ckcsig.h 6.0 KB

  1. /* C K C S I G . H */
  2. /* Definitions and prototypes for signal handling */
  3. /*
  4. Author: Jeffrey E Altman (,
  5. Secure Endpoints Inc., New York City.
  6. Copyright (C) 1985, 2013
  7. Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
  8. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
  9. copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
  10. */
  11. #ifdef OS2
  12. #ifndef NT
  13. #ifndef __HEV__ /* INCL_SEMAPHORE may also define HEV */
  14. #define __HEV__
  15. typedef ULONG HEV; /* hev */
  16. typedef HEV *PHEV;
  17. #endif /* __HEV__ */
  18. #endif /* NT */
  19. struct _threadinfo {
  20. int inuse;
  21. int child;
  22. int sibling;
  23. #ifdef NT
  24. HANDLE id;
  25. HANDLE handle;
  26. HANDLE parent;
  27. HANDLE CompletionSem ;
  28. HANDLE DieSem ;
  29. #else /* NT */
  30. TID id;
  31. TID parent;
  32. HEV CompletionSem;
  33. HEV DieSem;
  34. #endif /* NT */
  35. };
  36. #endif /* OS2 */
  37. #ifdef CK_ANSIC
  38. typedef SIGTYP (*ck_sigfunc)(void *);
  39. typedef SIGTYP (*ck_sighand)(int);
  40. #else
  41. typedef SIGTYP (*ck_sigfunc)();
  42. typedef SIGTYP (*ck_sighand)();
  43. #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
  44. /* Macros for POSIX vs old-style signal handling. */
  45. #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
  46. typedef sigjmp_buf ckjmpbuf;
  47. #else
  48. #ifdef NT
  49. #define NOCRYPT
  50. #include <windows.h>
  51. #ifdef NTASM
  52. typedef struct {
  53. CONTEXT context;
  54. DWORD retcode;
  55. } ckjmpbuf;
  56. #else /* NTASM */
  57. typedef jmp_buf ckjmpbuf;
  58. #endif /* NTASM */
  59. #else
  60. typedef jmp_buf ckjmpbuf;
  61. #endif
  62. #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
  63. /*
  64. Suppose you want to pass the address of a jmp_buf bar to a function foo.
  65. Since jmp_buf is normally defined (typedef'd) as an array, you would do
  66. it like this: foo(bar), where foo = foo(jmp_buf bar). But suppose a
  67. jmp_buf is (say) a struct rather than an array. Then you must do
  68. foo(&bar) where foo is foo(jmp_buf * bar). This is controlled here in
  69. the traditional fashion, by ifdefs. By default, we assume that jmp_buf
  70. is an array. Define the symbol JBNOTARRAY if jmp_buf is not an array.
  71. */
  72. #ifndef JBNOTARRAY
  73. #ifdef NT
  74. #define JBNOTARRAY
  75. #endif /* NT */
  76. #endif /* JBNOTARRAY */
  77. #ifdef JBNOTARRAY
  78. typedef ckjmpbuf * ckjptr;
  79. #define ckjaddr(x) & x
  80. #define ckjdref(x) * x
  81. #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
  82. #define cksetjmp(x) sigsetjmp(x,1)
  83. #define cklongjmp(x,y) siglongjmp(x,y)
  84. #else
  85. #ifdef NT
  86. #ifdef COMMENT
  87. __inline int
  88. #else
  89. static __inline int /* duplicate definition issue */
  90. #endif /* COMMENT */
  91. ck_ih(void) {
  92. extern int TlsIndex;
  93. #ifdef NTSIG
  94. struct _threadinfo * threadinfo;
  95. threadinfo = (struct _threadinfo *) TlsGetValue(TlsIndex);
  96. if (threadinfo) {
  97. if (WaitAndResetSem(threadinfo->DieSem,0)) {
  98. ckThreadDie(threadinfo);
  99. return 1; /* This should never execute */
  100. }
  101. }
  102. #ifdef COMMENT
  103. else debug( F100, "ck_ih() threadinfo is NULL","",0);
  104. #endif /* COMMENT */
  105. #endif /* NTSIG */
  106. return 0;
  107. }
  108. #ifdef NTSIG
  109. #define cksetjmp(x) setjmp(x)
  110. #define cklongjmp(x,y) longjmp(x,y)
  111. #else /* NTSIG */
  112. #ifdef NTASM
  113. __inline DWORD
  114. cksetjmp( ckjptr jmp ) {
