6.6 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # Copyright 2020, The Tor Project, Inc.
  3. # See LICENSE for licensing information.
  4. #
  6. #
  8. # (12 Feb 2020)
  9. #
  10. # This script runs "clang-format" and "codetool" in sequence over each of its
  11. # arguments. It either replaces the original, or says whether anything has
  12. # changed, depending on its arguments.
  13. #
  14. # We can't just use clang-format directly, since we also want to use codetool
  15. # to reformat a few things back to how we want them, and we want avoid changing
  16. # the mtime on files that didn't actually change.
  17. #
  18. # Use "-i" to edit the file in-place.
  19. # Use "-c" to exit with a nonzero exit status if any file needs to change.
  20. # Use "-d" to emit diffs.
  21. #
  22. # The "-a" option tells us to run over every Tor source file.
  23. # The "-v" option tells us to be verbose.
  24. set -e
  25. ALL=0
  26. GITDIFF=0
  27. GITIDX=0
  28. DIFFMODE=0
  31. SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$0")
  32. SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
  33. SRC_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../../src"
  34. function usage() {
  35. echo "$SCRIPT_NAME [-h] [-c|-d|-i] [-v] [-a|-G|files...]"
  36. echo
  37. echo " flags:"
  38. echo " -h: show this help text"
  39. echo " -c: check whether files are correctly formatted"
  40. echo " -d: print a diff for the changes that would be applied"
  41. echo " -i: change files in-place"
  42. echo " -a: run over all the C files in Tor"
  43. echo " -v: verbose mode"
  44. echo " -g: look at the files that have changed in git."
  45. echo " -G: look at the files that are staged for the git commit."
  46. echo
  47. echo "EXAMPLES"
  48. echo
  49. echo " $SCRIPT_NAME -a -i"
  50. echo " rewrite every file in place, whether it has changed or not."
  51. echo " $SCRIPT_NAME -a -d"
  52. echo " as above, but only display the changes."
  53. echo " $SCRIPT_NAME -g -i"
  54. echo " update every file that you have changed in the git working tree."
  55. echo " $SCRIPT_NAME -G -c"
  56. echo " exit with an error if any staged changes are not well-formatted."
  57. }
  59. while getopts "acdgGhiv" opt; do
  60. case "$opt" in
  61. h) usage
  62. exit 0
  63. ;;
  64. a) ALL=1
  66. ;;
  67. g) GITDIFF=1
  69. ;;
  70. G) GITIDX=1
  72. ;;
  73. c) CHECKMODE=1
  74. ;;
  75. d) DIFFMODE=1
  76. ;;
  77. i) CHANGEMODE=1
  78. ;;
  79. v) VERBOSE=1
  80. ;;
  81. *) echo
  82. usage
  83. exit 1
  84. ;;
  85. esac
  86. done
  87. # get rid of the flags; keep the filenames.
  88. shift $((OPTIND - 1))
  89. # Define a verbose function.
  90. if [[ $VERBOSE = 1 ]]; then
  91. function note()
  92. {
  93. echo "$@"
  94. }
  95. else
  96. function note()
  97. {
  98. true
  99. }
  100. fi
  101. # We have to be in at least one mode, or we can't do anything
  102. if [[ $CHECKMODE = 0 && $DIFFMODE = 0 && $CHANGEMODE = 0 ]]; then
  103. echo "Nothing to do. You need to specify -c, -d, or -i."
  104. echo "Try $SCRIPT_NAME -h for more information."
  105. exit 0
  106. fi
  107. # We don't want to "give an error if anything would change" if we're
  108. # actually trying to change things.
  109. if [[ $CHECKMODE = 1 && $CHANGEMODE = 1 ]]; then
  110. echo "It doesn't make sense to use -c and -i together."
  111. exit 0
  112. fi
  113. # It doesn't make sense to look at "all files" and "git files"
  114. if [[ $((ALL + GITIDX + GITDIFF)) -gt 1 ]]; then
  115. echo "It doesn't make sense to use more than one of -a, -g, or -G together."
