private"),
  3978. padding: s
  3979. }, t);
  3980. s = i.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING, "pkcs1" === e.encryptionScheme && (s = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING), e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (s = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding);
  3981. var a = t;
  3982. return s === i.RSA_NO_PADDING && (a = r.pkcs0pad(t)), n.publicEncrypt({
  3983. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("public"),
  3984. padding: s
  3985. }, a)
  3986. },
  3987. decrypt: function(t, o) {
  3988. var s;
  3989. if (o) return s = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING, e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (s = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding), n.publicDecrypt({
  3990. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("public"),
  3991. padding: s
  3992. }, t);
  3993. s = i.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING, "pkcs1" === e.encryptionScheme && (s = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING), e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (s = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding);
  3994. var a = n.privateDecrypt({
  3995. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("private"),
  3996. padding: s
  3997. }, t);
  3998. return s === i.RSA_NO_PADDING ? r.pkcs0unpad(a) : a
  3999. }
  4000. }
  4001. }
  4002. },
  4003. 7469: (t, e, r) => {
  4004. var n = r(1973),
  4005. i = r(1768);
  4006. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  4007. var r = i.pkcs1.makeScheme(t, e);
  4008. return {
  4009. encrypt: function(e, i) {
  4010. var o, s;
  4011. return i ? (o = new n(r.encPad(e, {
  4012. type: 1
  4013. })), s = t.$doPrivate(o)) : (o = new n(t.encryptionScheme.encPad(e)), s = t.$doPublic(o)), s.toBuffer(t.encryptedDataLength)
  4014. },
  4015. decrypt: function(e, i) {
  4016. var o, s = new n(e);
  4017. return i ? (o = t.$doPublic(s), r.encUnPad(o.toBuffer(t.encryptedDataLength), {
  4018. type: 1
  4019. })) : (o = t.$doPrivate(s), t.encryptionScheme.encUnPad(o.toBuffer(t.encryptedDataLength)))
  4020. }
  4021. }
  4022. }
  4023. },
  4024. 1957: (t, e, r) => {
  4025. var n = r(3200),
  4026. i = r(7449),
  4027. o = r(1768);
  4028. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  4029. var s = r(7469)(t, e),
  4030. a = o.pkcs1.makeScheme(t, e);
  4031. return {
  4032. encrypt: function(t, r) {
  4033. if (r) return s.encrypt(t, r);
  4034. var o = i.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING;
  4035. "pkcs1" === e.encryptionScheme && (o = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING), e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (o = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding);
  4036. var f = t;
  4037. return o === i.RSA_NO_PADDING && (f = a.pkcs0pad(t)), n.publicEncrypt({
  4038. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("public"),
  4039. padding: o
  4040. }, f)
  4041. },
  4042. decrypt: function(t, r) {
  4043. if (r) return s.decrypt(t, r);
  4044. var o = i.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING;
  4045. "pkcs1" === e.encryptionScheme && (o = i.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING), e.encryptionSchemeOptions && e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding && (o = e.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding);
  4046. var f = n.privateDecrypt({
  4047. key: e.rsaUtils.exportKey("private"),
  4048. padding: o
  4049. }, t);
  4050. return o === i.RSA_NO_PADDING ? a.pkcs0unpad(f) : f
  4051. }
  4052. }
  4053. }
  4054. },
  4055. 3374: (t, e, r) => {
  4056. r(8226)._, r(8226), t.exports = {
  4057. privateExport: function(t, e) {
  4058. return {
  4059. n: t.n.toBuffer(),
  4060. e: t.e,
  4061. d: t.d.toBuffer(),
  4062. p: t.p.toBuffer(),
  4063. q: t.q.toBuffer(),
  4064. dmp1: t.dmp1.toBuffer(),
  4065. dmq1: t.dmq1.toBuffer(),
  4066. coeff: t.coeff.toBuffer()
  4067. }
  4068. },
  4069. privateImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4070. if (!(e.n && e.e && e.d && e.p && e.q && e.dmp1 && e.dmq1 && e.coeff)) throw Error("Invalid key data");
  4071. t.setPrivate(e.n, e.e, e.d, e.p, e.q, e.dmp1, e.dmq1, e.coeff)
  4072. },
  4073. publicExport: function(t, e) {
  4074. return {
  4075. n: t.n.toBuffer(),
  4076. e: t.e
  4077. }
  4078. },
  4079. publicImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4080. if (!e.n || !e.e) throw Error("Invalid key data");
  4081. t.setPublic(e.n, e.e)
  4082. },
  4083. autoImport: function(e, r) {
  4084. return !(!r.n || !r.e || (r.d && r.p && r.q && r.dmp1 && r.dmq1 && r.coeff ? (t.exports.privateImport(e, r), 0) : (t.exports.publicImport(e, r), 0)))
  4085. }
  4086. }
  4087. },
  4088. 7460: (t, e, r) => {
  4089. function n(t) {
  4090. t = t.split("-");
  4091. for (var e = "private", r = {
  4092. type: "default"
  4093. }, n = 1; n < t.length; n++)
  4094. if (t[n]) switch (t[n]) {
  4095. case "public":
  4096. case "private":
  4097. e = t[n];
  4098. break;
  4099. case "pem":
  4100. case "der":
  4101. r.type = t[n]
  4102. }
  4103. return {
  4104. scheme: t[0],
  4105. keyType: e,
  4106. keyOpt: r
  4107. }
  4108. }
  4109. r(8226)._, t.exports = {
  4110. pkcs1: r(6566),
  4111. pkcs8: r(8573),
  4112. components: r(3374),
  4113. openssh: r(3194),
  4114. isPrivateExport: function(e) {
  4115. return t.exports[e] && "function" == typeof t.exports[e].privateExport
  4116. },
  4117. isPrivateImport: function(e) {
  4118. return t.exports[e] && "function" == typeof t.exports[e].privateImport
  4119. },
  4120. isPublicExport: function(e) {
  4121. return t.exports[e] && "function" == typeof t.exports[e].publicExport
  4122. },
  4123. isPublicImport: function(e) {
  4124. return t.exports[e] && "function" == typeof t.exports[e].publicImport
  4125. },
  4126. detectAndImport: function(e, r, i) {
  4127. if (void 0 === i) {
  4128. for (var o in t.exports)
  4129. if ("function" == typeof t.exports[o].autoImport && t.exports[o].autoImport(e, r)) return !0
  4130. } else if (i) {
  4131. var s = n(i);
  4132. if (!t.exports[s.scheme]) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4133. "private" === s.keyType ? t.exports[s.scheme].privateImport(e, r, s.keyOpt) : t.exports[s.scheme].publicImport(e, r, s.keyOpt)
  4134. }
  4135. return !1
  4136. },
  4137. detectAndExport: function(e, r) {
  4138. if (r) {
  4139. var i = n(r);
  4140. if (t.exports[i.scheme]) {
  4141. if ("private" === i.keyType) {
  4142. if (!e.isPrivate()) throw Error("This is not private key");
  4143. return t.exports[i.scheme].privateExport(e, i.keyOpt)
  4144. }
  4145. if (!e.isPublic()) throw Error("This is not public key");
  4146. return t.exports[i.scheme].publicExport(e, i.keyOpt)
  4147. }
  4148. throw Error("Unsupported key format")
  4149. }
  4150. }
  4151. }
  4152. },
  4153. 3194: (t, e, r) => {
  4154. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  4155. i = r(8226)._,
  4156. o = r(8226),
  4157. s = r(1973);
  4158. const a = "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----",
  4159. f = "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----";
  4160. function u(t) {
  4161. const e = t.buf.readInt32BE(;
  4162. += 4;
  4163. const r = t.buf.slice(, + e);
  4164. return += e, r
  4165. }
  4166. function c(t, e) {
  4167. t.buf.writeInt32BE(e.byteLength,, += 4, += e.copy(t.buf,
  4168. }
  4169. t.exports = {
  4170. privateExport: function(t, e) {
  4171. const r = t.n.toBuffer();
  4172. let i = n.alloc(4);
  4173. for (i.writeUInt32BE(t.e, 0); 0 === i[0];) i = i.slice(1);
  4174. const s = t.d.toBuffer(),
  4175. u = t.coeff.toBuffer(),
  4176. h = t.p.toBuffer(),
  4177. p = t.q.toBuffer();
  4178. let l;
  4179. l = void 0 !== t.sshcomment ? n.from(t.sshcomment) : n.from([]);
  4180. const y = 15 + i.byteLength + 4 + r.byteLength,
  4181. g = 23 + r.byteLength + 4 + i.byteLength + 4 + s.byteLength + 4 + u.byteLength + 4 + h.byteLength + 4 + p.byteLength + 4 + l.byteLength;
  4182. let d = 43 + y + 4 + g;
  4183. d += 8 * Math.ceil(g / 8) - g;
  4184. const v = n.alloc(d),
  4185. m = {
  4186. buf: v,
  4187. off: 0
  4188. };
  4189. v.write("openssh-key-v1", "utf8"), v.writeUInt8(0, 14), += 15, c(m, n.from("none")), c(m, n.from("none")), c(m, n.from("")), = m.buf.writeUInt32BE(1,, = m.buf.writeUInt32BE(y,, c(m, n.from("ssh-rsa")), c(m, i), c(m, r), = m.buf.writeUInt32BE(d - 47 - y,, += 8, c(m, n.from("ssh-rsa")), c(m, r), c(m, i), c(m, s), c(m, u), c(m, h), c(m, p), c(m, l);
  4190. let S = 1;
  4191. for (; < d;) = m.buf.writeUInt8(S++,;
  4192. return "der" === e.type ? m.buf : a + "\n" + o.linebrk(v.toString("base64"), 70) + "\n" + f + "\n"
  4193. },
  4194. privateImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4195. var c;
  4196. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4197. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), !i.isString(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4198. var h = o.trimSurroundingText(e, a, f).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4199. c = n.from(h, "base64")
  4200. } else {
  4201. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4202. c = e
  4203. }
  4204. const p = {
  4205. buf: c,
  4206. off: 0
  4207. };
  4208. if ("openssh-key-v1" !== c.slice(0, 14).toString("ascii")) throw "Invalid file format.";
  4209. if ( += 15, "none" !== u(p).toString("ascii")) throw Error("Unsupported key type");
  4210. if ("none" !== u(p).toString("ascii")) throw Error("Unsupported key type");
  4211. if ("" !== u(p).toString("ascii")) throw Error("Unsupported key type");
  4212. if ( += 4, += 4, "ssh-rsa" !== u(p).toString("ascii")) throw Error("Unsupported key type");
