123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- <?php
- class PicoPygments extends AbstractPicoPlugin
- {
- const API_VERSION=3;
- // only act if this var is set to true
- private $yeah=FALSE;
- // display a label with the language in a corner?
- private $label=FALSE;
- // setting up formatteroptions string to pass to python.
- private $formatteroptions='nowrap=True';
- // setting up lexeroptions string to pass to python.
- private $lexeroptions='encoding="utf-8"';
- // caching is on by default
- private $cache_dir="/dev/shm/cache/pico-production/pygments";
- // parsedown prepends this to the language for code block classes, e.g.: <code class="language-php">... not (currently) configurable
- private $langprefix="language-";
- // stylesheet
- private $stylesheet='';
- // CSS prefix to ignore when searching for colors
- private $cssprefix='custom-';
- // stylesheet fallback
- private $stylesheet_fallback='_var_with_fallback';
- private function __msg__($str,$xtra="") {
- if($this->debug === TRUE) {
- $arrow='⇛ ';
- // normal debug output
- echo $arrow."PicoPygments (".debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,2)[1]['function']."): ".$str."<br/>\n";
- // additional (super verbose) debug output
- if($xtra !== "" && $this->debug_xtra === TRUE) echo $arrow."PicoPygments (".debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,2)[1]['function']."): ".$xtra."<br/>\n";
- }
- }
- private function array_info($array,$sep='') {
- foreach($array as $k => $v) { echo $sep.$k." => ".$v."\n"; if(is_array($v)) $this->array_info($v,"\t"); }
- }
- public function onConfigLoaded(array &$config)
- { // debugging output yes or no
- if($config['debug'] === TRUE) { $this->debug=TRUE; ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $this->__msg__("Debug output enabled."); }
- else $this->debug=FALSE;
- if(isset($config['PicoPygments']['debug_xtra']) && $config['PicoPygments']['debug_xtra'] === TRUE) $this->debug_xtra=TRUE;
- else $this->debug_xtra=FALSE;
- //////////////// User-configurable variables
- // twig template to activate this plugin for - default: post
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['template']) && $config['PicoPygments']['template'] != "") $this->template=$config['PicoPygments']['template'];
- else $this->template="post";
- // the code block's class will become this, plus "language-$lang"
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['cssclass'])) $this->cssclass=$config['PicoPygments']['cssclass'];
- else $this->cssclass='pcpg';
- // Python command - default: "python3 -I" - yes, PHP apparently does PATH lookups.
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['python_cmd']) && $config['PicoPygments']['python_cmd'] != "") $this->python_cmd=$config['PicoPygments']['python_cmd'];
- else $this->python_cmd="python3 -I";
- // caching already parsed code blocks - make the directory if required
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['cache_dir'])) {
- if($config['PicoPygments']['cache_dir'] === FALSE || $config['PicoPygments']['cache_dir'] === '') unset($this->cache_dir);
- else $this->cache_dir=$config['PicoPygments']['cache_dir'];
- }
- if (isset($this->cache_dir)) {
- if(!is_dir($this->cache_dir)) mkdir($this->cache_dir,0700,TRUE);
- if(is_dir($this->cache_dir)) $this->__msg__("Picopyg cache dir is now ".$this->cache_dir);
- else {
- $this->__msg__("Failed to access directory ".$this->cache_dir .", continuing without caching.");
- unset($this->cache_dir);
- }
- }
- // display a label with the language in a corner?
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['label']) && $config['PicoPygments']['label'] === TRUE) $this->label=TRUE;
- // setting up formatteroptions string to pass to python.
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['formatteroptions']) && $config['PicoPygments']['formatteroptions'] !== FALSE) $this->formatteroptions=$config['PicoPygments']['formatteroptions'];
- // setting up lexeroptions string to pass to python.
- if (isset($config['PicoPygments']['lexeroptions']) && $config['PicoPygments']['lexeroptions'] !== FALSE) $this->lexeroptions=$config['PicoPygments']['lexeroptions'];
- //~ if($this->debug === TRUE) $this->array_info($config);
- // If a stylesheet isn't explicitely pointed to, use a fallback (with magic color variables!)
