guide32.tex 45 KB

  1. %==========================================================================%
  2. % GRG 3.2 Reference Guide (C) 1988-97 Vadim V. Zhytnikov %
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  6. % latex guide32 %
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  68. % Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
  69. % Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
  70. % Telephone: +31-30-531806. (mcvax!sun4nl!ruuinf!piet)
  71. % Sep 16, 1994
  72. % version 1.4: Correction for use with \reversemargin
  73. % Sep 29, 1994:
  74. % version 1.5: Added the \iftopfloat, \ifbotfloat and \iffloatpage commands
  75. % Oct 4, 1994:
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  78. % Oct 4, 1994:
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  186. \rfoot{}
  187. %%%
  188. %%% Sections ...
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  190. \renewcommand{\thesubsection}
  191. {{\sf\slshape\arabic{subsection}.}\hspace*{-3mm}}
  192. \begin{document}
  193. %\title{\LARGE\bf \grg\ 3.2 Reference Guide\vspace*{-8mm}}
  194. %\date{}
  195. %\maketitle
  196. %\raggedright
  197. \footnotesize
  198. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Commands}
  199. \chead{\slshape Commands}
  200. \tabcolsep=0.5mm
  201. \grg\ commands are not case sensitive, i.e. they can be
  202. typed in lower, upper or mixed case. Optional parts of the
  203. commands are enclosed in square brackets \opt{\parm{x}}
  204. and construction \rpt{\parm{x}} stands for {\tt \parm{x}} or
  205. {\tt \parm{x},\,\parm{x}} or {\tt \parm{x},\,\parm{x},\,\parm{x}} etc.
  206. \subsection{\sf\slshape Session Control Commands}
  207. The command \comm{Quit;} terminates both \grg\ and {\sc Reduce}
  208. sessions. The command \comm{Stop;} terminates \grg\ task and
  209. brings the session control menu.
  210. Batch file execution:
  211. \command{\opt{Input} "\parm{file}";}
  212. The batch file execution can be suspended by the command
  213. \comm{Pause;} and resumed by the command \comm{Next;}.
  214. The command \comm{Output "\parm{file}";}\vspace*{0.4mm} redirects
  215. all \grg\ output into the \parm{file}.
  216. The command \comm{EndO;} or \comm{End of Output;} closes
  217. the \parm{file} and restores standard output.
  218. \subsection{\sf\slshape Operating System Commands}
  219. The command \comm{System;} suspend \grg\ session
  220. and passes control to the operating system command level.
  221. The command \comm{System "\parm{command}";}
  222. executes single operating system \parm{command}.
  223. \subsection{\sf\slshape Comments}\vspace{-5mm}
  224. \command{Comment \parm{any text};\\\tt
  225. \parm{any command} \% \parm{any text};\\\tt
  226. \% \parm{any text};}
  227. \subsection{\sf\slshape Switches Control Commands}
  228. The commands
  229. \command{On \rpt{\parm{switch}}; \\\tt
  230. Off \rpt{\parm{switch}};}
  231. change the \parm{switch} position and the command
  232. \command{\opt{Show} Switch \parm{switch};\\\tt Show \parm{switch};}
  233. prints current \parm{switch} status.
  234. \subsection{\sf\slshape Info Commands}
  235. Time and garbage collection time commands:
  236. \command{\opt{Show} Time;\\\tt
  237. \opt{Show} GC Time;}
  238. The timer can be set to zero by the command \comm{Zero Time;}.
  239. The command
  240. \command{\opt{Show} Status;}
  241. print information about the current system directory,
  242. type of the metric, frame and basis.
  243. The command \comm{Show *;} prints the list of all built-in
  244. objects. The command \comm{Show a*;} prints the list of the
  245. built-in objects whose names begins with the character {\tt a}.
  246. Finally the command
  247. \command{Show \parm{object};}
  248. prints detailed information about the \parm{object} including its
  249. name, symbol, indices, symmetries, type of the component,
  250. current state and ways of calculation.
  251. The command \comm{Show All;} prints a list of objects whose
  252. values are currently known.
  253. \subsection{\sf\slshape Declarations}
  254. The dimension and signature declaration
  255. \command{Dimension \parm{dim} with \opt{Signature} (\rpt{\parm{pm}});}
  256. where \parm{pm} is {\tt +} or {\tt -}.
  257. The coordinates and constants declarations
  258. \command{Coordinates \rpt{\parm{x}};\\\tt
  259. Constants \rpt{\parm{c}};}
  260. The functions and generic function declarations
  261. \command{Functions \rpt{\parm{f}\,\,\opt{{\upshape (}\rpt{\parm{x}}{\upshape )}}};\\\tt
  262. Generic Functions \rpt{\parm{f}\,\,{\upshape (}\rpt{\parm{x}}{\upshape )}};}
  263. Function properties declaration
  264. \command{Symmetric \rpt{\parm{f}};\\\tt
  265. Antisymmetric \rpt{\parm{f}};\\\tt
  266. Odd \rpt{\parm{f}};\\\tt
  267. Even \rpt{\parm{f}}; }
  268. The command \comm{Affine Parameter \parm{s};} declares
  269. the affine parameter.
  270. \subsection{\sf\slshape New Object Declaration}
  271. The following equivalent declarations
  272. \command{New Object \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is \parm{ctype}}\,\opt{with \opt{Symmetries}\,\parm{slst}};\\\tt
  273. Object \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is \parm{ctype}}\,\opt{with \opt{Symmetries}\,\parm{slst}};\\\tt
  274. New \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is \parm{ctype}}\,\opt{with \opt{Symmetries}\,\parm{slst}}; }
  275. introduce new user-defined object, equation
  276. \command{New Equation \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is \parm{ctype}}\,\opt{with \opt{Symmetries}\,\parm{slst}};\\\tt
  277. Equation \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is \parm{ctype}}\,\opt{with \opt{Symmetries}\,\parm{slst}}; }
  278. or connection 1-form
  279. \command{New Connection \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is 1-form};\\\tt
  280. Connection \parm{ID}\,\opt{\parm{ilst}}\,\opt{is 1-form}; }
  281. Here \parm{ilst} is the index type list
  282. \comm{\rpt{\parm{ipos}\ \parm{itype}}}
  283. where \parm{ipos} is one of the markers denoting the
  284. index position
  285. \command{{\tt '}\rm\ \ upper frame
  286. \\{\tt .}\rm\ \ lower frame
  287. \\{\tt \^}\rm\ \ upper holonomic
  288. \\{\tt \ul}\rm\ \ lower holonomic }
  289. and \parm{itype} determines index type. For example:
  290. holonomic or frame indices {\tt a b c}, enumerating indices
  291. {\tt i3 i15 idim}, spinor {\tt A PQ MNL} and conjugated spinor
  292. indices {\tt A\cc\ PQ\cc\ MNL\cc}.
