1234567891011121314151617181920 |
- <% define_content :link do %>
- <%= polymorphic_url([asset.group.context, asset.group]) %>
- <% end %>
- <% define_content :subject do %>
- <%= t :subject, "New Group Membership for %{course_or_account}", :course_or_account => asset.group.context.name %>
- <% end %>
- <%= t :title, "New Group Membership: %{group_name}", :group_name => asset.group.name %>
- <%=
- case asset.group.context_type
- when 'Account'
- t :body_account, "You've been invited to join the group %{group} for the account %{account}.", :group => asset.group.name, :account => asset.group.context.name
- else
- t :body_course, "You've been invited to join the group %{group} for the course %{course}.", :group => asset.group.name, :course => asset.group.context.name
- end
- %>
- <%= t("You can check out the group by clicking this link: %{link}.", link: content(:link)) %>