README.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Simplistic Silent ScreenCast (GIF)
  2. Dependencies
  3. Either
  4. - maim and bc and imagemagick's convert for method 1
  5. or
  6. - ffmpeg for method 2
  7. Optional dependencies
  8. - slop for interactive region selection
  9. - gifsicle for optimisation (only method 2)
  10. Options
  11. -g str pass geometry string instead of interactively selecting it
  12. -w int wait int seconds before starting (default: 2)
  13. -f int set frames per second (default: 10)
  14. -d int set duration of recording in seconds instead of quitting interactively
  15. -o str define output file (default: sssc20200420082424.gif)
  16. -m 1|2 define method to use:
  17. 1 take screenshots with maim and stitch them together to a looping
  18. GIF. Try to record the exact number of frames per second, but if
  19. the screenshoting takes too long, don't try to keep up.
  20. this method is more resource intensive but produces _much_ smaller
  21. files.
  22. 2 ffmpeg for both screencast and GIF conversion. If gifsicle is
  23. installed, optimise. Even optimised, filesize is 5x - 20x larger
  24. than with method 1.
  25. currently defaults to method 1.
  26. -v don't convert intermediate video to gif. only applies to method 2
  27. -h this text