  4213. if (u(p), u(p), += 12, "ssh-rsa" !== u(p).toString("ascii")) throw Error("Unsupported key type");
  4214. const l = u(p),
  4215. y = u(p),
  4216. g = u(p),
  4217. d = u(p),
  4218. v = u(p),
  4219. m = u(p),
  4220. S = new s(g),
  4221. _ = new s(m),
  4222. b = new s(v),
  4223. E = S.mod(b.subtract(s.ONE)),
  4224. w = S.mod(_.subtract(s.ONE));
  4225. t.setPrivate(l, y, g, v, m, E.toBuffer(), w.toBuffer(), d), t.sshcomment = u(p).toString("ascii")
  4226. },
  4227. publicExport: function(t, e) {
  4228. let r = n.alloc(4);
  4229. for (r.writeUInt32BE(t.e, 0); 0 === r[0];) r = r.slice(1);
  4230. const i = t.n.toBuffer(),
  4231. o = n.alloc(r.byteLength + 4 + i.byteLength + 4 + 7 + 4),
  4232. s = {
  4233. buf: o,
  4234. off: 0
  4235. };
  4236. c(s, n.from("ssh-rsa")), c(s, r), c(s, i);
  4237. let a = t.sshcomment || "";
  4238. return "der" === e.type ? s.buf : "ssh-rsa " + o.toString("base64") + " " + a + "\n"
  4239. },
  4240. publicImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4241. var o;
  4242. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4243. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), !i.isString(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4244. {
  4245. if ("ssh-rsa " !== e.substring(0, 8)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4246. let r = e.indexOf(" ", 8); - 1 === r ? r = e.length : t.sshcomment = e.substring(r + 1).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4247. const i = e.substring(8, r).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4248. o = n.from(i, "base64")
  4249. }
  4250. } else {
  4251. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4252. o = e
  4253. }
  4254. const s = {
  4255. buf: o,
  4256. off: 0
  4257. },
  4258. a = u(s).toString("ascii");
  4259. if ("ssh-rsa" !== a) throw Error("Invalid key type: " + a);
  4260. const f = u(s),
  4261. c = u(s);
  4262. t.setPublic(c, f)
  4263. },
  4264. autoImport: function(e, r) {
  4265. return /^[\S\s]*-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) ? (t.exports.privateImport(e, r), !0) : !!/^[\S\s]*ssh-rsa \s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) && (t.exports.publicImport(e, r), !0)
  4266. }
  4267. }
  4268. },
  4269. 6566: (t, e, r) => {
  4270. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  4271. i = r(3100).Ber,
  4272. o = r(8226)._,
  4273. s = r(8226);
  4274. const a = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
  4275. f = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
  4276. u = "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----",
  4277. c = "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----";
  4278. t.exports = {
  4279. privateExport: function(t, e) {
  4280. e = e || {};
  4281. var r = t.n.toBuffer(),
  4282. n = t.d.toBuffer(),
  4283. o = t.p.toBuffer(),
  4284. u = t.q.toBuffer(),
  4285. c = t.dmp1.toBuffer(),
  4286. h = t.dmq1.toBuffer(),
  4287. p = t.coeff.toBuffer(),
  4288. l = r.length + n.length + o.length + u.length + c.length + h.length + p.length + 512,
  4289. y = new i.Writer({
  4290. size: l
  4291. });
  4292. return y.startSequence(), y.writeInt(0), y.writeBuffer(r, 2), y.writeInt(t.e), y.writeBuffer(n, 2), y.writeBuffer(o, 2), y.writeBuffer(u, 2), y.writeBuffer(c, 2), y.writeBuffer(h, 2), y.writeBuffer(p, 2), y.endSequence(), "der" === e.type ? y.buffer : a + "\n" + s.linebrk(y.buffer.toString("base64"), 64) + "\n" + f
  4293. },
  4294. privateImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4295. var u;
  4296. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4297. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), !o.isString(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4298. var c = s.trimSurroundingText(e, a, f).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4299. u = n.from(c, "base64")
  4300. } else {
  4301. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4302. u = e
  4303. }
  4304. var h = new i.Reader(u);
  4305. h.readSequence(), h.readString(2, !0), t.setPrivate(h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0))
  4306. },
  4307. publicExport: function(t, e) {
  4308. e = e || {};
  4309. var r = t.n.toBuffer(),
  4310. n = r.length + 512,
  4311. o = new i.Writer({
  4312. size: n
  4313. });
  4314. return o.startSequence(), o.writeBuffer(r, 2), o.writeInt(t.e), o.endSequence(), "der" === e.type ? o.buffer : u + "\n" + s.linebrk(o.buffer.toString("base64"), 64) + "\n" + c
  4315. },
  4316. publicImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4317. var a;
  4318. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4319. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), o.isString(e)) {
  4320. var f = s.trimSurroundingText(e, u, c).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4321. a = n.from(f, "base64")
  4322. }
  4323. } else {
  4324. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4325. a = e
  4326. }
  4327. var h = new i.Reader(a);
  4328. h.readSequence(), t.setPublic(h.readString(2, !0), h.readString(2, !0))
  4329. },
  4330. autoImport: function(e, r) {
  4331. return /^[\S\s]*-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) ? (t.exports.privateImport(e, r), !0) : !!/^[\S\s]*-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) && (t.exports.publicImport(e, r), !0)
  4332. }
  4333. }
  4334. },
  4335. 8573: (t, e, r) => {
  4336. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  4337. i = r(3100).Ber,
  4338. o = r(8226)._,
  4339. s = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1",
  4340. a = r(8226);
  4341. const f = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----",
  4342. u = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
  4343. c = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----",
  4344. h = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
  4345. t.exports = {
  4346. privateExport: function(t, e) {
  4347. e = e || {};
  4348. var r = t.n.toBuffer(),
  4349. n = t.d.toBuffer(),
  4350. o = t.p.toBuffer(),
  4351. c = t.q.toBuffer(),
  4352. h = t.dmp1.toBuffer(),
  4353. p = t.dmq1.toBuffer(),
  4354. l = t.coeff.toBuffer(),
  4355. y = r.length + n.length + o.length + c.length + h.length + p.length + l.length + 512,
  4356. g = new i.Writer({
  4357. size: y
  4358. });
  4359. g.startSequence(), g.writeInt(0), g.writeBuffer(r, 2), g.writeInt(t.e), g.writeBuffer(n, 2), g.writeBuffer(o, 2), g.writeBuffer(c, 2), g.writeBuffer(h, 2), g.writeBuffer(p, 2), g.writeBuffer(l, 2), g.endSequence();
  4360. var d = new i.Writer({
  4361. size: y
  4362. });
  4363. return d.startSequence(), d.writeInt(0), d.startSequence(), d.writeOID(s), d.writeNull(), d.endSequence(), d.writeBuffer(g.buffer, 4), d.endSequence(), "der" === e.type ? d.buffer : f + "\n" + a.linebrk(d.buffer.toString("base64"), 64) + "\n" + u
  4364. },
  4365. privateImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4366. var c;
  4367. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4368. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), !o.isString(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4369. var h = a.trimSurroundingText(e, f, u).replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "").replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4370. c = n.from(h, "base64")
  4371. } else {
  4372. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4373. c = e
  4374. }
  4375. var p = new i.Reader(c);
  4376. if (p.readSequence(), p.readInt(0), new i.Reader(p.readString(48, !0)).readOID(6, !0) !== s) throw Error("Invalid Public key format");
  4377. var l = new i.Reader(p.readString(4, !0));
  4378. l.readSequence(), l.readString(2, !0), t.setPrivate(l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0))
  4379. },
  4380. publicExport: function(t, e) {
  4381. e = e || {};
  4382. var r = t.n.toBuffer(),
  4383. n = r.length + 512,
  4384. o = new i.Writer({
  4385. size: n
  4386. });
  4387. o.writeByte(0), o.startSequence(), o.writeBuffer(r, 2), o.writeInt(t.e), o.endSequence();
  4388. var f = new i.Writer({
  4389. size: n
  4390. });
  4391. return f.startSequence(), f.startSequence(), f.writeOID(s), f.writeNull(), f.endSequence(), f.writeBuffer(o.buffer, 3), f.endSequence(), "der" === e.type ? f.buffer : c + "\n" + a.linebrk(f.buffer.toString("base64"), 64) + "\n" + h
  4392. },
  4393. publicImport: function(t, e, r) {
  4394. var f;
  4395. if ("der" !== (r = r || {}).type) {
  4396. if (n.isBuffer(e) && (e = e.toString("utf8")), o.isString(e)) {
  4397. var u = a.trimSurroundingText(e, c, h).replace(/\s+|\n\r|\n|\r$/gm, "");
  4398. f = n.from(u, "base64")
  4399. }
  4400. } else {
  4401. if (!n.isBuffer(e)) throw Error("Unsupported key format");
  4402. f = e
  4403. }
  4404. var p = new i.Reader(f);
  4405. if (p.readSequence(), new i.Reader(p.readString(48, !0)).readOID(6, !0) !== s) throw Error("Invalid Public key format");
  4406. var l = new i.Reader(p.readString(3, !0));
  4407. l.readByte(), l.readSequence(), t.setPublic(l.readString(2, !0), l.readString(2, !0))
  4408. },
  4409. autoImport: function(e, r) {
  4410. return /^[\S\s]*-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1-----END PRIVATE KEY-----[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) ? (t.exports.privateImport(e, r), !0) : !!/^[\S\s]*-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\s*(?=(([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+\s*)+))\1-----END PUBLIC KEY-----[\S\s]*$/g.test(r) && (t.exports.publicImport(e, r), !0)
  4411. }
  4412. }
  4413. },
  4414. 1973: (t, e, r) => {
  4415. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  4416. i = r(3200),
  4417. o = r(8226)._;
  4418. function s(t, e) {
  4419. null != t && ("number" == typeof t ? this.fromNumber(t, e) : n.isBuffer(t) ? this.fromBuffer(t) : null == e && "string" != typeof t ? this.fromByteArray(t) : this.fromString(t, e))
