login.md 1.3 KB

Wallet ( Decentralized Features )

You are already logged in. LBRY ( the protocol ) doesn't have a regular login system as in other places like YouTube, for example. It has a wallet system. You have on your computer a file with private keys for all of your publications on the LBRY. And for all the addresses of LBC that you have as well.

If you used LBRY only via a web instance, such as Odysee.com, you will not have the copy of the file. It's on Odysee's servers. And you will need to retrieve it.

Using LBRY Desktop is the best way to do so, thus far. If you have LBRY Desktop installed. And if you already used it. FastLBRY will be able to access the same wallet file as LBRY Desktop. Thus "log you in" so to speak.

Auth-Token ( Centralized Features )

Odysee.com has other features, central to Odysee. Some of them work on LBRY Desktop too. Some don't. But since Odysee is Free Software, we can access the information on how these features work. And most of them require an auth-token.

There are two ways to retrieve one. One is from the settings of LBRY Desktop. The other one will require using Inspection Tools in your browser to look into Odysee's cookies. PLEASE BE CAREFULL!!! IF SOMEBODY OBTAINS THE AUTH-TOKEN THEY OBTAIN ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNT!!!

To input the auth-token into FastLBRY go to settings.