- if ( isset($config['PicoPygments']['stylesheet']) and $config['PicoPygments']['stylesheet'] != '' and substr($config['PicoPygments']['stylesheet'],0,1) === '/') $this->stylesheet=$config['PicoPygments']['stylesheet'];
- else {
- $style=$this->stylesheet_fallback;
- $files=array(
- __DIR__.'/css/'.$this->cssprefix.$style.'.css',
- __DIR__.'/css/'.$style.'.css',
- );
- foreach($files as $file) {
- if(file_exists($file)) {
- $this->stylesheet=str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$file);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- unset($c);
- }
- public function onMetaParsed(array $meta)
- {
- // Only Do Things if pycopyg hasn't been disabled
- if(isset($meta['picopygments']) && $meta['picopygments'] === FALSE ) {
- $this->__msg__("function ". __FUNCTION__ .' PicoPygments disabled for this page');
- return;
- }
- $this->__msg__("function ". __FUNCTION__ .' found template "'. $meta['template'] .'"');
- // Only Do Things if we have the correct template
- if($meta['template'] === $this->template || $this->template === "all" ) $this->yeah=TRUE;
- }
- public function onContentParsed(&$content)
- {
- if($this->yeah === FALSE ) {
- $this->__msg__("We're not doing anything. Bye!");
- return;
- }
- if(trim($content)=="") {
- $this->__msg__("Content is empty. Bye!");
- return;
- }
- /////////////////////////////// SERIOUSLY BEGINS HERE ////////////////////////////////
- //~ $this->__msg__("","Dumping \$content: ".$content);
- // dom document of $content
- $dom=new DOMDocument();
- $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
- // $content is a html fragment. We like to modify its content with DOMDocument, but it prefers complete documents and completes them
- // if necessary. This leads to strangeness. The best thing I found is to give it a complete document with all required headers and tags,
- // then strip those off in the end. That way DOMDocument doesn't meddle, and we have control. Hah, hopefully.
- $dom->loadHTML('<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body>'.$content.'</body></html>',
- $trim_before=92; // What we need to trim when saving (the above string added to $content)
- $trim_after=-15; // - " -
- //~ $this->__msg__("Loaded HTML \$content into \$dom","Dumping \$dom: ".$dom->saveHTML());
- // collecting code nodes that have the string fragment $this->langprefix in their classes
- $xpath=new domXPath($dom);
- $query='//code[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "),"'. $this->langprefix .'")]'; //stackoverflow.com/a/1390680
- $xpathQuery=$xpath->query($query);
- if(count($xpathQuery) === 0) { $this->__msg__('no code blocks with "'.$this->langprefix .'*" classes? Nothing to do, we\'re out!'); return; }
- // static base for cached file's names - need to add code block specific language & checksum later
- $filename_base=str_replace(array('"','=',',',' '),'-',$this->formatteroptions .'-'. $this->lexeroptions);
- // assuming that pygments will always escape a literal < or > as "<" or ">",
- // a string like this should never show up in its output, and be a safe separator:
- $sep='<<<>>><<<>>><<<>>>';
- $exe_str='';
- $strlen_langprefix=strlen($this->langprefix);
- $new_item=array();
- $new_item_filename=array();
- for($i=0;$i<count($xpathQuery);$i++) {
- $langclass=$xpathQuery->item($i)->getAttribute('class');
- $nv=$xpathQuery->item($i)->nodeValue;
- $lang=substr($langclass,$strlen_langprefix); // remove classprefix, usually "language-"
- // sanitize the language name, because parsedown-extra doesn't (see README.md)
- $lang=ltrim($lang,'{.#'); $lang=rtrim($lang,'}');
- $this->__msg__("Language class: $langclass - Language: $lang");
- $this->__msg__("\$xpathQuery - processing code node \$item[$i]","nodeValue: $nv");
- $checksum=hash('crc32b',$nv); // a non-cryptographic, short'n'fast hash. md5($nv) maybe safer because longer, but slower?
