1. import requests
  2. import string, time, re, secrets, random
  3. import threading, base64
  4. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  5. import urllib3
  6. urllib3.disable_warnings()
  7. # from anticaptchaofficial.hcaptchaproxyless import *
  8. def randomString(string_length):
  9. input = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
  10. return ''.join(secrets.choice(input) for i in range(string_length))
  11. def genProxy():###EMAILNATOR PROXY
  12. # geo.iproyal.com:12321:***:*****_session-abuo4jtv_lifetime-30m_streaming-1
  13. return {'http': 'http://'+proxy,'https': 'http://'+proxy}
  14. class Emailnator:
  15. def __init__(self, s) -> None:
  16. self.client = s
  17. s.proxies = genProxy()
  18. self.client.get('https://www.emailnator.com/', timeout=6)
  19. self.cookies = self.client.cookies.get_dict()
  20. self.client.headers = {
  21. 'authority' : 'www.emailnator.com',
  22. 'origin' : 'https://www.emailnator.com',
  23. 'referer' : 'https://www.emailnator.com/',
  24. 'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/101.0.1722.39',
  25. 'x-xsrf-token' : self.client.cookies.get("XSRF-TOKEN")[:-3]+"=",
  26. }
  27. self.email = None
  28. def get_mail(self):
  29. response = self.client.post('https://www.emailnator.com/generate-email',json = {
  30. 'email': [
  31. # 'domain',
  32. # 'plusGmail',
  33. 'dotGmail',
  34. ]
  35. })
  36. self.email = response.json()["email"][0]
  37. # print(self.email)
  38. return self.email
  39. def get_message(self):
  40. print("waiting for code...")
  41. # self.email = "p.a.ris.low.ery18.6@gmail.com"
  42. while True:
  43. mail_token = self.client.post('https://www.emailnator.com/message-list',
  44. json = {'email': self.email})
  45. messageData = mail_token.json()["messageData"]
  46. messageID = ""
  47. for i in messageData:
  48. if "==" not in i['messageID']:
  49. continue
  50. messageID = i['messageID']
  51. if messageID != "":
  52. break
  53. time.sleep(2)
  54. mail_context = self.client.post('https://www.emailnator.com/message-list', json = {
  55. 'email' : self.email,
  56. 'messageID': messageID,
  57. })
  58. return mail_context.text
  59. # g = Emailnator()
  60. # print(g.get_mail())
  61. # print(g.get_message())
  62. # print(Gmailnator.receiveInbox())
  63. def action():
  64. s = requests.Session()
  65. ########s.verify = False
  66. g = Emailnator(s)
  67. email = g.get_mail()
  68. # print(email)
  69. s.headers = {
  70. 'origin': 'https://hebits.net',
  71. 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  72. 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows 11 x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36',
  73. 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
  74. 'referer': 'https://hebits.net/register.php',
  75. }
  76. # username = secrets.choice(usernames_bulk)+randomString(random.randint(1,2))
  77. username = randomString(5)
  78. # password = randomStringExtra(random.randint(10,14))
  79. password = 'dfdfJDFDF!@!!!12'
  80. def new_captcha():
  81. r = s.get("https://hebits.net/register.php")
  82. print(r.text)
  83. soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, features="html.parser")
  84. # image = soup.find('img')['src']
  85. # print(image)
  86. captchas = soup.find_all('input', attrs={'name': 'captcha'})
  87. captcha_captcha = soup.find('input', {'name': 'image'})['value']
  88. ways = []
  89. for x in captchas:
  90. ways.append(x['value'])
  91. def do_post():
  92. data = {
  93. 'email': email,
  94. 'username': username,
  95. 'new_pass_1': password,
  96. 'new_pass_2': password,
  97. 'readrules': '1',
  98. 'readwiki': '1',
  99. 'agereq': '1',
  100. 'image': captcha_captcha,
  101. 'captcha': secrets.choice(ways),
  102. 'submit': 'הרשמה!',
  103. }
  104. r = s.post('https://hebits.net/register.php', headers=headers, data=data)
  105. print(r.text)
  106. new_captcha()
  107. do_post()
  108. while True:#!FAULTY
  109. if 'name="captcha' not in r.text:
  110. if "אימייל נשלח לכתובת המייל שסיפקת. לאחר שתאושר כתובת המייל, יהיה ניתן להתחבר לחשבון." in r.text:
  111. # print(r.text)
  112. if "\u05D5\u05D1\u05EA \u05D4\u05DE\u05D9\u05D9\u05DC \u05E9\u05E1\u05D9\u05E4\u05E7\u05EA" in r.text:
  113. receiveEmail = g.get_message()
  114. match = re.findall(r'(http|ftp|https):\/\/([\w\-_]+(?:(?:\.[\w\-_]+)+))([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?', receiveEmail)[0]
  115. url = f"{match[0]}://{match[1]}/{match[2]}"
  116. r = s.get(url)
  117. if "החשבון שלך נוצר" in r.text:
  118. print("MADE!")
  119. main.stats_AmountAccountsMade += 1
  120. with open('output2.txt', 'a') as f:
  121. f.write(f"{username}:{password}\n")
  122. break
  123. if 'name="captcha' not in r.text:
  124. new_captcha()
  125. do_post()
  126. class mainBot():
  127. def action():
  128. while True:
  129. try:
  130. action()
  131. except:
  132. raise
  133. class mainDoingThreads():
  134. stats_AmountAccountsMade = int(0)
  135. def STATS(self):
  136. while True:
  137. try:
  138. print(f"[#] Accounts made {main.stats_AmountAccountsMade}")
  139. time.sleep(5)
  140. except:
  141. raise
  142. def DoThreads(self,threads):
  143. for x_thread in range(threads):
  144. threading.Thread(target=mainBot.action).start()
  145. threading.Thread(target=main.STATS).start()
  146. def Main(self):
  147. threads_atonce=int( str(input("How many threads would you like? (each thread has x5 subthreads of short): ")) )
  148. self.DoThreads(threads_atonce)
  149. main = mainDoingThreads()
  150. main.Main()
  151. #/**
  152. #import socket
  153. #$$print("/etc/hosts content:\n")
  154. #with open('/etc/hosts', 'r') as fin:
  155. # print(fin.read())
  156. #print("\nDNS Resolution: ={}".format(socket.gethostbyname('hebits.net')))
  157. # g = Emailnator()
  158. # email = g.email
  159. # print(email)
  160. # print(g.get_verification_link(email))
  161. # print(email)**/