#161 'opts' variable not initialized in resources/scripts/build/boot/roms

Créé il y a 1 an par varnotset · 0 commentaires
varnotset a commenté il y a 1 an

With the latest code version as of 25th March 2023, it is not possible to build the roms using parameters such as -p, -d, or -k

When using one of these options, you get an error about "opts" not set. Looking into the resource/scripts/build/boot/roms file, the section parsing the options is trying to set the value for the "opts" variable, but that variable is not being initialized in advance. I've inserted opts="" just before the while loop and that made things work.

With the latest code version as of 25th March 2023, it is not possible to build the roms using parameters such as -p, -d, or -k When using one of these options, you get an error about "opts" not set. Looking into the resource/scripts/build/boot/roms file, the section parsing the options is trying to set the value for the "opts" variable, but that variable is not being initialized in advance. I've inserted opts="" just before the while loop and that made things work.
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