- $filename=$checksum.'-'.$filename_base.'-'.$lang;
- $new_item_filename[$i]=$filename;
- if(isset($this->cache_dir) && file_exists($this->cache_dir .'/'. $filename))
- { $filename=$this->cache_dir .'/'. $filename;
- $new_item[$i]=file_get_contents($filename);
- $this->__msg__("Got cached contents from ".$filename,"code node after: (\$new_item[$i]): $new_item[$i]");
- }
- else {
- // file isn't cached (yet): append this one to what will become the final python command $exe_str
- $nv=addslashes($nv);
- $exe_str=$exe_str.<<<PYGMENTS_CODE_ENDS_HERE
- code="""$nv"""
- try:
- lexer=get_lexer_by_name("$lang", $this->lexeroptions )
- lexer.add_filter('tokenmerge')
- print(highlight(code, lexer, HtmlFormatter( $this->formatteroptions )),end = "");
- except:
- pass
- print('$sep',end = "");
- $new_item[$i]='';
- }
- } // end iterating through $xpathQuery
- // the whole python-pygments block is conditional to this:
- if($exe_str !== '') {
- // add imports to beginning
- $exe_str='from pygments import highlight;from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name;from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter;'.$exe_str;
- $exe_str = escapeshellarg($exe_str);
- $this->__msg__('Sending \$exe_str to '.$this->python_cmd .' - formatteroptions: '.$this->formatteroptions .', lexeroptions: '.$this->lexeroptions,'\$exe_str: " -c": '.$exe_str);
- // execute that command, implode result into long string, then explode it into array again divided by $sep:
- $output = array();
- exec($this->python_cmd .' -c '.$exe_str,$output);
- $exe_str = implode("\n",$output);
- $this->__msg__("","Raw result: $exe_str");
- $output = explode($sep,$exe_str);
- $output_count=count($output)-1;
- unset($output[$output_count]); // there's always a superfluous $sep at the end, creating an additional empty element
- $this->__msg__("We have $output_count pygment output results");
- // ideally count($new_item) and $output_count should be identical.
- for($i=0,$j=0;$i<count($new_item),$j<$output_count;$i++) {
- $output[$j]=trim($output[$j]);
- if($new_item[$i] === '') {
- if($output[$j] !== '') {
- $new_item[$i]=$output[$j];
- $this->__msg__("Assigned pygments \$output[$j] to code block (\$new_item[$i])","Content: $new_item[$i]");
- if(isset($this->cache_dir) && is_dir($this->cache_dir)) {
- $filename=$this->cache_dir .'/'. $new_item_filename[$i];
- $this->__msg__("Writing HTML to cache: ".$filename);
- file_put_contents($filename,$new_item[$i]);
- }
- }
- $j++;
- }
- }
- } // end if($exe_str !== '')
- // replace (code nodes with language-class) (previous xpathQuery) with the syntax-highlighted ones
- for($i=0;$i<count($new_item);$i++) {
- $this->__msg__("Replacing original code block with \$new_item[$i] (unlesss \$new_item[$i] is empty).", "Content: $new_item[$i]");
- if(trim($new_item[$i]) === '') continue; // if it's empty, don't replace anything, use the original code block
- $item=$xpathQuery->item($i);
- $lang=$item->getAttribute('class');
- $classes=$this->cssclass .' '.$lang; // let's pull them together for easier application
- $fragment = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
- if($item->parentNode->tagName === 'pre' && $this->label === TRUE) {
- $item=$item->parentNode;
- $pre = $dom->createElement('pre');
- $pre->setAttribute("class",$this->cssclass);
- $new_item[$i]='<div class="corner">'.substr($lang,$strlen_langprefix).'</div><code class="'.$classes.'">'.$new_item[$i].'</code>';
- $fragment->appendXML($new_item[$i]);
- $fragment->encoding="UTF-8";
- $pre->appendChild($fragment);
- $item->parentNode->replaceChild($pre,$item);
- }
- else {
- // if the code block is enclosed by a pre, set the cssclass on it
- if($item->parentNode->tagName === 'pre') $item->parentNode->setAttribute("class",$this->cssclass);
- $code = $dom->createElement('code');
- $code->setAttribute("class",$classes);
- $fragment->appendXML($new_item[$i]);
- $fragment->encoding="UTF-8";
- $code->appendChild($fragment);
- $item->parentNode->replaceChild($code,$item);
- }
- } // end replace the code nodes
- $content = $dom->saveHTML();
- // remove the tag we added at loadHTML
- $content = substr($content,$trim_before,$trim_after);
- // Finally, adding stylesheet:
- $content = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'. $this->stylesheet .'" type="text/css" />'.$content;
- }
- }