  4420. }
  4421. function a() {
  4422. return new s(null)
  4423. }
  4424. = function(t, e, r, n, i, o) {
  4425. for (var s = 16383 & e, a = e >> 14; --o >= 0;) {
  4426. var f = 16383 & this[t],
  4427. u = this[t++] >> 14,
  4428. c = a * f + u * s;
  4429. i = ((f = s * f + ((16383 & c) << 14) + r[n] + i) >> 28) + (c >> 14) + a * u, r[n++] = 268435455 & f
  4430. }
  4431. return i
  4432. }, s.prototype.DB = 28, s.prototype.DM = 268435455, s.prototype.DV = 1 << 28, s.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, 52), s.prototype.F1 = 24, s.prototype.F2 = 4;
  4433. var f, u, c = new Array;
  4434. for (f = "0".charCodeAt(0), u = 0; u <= 9; ++u) c[f++] = u;
  4435. for (f = "a".charCodeAt(0), u = 10; u < 36; ++u) c[f++] = u;
  4436. for (f = "A".charCodeAt(0), u = 10; u < 36; ++u) c[f++] = u;
  4437. function h(t) {
  4438. return "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(t)
  4439. }
  4440. function p(t, e) {
  4441. var r = c[t.charCodeAt(e)];
  4442. return null == r ? -1 : r
  4443. }
  4444. function l(t) {
  4445. var e = a();
  4446. return e.fromInt(t), e
  4447. }
  4448. function y(t) {
  4449. var e, r = 1;
  4450. return 0 != (e = t >>> 16) && (t = e, r += 16), 0 != (e = t >> 8) && (t = e, r += 8), 0 != (e = t >> 4) && (t = e, r += 4), 0 != (e = t >> 2) && (t = e, r += 2), 0 != (e = t >> 1) && (t = e, r += 1), r
  4451. }
  4452. function g(t) {
  4453. this.m = t
  4454. }
  4455. function d(t) {
  4456. this.m = t, = t.invDigit(), this.mpl = 32767 &, this.mph = >> 15, = (1 << t.DB - 15) - 1, this.mt2 = 2 * t.t
  4457. }
  4458. function v(t, e) {
  4459. return t & e
  4460. }
  4461. function m(t, e) {
  4462. return t | e
  4463. }
  4464. function S(t, e) {
  4465. return t ^ e
  4466. }
  4467. function _(t, e) {
  4468. return t & ~e
  4469. }
  4470. function b(t) {
  4471. if (0 === t) return -1;
  4472. var e = 0;
  4473. return 65535 & t || (t >>= 16, e += 16), 255 & t || (t >>= 8, e += 8), 15 & t || (t >>= 4, e += 4), 3 & t || (t >>= 2, e += 2), 1 & t || ++e, e
  4474. }
  4475. function E(t) {
  4476. for (var e = 0; 0 != t;) t &= t - 1, ++e;
  4477. return e
  4478. }
  4479. function w() {}
  4480. function O(t) {
  4481. return t
  4482. }
  4483. function B(t) {
  4484. this.r2 = a(), this.q3 = a(), s.ONE.dlShiftTo(2 * t.t, this.r2), = this.r2.divide(t), this.m = t
  4485. }
  4486. g.prototype.convert = function(t) {
  4487. return t.s < 0 || t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 ? t.mod(this.m) : t
  4488. }, g.prototype.revert = function(t) {
  4489. return t
  4490. }, g.prototype.reduce = function(t) {
  4491. t.divRemTo(this.m, null, t)
  4492. }, g.prototype.mulTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4493. t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r)
  4494. }, g.prototype.sqrTo = function(t, e) {
  4495. t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e)
  4496. }, d.prototype.convert = function(t) {
  4497. var e = a();
  4498. return t.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, e), e.divRemTo(this.m, null, e), t.s < 0 && e.compareTo(s.ZERO) > 0 && this.m.subTo(e, e), e
  4499. }, d.prototype.revert = function(t) {
  4500. var e = a();
  4501. return t.copyTo(e), this.reduce(e), e
  4502. }, d.prototype.reduce = function(t) {
  4503. for (; t.t <= this.mt2;) t[t.t++] = 0;
  4504. for (var e = 0; e < this.m.t; ++e) {
  4505. var r = 32767 & t[e],
  4506. n = r * this.mpl + ((r * this.mph + (t[e] >> 15) * this.mpl & << 15) & t.DM;
  4507. for (t[r = e + this.m.t] +=, n, t, e, 0, this.m.t); t[r] >= t.DV;) t[r] -= t.DV, t[++r]++
  4508. }
  4509. t.clamp(), t.drShiftTo(this.m.t, t), t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0 && t.subTo(this.m, t)
  4510. }, d.prototype.mulTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4511. t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r)
  4512. }, d.prototype.sqrTo = function(t, e) {
  4513. t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e)
  4514. }, w.prototype.convert = O, w.prototype.revert = O, w.prototype.mulTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4515. t.multiplyTo(e, r)
  4516. }, w.prototype.sqrTo = function(t, e) {
  4517. t.squareTo(e)
  4518. }, B.prototype.convert = function(t) {
  4519. if (t.s < 0 || t.t > 2 * this.m.t) return t.mod(this.m);
  4520. if (t.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return t;
  4521. var e = a();
  4522. return t.copyTo(e), this.reduce(e), e
  4523. }, B.prototype.revert = function(t) {
  4524. return t
  4525. }, B.prototype.reduce = function(t) {
  4526. for (t.drShiftTo(this.m.t - 1, this.r2), t.t > this.m.t + 1 && (t.t = this.m.t + 1, t.clamp()),, this.m.t + 1, this.q3), this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3, this.m.t + 1, this.r2); t.compareTo(this.r2) < 0;) t.dAddOffset(1, this.m.t + 1);
  4527. for (t.subTo(this.r2, t); t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0;) t.subTo(this.m, t)
  4528. }, B.prototype.mulTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4529. t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r)
  4530. }, B.prototype.sqrTo = function(t, e) {
  4531. t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e)
  4532. };
  4533. var A = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997],
  4534. x = (1 << 26) / A[A.length - 1];
  4535. s.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
  4536. for (var e = this.t - 1; e >= 0; --e) t[e] = this[e];
  4537. t.t = this.t, t.s = this.s
  4538. }, s.prototype.fromInt = function(t) {
  4539. this.t = 1, this.s = t < 0 ? -1 : 0, t > 0 ? this[0] = t : t < -1 ? this[0] = t + DV : this.t = 0
  4540. }, s.prototype.fromString = function(t, e, r) {
  4541. var n;
  4542. switch (e) {
  4543. case 2:
  4544. n = 1;
  4545. break;
  4546. case 4:
  4547. n = 2;
  4548. break;
  4549. case 8:
  4550. n = 3;
  4551. break;
  4552. case 16:
  4553. n = 4;
  4554. break;
  4555. case 32:
  4556. n = 5;
  4557. break;
  4558. case 256:
  4559. n = 8;
  4560. break;
  4561. default:
  4562. return void this.fromRadix(t, e)
  4563. }
  4564. this.t = 0, this.s = 0;
  4565. for (var i = t.length, o = !1, a = 0; --i >= 0;) {
  4566. var f = 8 == n ? 255 & t[i] : p(t, i);
  4567. f < 0 ? "-" == t.charAt(i) && (o = !0) : (o = !1, 0 === a ? this[this.t++] = f : a + n > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (f & (1 << this.DB - a) - 1) << a, this[this.t++] = f >> this.DB - a) : this[this.t - 1] |= f << a, (a += n) >= this.DB && (a -= this.DB))
  4568. }!r && 8 == n && 128 & t[0] && (this.s = -1, a > 0 && (this[this.t - 1] |= (1 << this.DB - a) - 1 << a)), this.clamp(), o && s.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
  4569. }, s.prototype.fromByteArray = function(t, e) {
  4570. this.fromString(t, 256, e)
  4571. }, s.prototype.fromBuffer = function(t) {
  4572. this.fromString(t, 256, !0)
  4573. }, s.prototype.clamp = function() {
  4574. for (var t = this.s & this.DM; this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1] == t;) --this.t
  4575. }, s.prototype.dlShiftTo = function(t, e) {
  4576. var r;
  4577. for (r = this.t - 1; r >= 0; --r) e[r + t] = this[r];
  4578. for (r = t - 1; r >= 0; --r) e[r] = 0;
  4579. e.t = this.t + t, e.s = this.s
  4580. }, s.prototype.drShiftTo = function(t, e) {
  4581. for (var r = t; r < this.t; ++r) e[r - t] = this[r];
  4582. e.t = Math.max(this.t - t, 0), e.s = this.s
  4583. }, s.prototype.lShiftTo = function(t, e) {
  4584. var r, n = t % this.DB,
  4585. i = this.DB - n,
  4586. o = (1 << i) - 1,
  4587. s = Math.floor(t / this.DB),
  4588. a = this.s << n & this.DM;
  4589. for (r = this.t - 1; r >= 0; --r) e[r + s + 1] = this[r] >> i | a, a = (this[r] & o) << n;
  4590. for (r = s - 1; r >= 0; --r) e[r] = 0;
  4591. e[s] = a, e.t = this.t + s + 1, e.s = this.s, e.clamp()
  4592. }, s.prototype.rShiftTo = function(t, e) {
  4593. e.s = this.s;
  4594. var r = Math.floor(t / this.DB);
  4595. if (r >= this.t) e.t = 0;
  4596. else {
  4597. var n = t % this.DB,
  4598. i = this.DB - n,
  4599. o = (1 << n) - 1;
  4600. e[0] = this[r] >> n;
  4601. for (var s = r + 1; s < this.t; ++s) e[s - r - 1] |= (this[s] & o) << i, e[s - r] = this[s] >> n;
  4602. n > 0 && (e[this.t - r - 1] |= (this.s & o) << i), e.t = this.t - r, e.clamp()
  4603. }
  4604. }, s.prototype.subTo = function(t, e) {
  4605. for (var r = 0, n = 0, i = Math.min(t.t, this.t); r < i;) n += this[r] - t[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4606. if (t.t < this.t) {
  4607. for (n -= t.s; r < this.t;) n += this[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4608. n += this.s
  4609. } else {
  4610. for (n += this.s; r < t.t;) n -= t[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4611. n -= t.s
  4612. }
  4613. e.s = n < 0 ? -1 : 0, n < -1 ? e[r++] = this.DV + n : n > 0 && (e[r++] = n), e.t = r, e.clamp()
  4614. }, s.prototype.multiplyTo = function(t, e) {
  4615. var r = this.abs(),
  4616. n = t.abs(),
  4617. i = r.t;
  4618. for (e.t = i + n.t; --i >= 0;) e[i] = 0;
  4619. for (i = 0; i < n.t; ++i) e[i + r.t] =, n[i], e, i, 0, r.t);
  4620. e.s = 0, e.clamp(), this.s != t.s && s.ZERO.subTo(e, e)
  4621. }, s.prototype.squareTo = function(t) {
  4622. for (var e = this.abs(), r = t.t = 2 * e.t; --r >= 0;) t[r] = 0;
  4623. for (r = 0; r < e.t - 1; ++r) {
  4624. var n =, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1);
  4625. (t[r + e.t] += + 1, 2 * e[r], t, 2 * r + 1, n, e.t - r - 1)) >= e.DV && (t[r + e.t] -= e.DV, t[r + e.t + 1] = 1)
  4626. }
  4627. t.t > 0 && (t[t.t - 1] +=, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1)), t.s = 0, t.clamp()
