12345678910111213141516171819 |
- <% define_content :link do %>
- <%= polymorphic_url([asset.context, :discussion_topic], id: asset.discussion_topic_id, anchor: "entry-#{asset.id}") %>
- <% end %>
- <% define_content :subject do %>
- <%= t :subject, "New Comment for %{discussion_topic}: %{course}", :discussion_topic => asset.title, :course => asset.context.name %>
- <% end %>
- <%= t :body, "%{user} posted a new comment on the thread %{discussion_topic} for %{course}:", :user => asset.user.short_name, :discussion_topic => asset.title, :course => asset.context.name %>
- <%= html_to_text(asset.message, :base_url => dashboard_url) %>
- <% if IncomingMailProcessor::MailboxAccount.reply_to_enabled %>
- <%= t("Comment by replying to this message, or join the conversation using this link: %{link}.", link: content(:link)) %>
- <% else %>
- <%= t("Join the conversation using this link: %{link}.", link: content(:link)) %>
- <% end %>