  293. The \parm{ctype} defines the type of the component:
  294. \command{Scalar \opt{Density \parm{dens}}\\\tt
  295. \parm{n}-form \opt{Density \parm{dens}}\\\tt
  296. Vector \opt{Density \parm{dens}}}
  297. The \parm{dens} defines pseudo-scalar and density
  298. properties of the object with respect to
  299. coordinate and frame transformations:
  300. \command{\opt{sgnL}\opt{*sgnD}\opt{*L\^\parm{n}}\opt{*D\^\parm{m}}}
  301. where \comm{D} and \comm{L} is the coordinate and frame
  302. transformation determinants respectively.
  303. The symmetry specification \parm{slst} is a list \rpt{\parm{slst1}}.
  304. Each \parm{slst1} is {\tt \parm{sym}(\rpt{\parm{slst2}})}
  305. where \parm{sym} is: \comm{a} for antisymmetry, \comm{t} for symmetry,
  306. \comm{c} for cyclic symmetry and \comm{h} for Hermitian symmetry.
  307. The \parm{slst2} is either index number, or list of index numbers
  308. or once again another symmetry specification \parm{slst1}.
  309. The command \comm{Forget \parm{object};} removes the
  310. user-defined \parm{object}.
  311. \subsection{\sf\slshape Assignment}
  312. The command
  313. \command{\opt{\parm{Name}}\,\rpt{\parm{ID}\,\opt{{\upshape(}\rpt{\parm{i}}{\upshape)}}=\parm{expr}};}
  314. assigns the value to the component(s) of the object \parm{Name}
  315. having the symbol \parm{ID}.
  316. \subsection{\sf\slshape Object Calculation}
  317. The command for calculating the value of an \parm{object}
  318. using built-in \parm{way} (formula):
  319. \command{Find \rpt{\parm{object}}\,\opt{\parm{way}};}
  320. Here \parm{object} is either the name or the symbol of
  321. the built-in object. The \parm{way} is either the name of the
  322. way or any object which is present at the right-hand side of
  323. the formula.
  324. The command
  325. \command{Null Metric;}
  326. makes the metric to be the \emph{standard null metric}.
  327. The command
  328. re-simplifies the \parm{object}.
  329. The command
  330. \command{Erase \parm{object};}
  331. removes the value of the \parm{object}
  332. and makes it indefinite once again. The command
  333. \command{Zero \parm{object};}
  334. assigns zero value to the \parm{object}.
  335. The command
  336. \command{Normalize \parm{equation};}
  337. replaces equation $l=r$ by $l-r=0$.
  338. \subsection{\sf\slshape Object Printing}
  339. The command
  340. \command{Write \rpt{\parm{object}}\,\,\opt{to "\parm{file}"};}
  341. prints the value of the \parm{object} (to the \parm{file} if present).
  342. The command
  343. \command{Write \opt{to "\parm{file}"};}
  344. redirects all output into the \parm{file}.
  345. The command \comm{EndW;} or \comm{End of Write;}
  346. closes the \parm{file} and restores standard output.
  347. The symbol {\tt >} can be used instead of {\tt to} in these commands.
  348. %\newpage
  349. The following commands print the line-element:
  350. \command{ds2;\\\tt
  351. Line-Element;}
  352. \subsection{\sf\slshape Expression Printing}
  353. The following commands evaluate expression \parm{expr}
  354. and print its value:
  355. \command{\opt{Print} \parm{expr} \opt{For \parm{iter}};\\\tt
  356. For \parm{iter} Print \parm{expr};}
  357. The parameter \parm{iter} determines that the \parm{expr}
  358. must be evaluated for several values of some variable.
  359. The \parm{iter} has the form:
  360. \command{\rpt{\parm{it}\,\opt{=\opt{\parm{lo}{\upshape..}}\parm{up}}}}
  361. The separator {\tt ,} can be replaced by one of the relational
  362. operators {\tt <\ \ >\ \ <=\ \ >=}. In general \parm{it} runs
  363. from \parm{lo} (or from 0 if \parm{lo} is omitted) to \parm{up}.
  364. If both \parm{lo} and \parm{up} are omitted then range of the
  365. symbol \parm{it} is determined by its form. For example:
  366. {\tt a p ijk} run from 0 to $d-1$ ($d$ is the dimension),
  367. {\tt a5 ij5} run from 0 to 5, {\tt a13 ij13} run from 1 to 3,
  368. {\tt A} runs from 0 to 1, {\tt AB} runs from 0 to 2,
  369. {\tt ABC} runs from 0 to 3 etc.
  370. \subsection{\sf\slshape Output Control}
  371. The following commands are identical to
  372. \command{Factor \rpt{\parm{expr}};\\\tt
  373. RemFac \rpt{\parm{expr}};\\\tt
  374. Order \rpt{\parm{expr}};}
  375. similar {\sc Reduce} commands.
  376. The command \comm{Line-Length \parm{n};} sets new output
  377. line width.
  378. \subsection{\sf\slshape Substitutions}
  379. The substitution commands are similar to corresponding
  380. {\sc Reduce} instructions
  381. \command{\opt{For All \rpt{\parm{x}}\,\opt{Such That \parm{cond}}} Let \rpt{\parm{sub}};\\\tt
  382. \opt{For All \rpt{\parm{x}}\,\opt{Such That \parm{cond}}} Match \rpt{\parm{sub}};\\\tt
  383. \opt{For All \rpt{\parm{x}}\,\opt{Such That \parm{cond}}} Clear \rpt{\parm{sub}}; }
  384. where \parm{sub} is either relation {\tt \parm{l}\,=\,\parm{r}} as in
  385. {\sc Reduce} or component of the solution {\tt Sol(\parm{n})}.
