123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442 |
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Prasoon Joshi
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package graphql
- import graphql.SchemaDefinition._
- import sangria.schema._
- object SchemaUnions {
- lazy val MixedBasicElementsTypeList = List(FreeTextType, AbbrType, EmphType, ExpanType, ForeignType, LbType, PtrType, RefType)
- lazy val AccessTypesList = List(PersnameType, CorpnameType, FamnameType, GeognameType, NameType, OccupationType,
- SubjectType, GenreformType, FunctionTypeType, TitleType)
- lazy val InterNoquoteElementsTypeList = List(ChronlistType, ListTypeType, TableType)
- lazy val InterElementsTypeList = InterNoquoteElementsTypeList :+ BlockquoteType
- lazy val BlocksElementsTypeList = InterElementsTypeList :+ PType
- implicit lazy val MixedBasicPlusAccessibleOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "MixedBasicPlusAccessibleOptions",
- Some("A union of m.mixed.basic.elements, m.access, date, footnote, num ,quote"),
- types = MixedBasicElementsTypeList ++ AccessTypesList ++ List(DateType, FootnoteType, NumType, QuoteType)
- )
- implicit val MixedBasicElementsOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "MixedBasicElementsOption",
- Some("A union type for all MixedBasicElementsOption types"),
- types = MixedBasicElementsTypeList
- )
- implicit lazy val DatesetOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "DatesetOption",
- Some("A union of Daterange and Datesingle"),
- types = List(DatesingleType, DaterangeType)
- )
- implicit lazy val DatesetOption2Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "DatesetOption2",
- Some("A union of Datesingle and Daterange"),
- types = List(DatesingleType, DaterangeType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ParaContentableOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ParaContentableOption",
- Some("A union of paragraph content options"),
- types = List(FreeTextType, AbbrType, CorpnameType, DateType, EmphType, ExpanType, FamnameType, FootnoteType, ForeignType,
- FunctionTypeType, GenreformType, GeognameType, LbType, ListTypeType, NameType, NumType, OccupationType,
- PersnameType, PtrType, QuoteType, RefType, SubjectType, TitleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ArchDescOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ArchDescOption",
- Some("A union of all types that make up Archive Description Options"),
- types = List(AccessrestrictType, AccrualsType, AcqinfoType, AltformavailType, AppraisalType, ArrangementType,
- BibliographyType, BioghistType, ControlaccessType, CustodhistType, FileplanType, IndexType, LegalstatusType,
- OddType, OriginalslocType, OtherfindaidType, PhystechType, PreferciteType, ProcessinfoType, RelatedmaterialType,
- RelationsType, ScopecontentType, SeparatedmaterialType, UserestrictType, DscType)
- )
- implicit lazy val AccessRestrictOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AccessRestrictOptions",
- Some("A union of all types that make up AccessRestrictOptions"),
- types = List(AccessrestrictType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val BlockQuoteOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "BlockQuoteOptions",
- Some("A union of all types that make up BlockquoteOptions"),
- types = List(ChronlistType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val MixedBasicElementsOption1Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "MixedBasicElementsOption1",
- Some("A union of mixedBasicElementsOption1 types."),
- types = List(FreeTextType, AbbrType, EmphType, ExpanType, ForeignType, LbType, PtrType, RefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ChronItemOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ChronItemOptions",
- Some("A union of chronitem options"),
- types = List(DaterangeType, DatesetType, DatesingleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ChronItemOption2Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ChronItemOption2",
- Some("A union of event or set of events"),
- types = List(ChronitemsetType, EventType, GeognameType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ListTypeOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ListTypeOptions",
- Some("A union of Item, Listhead and Defitem"),
- types = List(ItemType, ListTypeSequence1Type)
- )
- implicit lazy val AccrualsOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AccrualsOptions",
- Some("A union of accruals option types"),
- types = List(AccrualsType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val AcqInfoOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AcqInfoOptions",
- Some("A union of acquisition info option types"),
- types = List(AcqinfoType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val AltFormAvailOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AltFormAvailOptions",
- Some("A union of AltFormAvail Option types"),
- types = List(AltformavailType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val AppraisalOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AppraisalOptions",
- Some("A union of all appraisal option types"),
- types = List(AppraisalType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ArrangementOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ArrangementOptions",
- Some("A union of all arrangement option types"),