  4628. }, s.prototype.divRemTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4629. var n = t.abs();
  4630. if (!(n.t <= 0)) {
  4631. var i = this.abs();
  4632. if (i.t < n.t) return null != e && e.fromInt(0), void(null != r && this.copyTo(r));
  4633. null == r && (r = a());
  4634. var o = a(),
  4635. f = this.s,
  4636. u = t.s,
  4637. c = this.DB - y(n[n.t - 1]);
  4638. c > 0 ? (n.lShiftTo(c, o), i.lShiftTo(c, r)) : (n.copyTo(o), i.copyTo(r));
  4639. var h = o.t,
  4640. p = o[h - 1];
  4641. if (0 !== p) {
  4642. var l = p * (1 << this.F1) + (h > 1 ? o[h - 2] >> this.F2 : 0),
  4643. g = this.FV / l,
  4644. d = (1 << this.F1) / l,
  4645. v = 1 << this.F2,
  4646. m = r.t,
  4647. S = m - h,
  4648. _ = null == e ? a() : e;
  4649. for (o.dlShiftTo(S, _), r.compareTo(_) >= 0 && (r[r.t++] = 1, r.subTo(_, r)), s.ONE.dlShiftTo(h, _), _.subTo(o, o); o.t < h;) o[o.t++] = 0;
  4650. for (; --S >= 0;) {
  4651. var b = r[--m] == p ? this.DM : Math.floor(r[m] * g + (r[m - 1] + v) * d);
  4652. if ((r[m] +=, b, r, S, 0, h)) < b)
  4653. for (o.dlShiftTo(S, _), r.subTo(_, r); r[m] < --b;) r.subTo(_, r)
  4654. }
  4655. null != e && (r.drShiftTo(h, e), f != u && s.ZERO.subTo(e, e)), r.t = h, r.clamp(), c > 0 && r.rShiftTo(c, r), f < 0 && s.ZERO.subTo(r, r)
  4656. }
  4657. }
  4658. }, s.prototype.invDigit = function() {
  4659. if (this.t < 1) return 0;
  4660. var t = this[0];
  4661. if (!(1 & t)) return 0;
  4662. var e = 3 & t;
  4663. return (e = (e = (e = (e = e * (2 - (15 & t) * e) & 15) * (2 - (255 & t) * e) & 255) * (2 - ((65535 & t) * e & 65535)) & 65535) * (2 - t * e % this.DV) % this.DV) > 0 ? this.DV - e : -e
  4664. }, s.prototype.isEven = function() {
  4665. return 0 === (this.t > 0 ? 1 & this[0] : this.s)
  4666. }, s.prototype.exp = function(t, e) {
  4667. if (t > 4294967295 || t < 1) return s.ONE;
  4668. var r = a(),
  4669. n = a(),
  4670. i = e.convert(this),
  4671. o = y(t) - 1;
  4672. for (i.copyTo(r); --o >= 0;)
  4673. if (e.sqrTo(r, n), (t & 1 << o) > 0) e.mulTo(n, i, r);
  4674. else {
  4675. var f = r;
  4676. r = n, n = f
  4677. } return e.revert(r)
  4678. }, s.prototype.chunkSize = function(t) {
  4679. return Math.floor(Math.LN2 * this.DB / Math.log(t))
  4680. }, s.prototype.toRadix = function(t) {
  4681. if (null == t && (t = 10), 0 === this.signum() || t < 2 || t > 36) return "0";
  4682. var e = this.chunkSize(t),
  4683. r = Math.pow(t, e),
  4684. n = l(r),
  4685. i = a(),
  4686. o = a(),
  4687. s = "";
  4688. for (this.divRemTo(n, i, o); i.signum() > 0;) s = (r + o.intValue()).toString(t).substr(1) + s, i.divRemTo(n, i, o);
  4689. return o.intValue().toString(t) + s
  4690. }, s.prototype.fromRadix = function(t, e) {
  4691. this.fromInt(0), null == e && (e = 10);
  4692. for (var r = this.chunkSize(e), n = Math.pow(e, r), i = !1, o = 0, a = 0, f = 0; f < t.length; ++f) {
  4693. var u = p(t, f);
  4694. u < 0 ? "-" == t.charAt(f) && 0 === this.signum() && (i = !0) : (a = e * a + u, ++o >= r && (this.dMultiply(n), this.dAddOffset(a, 0), o = 0, a = 0))
  4695. }
  4696. o > 0 && (this.dMultiply(Math.pow(e, o)), this.dAddOffset(a, 0)), i && s.ZERO.subTo(this, this)
  4697. }, s.prototype.fromNumber = function(t, e) {
  4698. if ("number" == typeof e)
  4699. if (t < 2) this.fromInt(1);
  4700. else
  4701. for (this.fromNumber(t), this.testBit(t - 1) || this.bitwiseTo(s.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), m, this), this.isEven() && this.dAddOffset(1, 0); !this.isProbablePrime(e);) this.dAddOffset(2, 0), this.bitLength() > t && this.subTo(s.ONE.shiftLeft(t - 1), this);
  4702. else {
  4703. var r = i.randomBytes(1 + (t >> 3)),
  4704. n = 7 & t;
  4705. n > 0 ? r[0] &= (1 << n) - 1 : r[0] = 0, this.fromByteArray(r)
  4706. }
  4707. }, s.prototype.bitwiseTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4708. var n, i, o = Math.min(t.t, this.t);
  4709. for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) r[n] = e(this[n], t[n]);
  4710. if (t.t < this.t) {
  4711. for (i = t.s & this.DM, n = o; n < this.t; ++n) r[n] = e(this[n], i);
  4712. r.t = this.t
  4713. } else {
  4714. for (i = this.s & this.DM, n = o; n < t.t; ++n) r[n] = e(i, t[n]);
  4715. r.t = t.t
  4716. }
  4717. r.s = e(this.s, t.s), r.clamp()
  4718. }, s.prototype.changeBit = function(t, e) {
  4719. var r = s.ONE.shiftLeft(t);
  4720. return this.bitwiseTo(r, e, r), r
  4721. }, s.prototype.addTo = function(t, e) {
  4722. for (var r = 0, n = 0, i = Math.min(t.t, this.t); r < i;) n += this[r] + t[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4723. if (t.t < this.t) {
  4724. for (n += t.s; r < this.t;) n += this[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4725. n += this.s
  4726. } else {
  4727. for (n += this.s; r < t.t;) n += t[r], e[r++] = n & this.DM, n >>= this.DB;
  4728. n += t.s
  4729. }
  4730. e.s = n < 0 ? -1 : 0, n > 0 ? e[r++] = n : n < -1 && (e[r++] = this.DV + n), e.t = r, e.clamp()
  4731. }, s.prototype.dMultiply = function(t) {
  4732. this[this.t] =, t - 1, this, 0, 0, this.t), ++this.t, this.clamp()
  4733. }, s.prototype.dAddOffset = function(t, e) {
  4734. if (0 !== t) {
  4735. for (; this.t <= e;) this[this.t++] = 0;
  4736. for (this[e] += t; this[e] >= this.DV;) this[e] -= this.DV, ++e >= this.t && (this[this.t++] = 0), ++this[e]
  4737. }
  4738. }, s.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4739. var n, i = Math.min(this.t + t.t, e);
  4740. for (r.s = 0, r.t = i; i > 0;) r[--i] = 0;
  4741. for (n = r.t - this.t; i < n; ++i) r[i + this.t] =, t[i], r, i, 0, this.t);
  4742. for (n = Math.min(t.t, e); i < n; ++i), t[i], r, i, 0, e - i);
  4743. r.clamp()
  4744. }, s.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = function(t, e, r) {
  4745. --e;
  4746. var n = r.t = this.t + t.t - e;
  4747. for (r.s = 0; --n >= 0;) r[n] = 0;
  4748. for (n = Math.max(e - this.t, 0); n < t.t; ++n) r[this.t + n - e] = - n, t[n], r, 0, 0, this.t + n - e);
  4749. r.clamp(), r.drShiftTo(1, r)
  4750. }, s.prototype.modInt = function(t) {
  4751. if (t <= 0) return 0;
  4752. var e = this.DV % t,
  4753. r = this.s < 0 ? t - 1 : 0;
  4754. if (this.t > 0)
  4755. if (0 === e) r = this[0] % t;
  4756. else
  4757. for (var n = this.t - 1; n >= 0; --n) r = (e * r + this[n]) % t;
  4758. return r
  4759. }, s.prototype.millerRabin = function(t) {
  4760. var e = this.subtract(s.ONE),
  4761. r = e.getLowestSetBit();
  4762. if (r <= 0) return !1;
  4763. var n = e.shiftRight(r);
  4764. (t = t + 1 >> 1) > A.length && (t = A.length);
  4765. for (var i = a(), o = 0; o < t; ++o) {
  4766. i.fromInt(A[Math.floor(Math.random() * A.length)]);
  4767. var f = i.modPow(n, this);
  4768. if (0 != f.compareTo(s.ONE) && 0 != f.compareTo(e)) {
  4769. for (var u = 1; u++ < r && 0 != f.compareTo(e);)
  4770. if (0 === (f = f.modPowInt(2, this)).compareTo(s.ONE)) return !1;
  4771. if (0 != f.compareTo(e)) return !1
  4772. }
  4773. }
  4774. return !0
  4775. }, s.prototype.toString = function(t) {
  4776. if (this.s < 0) return "-" + this.negate().toString(t);
  4777. var e;
  4778. if (16 == t) e = 4;
  4779. else if (8 == t) e = 3;
  4780. else if (2 == t) e = 1;
  4781. else if (32 == t) e = 5;
  4782. else {
  4783. if (4 != t) return this.toRadix(t);
  4784. e = 2
  4785. }
  4786. var r, n = (1 << e) - 1,
  4787. i = !1,
  4788. o = "",
  4789. s = this.t,
  4790. a = this.DB - s * this.DB % e;
  4791. if (s-- > 0)
  4792. for (a < this.DB && (r = this[s] >> a) > 0 && (i = !0, o = h(r)); s >= 0;) a < e ? (r = (this[s] & (1 << a) - 1) << e - a, r |= this[--s] >> (a += this.DB - e)) : (r = this[s] >> (a -= e) & n, a <= 0 && (a += this.DB, --s)), r > 0 && (i = !0), i && (o += h(r));
  4793. return i ? o : "0"
  4794. }, s.prototype.negate = function() {
  4795. var t = a();
  4796. return s.ZERO.subTo(this, t), t
  4797. }, s.prototype.abs = function() {
  4798. return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this
  4799. }, s.prototype.compareTo = function(t) {
  4800. var e = this.s - t.s;
  4801. if (0 != e) return e;
  4802. var r = this.t;
  4803. if (0 != (e = r - t.t)) return this.s < 0 ? -e : e;
  4804. for (; --r >= 0;)
  4805. if (0 != (e = this[r] - t[r])) return e;
  4806. return 0
  4807. }, s.prototype.bitLength = function() {
  4808. return this.t <= 0 ? 0 : this.DB * (this.t - 1) + y(this[this.t - 1] ^ this.s & this.DM)
  4809. }, s.prototype.mod = function(t) {
  4810. var e = a();
  4811. return this.abs().divRemTo(t, null, e), this.s < 0 && e.compareTo(s.ZERO) > 0 && t.subTo(e, e), e
  4812. }, s.prototype.modPowInt = function(t, e) {
  4813. var r;
  4814. return r = t < 256 || e.isEven() ? new g(e) : new d(e), this.exp(t, r)
  4815. }, s.prototype.clone = function() {
  4816. var t = a();
  4817. return this.copyTo(t), t
  4818. }, s.prototype.intValue = function() {
  4819. if (this.s < 0) {
  4820. if (1 == this.t) return this[0] - this.DV;
  4821. if (0 === this.t) return -1
  4822. } else {
  4823. if (1 == this.t) return this[0];
  4824. if (0 === this.t) return 0
  4825. }
  4826. return (this[1] & (1 << 32 - this.DB) - 1) << this.DB | this[0]
  4827. }, s.prototype.byteValue = function() {
  4828. return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 24 >> 24
  4829. }, s.prototype.shortValue = function() {
  4830. return 0 == this.t ? this.s : this[0] << 16 >> 16
  4831. }, s.prototype.signum = function() {
  4832. return this.s < 0 ? -1 : this.t <= 0 || 1 == this.t && this[0] <= 0 ? 0 : 1
  4833. }, s.prototype.toByteArray = function() {
  4834. var t = this.t,
  4835. e = new Array;
  4836. e[0] = this.s;
  4837. var r, n = this.DB - t * this.DB % 8,
  4838. i = 0;
  4839. if (t-- > 0)
