Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  kungfu-kenny 1251ec2467 added basic values for the json 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 296c3143cb added basic additional messages 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny e139ad8a90 added values of the right indexing; added values of the characteristics right 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 4d7f07e0f4 developed the bug with the count numbers of the types/subtypes/tasks, started working on basic statistics; worked with the right showings of the menu; started working on the basic index change which is not correct now 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny f3e25555a0 worked on the development of the user_task_id, added this feature, fixed the bug of the changing frequency; added all [pssible values of the inserted task values 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 0a7f525bb9 created first version of the full tasks 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny c2ddca2f26 developed the settings module with almost done interaction with other modules; produced first version of the main; developed the update of the every values; left is to add the showings tasks and their connection with the settings 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny a07ad44801 changed values of the database; added settings to the database; started adding the settings menu; started work on the texting interface; started working on the menu for it 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 59e88ba19d developed values of the buttons to move tasks; started on the refactoring of editing and removing 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny d213a1d302 created new keywords for the development of it; started working on new keys after 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 0d5b839da3 added the changing frequency, changing datetime, started changing add-on timing and givin the description for the tasks 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny b07422ac2b started on operation with tasks; continue to continue delay; started on working with the changing the time of the remembering 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 9291e72fe2 added values of the showing second versions of tasks 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 8fe13bc1c0 added basic versions of the tasks which is required to be removed 2 years ago
  kungfu-kenny 8e6604bbc5 initial commit; 2 years ago