- types = List(ArrangementType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val BibliographyOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "BibliographyOptions",
- Some("A union of all Bibliography option types"),
- types = List(ArchrefType, BibliographyType, BibrefType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val BiogHistOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "BiogHistOptions",
- Some("A union of all BiogHist option types"),
- types = List(BioghistType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ControlAccessOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ControlAccessOptions",
- Some("A union of all ControlAccess option types"),
- types = List(ControlaccessType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType,
- CorpnameType, FamnameType, FunctionTypeType, GenreformType, GeognameType, NameType, OccupationType, PersnameType,
- SubjectType, TitleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val CustodHistOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "CustodHistOptions",
- Some("A union of all CustodHist option types"),
- types = List(CustodhistType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val FilePlanOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "FilePlanOptions",
- Some("A union of all FilePlan option types"),
- types = List(FileplanType, BlockquoteType, ChronlistType, HeadType, ListTypeType, PType, TableType)
- )
- implicit lazy val IndexOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "IndexOptions",
- Some("A union of all Index option types"),
- types = List(IndexType, IndexentryType, ListheadType)
- )
- implicit lazy val IndexEntryOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "IndexEntryOption",
- Some("A union of all indexEntry option types"),
- types = List(NamegrpType, CorpnameType, FamnameType, FunctionTypeType, GenreformType, GeognameType, NameType,
- OccupationType, PersnameType, SubjectType, TitleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val AccessType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "AccessTypes",
- Some("A union of all access types"),
- types = List(CorpnameType, FamnameType, FunctionTypeType, GenreformType, GeognameType, NameType, OccupationType,
- PersnameType, SubjectType, TitleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val IndexEntryOption2Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "IndexEntryOption2",
- Some("A union of PtrGrp and Refs"),
- types = List(PtrgrpType, PtrType, RefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val RefsOptionsType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "RefOptions",
- Some("A union of refs options"),
- types = List(PtrType, RefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val LegalStatusOptionType: UnionType[Unit]=
- UnionType(
- "LegalStatusOption",
- Some("A union of LegalStatus and blocks"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ LegalstatusType
- )
- implicit lazy val OddOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "OddOptions",
- Some("A union of blocks and Odd types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ OddType
- )
- implicit lazy val OriginalsLocOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "OriginalsLocOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and OriginalsLoc types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ OriginalslocType
- )
- implicit lazy val OtherFindAidOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "OtherFindAidOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks, otherfindaid, archref and bibref types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList ++ List(OtherfindaidType, ArchrefType, BibrefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val PhysTechOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "PhysTechOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and phystech types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ PhystechType
- )
- implicit lazy val PrefereCiteOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "PreferCiteOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and preferCite types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ PreferciteType
- )
- implicit lazy val ProcessInfoOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ProcessInfoOption",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and processInfo types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ ProcessinfoType
- )
- implicit lazy val RelatedMaterialOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "RelatedMaterialOption",
- Some("A union of m.blocks, relatedMaterial, archref and bibref types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList ++ List(RelatedmaterialType, ArchrefType, BibrefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val RelationOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "RelationOptions",
- Some("A Union of datesingle, daterange and dateset types"),
- types = List(DatesingleType, DaterangeType, DatesetType)
- )
- implicit lazy val ScopeContentOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "ScopeContentOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and scopeContent types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ ScopecontentType
- )
- implicit lazy val SeparatedMaterialOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "SeparatedMaterialOption",