  4840. for (n < this.DB && (r = this[t] >> n) != (this.s & this.DM) >> n && (e[i++] = r | this.s << this.DB - n); t >= 0;) n < 8 ? (r = (this[t] & (1 << n) - 1) << 8 - n, r |= this[--t] >> (n += this.DB - 8)) : (r = this[t] >> (n -= 8) & 255, n <= 0 && (n += this.DB, --t)), 128 & r && (r |= -256), 0 === i && (128 & this.s) != (128 & r) && ++i, (i > 0 || r != this.s) && (e[i++] = r);
  4841. return e
  4842. }, s.prototype.toBuffer = function(t) {
  4843. var e = n.from(this.toByteArray());
  4844. if (!0 === t && 0 === e[0]) e = e.slice(1);
  4845. else if (o.isNumber(t)) {
  4846. if (e.length > t) {
  4847. for (var r = 0; r < e.length - t; r++)
  4848. if (0 !== e[r]) return null;
  4849. return e.slice(e.length - t)
  4850. }
  4851. if (e.length < t) {
  4852. var i = n.alloc(t);
  4853. return i.fill(0, 0, t - e.length), e.copy(i, t - e.length), i
  4854. }
  4855. }
  4856. return e
  4857. }, s.prototype.equals = function(t) {
  4858. return 0 == this.compareTo(t)
  4859. }, s.prototype.min = function(t) {
  4860. return this.compareTo(t) < 0 ? this : t
  4861. }, s.prototype.max = function(t) {
  4862. return this.compareTo(t) > 0 ? this : t
  4863. }, s.prototype.and = function(t) {
  4864. var e = a();
  4865. return this.bitwiseTo(t, v, e), e
  4866. }, s.prototype.or = function(t) {
  4867. var e = a();
  4868. return this.bitwiseTo(t, m, e), e
  4869. }, s.prototype.xor = function(t) {
  4870. var e = a();
  4871. return this.bitwiseTo(t, S, e), e
  4872. }, s.prototype.andNot = function(t) {
  4873. var e = a();
  4874. return this.bitwiseTo(t, _, e), e
  4875. }, s.prototype.not = function() {
  4876. for (var t = a(), e = 0; e < this.t; ++e) t[e] = this.DM & ~this[e];
  4877. return t.t = this.t, t.s = ~this.s, t
  4878. }, s.prototype.shiftLeft = function(t) {
  4879. var e = a();
  4880. return t < 0 ? this.rShiftTo(-t, e) : this.lShiftTo(t, e), e
  4881. }, s.prototype.shiftRight = function(t) {
  4882. var e = a();
  4883. return t < 0 ? this.lShiftTo(-t, e) : this.rShiftTo(t, e), e
  4884. }, s.prototype.getLowestSetBit = function() {
  4885. for (var t = 0; t < this.t; ++t)
  4886. if (0 != this[t]) return t * this.DB + b(this[t]);
  4887. return this.s < 0 ? this.t * this.DB : -1
  4888. }, s.prototype.bitCount = function() {
  4889. for (var t = 0, e = this.s & this.DM, r = 0; r < this.t; ++r) t += E(this[r] ^ e);
  4890. return t
  4891. }, s.prototype.testBit = function(t) {
  4892. var e = Math.floor(t / this.DB);
  4893. return e >= this.t ? 0 != this.s : !!(this[e] & 1 << t % this.DB)
  4894. }, s.prototype.setBit = function(t) {
  4895. return this.changeBit(t, m)
  4896. }, s.prototype.clearBit = function(t) {
  4897. return this.changeBit(t, _)
  4898. }, s.prototype.flipBit = function(t) {
  4899. return this.changeBit(t, S)
  4900. }, s.prototype.add = function(t) {
  4901. var e = a();
  4902. return this.addTo(t, e), e
  4903. }, s.prototype.subtract = function(t) {
  4904. var e = a();
  4905. return this.subTo(t, e), e
  4906. }, s.prototype.multiply = function(t) {
  4907. var e = a();
  4908. return this.multiplyTo(t, e), e
  4909. }, s.prototype.divide = function(t) {
  4910. var e = a();
  4911. return this.divRemTo(t, e, null), e
  4912. }, s.prototype.remainder = function(t) {
  4913. var e = a();
  4914. return this.divRemTo(t, null, e), e
  4915. }, s.prototype.divideAndRemainder = function(t) {
  4916. var e = a(),
  4917. r = a();
  4918. return this.divRemTo(t, e, r), new Array(e, r)
  4919. }, s.prototype.modPow = function(t, e) {
  4920. var r, n, i = t.bitLength(),
  4921. o = l(1);
  4922. if (i <= 0) return o;
  4923. r = i < 18 ? 1 : i < 48 ? 3 : i < 144 ? 4 : i < 768 ? 5 : 6, n = i < 8 ? new g(e) : e.isEven() ? new B(e) : new d(e);
  4924. var s = new Array,
  4925. f = 3,
  4926. u = r - 1,
  4927. c = (1 << r) - 1;
  4928. if (s[1] = n.convert(this), r > 1) {
  4929. var h = a();
  4930. for (n.sqrTo(s[1], h); f <= c;) s[f] = a(), n.mulTo(h, s[f - 2], s[f]), f += 2
  4931. }
  4932. var p, v, m = t.t - 1,
  4933. S = !0,
  4934. _ = a();
  4935. for (i = y(t[m]) - 1; m >= 0;) {
  4936. for (i >= u ? p = t[m] >> i - u & c : (p = (t[m] & (1 << i + 1) - 1) << u - i, m > 0 && (p |= t[m - 1] >> this.DB + i - u)), f = r; !(1 & p);) p >>= 1, --f;
  4937. if ((i -= f) < 0 && (i += this.DB, --m), S) s[p].copyTo(o), S = !1;
  4938. else {
  4939. for (; f > 1;) n.sqrTo(o, _), n.sqrTo(_, o), f -= 2;
  4940. f > 0 ? n.sqrTo(o, _) : (v = o, o = _, _ = v), n.mulTo(_, s[p], o)
  4941. }
  4942. for (; m >= 0 && !(t[m] & 1 << i);) n.sqrTo(o, _), v = o, o = _, _ = v, --i < 0 && (i = this.DB - 1, --m)
  4943. }
  4944. return n.revert(o)
  4945. }, s.prototype.modInverse = function(t) {
  4946. var e = t.isEven();
  4947. if (this.isEven() && e || 0 === t.signum()) return s.ZERO;
  4948. for (var r = t.clone(), n = this.clone(), i = l(1), o = l(0), a = l(0), f = l(1); 0 != r.signum();) {
  4949. for (; r.isEven();) r.rShiftTo(1, r), e ? (i.isEven() && o.isEven() || (i.addTo(this, i), o.subTo(t, o)), i.rShiftTo(1, i)) : o.isEven() || o.subTo(t, o), o.rShiftTo(1, o);
  4950. for (; n.isEven();) n.rShiftTo(1, n), e ? (a.isEven() && f.isEven() || (a.addTo(this, a), f.subTo(t, f)), a.rShiftTo(1, a)) : f.isEven() || f.subTo(t, f), f.rShiftTo(1, f);
  4951. r.compareTo(n) >= 0 ? (r.subTo(n, r), e && i.subTo(a, i), o.subTo(f, o)) : (n.subTo(r, n), e && a.subTo(i, a), f.subTo(o, f))
  4952. }
  4953. return 0 != n.compareTo(s.ONE) ? s.ZERO : f.compareTo(t) >= 0 ? f.subtract(t) : f.signum() < 0 ? (f.addTo(t, f), f.signum() < 0 ? f.add(t) : f) : f
  4954. }, s.prototype.pow = function(t) {
  4955. return this.exp(t, new w)
  4956. }, s.prototype.gcd = function(t) {
  4957. var e = this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this.clone(),
  4958. r = t.s < 0 ? t.negate() : t.clone();
  4959. if (e.compareTo(r) < 0) {
  4960. var n = e;
  4961. e = r, r = n
  4962. }
  4963. var i = e.getLowestSetBit(),
  4964. o = r.getLowestSetBit();
  4965. if (o < 0) return e;
  4966. for (i < o && (o = i), o > 0 && (e.rShiftTo(o, e), r.rShiftTo(o, r)); e.signum() > 0;)(i = e.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && e.rShiftTo(i, e), (i = r.getLowestSetBit()) > 0 && r.rShiftTo(i, r), e.compareTo(r) >= 0 ? (e.subTo(r, e), e.rShiftTo(1, e)) : (r.subTo(e, r), r.rShiftTo(1, r));
  4967. return o > 0 && r.lShiftTo(o, r), r
  4968. }, s.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(t) {
  4969. var e, r = this.abs();
  4970. if (1 == r.t && r[0] <= A[A.length - 1]) {
  4971. for (e = 0; e < A.length; ++e)
  4972. if (r[0] == A[e]) return !0;
  4973. return !1
  4974. }
  4975. if (r.isEven()) return !1;
  4976. for (e = 1; e < A.length;) {
  4977. for (var n = A[e], i = e + 1; i < A.length && n < x;) n *= A[i++];
  4978. for (n = r.modInt(n); e < i;)
  4979. if (n % A[e++] == 0) return !1
  4980. }
  4981. return r.millerRabin(t)
  4982. }, s.int2char = h, s.ZERO = l(0), s.ONE = l(1), s.prototype.square = function() {
  4983. var t = a();
  4984. return this.squareTo(t), t
  4985. }, t.exports = s
  4986. },
  4987. 5682: (t, e, r) => {
  4988. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  4989. i = r(8226)._,
  4990. o = (r(3200), r(1973)),
  4991. s = r(8226),
  4992. a = r(1768),
  4993. f = r(4538);
  4994. e.BigInteger = o, t.exports.Key = function() {
  4995. function t() {
  4996. this.n = null, this.e = 0, this.d = null, this.p = null, this.q = null, this.dmp1 = null, this.dmq1 = null, this.coeff = null
  4997. }
  4998. return t.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
  4999. var e = a[t.signingScheme],
  5000. r = a[t.encryptionScheme];
  5001. e === r ? this.signingScheme = this.encryptionScheme = r.makeScheme(this, t) : (this.encryptionScheme = r.makeScheme(this, t), this.signingScheme = e.makeScheme(this, t)), this.encryptEngine = f.getEngine(this, t)
  5002. }, t.prototype.generate = function(t, e) {
  5003. var r = t >> 1;
  5004. this.e = parseInt(e, 16);
  5005. for (var n = new o(e, 16);;) {
  5006. for (; this.p = new o(t - r, 1), 0 !== this.p.subtract(o.ONE).gcd(n).compareTo(o.ONE) || !this.p.isProbablePrime(10););
  5007. for (; this.q = new o(r, 1), 0 !== this.q.subtract(o.ONE).gcd(n).compareTo(o.ONE) || !this.q.isProbablePrime(10););
  5008. if (this.p.compareTo(this.q) <= 0) {
  5009. var i = this.p;
  5010. this.p = this.q, this.q = i
  5011. }
  5012. var s = this.p.subtract(o.ONE),
  5013. a = this.q.subtract(o.ONE),
  5014. f = s.multiply(a);
  5015. if (0 === f.gcd(n).compareTo(o.ONE)) {
  5016. if (this.n = this.p.multiply(this.q), this.n.bitLength() < t) continue;
  5017. this.d = n.modInverse(f), this.dmp1 = this.d.mod(s), this.dmq1 = this.d.mod(a), this.coeff = this.q.modInverse(this.p);
  5018. break
  5019. }
  5020. }
  5021. this.$$recalculateCache()
  5022. }, t.prototype.setPrivate = function(t, e, r, n, a, f, u, c) {
  5023. if (!(t && e && r && t.length > 0 && (i.isNumber(e) || e.length > 0) && r.length > 0)) throw Error("Invalid RSA private key");
  5024. this.n = new o(t), this.e = i.isNumber(e) ? e : s.get32IntFromBuffer(e, 0), this.d = new o(r), n && a && f && u && c && (this.p = new o(n), this.q = new o(a), this.dmp1 = new o(f), this.dmq1 = new o(u), this.coeff = new o(c)), this.$$recalculateCache()
  5025. }, t.prototype.setPublic = function(t, e) {
  5026. if (!(t && e && t.length > 0 && (i.isNumber(e) || e.length > 0))) throw Error("Invalid RSA public key");
  5027. this.n = new o(t), this.e = i.isNumber(e) ? e : s.get32IntFromBuffer(e, 0), this.$$recalculateCache()
  5028. }, t.prototype.$doPrivate = function(t) {
  5029. if (this.p || this.q) return t.modPow(this.d, this.n);
  5030. for (var e = t.mod(this.p).modPow(this.dmp1, this.p), r = t.mod(this.q).modPow(this.dmq1, this.q); e.compareTo(r) < 0;) e = e.add(this.p);
  5031. return e.subtract(r).multiply(this.coeff).mod(this.p).multiply(this.q).add(r)
  5032. }, t.prototype.$doPublic = function(t) {
  5033. return t.modPowInt(this.e, this.n)