  115. extern int isinterrupted;
  116. jmp->retcode = 0;
  117. memset( &jmp->context, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT) );
  118. jmp->context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL ;
  119. if ( !GetThreadContext( GetCurrentThread(), &jmp->context ) )
  120. debug( F101, "cksetjmp GetThreadContext failed","",GetLastError());
  121. debug(F101,"cksetjmp returns","",jmp->retcode);
  122. isinterrupted = 0;
  123. return (jmp->retcode);
  124. }
  125. __inline void
  126. cklongjmp( ckjptr jmp, int retval ) {
  127. extern HANDLE tidCommand;
  128. extern int ttyfd, mdmtyp ;
  129. extern DWORD CommandID;
  130. extern int isinterrupted;
  131. connoi();
  132. isinterrupted = 1;
  133. jmp->retcode = ( retval ? retval : 1 );
  134. debug(F101,"about to SetThreadContext for thread","", CommandID);
  135. debug(F101,"from Thread","",GetCurrentThreadId());
  136. if ( mdmtyp >= 0 ) {
  137. PurgeComm( (HANDLE) ttyfd, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT );
  138. }
  139. if (SetThreadContext( tidCommand, &jmp->context ))
  140. debug(F100,"cklongjmp SetThreadContext success","",0);
  141. else
  142. debug(F101,"cklongjmp SetThreadContext failed","",GetLastError());
  143. msleep(50);
  144. cmini(1); /* Reset command parser */
  145. putkey(13); /* Stuff a carriage return */
  146. /* PostEventAvailSem(); */
  147. }
  148. #else /* NTASM */
  149. void crash( void ) ;
  150. #define cksetjmp(x) setjmp(x)
  151. __inline void
  152. cklongjmp( ckjptr jmp, int retval ) {
  153. extern HANDLE tidCommand;
  154. extern int ttyfd, mdmtyp;
  155. extern DWORD CommandID;
  156. CONTEXT context;
  157. if ( mdmtyp >= 0 ) {
  158. PurgeComm( (HANDLE) ttyfd, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT ) ;
  159. }
  160. memset( &context, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT) );
  161. context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
  162. if ( !GetThreadContext( tidCommand, &context ) )
  163. debug( F101, "cklongjmp GetThreadContext failed","",GetLastError());
  164. /* Invalidate the instruction pointer */
  165. context.Eip = (unsigned long) crash;
  166. debug(F101,"about to SetThreadContext for thread","", CommandID);
  167. debug(F101,"from Thread","",GetCurrentThreadId());
  168. if (SetThreadContext( tidCommand, &context ))
  169. debug(F100,"cklongjmp SetThreadContext success","",0);
  170. else
  171. debug(F101,"cklongjmp SetThreadContext failed","",GetLastError());
  172. }
  173. #endif /* NTASM */
  174. #endif /* NTSIG */
  175. #else /* NT */
  176. #define cksetjmp(x) setjmp(x)
  177. #define cklongjmp(x,y) longjmp(x,y)
  178. #endif /* NT */
  179. #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
  180. #else /* jmp_buf is an array */
  181. typedef ckjmpbuf ckjptr;
  182. #define ckjaddr(x) x
  183. #define ckjdref(x) x
  184. #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
  185. #define cksetjmp(x) sigsetjmp(x,1)
  186. #define cklongjmp(x,y) siglongjmp(x,y)
  187. #else
  188. #define cksetjmp(x) setjmp(x)
  189. #define cklongjmp(x,y) longjmp(x,y)
  190. #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
  191. #endif /* JBNOTARRAY */
  192. _PROTOTYP( int cc_execute, (ckjptr, ck_sigfunc, ck_sigfunc) );
  193. _PROTOTYP( int alrm_execute,
  194. (ckjptr,
  195. int /* timo */,
  196. ck_sighand /* handler */,
  197. ck_sigfunc, ck_sigfunc) );
  198. _PROTOTYP( int cc_alrm_execute,
  199. (ckjptr,
  200. int /* timo */,
  201. ck_sighand /* handler */,
  202. ck_sigfunc,
  203. ck_sigfunc) );
  204. /* End of ckusig.h */