  386. \subsection{\sf\slshape Basis Mode Switching Commands}
  387. The command
  388. \command{Anholonomic;}
  389. switch \grg\ to the anholonomic basis mode and the command
  390. \command{Holonomic;}
  391. switches back to the default holonomic mode.
  392. \subsection{\sf\slshape Saving and Restoring the Data}
  393. The command
  394. \command{Unload \rpt{\parm{object}} to "\parm{file}";}
  395. saves the value of the \parm{object} into the \parm{file}.
  396. The command
  397. \command{Unload to "\parm{file}";}
  398. must be followed by the sequence of the commands
  399. \command{Unload \parm{object};}
  400. or comments. The sequence must be terminated
  401. by the command \comm{EndU;} or \comm{End of Unload;}.
  402. The symbol {\tt >} can be used instead of {\tt to}.
  403. The data saved by {\tt Unload} can be restored by the command
  404. \command{Load "\parm{file}";}
  405. The command
  406. \command{\opt{Show} File "\parm{file}";\\\tt Show "\parm{file}";}
  407. lists the objects saved into the \parm{file}.
  408. \subsection{\sf\slshape Algebraic Classification}
  409. The command
  410. \command{Classify \parm{object};}
  411. performs algebraic classification of the \parm{object}.
  412. \grg\ has built-in algorithms for the algebraic
  413. classification of the following irreducible spinors:
  414. $X_{A\dot{B}}$, $X_{AB}$, $X_{AB\dot{C}\dot{D}}$, $X_{ABCD}$.
  415. \subsection{\sf\slshape Coordinate Transformations}
  416. The coordinate transformation command:
  417. \longcommand{New Coordinates \rpt{\parm{new}} with \rpt{\parm{old}=\parm{expr}};}
  418. \subsection{\sf\slshape Frame Transformations}
  419. Frame rotation command
  420. \command{\opt{Make} Rotation \opt{\parm{matrix}};}
  421. The \parm{matrix} must be frame rotation, i.e. the metric must
  422. remain unchanged under the transformation. The \parm{matrix}
  423. has the following form
  424. \command{{\upshape (}\rpt{{\upshape (}\rpt{\parm{expr}}{\upshape )}}{\upshape )}}
  425. If \parm{matrix} is omitted then the rotation is taken from
  426. the object {\tt Frame Transformation}.
  427. The command
  428. \command{Change Metric \opt{\parm{matrix}};}
  429. is similar to the previous one but the \parm{matrix}
  430. is not necessary the rotation but any nonsingular matrix.
  431. The spinorial transformation command:
  432. \command{\opt{Make} Spinorial Rotation \opt{\parm{matrix}};}
  433. The \parm{matrix} must be SL(2,C) matrix.
  434. If the parameter \parm{matrix} is omitted
  435. then the matrix must be defined by the value of the
  436. object {\tt Spinorial Transformation}.
  437. The command
  438. \command{Hold \parm{object};}
  439. makes \grg\ to keep the \parm{object} unchanged under
  440. the frame transformation. The command
  441. \command{Release \parm{object};}
  442. removes the action of the {\tt Hold} command.
  443. \subsection{\sf\slshape Solving Equations}
  444. The algebraic equation solving command has two forms
  445. \command{Solve \parm{equation} for \rpt{\parm{x}};\\\tt
  446. Solve \rpt{\parm{l}=\parm{r}}\,\,for \rpt{\parm{x}};}
  447. where \parm{equation} is any built-in or user-defined
  448. equation. The solutions are stored into the special
  449. built-in object {\tt Solutions}.
  450. The command
  451. \command{\tt Inverse \parm{f},\,\parm{h};}
  452. declares the functions \parm{f} and \parm{h} to be inverse
  453. to each other.
  454. \subsection{\sf\slshape Loading Package}
  455. \command{\opt{Load} Package \parm{package};\\\tt
  456. Load \parm{package};}
  457. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Switches}\vspace*{-2mm}
  458. \chead{\slshape Commands and Switches}
  459. Switches in \grg\ are case insensitive.
  460. \tabcolsep=1.5mm
  461. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|l|}
  462. \hline
  463. \tt AEVAL & Off & Use aeval() instead of reval(). \\
  464. \tt WRS & On & Re-simplify expr. before printing. \\
  465. \tt WMATR & Off & Write 2-index objects in matrix form. \\
  466. \tt TORSION & Off & Torsion. \\
  467. \tt NONMETR & Off & Nonmetricity. \\
  468. \tt UNLCORD & On & Save coordinates in {\tt Unload}. \\
  469. \tt AUTO & On & Automatic data calculation in expr. \\
  470. \tt TRACE & On & Trace the calculation process. \\
  471. \tt SHOWCOMMANDS & Off & Show compound command expansion. \\
  472. \tt EXPANDSYM & Off & Allow {\tt Sy Asy Cy}in expr. \\
  473. \tt DFPCOMMUTE & On & Commutativity of {\tt DFP}. \\
  474. \tt NONMIN & Off & Nonmin. interaction for scalar field. \\
  475. \tt NOFREEVARS & Off & Prohibit free variables in {\tt Print}. \\
  476. \tt CCONST & Off & Include cosm. constant in equations. \\
  477. \tt FULL & Off & Number of components in {\tt Metric Eq}. \\
  478. \tt LATEX & Off & \LaTeX\ output mode. \\
  479. \tt GRG & Off & \grg\ output mode. \\
  480. \tt REDUCE & Off & {\sc Reduce} output mode. \\
  481. \tt MAPLE & Off & {\sc Maple} output mode. \\
  482. \tt MATH & Off & {\sc Mathematica} output mode. \\
  483. \tt MACSYMA & Off & {\sc Macsyma} output mode. \\
  484. \tt DFINDEXED & Off & Print {\tt DF} in index notation. \\
  485. \tt BATCH & Off & Batch mode. \\
  486. \tt HOLONOMIC & On & Keep frame holonomic. \\
  487. \tt SHOWEXPR & Off & Print expressions during algebraic \\
  488. \tt & & classification. \\
  489. \hline
  490. \end{tabular}
  491. \newpage
  492. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Synonymy}
  493. \chead{\slshape Synonymy}
  494. This is default \grg\ synonymy list.
  495. The symbols in each line are equivalent in all
  496. \grg\ commands and in the built-in object names.