  5034. }, t.prototype.encrypt = function(t, e) {
  5035. var r = [],
  5036. i = [],
  5037. o = t.length,
  5038. s = Math.ceil(o / this.maxMessageLength) || 1,
  5039. a = Math.ceil(o / s || 1);
  5040. if (1 == s) r.push(t);
  5041. else
  5042. for (var f = 0; f < s; f++) r.push(t.slice(f * a, (f + 1) * a));
  5043. for (var u = 0; u < r.length; u++) i.push(this.encryptEngine.encrypt(r[u], e));
  5044. return n.concat(i)
  5045. }, t.prototype.decrypt = function(t, e) {
  5046. if (t.length % this.encryptedDataLength > 0) throw Error("Incorrect data or key");
  5047. for (var r = [], i = 0, o = 0, s = t.length / this.encryptedDataLength, a = 0; a < s; a++) o = (i = a * this.encryptedDataLength) + this.encryptedDataLength, r.push(this.encryptEngine.decrypt(t.slice(i, Math.min(o, t.length)), e));
  5048. return n.concat(r)
  5049. }, t.prototype.sign = function(t) {
  5050. return this.signingScheme.sign.apply(this.signingScheme, arguments)
  5051. }, t.prototype.verify = function(t, e, r) {
  5052. return this.signingScheme.verify.apply(this.signingScheme, arguments)
  5053. }, t.prototype.isPrivate = function() {
  5054. return !!(this.n && this.e && this.d)
  5055. }, t.prototype.isPublic = function(t) {
  5056. return this.n && this.e && !(t && this.d) || !1
  5057. }, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keySize", {
  5058. get: function() {
  5059. return this.cache.keyBitLength
  5060. }
  5061. }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "encryptedDataLength", {
  5062. get: function() {
  5063. return this.cache.keyByteLength
  5064. }
  5065. }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "maxMessageLength", {
  5066. get: function() {
  5067. return this.encryptionScheme.maxMessageLength()
  5068. }
  5069. }), t.prototype.$$recalculateCache = function() {
  5070. this.cache = this.cache || {}, this.cache.keyBitLength = this.n.bitLength(), this.cache.keyByteLength = this.cache.keyBitLength + 6 >> 3
  5071. }, t
  5072. }()
  5073. },
  5074. 2487: (t, e, r) => {
  5075. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  5076. i = (r(1973), r(3200));
  5077. t.exports = {
  5078. isEncryption: !0,
  5079. isSignature: !1
  5080. }, t.exports.digestLength = {
  5081. md4: 16,
  5082. md5: 16,
  5083. ripemd160: 20,
  5084. rmd160: 20,
  5085. sha1: 20,
  5086. sha224: 28,
  5087. sha256: 32,
  5088. sha384: 48,
  5089. sha512: 64
  5090. };
  5091. var o = "sha1";
  5092. t.exports.eme_oaep_mgf1 = function(e, r, s) {
  5093. s = s || o;
  5094. for (var a = t.exports.digestLength[s], f = Math.ceil(r / a), u = n.alloc(a * f), c = n.alloc(4), h = 0; h < f; ++h) {
  5095. var p = i.createHash(s);
  5096. p.update(e), c.writeUInt32BE(h, 0), p.update(c), p.digest().copy(u, h * a)
  5097. }
  5098. return u.slice(0, r)
  5099. }, t.exports.makeScheme = function(e, r) {
  5100. function s(t, e) {
  5101. this.key = t, this.options = e
  5102. }
  5103. return s.prototype.maxMessageLength = function() {
  5104. return this.key.encryptedDataLength - 2 * t.exports.digestLength[this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.hash || o] - 2
  5105. }, s.prototype.encPad = function(e) {
  5106. var r = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.hash || o,
  5107. s = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.mgf || t.exports.eme_oaep_mgf1,
  5108. a = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.label || n.alloc(0),
  5109. f = this.key.encryptedDataLength,
  5110. u = t.exports.digestLength[r];
  5111. if (e.length > f - 2 * u - 2) throw new Error("Message is too long to encode into an encoded message with a length of " + f + " bytes, increaseemLen to fix this error (minimum value for given parameters and options: " + (f - 2 * u - 2) + ")");
  5112. var c = i.createHash(r);
  5113. c.update(a), c = c.digest();
  5114. var h = n.alloc(f - e.length - 2 * u - 1);
  5115. h.fill(0), h[h.length - 1] = 1;
  5116. for (var p = n.concat([c, h, e]), l = i.randomBytes(u), y = s(l, p.length, r), g = 0; g < p.length; g++) p[g] ^= y[g];
  5117. for (y = s(p, u, r), g = 0; g < l.length; g++) l[g] ^= y[g];
  5118. var d = n.alloc(1 + l.length + p.length);
  5119. return d[0] = 0, l.copy(d, 1), p.copy(d, 1 + l.length), d
  5120. }, s.prototype.encUnPad = function(e) {
  5121. var r = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.hash || o,
  5122. s = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.mgf || t.exports.eme_oaep_mgf1,
  5123. a = this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.label || n.alloc(0),
  5124. f = t.exports.digestLength[r];
  5125. if (e.length < 2 * f + 2) throw new Error("Error decoding message, the supplied message is not long enough to be a valid OAEP encoded message");
  5126. for (var u = e.slice(1, f + 1), c = e.slice(1 + f), h = s(c, f, r), p = 0; p < u.length; p++) u[p] ^= h[p];
  5127. for (h = s(u, c.length, r), p = 0; p < c.length; p++) c[p] ^= h[p];
  5128. var l = i.createHash(r);
  5129. if (l.update(a), l = l.digest(), c.slice(0, f).toString("hex") != l.toString("hex")) throw new Error("Error decoding message, the lHash calculated from the label provided and the lHash in the encrypted data do not match.");
  5130. for (p = f; 0 === c[p++] && p < c.length;);
  5131. if (1 != c[p - 1]) throw new Error("Error decoding message, there is no padding message separator byte");
  5132. return c.slice(p)
  5133. }, new s(e, r)
  5134. }
  5135. },
  5136. 8290: (t, e, r) => {
  5137. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  5138. i = r(1973),
  5139. o = r(3200),
  5140. s = r(7449),
  5141. a = {
  5142. md2: n.from("3020300c06082a864886f70d020205000410", "hex"),
  5143. md5: n.from("3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410", "hex"),
  5144. sha1: n.from("3021300906052b0e03021a05000414", "hex"),
  5145. sha224: n.from("302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c", "hex"),
  5146. sha256: n.from("3031300d060960864801650304020105000420", "hex"),
  5147. sha384: n.from("3041300d060960864801650304020205000430", "hex"),
  5148. sha512: n.from("3051300d060960864801650304020305000440", "hex"),
  5149. ripemd160: n.from("3021300906052b2403020105000414", "hex"),
  5150. rmd160: n.from("3021300906052b2403020105000414", "hex")
  5151. },
  5152. f = {
  5153. ripemd160: "rmd160"
  5154. },
  5155. u = "sha256";
  5156. t.exports = {
  5157. isEncryption: !0,
  5158. isSignature: !0
  5159. }, t.exports.makeScheme = function(t, e) {
  5160. function r(t, e) {
  5161. this.key = t, this.options = e
  5162. }
  5163. return r.prototype.maxMessageLength = function() {
  5164. return this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions && this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding == s.RSA_NO_PADDING ? this.key.encryptedDataLength : this.key.encryptedDataLength - 11
  5165. }, r.prototype.encPad = function(t, e) {
  5166. var r;
  5167. if (e = e || {}, t.length > this.key.maxMessageLength) throw new Error("Message too long for RSA (n=" + this.key.encryptedDataLength + ", l=" + t.length + ")");
  5168. if (this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions && this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding == s.RSA_NO_PADDING) return (r = n.alloc(this.key.maxMessageLength - t.length)).fill(0), n.concat([r, t]);
  5169. if (1 === e.type) return (r = n.alloc(this.key.encryptedDataLength - t.length - 1)).fill(255, 0, r.length - 1), r[0] = 1, r[r.length - 1] = 0, n.concat([r, t]);
  5170. (r = n.alloc(this.key.encryptedDataLength - t.length))[0] = 0, r[1] = 2;
  5171. for (var i = o.randomBytes(r.length - 3), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
  5172. for (var f = i[a]; 0 === f;) f = o.randomBytes(1)[0];
  5173. r[a + 2] = f
  5174. }
  5175. return r[r.length - 1] = 0, n.concat([r, t])
  5176. }, r.prototype.encUnPad = function(t, e) {
  5177. e = e || {};
  5178. var r = 0;
  5179. if (this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions && this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding == s.RSA_NO_PADDING) return "function" == typeof t.lastIndexOf ? t.slice(t.lastIndexOf("\0") + 1, t.length) : t.slice(, "\0") + 1, t.length);
  5180. if (t.length < 4) return null;
  5181. if (1 === e.type) {
  5182. if (0 !== t[0] || 1 !== t[1]) return null;
  5183. for (r = 3; 0 !== t[r];)
  5184. if (255 != t[r] || ++r >= t.length) return null
  5185. } else {
  5186. if (0 !== t[0] || 2 !== t[1]) return null;
  5187. for (r = 3; 0 !== t[r];)
  5188. if (++r >= t.length) return null
  5189. }
  5190. return t.slice(r + 1, t.length)
  5191. }, r.prototype.sign = function(t) {
  5192. var e = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || u;
  5193. if ("browser" === this.options.environment) {
  5194. e = f[e] || e;
  5195. var r = o.createHash(e);
  5196. r.update(t);
  5197. var n = this.pkcs1pad(r.digest(), e);
  5198. return this.key.$doPrivate(new i(n)).toBuffer(this.key.encryptedDataLength)
  5199. }
  5200. var s = o.createSign("RSA-" + e.toUpperCase());
  5201. return s.update(t), s.sign(this.options.rsaUtils.exportKey("private"))
  5202. }, r.prototype.verify = function(t, e, r) {
  5203. if (this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions && this.options.encryptionSchemeOptions.padding == s.RSA_NO_PADDING) return !1;
  5204. var a = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || u;
  5205. if ("browser" === this.options.environment) {
  5206. a = f[a] || a, r && (e = n.from(e, r));
  5207. var c = o.createHash(a);
  5208. c.update(t);
  5209. var h = this.pkcs1pad(c.digest(), a);
  5210. return this.key.$doPublic(new i(e)).toBuffer().toString("hex") == h.toString("hex")
  5211. }
  5212. var p = o.createVerify("RSA-" + a.toUpperCase());
