123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529 |
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2015 - present Instructure, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of Canvas.
- *
- * Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
- *
- * Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
- * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- import _ from 'underscore'
- import React from 'react'
- import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
- import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
- import DueDateRow from 'jsx/due_dates/DueDateRow'
- import DueDateAddRowButton from 'jsx/due_dates/DueDateAddRowButton'
- import OverrideStudentStore from 'jsx/due_dates/OverrideStudentStore'
- import StudentGroupStore from 'jsx/due_dates/StudentGroupStore'
- import TokenActions from 'jsx/due_dates/TokenActions'
- import Override from 'compiled/models/AssignmentOverride'
- import AssignmentOverrideHelper from 'jsx/gradebook/AssignmentOverrideHelper'
- import I18n from 'i18n!assignments'
- import $ from 'jquery'
- import GradingPeriodsHelper from 'jsx/grading/helpers/GradingPeriodsHelper'
- import tz from 'timezone'
- import 'compiled/jquery.rails_flash_notifications'
- var DueDates = React.createClass({
- propTypes: {
- overrides: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
- syncWithBackbone: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
- sections: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
- defaultSectionId: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
- hasGradingPeriods: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
- gradingPeriods: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
- isOnlyVisibleToOverrides: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
- dueAt: function(props) {
- const isDate = props['dueAt'] instanceof Date
- if (!isDate && props['dueAt'] !== null) {
- return new Error('Invalid prop `dueAt` supplied to `DueDates`. Validation failed.')
- }
- },
- dueDatesReadonly: PropTypes.bool,
- availabilityDatesReadonly: PropTypes.bool
- },
- getDefaultProps () {
- return {
- dueDatesReadonly: false,
- availabilityDatesReadonly: false
- }
- },
- // -------------------
- // Lifecycle
- // -------------------
- getInitialState(){
- return {
- students: {},
- sections: {},
- noops: {[Override.conditionalRelease.noop_id]: Override.conditionalRelease},
- rows: {},
- addedRowCount: 0,
- defaultSectionId: null,
- currentlySearching: false,
- allStudentsFetched: false,
- selectedGroupSetId: null
- }
- },
- componentDidMount(){
- this.setState({
- rows: this.rowsFromOverrides(this.props.overrides),
- sections: this.formattedSectionHash(this.props.sections),
- groups: {},
- selectedGroupSetId: this.props.selectedGroupSetId
- }, this.fetchAdhocStudents)
- OverrideStudentStore.addChangeListener(this.handleStudentStoreChange)
- StudentGroupStore.setGroupSetIfNone(this.props.selectedGroupSetId)
- StudentGroupStore.addChangeListener(this.handleStudentGroupStoreChange)
- StudentGroupStore.fetchGroupsForCourse()
- },
- fetchAdhocStudents(){
- OverrideStudentStore.fetchStudentsByID(this.adhocOverrideStudentIDs())
- },
- handleStudentStoreChange(){
- if( this.isMounted() ){
- this.setState({
- students: OverrideStudentStore.getStudents(),
- currentlySearching: OverrideStudentStore.currentlySearching(),
- allStudentsFetched: OverrideStudentStore.allStudentsFetched()
- })
- }
- },
- handleStudentGroupStoreChange(){
- if( this.isMounted() ){
- this.setState({
- groups: this.formattedGroupHash(StudentGroupStore.getGroups()),
- selectedGroupSetId: StudentGroupStore.getSelectedGroupSetId()
- })
- }
- },
- // always keep React Overrides in sync with Backbone Collection
- componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
- var updatedOverrides = this.getAllOverrides(nextState.rows)
- this.props.syncWithBackbone(updatedOverrides)
- },
- // --------------------------
- // State Change
- // --------------------------
- replaceRow(rowKey, newOverrides, rowDates){
- var tmp = {}
- var dates = rowDates || this.datesFromOverride(newOverrides[0])
- tmp[rowKey] = {overrides: newOverrides, dates: dates, persisted: false}
- var newRows = _.extend(this.state.rows, tmp)
- this.setState({rows: newRows})
- },
- // -------------------
- // Helpers
- // -------------------
- formattedSectionHash(unformattedSections){
- var formattedSections = _.map(unformattedSections, this.formatSection)
- return _.indexBy(formattedSections, "id")
- },
- formatSection(section){
- return _.extend(section.attributes, {course_section_id: section.id})
- },
- formattedGroupHash(unformattedGroups){
- var formattedGroups = _.map(unformattedGroups, this.formatGroup)
- return _.indexBy(formattedGroups, "id")
- },
- formatGroup(group){
- return _.extend(group, {group_id: group.id})
- },
- getAllOverrides(givenRows){
- var rows = givenRows || this.state.rows
- return _.chain(rows).
