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Forbid certain props on DOM Nodes (react/forbid-dom-props)

This rule prevents passing of props to elements. This rule only applies to DOM Nodes (e.g. <div />) and not Components (e.g. <Component />). The list of forbidden props can be customized with the forbid option.

Rule Details

This rule checks all JSX elements and verifies that no forbidden props are used on DOM Nodes. This rule is off by default.

The following patterns are considered warnings:

// [1, { "forbid": ["id"] }]
<div id='Joe' />
// [1, { "forbid": ["style"] }]
<div style={{color: 'red'}} />

The following patterns are not considered warnings:

// [1, { "forbid": ["id"] }]
<Hello id='foo' />
// [1, { "forbid": ["id"] }]
<Hello id={{color: 'red'}} />

Rule Options

"react/forbid-dom-props": [<enabled>, { "forbid": [<string>] }]


An array of strings, with the names of props that are forbidden. The default value of this option [].

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