  497. The case does not matter. So {\tt Affine} is
  498. equivalent to {\tt affine}, {\tt Aff}, {\tt aff}
  499. and so on.
  500. \begin{verbatim}
  501. Affine Aff
  502. Anholonomic Nonholonomic AMode ABasis
  503. Antisymmetric Asy
  504. Change Transform
  505. Classify Class
  506. Components Comp
  507. Connection Con
  508. Constants Const Constant
  509. Coordinates Cord
  510. Curvature Cur
  511. Dimension Dim
  512. Dotted Do
  513. Equation Equations Eq
  514. Erase Delete Del
  515. Evaluate Eval Simplify
  516. Find F Calculate Calc
  517. Form Forms
  518. Functions Fun Function
  519. Generic Gen
  520. Gravitational Gravity Gravitation Grav
  521. Holonomic HMode HBasis
  522. Inverse Inv
  523. Load Restore
  524. Next N
  525. Normalize Normal
  526. Object Obj
  527. Output Out
  528. Parameter Par
  529. Rotation Rot
  530. Scalar Scal
  531. Show ?
  532. Signature Sig
  533. Solutions Solution Sol
  534. Spinor Spin Spinorial Sp
  535. standardlisp lisp
  536. Switch Sw
  537. Symmetries Sym Symmetric
  538. Tensor Tensors Tens
  539. Torsion Tors
  540. Transformation Trans
  541. Undotted Un
  542. Unload Save
  543. Vector Vec
  544. Write W
  545. Zero Nullify
  546. \end{verbatim}
  547. \newpage
  548. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Expressions}
  549. \chead{\slshape Expressions}
  550. \subsection{\sf\slshape Operations and Operators}
  551. Notation:
  552. $e$ is any expression,
  553. $a$ is any scalar valued (algebraic) expressions,
  554. $v$ is any vector valued expression,
  555. $x$ is a coordinate,
  556. $o$ is any 1-form valued expression,
  557. $\omega$ is any form valued expression.
  558. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}
  559. \hline
  560. {\tt [$v_1$,$v_2$]} & Vector bracket & \\
  561. \hline
  562. {\tt @} $x$ & Holonomic vector $\partial_x$ & \\
  563. \cline{1-2}
  564. {\tt d} $a$ & Exterior differential & \\
  565. {\tt d} $\omega$ & &
  566. {\tt d} \cc$a$ $\Leftrightarrow$ {\tt (d(}\cc$a${\tt))} \\
  567. \cline{1-2}
  568. {\tt \dd} $a$ & Dualization & \\
  569. {\tt \dd} $\omega$ & & \\
  570. \cline{1-2}
  571. {\tt \cc} $e$ & Complex conjugation & \\
  572. \hline
  573. $a_1${\tt **}$a_2$ & Exponention & \\
  574. $a_1${\tt\^} $a_2$ & & \\
  575. \hline
  576. $e$\ {\tt /}\ $a$ & Division &
  577. $e${\tt /}$a_1${\tt /}$a_2$ $\Leftrightarrow$ {\tt (}$e${\tt /}$a_1${\tt )/}$a_2$ \\
  578. \hline
  579. $a$\ {\tt *}\ $e$ & Multiplication & \\
  580. \cline{1-2}
  581. $v$\ {\tt |}\ $a$ & Vector acting on scalar & $v$\ii$\omega_1$\w$\omega_2${\tt *}$a$ \\
  582. \cline{1-2}
  583. $v$\ \ip\ $\omega$ & Interior product & $\Updownarrow$ \\
  584. \cline{1-2}
  585. $v_1$\ {\tt.}\ $v_2$& Scalar product & $v$\ii{\tt (}$\omega_1$\w{\tt(}$\omega_2${\tt *}$a${\tt ))} \\
  586. $v$\ {\tt.}\ $o$ & & \\
  587. $o_1$\ {\tt.}\ $o_2$& & \\
  588. \cline{1-2}
  589. $\omega_1$\ \w\ $\omega_2$ & Exterior product & \\
  590. \hline
  591. {\tt +}\ $e$ & Prefix plus & \\
  592. \cline{1-2}
  593. {\tt -}\ $e$ & Prefix minus & \\
  594. \cline{1-2}
  595. $e_1$\ {\tt +}\ $e_2$ & Addition & \\
  596. \cline{1-2}
  597. $e_1$\ {\tt -}\ $e_2$ & Subtraction & \\
  598. \hline
  599. \end{tabular}
  600. \subsection{\sf\slshape Variables and Functions}
  601. Operator listed in the previous section can act on:
  602. (i) integer numbers (e.g. {\tt 0}, {\tt 123}),
  603. (ii) symbols or identifiers (e.g. {\tt I}, {\tt phi}, {\tt RIM0103}),
  604. (iii) functional expressions (e.g. {\tt SIN(x)}, {\tt G(0,1)} etc).
  605. Valid symbol must belong to one of the following types:
  606. \begin{itemize}
  607. \item Coordinate.
  608. \item Declared by user or built-in constant.
  609. \item Function declared with implicit dependence list.
  610. \item Component of an object.
  611. \end{itemize}
  612. Any valid functional expression must belong to one of the following types:
  613. \itemsep=0.5mm
  614. \begin{itemize}
  615. \item User-defined function.
  616. \item Function defined in {\sc Reduce} or in any loaded package.
  617. \item Component of an object in functional notation.
  618. \item Some special \grg\ functional expressions listed below.
  619. \end{itemize}
  620. \subsection{\sf\slshape Object Components}
  621. The components of built-in or user-defined object can be
  622. referred by two methods: using symbols {\tt dim},
  623. {\tt VOL}, {\tt T0}, {\tt RIM0213} etc, or using functional
  624. notation {\tt T(0)}, {\tt RIM(0,2,1,3)}, {\tt OMEGA(i,j)}.
  625. In functional notation the default index type and position
  626. can be changed using the markers: {\tt '} upper frame,
  627. {\tt .} lower frame, {\tt \^} upper holonomic, {\tt \_} lower
  628. holonomic. For example: {\tt RIM('0,.1,\_2,\_3)}.
