readme.txt 2.8 KB

  1. _____ _ _
  2. / ____| v.1.1 | | | |
  3. | (___ _ __ ___| |_ _ _ __ | | ___ _
  4. \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | | | '_ \| |/ / | | |®
  5. ____) | |_) | __/ | |_| | | | | <| |_| |
  6. |_____/| .__/ \___|_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\\__, |
  7. | | __/ |
  8. |_| by Derek Yu |___/ Copyright (c) 2008, 2009
  9. Mossmouth, LLC
  10. <>
  11. =========================
  13. =========================
  14. Hey, people! I'm releasing the source code in the hopes that you can
  15. learn from it and create some cool stuff of your own. I apologize in
  16. advance if anything is not as straightforward, efficient, or clean as it
  17. could be. I did my best to provide comments where necessary!
  18. =========================
  20. =========================
  21. To open the .gmk files, you will need some version of Mark Overmars's
  22. Game Maker (I used both version 7.0 and 8.0). It can be obtained for
  23. $25 from <>.
  24. To obtain the data files required to play the game, download Spelunky from
  25. <>.
  26. =========================
  28. =========================
  29. You can redistribute and/or modify Spelunky, including its source code, under
  30. the terms of the Spelunky User License. You may not sell Spelunky.
  31. Spelunky is distributed in the hope that it will be entertaining and useful,
  32. but WITHOUT WARRANTY. Please see the Spelunky User License for more details.
  33. The Spelunky User License should be available as an external file called
  34. COPYING. If not, please obtain a new copy of Spelunky from the official
  35. website at <>.
  36. =========================
  38. =========================
  39. Email: <>
  40. Forums: <>
  41. Unfortunately, I can't commit to answering every question about the source
  42. code. Your best bet is to post on the forums! Your question may have
  43. already been answered there.
  44. =========================
  46. =========================
  47. Some smart and generous people have made Game Maker a lot better by extending
  48. its basic functionality with scripts. I used the following in Spelunky:
  49. The BASIC PLATFORM ENGINE was by Martin Piecyk
  50. <>.
  51. The game uses tsg1zzn's SUPER SOUND SYSTEM library for Game Maker to play
  52. OGG VORBIS music files and do CROSS-FADING and PANNING.
  53. The game incorporates ChevyRay's VIEW-SCALING SCRIPTS.
  54. <>
  55. Many thanks to these guys for sharing their work.
  56. =========================
  58. =========================
  59. --------------------
  60. 1.1 - 12/25/2009
  61. --------------------