Registrering av handling

Steinar Bang 6a634b48ba Replace use of deprecated Shiro classes, use the ini file to replace the authc filter with the PassThruAuthenticationFilter, which will work with nginx and authservice 4 years ago
handlereg.backend 31e6e79d95 Use the bean.immutable library to provide hashCode() and equals() to beans used by jackson and jersey 4 years ago
handlereg.backend.testdata 31e6e79d95 Use the bean.immutable library to provide hashCode() and equals() to beans used by jackson and jersey 4 years ago
handlereg.db.liquibase da77794239 Verify that HandleregLiquibase.forceReleaseLocks() doesn't throw any exceptions 4 years ago
handlereg.db.liquibase.production 5040a8b8a3 Remove copy-paste leftovers from the ukelonn project 4 years ago
handlereg.db.liquibase.test f60572a507 Remove unused PooledConnection field 4 years ago 6078563f23 Use pax-jdbc-config to set up the JDBC datasources and configure schemas with liquibase 4 years ago
handlereg.web.api 049004724d Remove unused jackson maven dependencies from handlereg 4 years ago
handlereg.web.frontend 3107b3d72c Change leftover frontend-servlet.version in frontend servlet karaf feature to bang-servlet.version 4 years ago 6a634b48ba Replace use of deprecated Shiro classes, use the ini file to replace the authc filter with the PassThruAuthenticationFilter, which will work with nginx and authservice 4 years ago
scripts 47cc062047 Do snapshot deployment to 5 years ago
src 6078563f23 Use pax-jdbc-config to set up the JDBC datasources and configure schemas with liquibase 4 years ago
.editorconfig 08f15e31c2 Initial commit 5 years ago
.gitignore 5040a8b8a3 Remove copy-paste leftovers from the ukelonn project 4 years ago
.travis.settings.xml 47cc062047 Do snapshot deployment to 5 years ago
.travis.yml ad56de0bb5 Use openjdk 8 on travis-ci 4 years ago
LICENSE 08f15e31c2 Initial commit 5 years ago a7348caa1b Add a build badge for travis-ci to the README 4 years ago
pom.xml c02e72fe65 Use a version of authservice also using pax-web 7.2.14 (version 1.11.5 of authservice) 4 years ago

Registrering av handling

Dette er en webapp som brukes til å registrere handling i butikker.




Kjør følgende i karaf console:

  feature:repo-add mvn:no.priv.bang.handlereg/handlereg/LATEST/xml/features
  feature:install handlereg-with-derby

Konfigurering av PostgreSQL-database

Kjør følgende i karaf console:

  config:edit no.priv.bang.handlereg.db.postgresql.HandleregPostgresqlDatabase
  config:property-set handlereg.db.jdbc.url "jdbc:postgresql:///handlereg"
  config:property-set handlereg.db.jdbc.user "karaf"
  config:property-set handlereg.db.jdbc.password "karaf"


Denne software'n er lisensiert under Apache License v2. Se fila LICENSE for detaljer