123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545 |
- #!r6rs
- ;;; psqs.sls --- Priority Search Queues
- ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Ian Price <ianprice90@googlemail.com>
- ;; Author: Ian Price <ianprice90@googlemail.com>
- ;; This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the new-style BSD license.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the BSD license along with this
- ;; program. If not, see <http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license>.
- ;;;; Documentation
- ;;
- ;; Priority search queues are a combination of two common abstract
- ;; data types: finite maps, and priority queues. As such, it provides
- ;; for access, insertion, removal and update on arbitrary keys, as
- ;; well as for easy removal of the element with the lowest priority.
- ;;
- ;; Note: where a procedure takes a key or priority these are expected
- ;; to be compatible with the relevant ordering procedures on the psq.
- ;;
- ;;;; Basic operations
- ;;
- ;; make-psq : < < -> psq
- ;; takes a two ordering procedures, one for keys, and another for
- ;; priorities, and returns an empty priority search queue
- ;;
- ;; psq? : obj -> boolean
- ;; returns #t if the object is a priority search queue, #f otherwise.
- ;;
- ;; psq-empty? : psq -> boolean
- ;; returns #t if the priority search queue contains no elements, #f
- ;; otherwise.
- ;;
- ;; psq-size : psq -> non-negative integer
- ;; returns the number of associations in the priority search queue
- ;;
- ;;;; Finite map operations
- ;;
- ;; psq-ref : psq key -> priority
- ;; returns the priority of a key if it is in the priority search
- ;; queue. If the key is not in the priority queue an
- ;; assertion-violation is raised.
- ;;
- ;; psq-set : psq key priority -> psq
- ;; returns the priority search queue obtained from inserting a key
- ;; with a given priority. If the key is already in the priority search
- ;; queue, it updates the priority to the new value.
- ;;
- ;; psq-update : psq key (priority -> priority) priority -> psq
- ;; returns the priority search queue obtained by modifying the
- ;; priority of key, by the given function. If the key is not in the
- ;; priority search queue, it is inserted with the priority obtained by
- ;; calling the function on the default value.
- ;;
- ;; psq-delete : psq key -> psq
- ;; returns the priority search queue obtained by removing the
- ;; key-priority association from the priority search queue. If the key
- ;; is not in the queue, then the returned search queue will be the
- ;; same as the original.
- ;;
- ;; psq-contains? : psq key -> boolean
- ;; returns #t if there is an association for the given key in the
- ;; priority search queue, #f otherwise.
- ;;
- ;;;; Priority queue operations
- ;;
- ;; psq-min : psq -> key
- ;;
- ;; returns the key of the minimum association in the priority search
- ;; queue. If the queue is empty, an assertion violation is raised.
- ;;
- ;; psq-delete-min : psq -> psq
- ;; returns the priority search queue obtained by removing the minimum
- ;; association in the priority search queue. If the queue is empty, an
- ;; assertion violation is raised.
- ;;
- ;; psq-pop : psq -> key + psq
- ;; returns two values: the minimum key and the priority search queue
- ;; obtained by removing the minimum association from the original
- ;; queue. If the queue is empty, an assertion violation is raised.
- ;;
- ;;;; Ranged query functions
- ;;
- ;; psq-at-most : psq priority -> ListOf(key . priority)
- ;; returns an alist containing all the associations in the priority
- ;; search queue with priority less than or equal to a given value. The
- ;; alist returned is ordered by key according to the predicate for the
- ;; psq.
- ;;
- ;; psq-at-most-range : psq priority key key -> ListOf(key . priority)
- ;; Similar to psq-at-most, but it also takes an upper and lower bound,
- ;; for the keys it will return. These bounds are inclusive.
- ;;
- (library (fibers psq)
- (export make-psq
- psq?
- psq-empty?
- psq-size
- ;; map operations
- psq-ref
- psq-set
- psq-update
- psq-delete
- psq-contains?