- values().
- map((row) => {
- return _.map(row["overrides"], (override) => {
- override.attributes.persisted = row.persisted
- return override
- })
- }).
- flatten().
- compact().
- value()
- },
- adhocOverrides(){
- return _.filter(
- this.getAllOverrides(),
- (ov) => ov.get("student_ids")
- )
- },
- adhocOverrideStudentIDs(){
- return _.chain(this.adhocOverrides()).
- map((ov) => ov.get("student_ids")).
- flatten().
- uniq().
- value()
- },
- datesFromOverride(override){
- return {
- due_at: (override ? override.get("due_at") : null),
- lock_at: (override ? override.get("lock_at") : null),
- unlock_at: (override ? override.get("unlock_at") : null)
- }
- },
- groupsForSelectedSet(){
- var allGroups = this.state.groups
- var setId = this.state.selectedGroupSetId
- return _.chain(allGroups)
- .filter( function(value, key) {
- return value.group_category_id === setId
- })
- .indexBy("id")
- .value()
- },
- // -------------------
- // Row Setup
- // -------------------
- rowsFromOverrides(overrides){
- var overridesByKey = _.groupBy(overrides, (override) => {
- override.set("rowKey", override.combinedDates())
- return override.get("rowKey")
- })
- return _.chain(overridesByKey)
- .map((overrides, key) => {
- var datesForGroup = this.datesFromOverride(overrides[0])
- return [key, {overrides: overrides, dates: datesForGroup, persisted: true}]
- })
- .object()
- .value()
- },
- sortedRowKeys(){
- var {datedKeys, numberedKeys} = _.chain(this.state.rows)
- .keys()
- .groupBy( (key) => {
- return key.length > 11 ? "datedKeys" : "numberedKeys"
- })
- .value()
- return _.chain([datedKeys,numberedKeys]).flatten().compact().value()
- },
- rowRef(rowKey){
- return "due_date_row-" + rowKey;
- },
- // ------------------------
- // Adding and Removing Rows
- // ------------------------
- addRow(){
- var newRowCount = this.state.addedRowCount + 1
- this.replaceRow(newRowCount, [], {})
- this.setState({ addedRowCount: newRowCount }, function() {
- this.focusRow(newRowCount);
- })
- },
- removeRow(rowToRemoveKey){
- if ( !this.canRemoveRow() ) return
- var previousIndex = _.indexOf(this.sortedRowKeys(), rowToRemoveKey);
- var newRows = _.omit(this.state.rows, rowToRemoveKey);
- this.setState({ rows: newRows }, function() {
- var ks = this.sortedRowKeys();
- var previousRowKey = ks[previousIndex] || ks[ks.length - 1];
- this.focusRow(previousRowKey);
- })
- },
- canRemoveRow(){
- return this.sortedRowKeys().length > 1;
- },
- focusRow(rowKey){
- ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[this.rowRef(rowKey)]).querySelector('input').focus();
- },
- // --------------------------
- // Adding and Removing Tokens
- // --------------------------
- changeRowToken(addOrRemoveFunction, rowKey, changedToken){
- if (!changedToken) return
- var row = this.state.rows[rowKey]
- var newOverridesForRow = addOrRemoveFunction.call(TokenActions,
- changedToken,
- row["overrides"],
- rowKey,
- row["dates"]
- )
- this.replaceRow(rowKey, newOverridesForRow, row["dates"])
- },
- handleInteractionStart() {
- OverrideStudentStore.fetchStudentsForCourse()
- },
- handleTokenAdd(rowKey, newToken){
- this.changeRowToken(TokenActions.handleTokenAdd, rowKey, newToken)
- },
- handleTokenRemove(rowKey, tokenToRemove){
- this.changeRowToken(TokenActions.handleTokenRemove, rowKey, tokenToRemove)
- },
- replaceDate(rowKey, dateType, newDate){
- var oldOverrides = this.state.rows[rowKey].overrides
- var oldDates = this.state.rows[rowKey].dates
- var newOverrides = _.map(oldOverrides, (override) => {
- override.set(dateType, newDate)
- return override
- })
- var tmp = {}
- tmp[dateType] = newDate
- var newDates = _.extend(oldDates, tmp)
- this.replaceRow(rowKey, newOverrides, newDates)
- },
- // --------------------------
- // Everyone v Everyone Else
- // --------------------------
- defaultSectionNamer(sectionID){