  5213. return p.update(t), p.verify(this.options.rsaUtils.exportKey("public"), e, r)
  5214. }, r.prototype.pkcs0pad = function(t) {
  5215. var e = n.alloc(this.key.maxMessageLength - t.length);
  5216. return e.fill(0), n.concat([e, t])
  5217. }, r.prototype.pkcs0unpad = function(t) {
  5218. return "function" == typeof t.lastIndexOf ? t.slice(t.lastIndexOf("\0") + 1, t.length) : t.slice(, "\0") + 1, t.length)
  5219. }, r.prototype.pkcs1pad = function(t, e) {
  5220. var r = a[e];
  5221. if (!r) throw Error("Unsupported hash algorithm");
  5222. var i = n.concat([r, t]);
  5223. if (i.length + 10 > this.key.encryptedDataLength) throw Error("Key is too short for signing algorithm (" + e + ")");
  5224. var o = n.alloc(this.key.encryptedDataLength - i.length - 1);
  5225. return o.fill(255, 0, o.length - 1), o[0] = 1, o[o.length - 1] = 0, n.concat([o, i])
  5226. }, new r(t, e)
  5227. }
  5228. },
  5229. 4414: (t, e, r) => {
  5230. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  5231. i = r(1973),
  5232. o = r(3200);
  5233. t.exports = {
  5234. isEncryption: !1,
  5235. isSignature: !0
  5236. };
  5237. var s = "sha1";
  5238. t.exports.makeScheme = function(t, e) {
  5239. var a = r(1768).pkcs1_oaep;
  5240. function f(t, e) {
  5241. this.key = t, this.options = e
  5242. }
  5243. return f.prototype.sign = function(t) {
  5244. var e = o.createHash(this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || s);
  5245. e.update(t);
  5246. var r = this.emsa_pss_encode(e.digest(), this.key.keySize - 1);
  5247. return this.key.$doPrivate(new i(r)).toBuffer(this.key.encryptedDataLength)
  5248. }, f.prototype.verify = function(t, e, r) {
  5249. r && (e = n.from(e, r)), e = new i(e);
  5250. var a = Math.ceil((this.key.keySize - 1) / 8),
  5251. f = this.key.$doPublic(e).toBuffer(a),
  5252. u = o.createHash(this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || s);
  5253. return u.update(t), this.emsa_pss_verify(u.digest(), f, this.key.keySize - 1)
  5254. }, f.prototype.emsa_pss_encode = function(t, e) {
  5255. var r = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || s,
  5256. i = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.mgf || a.eme_oaep_mgf1,
  5257. f = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.saltLength || 20,
  5258. u = a.digestLength[r],
  5259. c = Math.ceil(e / 8);
  5260. if (c < u + f + 2) throw new Error("Output length passed to emBits(" + e + ") is too small for the options specified(" + r + ", " + f + "). To fix this issue increase the value of emBits. (minimum size: " + (8 * u + 8 * f + 9) + ")");
  5261. var h = o.randomBytes(f),
  5262. p = n.alloc(8 + u + f);
  5263. p.fill(0, 0, 8), t.copy(p, 8), h.copy(p, 8 + t.length);
  5264. var l = o.createHash(r);
  5265. l.update(p), l = l.digest();
  5266. var y = n.alloc(c - h.length - u - 2);
  5267. y.fill(0);
  5268. var g = n.alloc(y.length + 1 + h.length);
  5269. y.copy(g), g[y.length] = 1, h.copy(g, y.length + 1);
  5270. for (var d = i(l, g.length, r), v = n.alloc(g.length), m = 0; m < d.length; m++) v[m] = g[m] ^ d[m];
  5271. var S = 8 * c - e,
  5272. _ = 255 ^ 255 >> 8 - S << 8 - S;
  5273. v[0] = v[0] & _;
  5274. var b = n.alloc(v.length + l.length + 1);
  5275. return v.copy(b, 0), l.copy(b, v.length), b[b.length - 1] = 188, b
  5276. }, f.prototype.emsa_pss_verify = function(t, e, r) {
  5277. var i = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.hash || s,
  5278. f = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.mgf || a.eme_oaep_mgf1,
  5279. u = this.options.signingSchemeOptions.saltLength || 20,
  5280. c = a.digestLength[i],
  5281. h = Math.ceil(r / 8);
  5282. if (h < c + u + 2 || 188 != e[e.length - 1]) return !1;
  5283. var p = n.alloc(h - c - 1);
  5284. e.copy(p, 0, 0, h - c - 1);
  5285. for (var l = 0, y = 0, g = 8 * h - r; y < g; y++) l |= 1 << 7 - y;
  5286. if (p[0] & l) return !1;
  5287. var d = e.slice(h - c - 1, h - 1),
  5288. v = f(d, p.length, i);
  5289. for (y = 0; y < p.length; y++) p[y] ^= v[y];
  5290. for (l = 255 ^ 255 >> 8 - (g = 8 * h - r) << 8 - g, p[0] = p[0] & l, y = 0; 0 === p[y] && y < p.length; y++);
  5291. if (1 != p[y]) return !1;
  5292. var m = p.slice(p.length - u),
  5293. S = n.alloc(8 + c + u);
  5294. S.fill(0, 0, 8), t.copy(S, 8), m.copy(S, 8 + t.length);
  5295. var _ = o.createHash(i);
  5296. return _.update(S), _ = _.digest(), d.toString("hex") === _.toString("hex")
  5297. }, new f(t, e)
  5298. }
  5299. },
  5300. 1768: (t, e, r) => {
  5301. t.exports = {
  5302. pkcs1: r(8290),
  5303. pkcs1_oaep: r(2487),
  5304. pss: r(4414),
  5305. isEncryption: function(e) {
  5306. return t.exports[e] && t.exports[e].isEncryption
  5307. },
  5308. isSignature: function(e) {
  5309. return t.exports[e] && t.exports[e].isSignature
  5310. }
  5311. }
  5312. },
  5313. 8226: (t, e, r) => {
  5314. var n = r(5606);
  5315. r(3200), t.exports.linebrk = function(t, e) {
  5316. for (var r = "", n = 0; n + e < t.length;) r += t.substring(n, n + e) + "\n", n += e;
  5317. return r + t.substring(n, t.length)
  5318. }, t.exports.detectEnvironment = function() {
  5319. return "browser";
  5320. "undefined" == typeof window || !window || n && "node" === n.title ? "node" : "browser"
  5321. }, t.exports.get32IntFromBuffer = function(t, e) {
  5322. var r;
  5323. if (e = e || 0, (r = t.length - e) > 0) {
  5324. if (r >= 4) return t.readUIntBE(e, r);
  5325. for (var n = 0, i = e + r, o = 0; i > e; i--, o += 2) n += t[i - 1] * Math.pow(16, o);
  5326. return n
  5327. }
  5328. return NaN
  5329. }, t.exports._ = {
  5330. isObject: function(t) {
  5331. var e = typeof t;
  5332. return !!t && ("object" == e || "function" == e)
  5333. },
  5334. isString: function(t) {
  5335. return "string" == typeof t || t instanceof String
  5336. },
  5337. isNumber: function(t) {
  5338. return "number" == typeof t || !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t)
  5339. },
  5340. omit: function(t, e) {
  5341. var r = {};
  5342. for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && n !== e && (r[n] = t[n]);
  5343. return r
  5344. }
  5345. }, t.exports.trimSurroundingText = function(t, e, r) {
  5346. var n = 0,
  5347. i = t.length,
  5348. o = t.indexOf(e);
  5349. o >= 0 && (n = o + e.length);
  5350. var s = t.indexOf(r, o);
  5351. return s >= 0 && (i = s), t.substring(n, i)
  5352. }
  5353. },
  5354. 8875: (t, e, r) => {
  5355. "use strict";
  5356. var n;
  5357. if (!Object.keys) {
  5358. var i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
  5359. o = Object.prototype.toString,
  5360. s = r(1093),
  5361. a = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,
  5362. f = !{
  5363. toString: null
  5364. }, "toString"),
  5365. u = {}), "prototype"),
  5366. c = ["toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor"],
  5367. h = function(t) {
  5368. var e = t.constructor;
  5369. return e && e.prototype === t
  5370. },
  5371. p = {
  5372. $applicationCache: !0,
  5373. $console: !0,
  5374. $external: !0,
  5375. $frame: !0,
  5376. $frameElement: !0,
  5377. $frames: !0,
  5378. $innerHeight: !0,
  5379. $innerWidth: !0,
  5380. $onmozfullscreenchange: !0,
  5381. $onmozfullscreenerror: !0,
  5382. $outerHeight: !0,
  5383. $outerWidth: !0,
  5384. $pageXOffset: !0,
  5385. $pageYOffset: !0,
  5386. $parent: !0,
  5387. $scrollLeft: !0,
  5388. $scrollTop: !0,
  5389. $scrollX: !0,
  5390. $scrollY: !0,
  5391. $self: !0,
  5392. $webkitIndexedDB: !0,
  5393. $webkitStorageInfo: !0,
  5394. $window: !0
  5395. },
  5396. l = function() {
  5397. if ("undefined" == typeof window) return !1;
  5398. for (var t in window) try {
  5399. if (!p["$" + t] &&, t) && null !== window[t] && "object" == typeof window[t]) try {
  5400. h(window[t])
  5401. } catch (t) {
  5402. return !0
  5403. }
  5404. } catch (t) {
  5405. return !0
  5406. }
  5407. return !1
  5408. }();
  5409. n = function(t) {
  5410. var e = null !== t && "object" == typeof t,
  5411. r = "[object Function]" ===,
  5412. n = s(t),
  5413. a = e && "[object String]" ===,
  5414. p = [];
  5415. if (!e && !r && !n) throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object");
  5416. var y = u && r;
  5417. if (a && t.length > 0 && !, 0))
  5418. for (var g = 0; g < t.length; ++g) p.push(String(g));
  5419. if (n && t.length > 0)
  5420. for (var d = 0; d < t.length; ++d) p.push(String(d));
  5421. else
  5422. for (var v in t) y && "prototype" === v || !, v) || p.push(String(v));
  5423. if (f)
  5424. for (var m = function(t) {
  5425. if ("undefined" == typeof window || !l) return h(t);
  5426. try {
  5427. return h(t)
  5428. } catch (t) {
  5429. return !1
  5430. }
  5431. }(t), S = 0; S < c.length; ++S) m && "constructor" === c[S] || !, c[S]) || p.push(c[S]);
  5432. return p
  5433. }
  5434. }
  5435. t.exports = n
  5436. },
  5437. 1189: (t, e, r) => {
  5438. "use strict";
  5439. var n = Array.prototype.slice,
  5440. i = r(1093),
  5441. o = Object.keys,
  5442. s = o ? function(t) {
  5443. return o(t)
  5444. } : r(8875),
  5445. a = Object.keys;
  5446. s.shim = function() {
  5447. if (Object.keys) {
  5448. var t = function() {
  5449. var t = Object.keys(arguments);
  5450. return t && t.length === arguments.length
  5451. }(1, 2);
  5452. t || (Object.keys = function(t) {
  5453. return i(t) ? a( : a(t)
  5454. })
  5455. } else Object.keys = s;
  5456. return Object.keys || s
  5457. }, t.exports = s
  5458. },
  5459. 1093: t => {
  5460. "use strict";
  5461. var e = Object.prototype.toString;
  5462. t.exports = function(t) {
  5463. var r =,
  5464. n = "[object Arguments]" === r;
  5465. return n || (n = "[object Array]" !== r && null !== t && "object" == typeof t && "number" == typeof t.length && t.length >= 0 && "[object Function]" ===, n
  5466. }