  629. \subsection{\sf\slshape Built-in Constants}
  630. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  631. \hline
  632. \tt E I PI INFINITY & Mathematical constants $e,i,\pi$,$\infty$ \\
  633. \hline
  634. \tt FAILED & \\
  635. \hline
  636. \tt ECONST & Charge of the electron \\
  637. \tt DMASS & Dirac field mass \\
  638. \tt SMASS & Scalar field mass \\
  639. \hline
  640. \tt GCONST & Gravitational constant \\
  641. \tt CCONST & Cosmological constants \\
  642. \hline
  643. \tt LC0 LC1 LC2 LC3 & Parameters of the quadratic \\
  644. \tt LC4 LC5 LC6 & gravitational Lagrangian \\
  645. \tt MC1 MC2 MC3 & \\
  646. \hline
  647. \tt AC0 & Nonminimal interaction constant \\
  648. \hline
  649. \end{tabular}
  650. \subsection{\sf\slshape Derivatives}\vspace*{-5mm}
  651. \command{DF(\parm{a},\rpt{\parm{x}\opt{{\upshape ,}\parm{n}}})\\\tt
  652. DFP(\parm{a},\rpt{\parm{x}\opt{{\upshape ,}\parm{n}}})}\vspace*{-1mm}
  653. {\tt DFP} derivatives are valid only after {\tt Generic Function}
  654. declaration.
  655. \subsection{\sf\slshape Complex Conjugation}
  656. These constructions are shortcuts for standard complex conjugation
  657. operations:
  658. \command{%
  659. \tt $e$ + \cc\cc\ $=$\ $e$ + \cc$e$ \\
  660. \tt $e$ - \cc\cc\ $=$\ $e$ - \cc$e$ \\
  661. \tt Re($e$)\ $=$\ ($e$ + \cc$e$)/2 \\
  662. \tt Im($e$)\ $=$\ I*(-$e$ + \cc$e$)/2}
  663. \subsection{\sf\slshape Parts of Equations and Solutions}
  664. The functional expressions
  665. \command{LHS(\parm{eqcomp})\\\tt
  666. RHS(\parm{eqcomp})}
  667. give access to the left-hand and right-hand side of an
  668. equation respectively. They also provide access to the \parm{n}'th
  669. solution if \parm{eqcomp} is \comm{Sol(\parm{n})}.
  670. \subsection{\sf\slshape Sums and Products}\vspace*{-5mm}
  671. \command{Sum(\parm{iter},\parm{e})\\\tt
  672. Prod(\parm{iter},\parm{e})}
  673. The \parm{iter} specification is
  674. completely the same as in the {\tt Print For} command.
  675. \subsection{\sf\slshape Lie Derivatives}
  676. The Lie derivative
  677. \command{Lie(\parm{v},\parm{objcomp})}
  678. where \parm{objcomp} is the component of an object in
  679. functional notation.
  680. \subsection{\sf\slshape Covariant Derivatives and Differentials}
  681. The covariant differential
  682. \command{Dc(\parm{objcomp}\opt{{\upshape\tt ,}\rpt{\parm{conn}}})}
  683. and covariant derivative
  684. \command{Dfc(\parm{v},\parm{objcomp}\opt{{\upshape\tt ,}\rpt{\parm{conn}}})}
  685. Here \parm{objcomp} is an object component in functional notation
  686. and \parm{conn} is the symbol(s) of alternative connection 1-form(s).
  687. \subsection{\sf\slshape Symmetrization}
  688. The functional expressions
  689. \command{%
  690. Asy(\rpt{\parm{i}},\parm{e})\\\tt
  691. Sy(\rpt{\parm{i}},\parm{e})\\\tt
  692. Cy(\rpt{\parm{i}},\parm{e})}
  693. produces antisymmetrization, symmetrization and cyclic symmetrization
  694. of the expression \parm{e} with respect to \parm{i} (without
  695. corresponding $1/n$ or $1/n!$ etc). The switch {\tt EXPANDSYM} must
  696. be on.
  697. \subsection{\sf\slshape Substitutions}
  698. The expression
  699. \command{SUB(\rpt{\parm{sub}},\parm{e})}
  700. is similar to the analogous {\sc Reduce} one with two
  701. generalizations: (i) it applies not only to algebraic
  702. but to form and vector valued expression \parm{e} as well,
  703. (ii) as in {\tt Let} command \parm{sub} can be either
  704. the relation {\tt \parm{l}\,=\,\parm{r}} or solution
  705. {\tt Sub(\parm{n})}.
  706. \subsection{\sf\slshape Conditional Expressions}
  707. The conditional expression
  708. \command{If(\parm{cond},\parm{$e_1$},\parm{$e_2$})}
  709. chooses $e_1$ or $e_2$ depending on the value of the
  710. boolean expression \parm{cond}.
  711. Boolean expression appears in (i) the conditional expression
  712. {\tt If}, (ii) in {\tt For all Such That} substitutions.
  713. Any nonzero expression is considered as {\bf true} and
  714. vanishing expression as {\bf false}. Boolean expressions
  715. may contain the following usual relations and logical
  716. operations: {\tt < > <= >= = |= not and or}. They also may
  717. contain the predicates
  718. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  719. \hline
  720. \tt OBJECT(\parm{obj}) & Is \parm{obj} an object or not \\
  721. \hline
  722. \tt ON(\parm{switch}) & Test position of the \parm{switch} \\
  723. \tt OFF(\parm{switch}) & \\
  724. \hline
  725. \tt ZERO(\parm{object}) & Is the value of the \parm{object} zero or not \\
  726. \hline
  727. \tt HASVALUE(\parm{object}) & Whether the \parm{object} has any value or not \\
  728. \hline
  729. \tt NULLM(\parm{object}) & Is the \parm{object} the standard null metric \\
  730. \hline
  731. \end{tabular}
  732. The expression \comm{ERROR("\parm{message}")} causes an error
  733. with the \comm{"\parm{message}"}. It can be used together with
  734. conditional expressions to test any required conditions during
  735. the batch file execution.
  736. \newpage
  737. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Macro Objects}
  738. \chead{\slshape Objects}
  739. Macro objects can be used in expression, in {\tt Write} and
  740. {\tt Show} commands but not in {\tt Find}. The indices are
  741. specified as in the {\tt New Object} declaration.
