UPGRADE-1.2.txt 9.1 KB

  1. =========================================================
  2. ===
  3. === Information for upgrading from Asterisk 1.0 to 1.2
  4. ===
  5. === This file documents all the changes that MUST be taken
  6. === into account when upgrading between the Asterisk
  7. === versions listed below. These changes may require that
  8. === you modify your configuration files, dialplan or (in
  9. === some cases) source code if you have your own Asterisk
  10. === modules or patches. These files also includes advance
  11. === notice of any functionality that has been marked as
  12. === 'deprecated' and may be removed in a future release,
  13. === along with the suggested replacement functionality.
  14. ===
  15. =========================================================
  16. Compiling:
  17. * The Asterisk 1.2 source code now uses C language features
  18. supported only by 'modern' C compilers. Generally, this means GCC
  19. version 3.0 or higher, although some GCC 2.96 releases will also
  20. work. Some non-GCC compilers that support C99 and the common GCC
  21. extensions (including anonymous structures and unions) will also
  22. work. All releases of GCC 2.95 do _not_ have the requisite feature
  23. support; systems using that compiler will need to be upgraded to
  24. a more recent compiler release.
  25. Dialplan Expressions:
  26. * The dialplan expression parser (which handles $[ ... ] constructs)
  27. has gone through a major upgrade, but has one incompatible change:
  28. spaces are no longer required around expression operators, including
  29. string comparisons. However, you can now use quoting to keep strings
  30. together for comparison. For more details, please read the
  31. doc/README.variables file, and check over your dialplan for possible
  32. problems.
  33. Agents:
  34. * The default for ackcall has been changed to "no" instead of "yes"
  35. because of a bug which caused the "yes" behavior to generally act like
  36. "no". You may need to adjust the value if your agents behave
  37. differently than you expect with respect to acknowledgement.
  38. * The AgentCallBackLogin application now requires a second '|' before
  39. specifying an extension@context. This is to distinguish the options
  40. string from the extension, so that they do not conflict. See
  41. 'show application AgentCallbackLogin' for more details.
  42. Parking:
  43. * Parking behavior has changed slightly; when a parked call times out,
  44. Asterisk will attempt to deliver the call back to the extension that
  45. parked it, rather than the 's' extension. If that extension is busy
  46. or unavailable, the parked call will be lost.
  47. Dialing:
  48. * The Caller*ID of the outbound leg is now the extension that was
  49. called, rather than the Caller*ID of the inbound leg of the call. The
  50. "o" flag for Dial can be used to restore the original behavior if
  51. desired. Note that if you are looking for the originating callerid
  52. from the manager event, there is a new manager event "Dial" which
  53. provides the source and destination channels and callerid.
  54. IAX:
  55. * The naming convention for IAX channels has changed in two ways:
  56. 1. The call number follows a "-" rather than a "/" character.
  57. 2. The name of the channel has been simplified to IAX2/peer-callno,
  58. rather than IAX2/peer@peer-callno or even IAX2/peer@peer/callno.
  59. SIP:
  60. * The global option "port" in 1.0.X that is used to set which port to
  61. bind to has been changed to "bindport" to be more consistent with
  62. the other channel drivers and to avoid confusion with the "port"
  63. option for users/peers.
  64. * The "Registry" event now uses "Username" rather than "User" for
  65. consistency with IAX.
  66. Applications:
  67. * With the addition of dialplan functions (which operate similarly
  68. to variables), the SetVar application has been renamed to Set.
  69. * The CallerPres application has been removed. Use SetCallerPres
  70. instead. It accepts both numeric and symbolic names.
  71. * The applications GetGroupCount, GetGroupMatchCount, SetGroup, and
  72. CheckGroup have been deprecated in favor of functions. Here is a
  73. table of their replacements:
  74. GetGroupCount([groupname][@category] GROUP_COUNT([groupname][@category]) Set(GROUPCOUNT=${GROUP_COUNT()})
  75. GroupMatchCount(groupmatch[@category]) GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(groupmatch[@category]) Set(GROUPCOUNT=${GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(SIP/.*)})
  76. SetGroup(groupname[@category]) GROUP([category])=groupname Set(GROUP()=test)
  77. CheckGroup(max[@category]) N/A GotoIf($[ ${GROUP_COUNT()} > 5 ]?103)
  78. Note that CheckGroup does not have a direct replacement. There is
  79. also a new function called GROUP_LIST() which will return a space
  80. separated list of all of the groups set on a channel. The GROUP()
  81. function can also return the name of the group set on a channel when
  82. used in a read environment.
