asn_script.conf 2.7 KB

  1. #######################################################################
  2. ## Configuration file for ASN-IPFire-Script v0.7.9 (
  3. #######################################################################
  4. #######################################################################
  5. ## This configuration is optional. Without a configuration file, the
  6. ## script will use the default values from the script header.
  7. #######################################################################
  8. ## Use download tool wget or curl
  9. #downloadtool=wget # default
  10. #downloadtool=curl # alterantive (if existent)
  11. ## Path to IPFire customnetworks|customgroups
  12. #customnetworks=/var/ipfire/fwhosts/customnetworks
  13. #customgroups=/var/ipfire/fwhosts/customgroups
  14. ## Remark for IPFire customnetworks|customgroups. This is used to identify entries made by
  15. #auto_remark="entry by"
  16. ## Define iptables path for iptable/afwall output file
  17. #iptables_path="/sbin/iptables"
  18. #afwall_path="/system/bin/iptables"
  19. #nft_path="/usr/bin/nft"
  20. ## Define custom output format, special substitutions: %network%, %company%, %number%
  21. #outputline="%network%" # default
  22. #outputline="$iptables_path -A OUTPUT -d %network% -j REJECT # %company% Nr.%number%" # iptables example
  23. #outputline="$afwall_path -A \"afwall\" -d %network% -j REJECT" # afwall example
  24. #outputline="$nft_path add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr %network% counter reject" # nftables example
  25. ## Output file
  26. #output_file="asn_result.lst" # output file in custom format
  27. #temppath="." # path to store temporary source file (default is the script folder ".")
  28. #temp1="asn_cidrreport.tmp" # Define temp file
  29. #temp2="asn_bglooking.tmp" # Define temp file
  30. ## Local files can be used as ASN and/or network sources. To be activated by enabling "gather_ASN0" and/or "gather_NET0" into following arrays.
  31. #local_asn_file="local_asn.list" # Line format: 'ASN Company' or vice versa (e.g. 'AS1234 CompanyA' or 'CompanyA AS1234')
  32. #local_net_file="local_net.list" # Line format: 'network ASN' or vice versa (e.g. ' AS5678' or 'AS5678')
  33. ## Enable/disable ASN sources: Remove leading hashes (#) to enable ASN_sources.
  34. #getASNfromCOMPANY=( \
  35. # ASN_local \ # local source (local_asn_file)
  36. # ASN_cidrreport \ #
  37. ## ASN_ultratools \ #
  38. ## ASN_bglookingglass \ #
  39. #)
  40. ## Enable/disable network sources: Remove leading hash (#) to enable NET_sources.
  41. #getNETfromASN=( \
  42. # NET_local \ # local source (local_net_file)
  43. # NET_ripe \ #
  44. ## NET_ipinfo \ #
  45. ## NET_radb \ # # use only if you know what you are doing. query results may be wrong!
  46. #)