Ruffle web page

dependabot[bot] 847aae2b42 Bump the minor group with 7 updates 1 day ago
.github 0bd7520df1 Group minor and patch dependency bumps to avoid PR spam by Dependabot 3 weeks ago
.idea 5edd70ae84 Run prettier on all 3 months ago
blog_posts 741b5cfa7a blog: Update old blog post to point to current AVM2 page 1 month ago
public 8a354f145b New blog post: "2023 in review" 3 months ago
src 1d4e8c4754 Change Twitter logo to X 3 days ago
.eslintrc.json e06fdc736a Add more eslint rules 3 months ago
.gitignore 746f070dff Initial commit 3 months ago
.prettierrc.json 5edd70ae84 Run prettier on all 3 months ago 35ad23b623 nit: Consistently spell "GitHub" as such in text 3 months ago
next.config.js 746f070dff Initial commit 3 months ago
package-lock.json 847aae2b42 Bump the minor group with 7 updates 1 day ago
package.json 847aae2b42 Bump the minor group with 7 updates 1 day ago
postcss.config.js 746f070dff Initial commit 3 months ago
tsconfig.json 746f070dff Initial commit 3 months ago

This is a Next.js project that makes up the Ruffle website.

Developing locally

To run the development server locally, use npm run dev. Then open up http://localhost:3000 and see the pages live.

To build it as a static website (as we do in production), use npm run build.

Configure GitHub tokens

To get the GitHub parts working (Releases & Contribution graph), you'll need to create and assign a GitHub personal access token.

For instructions on how to create a PAT, see GitHub's documentation.

The PAT only needs read only access to ruffle-rs/ruffle (contents and metadata), or to be lazy, pick "Public Repositories (read-only)".

Set the PAT on the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable for npm run build/npm run dev to pick it up.

Configure URL

Some parts of the website require absolute URLs, such as opengraph data. It fetches this from the environment variable BASE_URL.

In local development you'll probably want to set it to http://localhost:3000, and in production we use