1. These utilities are intended to be simple, easily sandboxed, pipeline
  2. components for audio processing, and the `au(7)' file-format is used as
  3. an intermediary because of its simplicity.
  4. Building:
  5. Automatically build a majority of utilities:
  6. $ make
  7. cc -o auconv au.c common.c auconv.c
  8. ...
  9. Build all possible utilities with some automatic configuration:
  10. $ make all-magic
  11. cc -o auconv au.c common.c auconv.c
  12. ...
  13. Build a specific utility with some automatic configuration:
  14. $ make auconv-magic
  15. cc -o auconv au.c common.c auconv.c
  16. Build a specific utility:
  17. $ make auconv
  18. cc -o auconv au.c common.c auconv.c
  19. Install built utilities to the `PREFIX'
  20. specified in the `Makefile':
  21. $ make install
  22. install -m 444 au.7 /usr/local/man/man7/
  23. install -m 755 auconv /usr/local/bin/
  24. install -m 444 auconv.1 /usr/local/man/man1/
  25. ...
  26. Install built utilities to your `HOME' directory:
  27. $ make install-local
  28. install -m 755 auconv /home/user/bin/
  29. ...
  30. Makefile Options:
  31. PREFIX - Install-path prefix. (ex. `/usr/local')
  32. MANDIR - The man-page sub-directory. (ex. `share/man')
  33. C Macros:
  34. `USE_CAPSICUM' & `USE_PLEDGE' are automatically added by
  35. default `make(1)' target, when applicable.
  36. BSIZE - The default buffer size.
  37. USE_CAPSICUM - Use capsicum(4) for process restriction.
  38. USE_PLEDGE - Use OpenBSD pledge(2) for process restriction.
  39. NAMEMAX - The maximum size for the program name
  40. (used in the buffer in the `SIGINFO' handler)
  41. CBSIZE - The size of the command buffer in file2au(1)
  42. AUOSS_DSP - The default /dev/dsp* device for auoss(1)
  43. SDL_BSIZE - The size of the internal buffer in ausdl(1)
  44. Portability:
  45. The `Makefile' uses `pkg-config(1)' and `install(1)'.
  46. `au2flac(1)' and `flag2au(1)' uses `libFLAC'.
  47. `au2vorbis(1)' and `vorbis2au(1)' uses `libogg', `libvorbis',
  48. `libvorbisfile', and `libvorbisenc'.
  49. `mpg2au(1)' uses `libmpg123'.
  50. `au2mpg(1)' uses `libmp3lame'.
  51. `aualsa(1)' uses `libasound'.
  52. `auaudio(1)' uses `sys/audioio.h'.
  53. `auoss(1)' uses `sys/soundcand.h' or `libossaudio'.
  54. `auportaudio(1)' uses `libportaudio'.
  55. `ausdl(1)' uses `libSDL2'.
  56. `ausndio(1)' uses `libsndio'.
  57. `err(3)' and `sysexits(3)' are frequently used.
  58. `getprogname(3)' and `setprogname(3)' are used.
  59. When `USE_CAPSICUM' or `USE_PLEDGE' are specified their
  60. corresponding interfaces are used.