  742. \subsection{\sf\slshape Dimension and Signature}
  743. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  744. \hline
  745. \tt dim & Dimension $d$ \\
  746. \hline
  747. \tt sdiag.idim & {\tt sdiag(\parm{n})} is the $n$'th element of the \\
  748. & signature diag($-1,+1$\dots) \\
  749. \hline
  750. \tt sign & Product of the signature specification \\
  751. \tt sgnt & elements $\prod_{n=0}^{d-1}\mbox{\tt sdiag(}n\mbox{\tt)}$ \\[1mm]
  752. \hline
  753. \tt mpsgn & {\tt sdiag(0)} \\
  754. \tt pmsgn & {\tt -sdiag(0)} \\
  755. \hline
  756. \end{tabular}
  757. \subsection{\sf\slshape Metric and Frame}
  758. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  759. \hline
  760. \tt x\^m & $m$'th coordinate \\
  761. \tt X\^m & \\
  762. \hline
  763. \tt h'a\_m & Frame coefficients \\
  764. \tt hi.a\^m & \\
  765. \hline
  766. \tt g\_m\_n & Holonomic metric \\
  767. \tt gi\^m\^n & \\
  768. \hline
  769. \end{tabular}
  770. \subsection{\sf\slshape Delta and Epsilon Symbols}
  771. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  772. \hline
  773. \tt del'a.b & Delta symbols \\
  774. \tt delh\^m\_n & \\
  775. \hline
  776. \tt eps.a.b.c.d & Totally antisymmetric symbols \\
  777. \tt epsi'a'b'c'd & (number of indices depend on $d$) \\
  778. \tt epsh\_m\_n\_p\_q & \\
  779. \tt epsih\^m\^n\^p\^q & \\
  780. \hline
  781. \end{tabular}
  782. \subsection{\sf\slshape Spinors}
  783. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  784. \hline
  785. \tt DEL'A.B & Delta symbol \\
  786. \hline
  787. \tt EPS.A.B & Spinorial metric \\
  788. \tt EPSI'A'B & \\
  789. \hline
  790. \tt sigma'a.A.B\cc & Sigma matrices \\
  791. \tt sigmai.a'A'B\cc & \\
  792. \hline
  793. \tt cci.i3 & Frame index conjugation in st. null frame \\
  794. & {\tt cci(0)=0}\ {\tt cci(1)=1}\ {\tt cci(2)=3}\ {\tt cci(3)=2} \\
  795. \hline
  796. \end{tabular}
  797. \subsection{\sf\slshape Connection Coefficients}
  798. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}
  799. \hline
  800. \tt CHR\^m\_n\_p & Christoffel symbols $\{{}^\mu_{\nu\pi}\}$ \\
  801. \tt CHRF\_m\_n\_p & and $[{}_{\mu},_{\nu\pi}]$ \\
  802. \tt CHRT\_m & Christoffel symbol trace $\{{}^\pi_{\pi\mu}\}$ \\
  803. \hline
  804. \tt SPCOEF.AB.c & Spin coefficients $\omega_{AB\,c}$ \\
  805. \hline
  806. \end{tabular}
  807. \subsection{\sf\slshape NP Formalism}
  808. \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}
  809. \hline
  810. \tt PHINP.AB.CD~ & $\Phi_{AB\dot{C}\dot{D}}$ \\
  811. \tt PSINP.ABCD & $\Psi_{ABCD}$ \\
  812. \hline
  813. \tt alphanp & $\alpha$ \\
  814. \tt betanp & $\beta$ \\
  815. \tt gammanp & $\gamma$ \\
  816. \tt epsilonnp & $\epsilon$ \\
  817. \tt kappanp & $\kappa$ \\
  818. \tt rhonp & $\rho$ \\
  819. \tt sigmanp & $\sigma$ \\
  820. \tt taunp & $\tau$ \\
  821. \tt munp & $\mu$ \\
  822. \tt nunp & $\nu$ \\
  823. \tt lambdanp & $\lambda$ \\
  824. \tt pinp & $\pi$ \\
  825. \hline
  826. \tt DD & $D$ \\
  827. \tt DT & $\Delta$ \\
  828. \tt du & $\delta$ \\
  829. \tt dd & $\overline\delta$ \\
  830. \hline
  831. \end{tabular}
  832. \section{\LARGE\sf\slshape Built-in Objects}
  833. \tabcolsep=1mm
  834. The complete list of built-in objects with names and symbols.
  835. The case of the object names is not important but symbols
  836. are case sensitive. The indices are specified as in the
  837. {\tt New Object} declaration. Some names refer to a set
  838. of objects. For example the name {\tt Spinorial S - forms}
  839. denotes {\tt SU.AB} and {\tt SD.AB~}.