- ;; priority queue operations
- psq-min
- psq-delete-min
- psq-pop
- ;; ranged query operations
- psq-at-most
- psq-at-most-range
- )
- (import (except (rnrs) min))
- ;;; record types
- (define-record-type void)
- (define-record-type winner
- (fields key priority loser-tree maximum-key))
- (define-record-type start)
- (define-record-type (loser %make-loser loser?)
- (fields size key priority left split-key right))
- (define (make-loser key priority left split-key right)
- (%make-loser (+ (size left) (size right) 1)
- key
- priority
- left
- split-key
- right))
- ;;; functions
- (define (maximum-key psq)
- (winner-maximum-key psq))
- (define max-key maximum-key)
- (define empty (make-void))
- (define (singleton key priority)
- (make-winner key priority (make-start) key))
- (define (play-match psq1 psq2 key<? prio<?)
- (cond ((void? psq1) psq2)
- ((void? psq2) psq1)
- ((not (prio<? (winner-priority psq2)
- (winner-priority psq1)))
- (let ((k1 (winner-key psq1))
- (p1 (winner-priority psq1))
- (t1 (winner-loser-tree psq1))
- (m1 (winner-maximum-key psq1))
- (k2 (winner-key psq2))
- (p2 (winner-priority psq2))
- (t2 (winner-loser-tree psq2))
- (m2 (winner-maximum-key psq2)))
- (make-winner k1
- p1
- (balance k2 p2 t1 m1 t2 key<? prio<?)
- m2)))
- (else
- (let ((k1 (winner-key psq1))
- (p1 (winner-priority psq1))
- (t1 (winner-loser-tree psq1))
- (m1 (winner-maximum-key psq1))
- (k2 (winner-key psq2))
- (p2 (winner-priority psq2))
- (t2 (winner-loser-tree psq2))
- (m2 (winner-maximum-key psq2)))
- (make-winner k2
- p2
- (balance k1 p1 t1 m1 t2 key<? prio<?)
- m2)))))
- (define (second-best ltree key key<? prio<?)
- (if (start? ltree)
- (make-void)
- (let ((k (loser-key ltree))
- (p (loser-priority ltree))
- (l (loser-left ltree))
- (m (loser-split-key ltree))
- (r (loser-right ltree)))
- (if (not (key<? m k))
- (play-match (make-winner k p l m)
- (second-best r key key<? prio<?)
- key<?
- prio<?)
- (play-match (second-best l m key<? prio<?)
- (make-winner k p r key)
- key<?
- prio<?)))))
- (define (delete-min psq key<? prio<?)
- ;; maybe void psqs should return void?
- (second-best (winner-loser-tree psq) (winner-maximum-key psq) key<? prio<?))
- (define (psq-case psq empty-k singleton-k match-k key<?)
- (if (void? psq)
- (empty-k)
- (let ((k1 (winner-key psq))
- (p1 (winner-priority psq))
- (t (winner-loser-tree psq))
- (m (winner-maximum-key psq)))
- (if (start? t)
- (singleton-k k1 p1)
- (let ((k2 (loser-key t))
- (p2 (loser-priority t))
- (l (loser-left t))
- (s (loser-split-key t))
- (r (loser-right t)))
- (if (not (key<? s k2))
- (match-k (make-winner k2 p2 l s)
- (make-winner k1 p1 r m))
- (match-k (make-winner k1 p1 l s)
- (make-winner k2 p2 r m))))))))
- (define (lookup psq key default key<?)
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () default)
- (lambda (k p)
- (if (or (key<? k key) (key<? key k))
- default
- p))
- (lambda (w1 w2)
- (if (not (key<? (max-key w1) key))
- (lookup w1 key default key<?)
- (lookup w2 key default key<?)))
- key<?))
- (define (update psq key f default key<? prio<?)
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () (singleton key (f default)))
- (lambda (k p)
- (cond ((key<? key k)
- (play-match (singleton key (f default))
- (singleton k p)
- key<?
- prio<?))
- ((key<? k key)
- (play-match (singleton k p)
- (singleton key (f default))
- key<?
- prio<?))
- (else
- (singleton key (f p)))))
- (lambda (w1 w2)
- (if (not (key<? (max-key w1) key))
- (play-match (update w1 key f default key<? prio<?)