- if (sectionID !== this.props.defaultSectionId) return null
- var onlyDefaultSectionChosen = _.isEqual(this.chosenSectionIds(), [sectionID])
- var noSectionsChosen = _.isEmpty(this.chosenSectionIds())
- var noGroupsChosen = _.isEmpty(this.chosenGroupIds())
- var noStudentsChosen = _.isEmpty(this.chosenStudentIds())
- var defaultSectionOrNoSectionChosen = onlyDefaultSectionChosen || noSectionsChosen
- if ( defaultSectionOrNoSectionChosen && noStudentsChosen && noGroupsChosen) {
- return I18n.t("Everyone")
- }
- return I18n.t("Everyone Else")
- },
- addStudentIfInClosedPeriod(gradingPeriodsHelper, students, dueDate, studentID) {
- const student = this.state.students[studentID]
- if (student && gradingPeriodsHelper.isDateInClosedGradingPeriod(dueDate)) {
- students = students.concat(student)
- }
- return students
- },
- studentsInClosedPeriods() {
- const allStudents = _.values(this.state.students)
- if (_.isEmpty(allStudents)) return allStudents
- const overrides = _.map(this.props.overrides, override => override.attributes)
- const assignment = {
- due_at: this.props.dueAt,
- only_visible_to_overrides: this.props.isOnlyVisibleToOverrides
- }
- const effectiveDueDates = AssignmentOverrideHelper.effectiveDueDatesForAssignment(assignment, overrides, allStudents)
- const gradingPeriodsHelper = new GradingPeriodsHelper(this.props.gradingPeriods)
- return _.reduce(effectiveDueDates, this.addStudentIfInClosedPeriod.bind(this, gradingPeriodsHelper), [])
- },
- // --------------------------
- // Filtering Dropdown Opts
- // --------------------------
- // if a student/section has already been selected
- // it is no longer a valid option -> hide it
- validDropdownOptions(){
- let validStudents = this.valuesWithOmission({object: this.state.students, keysToOmit: this.chosenStudentIds()})
- let validGroups = this.valuesWithOmission({object: this.groupsForSelectedSet(), keysToOmit: this.chosenGroupIds()})
- let validSections = this.valuesWithOmission({object: this.state.sections, keysToOmit: this.chosenSectionIds()})
- let validNoops = this.valuesWithOmission({object: this.state.noops, keysToOmit: this.chosenNoops()})
- if (this.props.hasGradingPeriods && !_.contains(ENV.current_user_roles, "admin")) {
- ({validStudents, validGroups, validSections} =
- this.filterDropdownOptionsForMultipleGradingPeriods(validStudents, validGroups, validSections))
- }
- return _.union(validStudents, validSections, validGroups, validNoops)
- },
- extractGroupsAndSectionsFromStudent(groups, toOmit, student) {
- _.each(student.group_ids, function(groupID) {
- toOmit.groupsToOmit[groupID] = toOmit.groupsToOmit[groupID] || groups[groupID]
- })
- _.each(student.sections, (sectionID) => {
- toOmit.sectionsToOmit[sectionID] = toOmit.sectionsToOmit[sectionID] || this.state.sections[sectionID]
- })
- return toOmit
- },
- groupsAndSectionsInClosedPeriods(studentsToOmit) {
- const groups = this.groupsForSelectedSet()
- const omitted = _.reduce(
- studentsToOmit,
- this.extractGroupsAndSectionsFromStudent.bind(this, groups),
- { groupsToOmit: {}, sectionsToOmit: {} }
- )
- return {
- groupsToOmit: _.values(omitted.groupsToOmit),
- sectionsToOmit: _.values(omitted.sectionsToOmit)
- }
- },
- filterDropdownOptionsForMultipleGradingPeriods(students, groups, sections) {
- const studentsToOmit = this.studentsInClosedPeriods()
- if (_.isEmpty(studentsToOmit)) {
- return { validStudents: students, validGroups: groups, validSections: sections }
- } else {
- const { groupsToOmit, sectionsToOmit } = this.groupsAndSectionsInClosedPeriods(studentsToOmit)
- return {
- validStudents: _.difference(students, studentsToOmit),
- validGroups: _.difference(groups, groupsToOmit),
- validSections: _.difference(sections, sectionsToOmit)
- }
- }
- },
- chosenIds(idType){
- return _.chain(this.getAllOverrides()).
