commands 796 B

  1. # create half-size images with less contrast/saturation
  2. for i in {01..12}; do find $i -name '*.3x21600x10800.png' -exec convert {} +contrast +contrast -modulate 100,80,100 -resize 50% {}_less.jpg \; ; done
  3. # create 8192px images with less contrast/saturation/brightness
  4. for i in {01..12}; do find "$i" -name '*.3x21600x10800.png' | while read file; do convert "$file" -brightness-contrast -10x-20 -modulate 100,80,100 -resize 8192 "${file/21600x10800/8192x4096_less}"; done; done
  5. # make earth night lights less glaring and less colourful
  6. convert Earthlights_2002.png +contrast -modulate 50,50,100 Earthlights_2002_less.png
  7. convert Earthlights_2002.png -modulate 20,50,95 Earthlights_2002_lesser.png
  8. convert land_ocean_ice_lights_8192.tif -modulate 25,80,100 land_ocean_ice_lights_8192_less.png