  840. \subsection{\sf\slshape Metric, Frame, Basis, Volume \dots}
  841. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  842. \tt Frame &\tt T'a\\
  843. \tt Vector Frame &\tt D.a\\
  844. \hline
  845. \tt Metric &\tt G.a.b\\
  846. \tt Inverse Metric &\tt GI'a'b\\
  847. \tt Det of Metric &\tt detG\\
  848. \tt Det of Holonomic Metric &\tt detg\\
  849. \tt Sqrt Det of Metric &\tt sdetG\\
  850. \hline
  851. \tt Volume &\tt VOL\\
  852. \hline
  853. \tt Basis &\tt b'idim \\
  854. \tt Vector Basis &\tt e.idim \\
  855. \hline
  856. \tt S-forms &\tt S'a'b\\
  857. \hline
  858. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Spinorial S-forms} \\
  859. \tt Undotted S-forms &\tt SU.AB\\
  860. \tt Dotted S-forms &\tt SD.AB\cc\\
  861. \hline\end{tabular}
  862. \subsection{\sf\slshape Rotation Matrices}
  863. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  864. \tt Frame Transformation &\tt L'a.b \\
  865. \tt Spinorial Transformation &\tt LS.A'B \\
  866. \hline\end{tabular}
  867. \subsection{\sf\slshape Connection and related objects}
  868. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  869. \tt Frame Connection &\tt omega'a.b\\
  870. \tt Holonomic Connection &\tt GAMMA\^m\_n\\
  871. \hline
  872. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Spinorial Connection}\\
  873. \tt Undotted Connection &\tt omegau.AB\\
  874. \tt Dotted Connection &\tt omegad.AB\cc\\
  875. \hline
  876. \tt Riemann Frame Connection &\tt romega'a.b\\
  877. \tt Riemann Holonomic Connection &\tt RGAMMA\^m\_n\\
  878. \hline
  879. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Riemann Spinorial Connection}\\
  880. \tt Riemann Undotted Connection &\tt romegau.AB\\
  881. \tt Riemann Dotted Connection &\tt romegad.AB\cc\\
  882. \hline
  883. \tt Connection Defect &\tt K'a.b\\
  884. \hline\end{tabular}
  885. \subsection{\sf\slshape Torsion}
  886. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  887. \tt Torsion &\tt THETA'a\\
  888. \tt Contorsion &\tt KQ'a.b\\
  889. \tt Torsion Trace 1-form &\tt QQ\\
  890. \tt Antisymmetric Torsion 3-form &\tt QQA\\
  891. \hline
  892. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Spinorial Contorsion}\\
  893. \tt Undotted Contorsion &\tt KU.AB\\
  894. \tt Dotted Contorsion &\tt KD.AB\cc\\
  895. \hline
  896. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Torsion Spinors }\\
  897. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Torsion Components }\\
  898. \tt Torsion Trace &\tt QT'a\\
  899. \tt Torsion Pseudo Trace &\tt QP'a\\
  900. \tt Traceless Torsion Spinor &\tt QC.ABC.D\cc\\
  901. \hline
  902. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Torsion 2-forms}\\
  903. \tt Traceless Torsion 2-form &\tt THQC'a\\
  904. \tt Torsion Trace 2-form &\tt THQT'a\\
  905. \tt Antisymmetric Torsion 2-form &\tt THQA'a\\
  906. \hline
  907. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Undotted Torsion 2-forms}\\
  908. \tt Undotted Torsion Trace 2-form &\tt THQTU'a\\
  909. \tt Undotted Antisymmetric Torsion 2-form &\tt THQAU'a\\
  910. \tt Undotted Traceless Torsion 2-form &\tt THQCU'a\\
  911. \hline\end{tabular}
  912. \subsection{\sf\slshape Nonmetricity}
  913. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  914. \tt Nonmetricity &\tt N.a.b\\
  915. \tt Nonmetricity Defect &\tt KN'a.b\\
  916. \tt Weyl Vector &\tt NNW\\
  917. \tt Nonmetricity Trace &\tt NNT\\
  918. \hline
  919. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Nonmetricity 1-forms}\\
  920. \tt Symmetric Nonmetricity 1-form &\tt NC.a.b\\
  921. \tt Antisymmetric Nonmetricity 1-form &\tt NA.a.b\\
  922. \tt Nonmetricity Trace 1-form &\tt NT.a.b\\
  923. \tt Weyl Nonmetricity 1-form &\tt NW.a.b\\
  924. \hline\end{tabular}
  925. \subsection{\sf\slshape Curvature}
  926. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  927. \tt Curvature &\tt OMEGA'a.b\\
  928. \hline
  929. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Spinorial Curvature}\\
  930. \tt Undotted Curvature &\tt OMEGAU.AB\\
  931. \tt Dotted Curvature &\tt OMEGAD.AB\cc\\
  932. \hline
  933. \tt Riemann Tensor &\tt RIM'a.b.c.d\\
  934. \tt Ricci Tensor &\tt RIC.a.b\\
  935. \tt A-Ricci Tensor &\tt RICA.a.b\\
  936. \tt S-Ricci Tensor &\tt RICS.a.b\\
  937. \tt Homothetic Curvature &\tt OMEGAH\\
  938. \tt Einstein Tensor &\tt GT.a.b\\
  939. \hline
  940. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Curvature Spinors}\\
  941. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Curvature Components}\\
  942. \tt Weyl Spinor &\tt RW.ABCD\\
  943. \tt Traceless Ricci Spinor &\tt RC.AB.CD\cc\\
  944. \tt Scalar Curvature &\tt RR\\
  945. \tt Ricanti Spinor &\tt RA.AB\\
  946. \tt Traceless Deviation Spinor &\tt RB.AB.CD\cc\\
  947. \tt Scalar Deviation &\tt RD\\
  948. \hline
  949. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Undotted Curvature 2-forms}\\
  950. \tt Undotted Weyl 2-form &\tt OMWU.AB \\
  951. \tt Undotted Traceless Ricci 2-form &\tt OMCU.AB \\
  952. \tt Undotted Scalar Curvature 2-form &\tt OMRU.AB \\
  953. \tt Undotted Ricanti 2-form &\tt OMAU.AB \\
  954. \tt Undotted Traceless Deviation 2-form &\tt OMBU.AB \\
  955. \tt Undotted Scalar Deviation 2-form &\tt OMDU.AB \\
  956. \hline
  957. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Curvature 2-forms}\\
  958. \tt Weyl 2-form &\tt OMW.a.b \\
  959. \tt Traceless Ricci 2-form &\tt OMC.a.b \\
  960. \tt Scalar Curvature 2-form &\tt OMR.a.b \\
  961. \tt Ricanti 2-form &\tt OMA.a.b \\
  962. \tt Traceless Deviation 2-form &\tt OMB.a.b \\
  963. \tt Antisymmetric Curvature 2-form &\tt OMD.a.b \\
  964. \tt Homothetic Curvature 2-form &\tt OSH.a.b \\
  965. \tt Antisymmetric S-Ricci 2-form &\tt OSA.a.b \\
  966. \tt Traceless S-Ricci 2-form &\tt OSC.a.b \\
  967. \tt Antisymmetric S-Curvature 2-form &\tt OSV.a.b \\
  968. \tt Symmetric S-Curvature 2-form &\tt OSU.a.b \\
  969. \hline
  970. \end{tabular}
  971. \subsection{\sf\slshape EM field}
  972. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  973. \tt EM Potential &\tt A\\
