#23 KILL_ALL_SYMLINKS_RECURSIVELY_HERE and other types of useless files

1 тиждень тому відкрито themusicgod1 · 0 коментарів
Jeff Cliff відкоментовано 1 тиждень тому

Not sure about the rest of you but when I basically never want to keep/often want to delete

  • fifo queues
  • sockets
  • firefox lock files / .DCOPserverhostname:0: files whatever they are / .#tdl.doc nano lock files
Not sure about the rest of you but when I basically never want to keep/often want to delete * [ ] fifo queues * [ ] sockets * [ ] firefox lock files / .DCOPserver_`hostname`_:0: files whatever they are / .#tdl.doc nano lock files
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