Francis Wright c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago
.. 583697ad4f REDUCE on Common Lisp now runs on Linux 4 years ago c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago 24a4dc7c3a REDUCE on Common Lisp (continued) 5 years ago c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago e85b3d372b REDUCE on Common Lisp 4 years ago c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago 583697ad4f REDUCE on Common Lisp now runs on Linux 4 years ago
redclisp 583697ad4f REDUCE on Common Lisp now runs on Linux 4 years ago
redsbcl 583697ad4f REDUCE on Common Lisp now runs on Linux 4 years ago
redsbcl.bat 583697ad4f REDUCE on Common Lisp now runs on Linux 4 years ago c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago
sl-on-cl.lisp c57a859f62 REDUCE on Common Lisp: update for current REDUCE version 2 years ago
trace.lisp e85b3d372b REDUCE on Common Lisp 4 years ago

REDUCE on Common Lisp

Francis Wright, July 2019

From the introductory chapter of Common Lisp the Language, 2nd edition, by Guy L. Steele Jr.:

The goals of Common Lisp are thus very close to those of Standard Lisp and Portable Standard Lisp. Common Lisp differs from Standard Lisp primarily in incorporating more features, including a richer and more complicated set of data types and more complex control structures.

This code is currently experimental!

The files in this directory are intended to build and run the current distributed version of REDUCE on ANSI Common Lisp. Some details depend on the implementation of Common Lisp but I try to keep these to a minimum. At present, I support explicitly only

  • the native Microsoft (MS) Windows and Linux builds of SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp),
  • the Cygwin and Linux builds of CLISP,

but in the longer term I may also consider supporting another implementation of Common Lisp such as GCL (GNU Common Lisp).

Building REDUCE

REDUCE on Common Lisp requires the source code for REDUCE revision 4968 or later, so the April 2019 snapshot will not work properly!

Create a build directory somewhere convenient. If you download the whole REDUCE trunk then you can use the common-lisp directory as your build directory with no additions.

You need the following software and files:

An appropriate version of SBCL and/or CLISP (see links above). CLISP on Linux should be available via a Linux package manager such as Synaptic (but not via a software installer for windowed applications).

A minimal Unix-like environment including bash and grep; on MS Windows I use Cygwin. (The grep command is used only for reporting an error summary, which could be commented out without affecting the build process.)

The build directory must contain the following files from the common-lisp directory:

  • sl-on-cl.lisp
  • trace.lisp

On Linux, ensure that the *.sh files are executable.

If you do not build within the REDUCE trunk file tree then the following two additional steps are necessary:

  • The build directory must also contain a link to, or copy of, the file psl/ (The way to create a link in Windows is with the mklink command at a Windows command prompt; I use a symbolic link for A Windows shortcut created using the File Explorer GUI will probably not work!)

  • The packages directory for the version of REDUCE you want to build must be available and you need to set the environment variable $reduce to the directory containing the packages directory. You could use the packages directory installed as part of a binary distribution or a recent download from the Subversion repository.

Open a window running bash and make your chosen build directory current. If necessary (see above), set the $reduce environment variable. For example, to use the packages directory from a default REDUCE installation to build SBCL REDUCE on MS Windows, execute the bash command

export reduce='C:/Program Files/Reduce'

or to build CLISP REDUCE on Cygwin, execute the bash command

export reduce='/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Reduce'

Run the build script by executing the bash command

./ -l <lisp>

where <lisp> is either sbcl or clisp.

The build process should create two sub-directories in the build directory called fasl.<lisp> and log.<lisp>. The whole log* directory and the *.lisp, *.dat and bootstrap.* files in the fasl* directory could be deleted after the build; only the files fasl.<lisp>/reduce.* and fasl.<lisp>/*.fas* are required to run REDUCE. (I will probably delete superfluous files automatically at some later date, but for now they are useful for debugging.) Note that the SBCL and CLISP builds are completely independent since they use different build sub-directories.

Running REDUCE

SBCL REDUCE can be run on MS Windows by double-clicking the file redsbcl.bat, or from a Windows command prompt with the build directory current by executing the command


(Don't try to run Windows SBCL interactively under bash because you'll probably find that input editing doesn't work as you would wish; fortunately, it runs fine in batch mode under bash.)

On Linux, open a terminal window and execute the command


having ensured that the file redsbcl is executable. Beware that this interface does not provide any input editing, although it runs fine in an Emacs shell buffer.

CLISP REDUCE can be run on MS Windows or Linux by opening a terminal window and executing the bash command


having ensured that the file redclisp is executable.

REDUCE can be run from any directory provided the command to start it is specified suitably, such as by using an absolute file path or a symbolic link. Alternatively, you can add the common-lisp directory to your path and then run REDUCE via the command redsbcl or redclisp on both Windows and Linux.

On both implementations, interrupting REDUCE (with Control-C) invokes a Lisp break loop and aborting that should return you to REDUCE. Within the break loop you can run arbitrary Lisp code, but remember that you are running Common Lisp and in particular Lisp output uses Common Lisp syntax, although you are initially in the Standard Lisp package. However, package prefixes are recognised (which they are not from within REDUCE) so you can access most of Common Lisp, but beware that you might break REDUCE so that you cannot return to it! Evaluating the Lisp expression (exit) from a Lisp break loop should completely terminate REDUCE.

Implementation-specific functionality

The following facilities are modelled on those provided by PSL; please see the PSL manual for further details.