  116. exit 0
  117. fi
  118. if [[ $FILEARGS_OK = 1 ]]; then
  119. # The filenames are on the command-line.
  120. INPUTS=("${@}")
  121. else
  122. if [[ "$#" != 0 ]]; then
  123. echo "Can't use -a, -g, or -G with additional command-line arguments."
  124. exit 1
  125. fi
  126. fi
  127. if [[ $ALL = 1 ]]; then
  128. # We're in "all" mode -- use find(1) to find the filenames.
  129. mapfile -d '' INPUTS < <(find "${SRC_DIR}"/{lib,core,feature,app,test,tools} -name '[^.]*.[ch]' -print0)
  130. elif [[ $GITIDX = 1 ]]; then
  131. # We're in "git index" mode -- use git diff --cached to find the filenames
  132. # that are changing in the index, then strip out the ones that
  133. # aren't C.
  134. mapfile INPUTS < <(git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=AMCR | grep '\.[ch]$')
  135. elif [[ $GITDIFF = 1 ]]; then
  136. # We are in 'git diff' mode -- we want everything that changed, including
  137. # the index and the working tree.
  138. #
  139. # TODO: There might be a better way to do this.
  140. mapfile INPUTS < <(git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=AMCR | grep '\.[ch]$'; git diff --name-only --diff-filter=AMCR | grep '\.[ch]$' )
  141. fi
  142. if [[ $GITIDX = 1 ]]; then
  143. # If we're running in git mode, we need to stash all the changes that
  144. # we don't want to look at. This is necessary even though we're only
  145. # looking at the changed files, since we might have the file only
  146. # partially staged.
  147. note "Stashing unstaged changes"
  148. git stash -q --keep-index
  149. # For some reasons, shellcheck is not seeing that we can call this
  150. # function from the trap below.
  151. # shellcheck disable=SC2317
  152. function restoregit() {
  153. note "Restoring git state"
  154. git stash pop -q
  155. }
  156. else
  157. # For some reasons, shellcheck is not seeing that we can call this
  158. # function from the trap below.
  159. # shellcheck disable=SC2317
  160. function restoregit() {
  161. true
  162. }
  163. fi
  164. ANY_CHANGED=0
  165. tmpfname=""
  166. #
  167. # Set up a trap handler to make sure that on exit, we remove our
  168. # tmpfile and un-stash the git environment (if appropriate)
  169. #
  170. trap 'if [ -n "${tmpfname}" ]; then rm -f "${tmpfname}"; fi; restoregit' 0
  171. for fname in "${INPUTS[@]}"; do
  172. note "Inspecting $fname..."
  173. tmpfname="${fname}.$$.clang_fmt.tmp"
  174. rm -f "${tmpfname}"
  175. clang-format --style=file "${fname}" > "${tmpfname}"
  176. "${SCRIPT_DIR}/" "${tmpfname}"
  177. changed=not_set
  178. if [[ $DIFFMODE = 1 ]]; then
  179. # If we're running diff for its output, we can also use it
  180. # to compare the files.
  181. if diff -u "${fname}" "${tmpfname}"; then
  182. changed=0
  183. else
  184. changed=1
  185. fi
  186. else
  187. # We aren't running diff, so we have to compare the files with cmp.
  188. if cmp "${fname}" "${tmpfname}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  189. changed=0
  190. else
  191. changed=1
  192. fi
  193. fi
  194. if [[ $changed = 1 ]]; then
  195. note "Found a change in $fname"
  196. ANY_CHANGED=1
  197. if [[ $CHANGEMODE = 1 ]]; then
  198. mv "${tmpfname}" "${fname}"
  199. fi
  200. fi
  201. rm -f "${tmpfname}"
  202. done
  203. exitcode=0
  204. if [[ $CHECKMODE = 1 ]]; then
  205. if [[ $ANY_CHANGED = 1 ]]; then
  206. note "Found at least one misformatted file; check failed"
  207. exitcode=1
  208. else
  209. note "No changes found."
  210. fi
  211. fi
  212. exit $exitcode