- Some("A union of m.blocks, separatedMaterial, archref and bibref types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList ++ List(SeparatedmaterialType, ArchrefType, BibrefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val UseRestrictOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "UseRestrictOptions",
- Some("A union of m.blocks and useRestrict types"),
- types = BlocksElementsTypeList :+ UserestrictType
- )
- implicit lazy val DidOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "DidOptions",
- Some("A union of abstract, container, dao, daoset, didnote, head, langmaterial, materialspec, origination, " +
- "physdescset, physdesc, physdescstructured, physloc, repository, unitdate, unitdatestructured, unitid, " +
- "unittitle types"),
- types = List(AbstractType, ContainerType, DaoType, DaosetType, DidnoteType, LangmaterialType,
- MaterialspecType, OriginationType, PhysdescsetType, PhysdescType, PhysdescstructuredType, PhyslocType,
- RepositoryType, UnitdateType, UnitdatestructuredType, UnitidType, UnittitleType)
- )
- implicit lazy val LangMaterialOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "LangMaterialOption",
- Some("A union of language and languageset types"),
- types = List(LanguageType, LanguagesetType)
- )
- implicit lazy val OriginationOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "OriginationOptions",
- Some("A union of Corpname, Famname, Name, Persname types"),
- types = List(CorpnameType, FamnameType, NameType, PersnameType)
- )
- implicit lazy val PhysDescStructuredOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "physDescStructuredOptions",
- Some("Union of physfacet and dimensions"),
- types = List(PhysfacetType, DimensionsType)
- )
- implicit lazy val RepositoryOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "RepositoryOptions",
- Some("A union of CorpnameType, FamnameType, NameType and PersnameType"),
- types = List(CorpnameType, FamnameType, NameType, PersnameType)
- )
- implicit lazy val UnitDateStructuredOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "UnitDateStructuredOptions",
- Some("A Union of datesingle, daterange and dateset types"),
- types = List(DatesingleType, DaterangeType, DatesetType)
- )
- implicit lazy val DimensionsOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "DimensionsOptions",
- Some("A union of m.mixed.basic.elements and dimensions"),
- types = MixedBasicElementsTypeList :+ DimensionsType
- )
- implicit lazy val RefOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "RefOptions",
- Some("A union type for all RefOptions"),
- types = List(FreeTextType, AbbrType, CorpnameType, DateType, EmphType, ExpanType, FamnameType, FootnoteType,
- FunctionTypeType, GenreformType, GeognameType, LbType, NameType, NumType, OccupationType, PersnameType,
- PtrType, QuoteType, SubjectType, TitleType)
- )
- implicit val MixedBasicDateElementsOption1Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "MixedBasicDateElementsOption1",
- Some("A union of date element options"),
- types = List(FreeTextType, AbbrType, EmphType, ExpanType, ForeignType, LbType, PtrType, RefType)
- )
- implicit lazy val SeriesStmtOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "SeriesStmtOption",
- Some("A union of seriesStmt option types"),
- types = List(NumType, PType, TitleproperType)
- )
- implicit lazy val EditionStmtOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "EditionStmtOption",
- Some("A union of edition and p types"),
- types = List(EditionType, PType)
- )
- implicit lazy val PublicationStmtOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "PublicationStmtOptions",
- Some("A union of PublisherType, DateType, AddressType, NumType, PType"),
- types = List(PublisherType, DateType, AddressType, NumType, PType)
- )
- implicit lazy val LocalControlOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "LocalControlOptions",
- Some("A union type for LocalControl Options"),
- types = List(DatesingleType, DaterangeType)
- )
- implicit lazy val COrC01Type: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "cOrC01",
- Some("A union of c or c01."),
- types = List(CType, C01Type)
- )
- implicit lazy val BlocksOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "BlocksOptions",
- Some("A union of ChronlistType, ListTypeType, TableType, BlockquoteType, PType"),
- types = List(ChronlistType, ListTypeType, TableType, BlockquoteType, PType)
- )
- implicit lazy val DesBaseOptionType: UnionType[Unit] =
- UnionType(
- "DesBaseOption",
- Some("A union of AccessrestrictType, AccrualsType, AcqinfoType, AltformavailType, AppraisalType, ArrangementType, " +
- "BibliographyType, BioghistType, ControlaccessType, CustodhistType, FileplanType, IndexType, LegalstatusType," +
- "OddType, OriginalslocType, OtherfindaidType, PhystechType, PreferciteType, ProcessinfoType, " +
- "RelatedmaterialType, RelationsType, ScopecontentType, SeparatedmaterialType, UserestrictType"),
- types = List(AccessrestrictType, AccrualsType, AcqinfoType, AltformavailType, AppraisalType, ArrangementType,
- BibliographyType, BioghistType, ControlaccessType, CustodhistType, FileplanType, IndexType, LegalstatusType,
- OddType, OriginalslocType, OtherfindaidType, PhystechType, PreferciteType, ProcessinfoType,
- RelatedmaterialType, RelationsType, ScopecontentType, SeparatedmaterialType, UserestrictType)
- )
- }