- w2
- key<?
- prio<?)
- (play-match w1
- (update w2 key f default key<? prio<?)
- key<?
- prio<?)))
- key<?))
- (define (insert psq key val key<? prio<?)
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () (singleton key val))
- (lambda (k p)
- (cond ((key<? key k)
- (play-match (singleton key val)
- (singleton k p)
- key<?
- prio<?))
- ((key<? k key)
- (play-match (singleton k p)
- (singleton key val)
- key<?
- prio<?))
- (else
- (singleton key val))))
- (lambda (w1 w2)
- (if (not (key<? (max-key w1) key))
- (play-match (insert w1 key val key<? prio<?) w2 key<? prio<?)
- (play-match w1 (insert w2 key val key<? prio<?) key<? prio<?)))
- key<?))
- (define (delete psq key key<? prio<?)
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () empty)
- (lambda (k p)
- (if (or (key<? k key)
- (key<? key k))
- (singleton k p)
- empty))
- (lambda (w1 w2)
- (if (not (key<? (max-key w1) key))
- (play-match (delete w1 key key<? prio<?) w2 key<? prio<?)
- (play-match w1 (delete w2 key key<? prio<?) key<? prio<?)))
- key<?))
- (define (min tree)
- (when (void? tree)
- (assertion-violation 'psq-min
- "Can't take the minimum of an empty priority search queue"))
- (winner-key tree))
- (define (pop tree key<? prio<?)
- (when (void? tree)
- (assertion-violation 'psq-pop
- "Can't pop from an empty priority search queue"))
- (values (winner-key tree)
- (delete-min tree key<? prio<?)))
- ;; at-most and at-most-range are perfect examples of when to use
- ;; dlists, but we do not do that here
- (define (at-most psq p key<? prio<?)
- (define (at-most psq accum)
- (if (and (winner? psq)
- (prio<? p (winner-priority psq)))
- accum
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () accum)
- (lambda (k p) (cons (cons k p) accum))
- (lambda (m1 m2)
- (at-most m1 (at-most m2 accum)))
- key<?)))
- (at-most psq '()))
- (define (at-most-range psq p lower upper key<? prio<?)
- (define (within-range? key)
- ;; lower <= k <= upper
- (not (or (key<? key lower) (key<? upper key))))
- (define (at-most psq accum)
- (if (and (winner? psq)
- (prio<? p (winner-priority psq)))
- accum
- (psq-case psq
- (lambda () accum)
- (lambda (k p)
- (if (within-range? k)
- (cons (cons k p) accum)
- accum))
- (lambda (m1 m2)
- (let ((accum* (if (key<? upper (max-key m1))
- accum
- (at-most m2 accum))))
- (if (key<? (max-key m1) lower)
- accum*
- (at-most m1 accum*))))
- key<?)))
- (at-most psq '()))
- ;;; Maintaining balance
- (define weight 4) ; balancing constant
- (define (size ltree)
- (if (start? ltree)
- 0
- (loser-size ltree)))
- (define (balance key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (let ((l-size (size left))
- (r-size (size right)))
- (cond ((< (+ l-size r-size) 2)
- (make-loser key priority left split-key right))
- ((> r-size (* weight l-size))
- (balance-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?))
- ((> l-size (* weight r-size))
- (balance-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?))
- (else
- (make-loser key priority left split-key right)))))
- (define (balance-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (if (< (size (loser-left right))
- (size (loser-right right)))
- (single-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (double-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)))
- (define (balance-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (if (< (size (loser-right left))
- (size (loser-left left)))
- (single-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (double-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)))
- (define (single-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (let ((right-key (loser-key right))
- (right-priority (loser-priority right))
- (right-left (loser-left right))
- (right-split-key (loser-split-key right))
- (right-right (loser-right right)))
- ;; test
- (if (and (not (key<? right-split-key right-key))
- (not (prio<? right-priority priority)))
- (make-loser key
- priority
- (make-loser right-key right-priority left split-key right-left)
- right-split-key
- right-right
- )
- (make-loser right-key
- right-priority
- (make-loser key priority left split-key right-left)
- right-split-key
- right-right))))
- (define (double-left key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (let ((right-key (loser-key right))
- (right-priority (loser-priority right))
- (right-left (loser-left right))
- (right-split-key (loser-split-key right))
- (right-right (loser-right right)))
- (single-left key
- priority
- left
- split-key
- (single-right right-key
- right-priority
- right-left
- right-split-key
- right-right
- key<?
