Copyright © 2014-2015, Peter Harpending.
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Here's my (pharpend) basic outline for the book. It's extremely rough at this
point and will probably be gutted and slaughtered in its entirety.
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Motivation
- Potential scope of the book
- What background knowledge you need.
- ideally this would just be fluency in english, and elementary school math.
- What is math?
- Why are we interested in it?
All of the chapters beyond this point will be assumed to have a multitude of
exercises, graphs, examples, applications, etc.
Chapter 2, Boolean Algebra
Chapter 3, Sets
- Lists and ordered pairs
- Sets
- ElementOf
- ImproperSubset
- ProperSubset
- Exercises
- Operators on Sets
- Unary opearators
- Binary operators
- The set of booleans
- Unary ~ operator
- Binary V and ^ operators
- Binary V and ^ operators
- Exercises
The set of natural numbers
The set of integers
The set of real numbers
Chapter 3, Proofs
- What are proofs?
- Proof-based approach to groups, rings, fields.
- Peano axioms
- Basically go through Landau's Foundations of Analysis
Chapter 4, Special sets
- Magmas
- Semigroups
- Categories
- Monoids
- Groups
- Rings
- Fields
Chapter 5, fancy functions
- Homomorphisms
- Isomorphisms
- Endomorphisms
- Injective functions
- Surjective functions
- Bijective functions
Chapter 6, monomials
- Examples
- How to manipulate them algebraically
- Graphs of lines
Chapter 7, polynomials
- Examples
- How to manipulate them algebraically
- Graphs of lines
- Quadratic formula
Let us make this our goal for now, then we will move on.
- Chapter 8, exponential functions
- Chapter 9, logarithms
- Chapter 10, trig functions
This is a good segue to talk about Complex numbers
- Chapter 11, complex and imaginary numbers
- Chapter 12, Complex functions
- Chapter 13, Complex algorithms
Good segue to talk about the concept of dimensions
- Chapter 14, Dimensions
- Chapter 15, Parametric functions
- Chapter 16, Complex parametric functions
- Chapter 17, functions that go from F^n to F, where F is a field.
- Chapter 18, functions that go from F to F^n, where F is a field.
- Chapter 19, functions that go from F^n to F^m, where F is a field.
We'll next want to approach systems of equations. first\ matrices
Chapter 20, Matrices
- Matrix addition, multiplication, etc
- Matrices as linear functions
Chapter 21, Systems of equations
- What is a system of equations
- using matrices to solve for them
Chapter 22, Vector spaces
... Basically go through linear algebra
... Go through calculus and differential equations