Lisp-level function tracing is provided by the commands tr and trst. A command of the form tr fn1, fn2, ...; (without any quotes) enables tracing of the argument and return values of each of the functions fn1, fn2, etc.; if no functions are specified it lists all traced functions. The command trst is similarly but also traces assignments, which works for functions that have been compiled using faslout provided the appropriate Lisp file is still available in the fasl directory. The commands untr and untrst (which is just a synonym for untr) disable tracing; if no functions are specified they untrace all traced functions. These tracing commands are independent of the Common Lisp trace and untrace macros. Input of function names uses Standard Lisp (i.e. REDUCE) syntax but output uses Common Lisp syntax, although it does not include any package prefixes, which can make Common Lisp tracing output of REDUCE incomprehensible!

Preliminary implementations of the system, pipe-open and channelflush functions are provided. The functions getenv and getpid respectively provide access to environment variables and the REDUCE process identifier, and should be portable across operating systems.

The commands pwd() or cd "<directory>" respectively return or change (and return) the current working directory. The name chdir is an alias for cd.

Environment variables and dots ("." or "..") in filenames are expanded by cd/chdir and open relative to the current working directory of the REDUCE process.

The identifier common-lisp is always included in the list assigned to the standard REDUCE fluid variable lispsystem!* and the identifiers sbcl, clisp, win32, cygwin, unix are included as appropriate. These identifiers indicate the Lisp and operating system on which REDUCE was built and can be used to customise the behaviour of REDUCE, as is done in some of the REDUCE files in this directory (but not at present in any other files). The identifier win32 means Microsoft Windows in general and appears for both 32 and 64-bit builds. The identifier unix appears for Linux builds, and both cygwin and unix appear for Cygwin builds.

For Cygwin CLISP REDUCE (on MS Windows), the REDUCE gnuplot package tries to run Cygwin gnuplot if it is available and if not then it tries to run native MS Windows gnuplot (which is included in REDUCE binary distributions for MS Windows). Cygwin gnuplot produces graphical output if REDUCE is run under the X Window System and text output otherwise. For CLISP REDUCE on Linux and SBCL REDUCE on both MS Windows and Linux, gnuplot produces graphical output.

Current status

The process described above should build all of REDUCE without any obvious errors. So far, I have avoided the need to customise the main REDUCE source code (apart from the file

All available test files produce output that agrees with CSL REDUCE apart for timings and minor numerical and/or implementation differences, except for the following:

  • The reduce4 test fails in a similar way to the way it fails on CSL – excluded from regular testing.
  • The ibalp test fails on CLISP with a program stack overflow error; it just stops abruptly on SBCL – excluded from regular testing.
  • The pasf test output appears to be mathematically correct but is ordered differently on CLISP, whereas it agrees on SBCL (and appears to run twice as fast as on CSL!).
  • The lalr test output appears to be correct apart from two issues causing minor cosmetic differences.
  • The rubi_red test is very slow, generates very much output, and timeouts can't work on CLISP (see below), but otherwise the early part of the test file appears to run correctly – excluded from regular testing. On SBCL, the first error is similar to that shown on CSL, but SBCL REDUCE does not recover after this error, probably due to the currently crude general error handling.
  • The xcolor test only runs to completion on SBCL with (declaim (optimize speed)). I think this is because it involves a highly recursive procedure (color1), which runs out of stack on the most complicated examples at the end of the test file unless optimized for maximum speed.


New timing methodology uses the bash time command. "Best" means the fastest previous time. Numbers in parentheses are times relative to the CSL times.

Timing on Microsoft Windows (on a fairly recent Intel Core i5 processor):

Operation CSL Time Best SBCL This SBCL Best CLISP This CLISP
Run (and check) all core test files 34 secs 47 secs 45 secs (1.3) 3 m 23 s 3 m 52 s (6.8)
Run (and check) most noncore test files 4 m 39 s 15 m 14 s 14 m 52 s (3.2) 67 m 27 s 85 m 10 s (18.3)

Timing on Ubuntu Linux (on a fairly old Intel Core Duo processor):

Operation CSL Time Best SBCL This SBCL Best CLISP This CLISP
Run (and check) all core test files 23 secs 56 secs (2.4) 5 m 30 s (14.3)
Run (and check) most noncore test files 7 m 09 s 26 m 02 s (3.6) 119 m 43 s (16.7)

The CSL test times do not include checking, which involves running diff. The times for the noncore tests do not include reduce4, ibalp or rubi_red as explained above. The gnuplot and turtle tests are excluded because they need to be run interactively, but they seems to work OK on both MS Windows and Linux.

Known limitations

I cannot see any way to support the facilities for restricting execution time on CLISP. In more detail: the file "rlisp/" defines procedures with!-timeout and similar that use garbage collection to provide an interrupt by assigning a function to the variable !*gc!-hook!*, but no garbage collection hooks exist in CLISP. The procedures with!-timeout and similar just run without any restriction so don't use CLISP REDUCE is you need this facility! This affects rubi_red and possibly other packages. It works on SBCL!

To do

Optimise SL-on-CL to improve its speed.

Better error handling.

Make faslout/faslend more robust by using a single function that calls begin internally (cf. infile) and make faslend generate a throw. (See also the old mkfasl code?)

Replace shell scripts with Common Lisp code to build REDUCE portably?

Implement a genuinely lower-case Standard Lisp, perhaps using case-inversion for a few special symbols such as lambda, nil, t?

Hide the implementation details within an implementation package and only export required functions to the STANDARD-LISP package?