  5467. },
  5468. 8403: (t, e, r) => {
  5469. "use strict";
  5470. var n = r(1189),
  5471. i = r(1333)(),
  5472. o = r(8075),
  5473. s = Object,
  5474. a = o("Array.prototype.push"),
  5475. f = o("Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable"),
  5476. u = i ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : null;
  5477. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  5478. if (null == t) throw new TypeError("target must be an object");
  5479. var r = s(t);
  5480. if (1 === arguments.length) return r;
  5481. for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; ++o) {
  5482. var c = s(arguments[o]),
  5483. h = n(c),
  5484. p = i && (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols || u);
  5485. if (p)
  5486. for (var l = p(c), y = 0; y < l.length; ++y) {
  5487. var g = l[y];
  5488. f(c, g) && a(h, g)
  5489. }
  5490. for (var d = 0; d < h.length; ++d) {
  5491. var v = h[d];
  5492. if (f(c, v)) {
  5493. var m = c[v];
  5494. r[v] = m
  5495. }
  5496. }
  5497. }
  5498. return r
  5499. }
  5500. },
  5501. 1514: (t, e, r) => {
  5502. "use strict";
  5503. var n = r(8403);
  5504. t.exports = function() {
  5505. return Object.assign ? function() {
  5506. if (!Object.assign) return !1;
  5507. for (var t = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", e = t.split(""), r = {}, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) r[e[n]] = e[n];
  5508. var i = Object.assign({}, r),
  5509. o = "";
  5510. for (var s in i) o += s;
  5511. return t !== o
  5512. }() || function() {
  5513. if (!Object.assign || !Object.preventExtensions) return !1;
  5514. var t = Object.preventExtensions({
  5515. 1: 2
  5516. });
  5517. try {
  5518. Object.assign(t, "xy")
  5519. } catch (e) {
  5520. return "y" === t[1]
  5521. }
  5522. return !1
  5523. }() ? n : Object.assign : n
  5524. }
  5525. },
  5526. 5606: t => {
  5527. var e, r, n = t.exports = {};
  5528. function i() {
  5529. throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")
  5530. }
  5531. function o() {
  5532. throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")
  5533. }
  5534. function s(t) {
  5535. if (e === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0);
  5536. if ((e === i || !e) && setTimeout) return e = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0);
  5537. try {
  5538. return e(t, 0)
  5539. } catch (r) {
  5540. try {
  5541. return, t, 0)
  5542. } catch (r) {
  5543. return, t, 0)
  5544. }
  5545. }
  5546. }! function() {
  5547. try {
  5548. e = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : i
  5549. } catch (t) {
  5550. e = i
  5551. }
  5552. try {
  5553. r = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : o
  5554. } catch (t) {
  5555. r = o
  5556. }
  5557. }();
  5558. var a, f = [],
  5559. u = !1,
  5560. c = -1;
  5561. function h() {
  5562. u && a && (u = !1, a.length ? f = a.concat(f) : c = -1, f.length && p())
  5563. }
  5564. function p() {
  5565. if (!u) {
  5566. var t = s(h);
  5567. u = !0;
  5568. for (var e = f.length; e;) {
  5569. for (a = f, f = []; ++c < e;) a && a[c].run();
  5570. c = -1, e = f.length
  5571. }
  5572. a = null, u = !1,
  5573. function(t) {
  5574. if (r === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t);
  5575. if ((r === o || !r) && clearTimeout) return r = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t);
  5576. try {
  5577. return r(t)
  5578. } catch (e) {
  5579. try {
  5580. return, t)
  5581. } catch (e) {
  5582. return, t)
  5583. }
  5584. }
  5585. }(t)
  5586. }
  5587. }
  5588. function l(t, e) {
  5589. = t, this.array = e
  5590. }
  5591. function y() {}
  5592. n.nextTick = function(t) {
  5593. var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
  5594. if (arguments.length > 1)
  5595. for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) e[r - 1] = arguments[r];
  5596. f.push(new l(t, e)), 1 !== f.length || u || s(p)
  5597. }, = function() {
  5598., this.array)
  5599. }, n.title = "browser", n.browser = !0, n.env = {}, n.argv = [], n.version = "", n.versions = {}, n.on = y, n.addListener = y, n.once = y, = y, n.removeListener = y, n.removeAllListeners = y, n.emit = y, n.prependListener = y, n.prependOnceListener = y, n.listeners = function(t) {
  5600. return []
  5601. }, n.binding = function(t) {
  5602. throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")
  5603. }, n.cwd = function() {
  5604. return "/"
  5605. }, n.chdir = function(t) {
  5606. throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")
  5607. }, n.umask = function() {
  5608. return 0
  5609. }
  5610. },
  5611. 4774: (t, e, r) => {
  5612. "use strict";
  5613. var n, i = r(5606),
  5614. o = r(8287),
  5615. s = o.Buffer,
  5616. a = {};
  5617. for (n in o) o.hasOwnProperty(n) && "SlowBuffer" !== n && "Buffer" !== n && (a[n] = o[n]);
  5618. var f = a.Buffer = {};
  5619. for (n in s) s.hasOwnProperty(n) && "allocUnsafe" !== n && "allocUnsafeSlow" !== n && (f[n] = s[n]);
  5620. if (a.Buffer.prototype = s.prototype, f.from && f.from !== Uint8Array.from || (f.from = function(t, e, r) {
  5621. if ("number" == typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type ' + typeof t);
  5622. if (t && void 0 === t.length) throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof t);
  5623. return s(t, e, r)
  5624. }), f.alloc || (f.alloc = function(t, e, r) {
  5625. if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "size" argument must be of type number. Received type ' + typeof t);
  5626. if (t < 0 || t >= 2 * (1 << 30)) throw new RangeError('The value "' + t + '" is invalid for option "size"');
  5627. var n = s(t);
  5628. return e && 0 !== e.length ? "string" == typeof r ? n.fill(e, r) : n.fill(e) : n.fill(0), n
  5629. }), !a.kStringMaxLength) try {
  5630. a.kStringMaxLength = i.binding("buffer").kStringMaxLength
  5631. } catch (t) {}
  5632. a.constants || (a.constants = {
  5633. MAX_LENGTH: a.kMaxLength
  5634. }, a.kStringMaxLength && (a.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = a.kStringMaxLength)), t.exports = a
  5635. },
  5636. 6897: (t, e, r) => {
  5637. "use strict";
  5638. var n = r(453),
  5639. i = r(41),
  5640. o = r(592)(),
  5641. s = r(5795),
  5642. a = r(9675),
  5643. f = n("%Math.floor%");
  5644. t.exports = function(t, e) {
  5645. if ("function" != typeof t) throw new a("`fn` is not a function");
  5646. if ("number" != typeof e || e < 0 || e > 4294967295 || f(e) !== e) throw new a("`length` must be a positive 32-bit integer");
  5647. var r = arguments.length > 2 && !!arguments[2],
  5648. n = !0,
  5649. u = !0;
  5650. if ("length" in t && s) {
  5651. var c = s(t, "length");
  5652. c && !c.configurable && (n = !1), c && !c.writable && (u = !1)
  5653. }
  5654. return (n || u || !r) && (o ? i(t, "length", e, !0, !0) : i(t, "length", e)), t
  5655. }
  5656. },
  5657. 3200: (t, e, r) => {
  5658. var n = r(8287).Buffer,
  5659. i = r(1396),
  5660. o = {
  5661. randomBytes: function(t) {
  5662. for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t; r++) e.push(Math.floor(256 * Math.random()));
  5663. return n.from(e)
  5664. },
  5665. createHash(t) {
  5666. let e = n.from([]);
  5667. return {
  5668. update: function(t) {
  5669. return e = n.concat([e, t]), this
  5670. },
  5671. digest: function() {
  5672. let r = i[t.toUpperCase()](i.lib.WordArray.create(new Uint8Array(e))).toString();
  5673. return n.from(r, "hex")
  5674. }
  5675. }
  5676. }
  5677. };
  5678. t.exports = o
  5679. },
  5680. 7033: (t, e, r) => {
  5681. var n = r(8287).Buffer;
  5682. const i = r(3229);
  5683. let o = {
  5684. outputEncoding: "",
  5685. PublicFormat: "pkcs1-public",
  5686. PrivateFormat: "pkcs1-private",
  5687. options: {
  5688. environment: "browser",
  5689. encryptionScheme: "pkcs1"
  5690. }
  5691. };
  5692. t.exports = {
  5693. NodeRSA: i,
  5694. encryptRSAWithPublicKey: function(t, e, r = {}) {
  5695. return r = Object.assign({}, o, r), new i(e, r.PublicFormat, r.options).encrypt(t, r.outEncoding || "base64")
  5696. },
  5697. encryptRSAWithPrivateKey: function(t, e, r = {}) {
  5698. return r = Object.assign({}, o, r), new i(e, r.PrivateFormat, r.options).encryptPrivate(t, r.outputEncoding || "base64")
  5699. },
  5700. decryptRSAWithPublicKey: function(t, e, r = {}) {
  5701. return r = Object.assign({}, o, r), new i(e, r.PublicEncoding, r.options).decryptPublic(t, r.outEncoding || "utf8")
  5702. },
  5703. decryptRSAWithPrivateKey: function(t, e, r = {}) {
  5704. return r = Object.assign({}, o, r), new i(e, r.PrivateEncoding, r.options).decrypt(t, r.outEncoding || "utf8")
  5705. },
  5706. sign: function(t, e, r = {}) {
  5707. return r = Object.assign({}, o, r), new i(e, r.PrivateEncoding, r.options).sign(t, r.outEncoding || "base64")
  5708. },
  5709. verify: function(t, e, r, s = {}) {
  5710. return "string" == typeof e && e.match(/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*$/) ? e = n.from(e, "hex") : "string" == typeof e && (e = n.from(e, "base64")), s = Object.assign({}, o, s), new i(r, s.PublicEncoding, s.options).verify(t, e)
  5711. }
  5712. }
  5713. },
  5714. 7449: t => {
  5715. "use strict";
  5717. }
  5718. },
  5719. e = {};
  5720. function r(n) {
  5721. var i = e[n];
  5722. if (void 0 !== i) return i.exports;
  5723. var o = e[n] = {
  5724. exports: {}
  5725. };
  5726. return t[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, r), o.exports
  5727. }
  5728. return r.g = function() {
  5729. if ("object" == typeof globalThis) return globalThis;
  5730. try {
  5731. return this || new Function("return this")()
  5732. } catch (t) {
  5733. if ("object" == typeof window) return window
  5734. }
  5735. }(), r(7033)
  5736. })()));