  974. \tt Current 1-form &\tt J\\
  975. \tt EM Action &\tt EMACT\\
  976. \tt EM 2-form &\tt FF\\
  977. \tt EM Tensor &\tt FT.a.b\\
  978. \hline
  979. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Maxwell Equations}\\
  980. \tt First Maxwell Equation &\tt MWFq\\
  981. \tt Second Maxwell Equation &\tt MWSq\\
  982. \hline
  983. \tt Continuity Equation &\tt COq\\
  984. \tt EM Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TEM.a.b\\
  985. \hline
  986. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt EM Scalars}\\
  987. \tt First EM Scalar &\tt SCF\\
  988. \tt Second EM Scalar &\tt SCS\\
  989. \hline
  990. \tt Selfduality Equation &\tt SDq.AB\cc\\
  991. \tt Complex EM 2-form &\tt FFU\\
  992. \tt Complex Maxwell Equation &\tt MWUq\\
  993. \tt Undotted EM Spinor &\tt FIU.AB\\
  994. \tt Complex EM Scalar &\tt SCU\\
  995. \tt EM Energy-Momentum Spinor &\tt TEMS.AB.CD\cc\\
  996. \hline\end{tabular}
  997. \subsection{\sf\slshape Scalar field}
  998. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  999. \tt Scalar Equation &\tt SCq\\
  1000. \tt Scalar Field &\tt FI\\
  1001. \tt Scalar Action &\tt SACT\\
  1002. \tt Minimal Scalar Action &\tt SACTMIN\\
  1003. \tt Minimal Scalar Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TSCLMIN.a.b\\
  1004. \hline\end{tabular}
  1005. \subsection{\sf\slshape YM field}
  1006. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1007. \tt YM Potential &\tt AYM.i9\\
  1008. \tt Structural Constants &\tt SCONST.i9.j9.k9\\
  1009. \tt YM Action &\tt YMACT\\
  1010. \tt YM 2-form &\tt FFYM.i9\\
  1011. \tt YM Tensor &\tt FTYM.i9.a.b\\
  1012. \hline
  1013. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt YM Equations}\\
  1014. \tt First YM Equation &\tt YMFq.i9\\
  1015. \tt Second YM Equation &\tt YMSq.i9\\
  1016. \hline
  1017. \tt YM Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TYM.a.b\\
  1018. \hline\end{tabular}
  1019. \subsection{\sf\slshape Dirac field}
  1020. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1021. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Dirac Spinor}\\
  1022. \tt Phi Spinor &\tt PHI.A\\
  1023. \tt Chi Spinor &\tt CHI.B\\
  1024. \hline
  1025. \tt Dirac Action 4-form &\tt DACT\\
  1026. \tt Undotted Dirac Spin 3-Form &\tt SPDIU.AB\\
  1027. \tt Dirac Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TDI.a.b\\
  1028. \hline
  1029. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Dirac Equation}\\
  1030. \tt Phi Dirac Equation &\tt DPq.A\cc\\
  1031. \tt Chi Dirac Equation &\tt DCq.A\cc\\
  1032. \hline\end{tabular}
  1033. \subsection{\sf\slshape Geodesics}
  1034. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1035. \tt Geodesic Equation &\tt GEOq\^m\\
  1036. \hline\end{tabular}
  1037. \subsection{\sf\slshape Null Congruence}
  1038. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1039. \tt Congruence &\tt KV\\
  1040. \tt Null Congruence Condition &\tt NCo\\
  1041. \tt Geodesics Congruence Condition&\tt GCo'a\\
  1042. \hline
  1043. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Optical Scalars}\\
  1044. \tt Congruence Expansion &\tt thetaO\\
  1045. \tt Congruence Squared Rotation &\tt omegaSQO\\
  1046. \tt Congruence Squared Shear &\tt sigmaSQO\\
  1047. \hline\end{tabular}
  1048. \subsection{\sf\slshape Kinematics}
  1049. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1050. \tt Velocity Vector &\tt UV\\
  1051. \tt Velocity &\tt UU'a\\
  1052. \tt Velocity Square &\tt USQ\\
  1053. \tt Projector &\tt PR'a.b\\
  1054. \hline
  1055. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Kinematics}\\
  1056. \tt Acceleration &\tt accU'a\\
  1057. \tt Vorticity &\tt omegaU.a.b\\
  1058. \tt Volume Expansion &\tt thetaU\\
  1059. \tt Shear &\tt sigmaU.a.b\\
  1060. \hline\end{tabular}
  1061. \subsection{\sf\slshape Ideal and Spin Fluid}
  1062. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1063. \tt Pressure &\tt PRES\\
  1064. \tt Energy Density &\tt ENER\\
  1065. \tt Ideal Fluid Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TIFL.a.b\\
  1066. \hline
  1067. \tt Spin Fluid Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TSFL.a.b \\
  1068. \tt Spin Density &\tt SPFLT.a.b \\
  1069. \tt Spin Density 2-form &\tt SPFL \\
  1070. \tt Undotted Fluid Spin 3-form &\tt SPFLU.AB \\
  1071. \tt Frenkel Condition &\tt FCo \\
  1072. \hline\end{tabular}
  1073. \subsection{\sf\slshape Total Energy-Momentum and Spin}
  1074. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1075. \tt Total Energy-Momentum Tensor &\tt TENMOM.a.b\\
  1076. \tt Total Energy-Momentum Spinor &\tt TENMOMS.AB.CD\cc\\
  1077. \tt Total Energy-Momentum Trace &\tt TENMOMT\\
  1078. \tt Total Undotted Spin 3-form &\tt SPINU.AB\\
  1079. \hline\end{tabular}
  1080. \subsection{\sf\slshape Einstein Equations}
  1081. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1082. \tt Einstein Equation &\tt EEq.a.b\\
  1083. \hline
  1084. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Spinor Einstein Equations}\\
  1085. \tt Traceless Einstein Equation &\tt CEEq.AB.CD\cc\\
  1086. \tt Trace of Einstein Equation &\tt TEEq\\
  1087. \hline\end{tabular}
  1088. \subsection{\sf\slshape Constants}
  1089. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1090. \tt A-Constants &\tt ACONST.i2\\
  1091. \tt L-Constants &\tt LCONST.i6\\
  1092. \tt M-Constants &\tt MCONST.i3\\
  1093. \hline\end{tabular}
  1094. \subsection{\sf\slshape Gravitational Equations}
  1095. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
  1096. \tt Action &\tt LACT\\
  1097. \tt Undotted Curvature Momentum &\tt POMEGAU.AB\\
  1098. \tt Torsion Momentum &\tt PTHETA'a\\
  1099. \hline
  1100. \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\tt Gravitational Equations}\\
  1101. \tt Metric Equation &\tt METRq.a.b\\
  1102. \tt Torsion Equation &\tt TORSq.AB\\
  1103. \hline\end{tabular}
  1104. \end{document}
  1105. %======== End of guide32.tex ============================================%