Run-REDUCE.bat 596 B

  1. @echo off
  2. rem Run Run-REDUCE asynchronously on Microsoft Windows.
  3. rem This batch file and Run-REDUCE.jar must be in the same folder.
  4. rem The Java bin directory must be in PATH and the environment
  5. rem variable PATH_TO_FX must be set to the JavaFX lib folder.
  6. rem Then Run-REDUCE.jar can be run from anywhere by running this batch file.
  7. rem Any command-line arguments are passed on to Run-REDUCE.jar.
  8. rem Note that %~p0 expands to the path component (with a final \) of this filename.
  9. start /b javaw --module-path %PATH_TO_FX% --add-modules javafx.fxml,javafx.web ^
  10. -jar "%~p0Run-REDUCE.jar" %*