.env.example 2.0 KB

  1. #
  2. # Start of application environment variables
  3. #
  4. # Standard Rails stuff (required)
  5. secret_key_base=
  6. devise_secret_key=
  7. force_ssl=false
  8. time_zone="Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
  9. # Database configuration (required)
  10. db_adapter=postgresql
  11. db_database=postgres
  12. db_username=postgres
  13. db_password=mysecretpassword
  14. db_port=5432
  15. db_host=db
  16. DB_AUTO_MIGRATE=false # or true, depending on if you want to run migrations every time the container starts
  17. # Test database configuration
  18. test_db_password=mysecrettestpassword
  19. test_db_username=postgres
  20. test_db_database=postgres
  21. test_db_adapter=postgresql
  22. test_db_port=5432
  23. test_db_host=testdb
  25. # Social media (required)
  26. twitter_handle=example
  27. twitter_related="example examplelive"
  28. facebook_handle=example
  29. # the following twitter vars are needed only if you want to auto-fetch
  30. # user avatars when they're added as an individual tweet target
  31. twitter_oauth_token=
  32. twitter_oauth_token_secret=
  33. twitter_api_key=
  34. twitter_api_secret=
  35. # Mail settings (required)
  36. smtp_username=
  37. smtp_password=
  38. smtp_address=smtp.example.com
  39. mailings_from="Example Action <actioncenter@example.com>"
  40. # Mail settings (not required)
  41. smtp_port=587
  42. smtp_domain=act.example.com
  43. smtp_authentication=plain
  44. smtp_enable_starttls_auto=true
  45. # AWS (required)
  46. storage=s3
  47. amazon_access_key_id=
  48. amazon_secret_access_key=
  49. amazon_region=us-west-1
  50. amazon_bucket=actioncenter
  51. # AWS (not required)
  52. amazon_bucket_url=act.s.example.com
  53. amazon_authorize_key=
  54. # Third party integration (required)
  55. congress_forms_url=http://phantomdc.example.com
  56. smarty_streets_id=
  57. smarty_streets_token=
  58. # Third party integration (not required)
  59. call_tool_url=https://call.example.com/
  60. call_tool_api_key=
  61. congress_forms_debug_key=
  62. supporters_api_key=
  63. supporters_host=https://actioncenter:somekey@supporters.example.com
  64. supporters_path=/civicrm/example-action-api
  65. cors_allowed_domains=https://example.org https://some.example.com
  66. # Error reporting (not required)
  67. sentry_dsn=
  68. # Miscellaneous (not required)
  70. #
  71. # End of application environment variables
  72. #