- prio<?)
- key<?
- prio<?)))
- (define (single-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (let ((left-key (loser-key left))
- (left-priority (loser-priority left))
- (left-left (loser-left left))
- (left-split-key (loser-split-key left))
- (left-right (loser-right left)))
- (if (and (key<? left-split-key left-key)
- (not (prio<? left-priority priority)))
- (make-loser key
- priority
- left-left
- left-split-key
- (make-loser left-key left-priority left-right split-key right))
- (make-loser left-key
- left-priority
- left-left
- left-split-key
- (make-loser key priority left-right split-key right)))))
- (define (double-right key priority left split-key right key<? prio<?)
- (let ((left-key (loser-key left))
- (left-priority (loser-priority left))
- (left-left (loser-left left))
- (left-split-key (loser-split-key left))
- (left-right (loser-right left)))
- (single-right key
- priority
- (single-left left-key
- left-priority
- left-left
- left-split-key
- left-right
- key<?
- prio<?)
- split-key
- right
- key<?
- prio<?)))
- ;;; Exported Type
- (define-record-type (psq %make-psq psq?)
- (fields key<? priority<? tree))
- (define (%update-psq psq new-tree)
- (%make-psq (psq-key<? psq)
- (psq-priority<? psq)
- new-tree))
- ;;; Exported Procedures
- (define (make-psq key<? priority<?)
- (%make-psq key<? priority<? (make-void)))
- (define (psq-empty? psq)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (void? (psq-tree psq)))
- (define (psq-ref psq key)
- (define cookie (cons #f #f))
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let ((val (lookup (psq-tree psq) key cookie (psq-key<? psq))))
- (if (eq? val cookie)
- (assertion-violation 'psq-ref "not in tree")
- val)))
- (define (psq-set psq key priority)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (%update-psq psq
- (insert (psq-tree psq) key priority (psq-key<? psq) (psq-priority<? psq))))
- (define (psq-update psq key f default)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (%update-psq psq (update (psq-tree psq) key f default (psq-key<? psq) (psq-priority<? psq))))
- (define (psq-delete psq key)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (%update-psq psq (delete (psq-tree psq) key (psq-key<? psq) (psq-priority<? psq))))
- (define (psq-contains? psq key)
- (define cookie (cons #f #f))
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let ((val (lookup (psq-tree psq) key cookie (psq-key<? psq))))
- (not (eq? val cookie))))
- (define (psq-min psq)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (min (psq-tree psq)))
- (define (psq-delete-min psq)
- (assert (and (psq? psq)
- (not (psq-empty? psq))))
- (%update-psq psq (delete-min (psq-tree psq) (psq-key<? psq) (psq-priority<? psq))))
- (define (psq-pop psq)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let-values (((min rest) (pop (psq-tree psq) (psq-key<? psq) (psq-priority<? psq))))
- (values min (%update-psq psq rest))))
- (define (psq-at-most psq max-priority)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let ((tree (psq-tree psq))
- (key<? (psq-key<? psq))
- (prio<? (psq-priority<? psq)))
- (at-most tree max-priority key<? prio<?)))
- (define (psq-at-most-range psq max-priority min-key max-key)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let ((tree (psq-tree psq))
- (key<? (psq-key<? psq))
- (prio<? (psq-priority<? psq)))
- (at-most-range tree max-priority min-key max-key key<? prio<?)))
- (define (psq-size psq)
- (assert (psq? psq))
- (let ((tree (psq-tree psq)))
- (if (winner? tree)
- (+ 1 (size (winner-loser-tree tree)))
- 0)))
- )