- map((ov) => ov.get(idType)).
- compact().
- value()
- },
- chosenSectionIds(){
- return this.chosenIds("course_section_id")
- },
- chosenStudentIds(){
- return _.flatten(this.chosenIds("student_ids"))
- },
- chosenGroupIds(){
- return this.chosenIds("group_id")
- },
- chosenNoops(){
- return this.chosenIds("noop_id")
- },
- valuesWithOmission(args){
- return _.chain(args["object"]).
- omit(args["keysToOmit"]).
- values().
- value()
- },
- disableInputs(row) {
- const rowIsNewOrUserIsAdmin = !row.persisted || _.contains(ENV.current_user_roles, "admin")
- if (!this.props.hasGradingPeriods || rowIsNewOrUserIsAdmin) {
- return false
- }
- const dates = (row.dates || {})
- return this.isInClosedGradingPeriod(dates.due_at)
- },
- isInClosedGradingPeriod(date) {
- if (date === undefined) return false
- const dueAt = date === null ? null : new Date(date)
- return new GradingPeriodsHelper(this.props.gradingPeriods).isDateInClosedGradingPeriod(dueAt)
- },
- // -------------------
- // Rendering
- // -------------------
- rowsToRender(){
- return _.map(this.sortedRowKeys(), (rowKey) => {
- var row = this.state.rows[rowKey]
- var overrides = row.overrides || []
- var dates = row.dates || {}
- return (
- <DueDateRow
- ref = {this.rowRef(rowKey)}
- inputsDisabled = {this.disableInputs(row)}
- overrides = {overrides}
- key = {rowKey}
- rowKey = {rowKey}
- dates = {dates}
- students = {this.state.students}
- sections = {this.state.sections}
- groups = {this.state.groups}
- canDelete = {this.canRemoveRow()}
- validDropdownOptions = {this.validDropdownOptions()}
- handleDelete = {this.removeRow.bind(this, rowKey)}
- handleTokenAdd = {this.handleTokenAdd.bind(this, rowKey)}
- handleTokenRemove = {this.handleTokenRemove.bind(this, rowKey)}
- defaultSectionNamer = {this.defaultSectionNamer}
- replaceDate = {this.replaceDate.bind(this, rowKey)}
- currentlySearching = {this.state.currentlySearching}
- allStudentsFetched = {this.state.allStudentsFetched}
- dueDatesReadonly = {this.props.dueDatesReadonly}
- availabilityDatesReadonly = {this.props.availabilityDatesReadonly}
- />
- )
- })
- },
- render() {
- var rowsToRender = this.rowsToRender()
- return (
- <div className="ContainerDueDate" onMouseEnter={this.handleInteractionStart}>
- <div id="bordered-wrapper" className="Container__DueDateRow">
- {rowsToRender}
- </div>
- {
- this.props.dueDatesReadonly || this.props.availabilityDatesReadonly
- ? null
- : <DueDateAddRowButton handleAdd={this.addRow} display={true} />
- }
- </div>
- )
- }
- })
- export default DueDates