  83. * The applications DBGet and DBPut have been deprecated in favor of
  84. functions. Here is a table of their replacements:
  85. DBGet(foo=family/key) Set(foo=${DB(family/key)})
  86. DBPut(family/key=${foo}) Set(DB(family/key)=${foo})
  87. * The application SetLanguage has been deprecated in favor of the
  88. function LANGUAGE().
  89. SetLanguage(fr) Set(LANGUAGE()=fr)
  90. The LANGUAGE function can also return the currently set language:
  91. Set(MYLANG=${LANGUAGE()})
  92. * The applications AbsoluteTimeout, DigitTimeout, and ResponseTimeout
  93. have been deprecated in favor of the function TIMEOUT(timeouttype):
  94. AbsoluteTimeout(300) Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=300)
  95. DigitTimeout(15) Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=15)
  96. ResponseTimeout(15) Set(TIMEOUT(response)=15)
  97. The TIMEOUT() function can also return the currently set timeouts:
  98. Set(DTIMEOUT=${TIMEOUT(digit)})
  99. * The applications SetCIDName, SetCIDNum, and SetRDNIS have been
  100. deprecated in favor of the CALLERID(datatype) function:
  101. SetCIDName(Joe Cool) Set(CALLERID(name)=Joe Cool)
  102. SetCIDNum(2025551212) Set(CALLERID(number)=2025551212)
  103. SetRDNIS(2024561414) Set(CALLERID(RDNIS)=2024561414)
  104. * The application Record now uses the period to separate the filename
  105. from the format, rather than the colon.
  106. * The application VoiceMail now supports a 'temporary' greeting for each
  107. mailbox. This greeting can be recorded by using option 4 in the
  108. 'mailbox options' menu, and 'change your password' option has been
  109. moved to option 5.
  110. * The application VoiceMailMain now only matches the 'default' context if
  111. none is specified in the arguments. (This was the previously
  112. documented behavior, however, we didn't follow that behavior.) The old
  113. behavior can be restored by setting searchcontexts=yes in voicemail.conf.
  114. Queues:
  115. * A queue is now considered empty not only if there are no members but if
  116. none of the members are available (e.g. agents not logged on). To
  117. restore the original behavior, use "leavewhenempty=strict" or
  118. "joinwhenempty=strict" instead of "=yes" for those options.
  119. * It is now possible to use multi-digit extensions in the exit context
  120. for a queue (although you should not have overlapping extensions,
  121. as there is no digit timeout). This means that the EXITWITHKEY event
  122. in queue_log can now contain a key field with more than a single
  123. character in it.
  124. Extensions:
  125. * By default, there is a new option called "autofallthrough" in
  126. extensions.conf that is set to yes. Asterisk 1.0 (and earlier)
  127. behavior was to wait for an extension to be dialed after there were no
  128. more extensions to execute. "autofallthrough" changes this behavior
  129. so that the call will immediately be terminated with BUSY,
  130. CONGESTION, or HANGUP based on Asterisk's best guess. If you are
  131. writing an extension for IVR, you must use the WaitExten application
  132. if "autofallthrough" is set to yes.
  133. AGI:
  134. * AGI scripts did not always get SIGHUP at the end, previously. That
  135. behavior has been fixed. If you do not want your script to terminate
  136. at the end of AGI being called (e.g. on a hangup) then set SIGHUP to
  137. be ignored within your application.
  138. * CallerID is reported with agi_callerid and agi_calleridname instead
  139. of a single parameter holding both.
  140. Music On Hold:
  141. * The preferred format for musiconhold.conf has changed; please see the
  142. sample configuration file for the new format. The existing format
  143. is still supported but will generate warnings when the module is loaded.
  144. chan_modem:
  145. * All the chan_modem channel drivers (aopen, bestdata and i4l) are deprecated
  146. in this release, and will be removed in the next major Asterisk release.
  147. Please migrate to chan_misdn for ISDN interfaces; there is no upgrade
  148. path for aopen and bestdata modem users.
  149. MeetMe:
  150. * The conference application now allows users to increase/decrease their
  151. speaking volume and listening volume (independently of each other and
  152. other users); the 'admin' and 'user' menus have changed, and new sound
  153. files are included with this release. However, if a user calling in
  154. over a Zaptel channel that does NOT have hardware DTMF detection
  155. increases their speaking volume, it is likely they will no longer be
  156. able to enter/exit the menu or make any further adjustments, as the
  157. software DTMF detector will not be able to recognize the DTMF coming
  158. from their device.
  159. GetVar Manager Action:
  160. * Previously, the behavior of the GetVar manager action reported the value
  161. of a variable in the following manner:
  162. > name: value
  163. This has been changed to a manner similar to the SetVar action and is now
  164. > Variable: name
  165. > Value: value