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racket gui stuff


area is the fundamental building block for racket graphical applications

containers are areas that contain other areas

dialog is a modal top-level window. The dialog must be closed before the other bits of the application can continue

a panel is a subcontainer within a container. Racket has three


a pane is a light weight panel. It has no graphical representation or event-handling capabilities.


containees are areas that must be contained within other areas

panel is both a containee as well as a container

pane is both a containee as well as a container

canvas is a subwindow for drawing on the screen

editor canvas is allows one to type on an area on the screen

controls are containees that the user can manipulate

message a static text field that the user cannot change

button a clickable tool

check-box a clickable tool

radio box

choice is a pop up of options that the user selects one item

list box is a list of items that the user can select multiple items

text-field is a simple box for text entry

combo-field combines a text-field with a pop up menu of choices

slider lets one manipulate in integer value via a sliding widget

gauge is a output only control that reports a value that the user cannot change

separator-menu-item is an unselcectable line between two menu items

diagram of areas



       |                  |                 |

  subarea<%>          window<%>      area-container<%>      

       |____       _______|__________       |

            |      |                |       |

           subwindow<%>          area-container-window<%>

        ________|________                |

        |               |                |

     control<%>       canvas<%>   top-level-window<%>



        |               |                   |

      subarea<%>     window<%>       area-container<%>      

<<<____|____       _____|__________       __|___  ___________________<<<

            |      |              |       |    |  |                  

           subwindow<%>           |       |    |  |                  

<<<______________|___________     |       |    |  |                 _<<<

            |               |     |       |    pane%                |

       control<%>           |     |       |     |- horizontal-pane% |

        |- message%         |     |       |     |- vertical-pane%   |

        |- button%          |     |       |                         |

        |- check-box%       |  area-container-window<%>             |

        |- slider%          |        |                              |

        |- gauge%           |        |            __________________|

        |- text-field%      |        |            |   

            |- combo-field% |        |-------- panel%       

        |- radio-box%       |        |          |- horizontal-panel%

        |- list-control<%>  |        |          |- vertical-panel%

            |- choice%      |        |              |- tab-panel%

            |- list-box%    |        |              |- group-box-panel%

                            |        |

                            |        |- top-level-window<%>

                            |            |- frame% 

                         canvas<%>       |- dialog%

                          |- canvas%

                          |- editor-canvas%

diagram of menus

     menu-item<%>                menu-item-container<%> 

        |                              | 

        |- separator-menu-item%   _____|___ 

        |- labelled-menu-item<%>  |       |- menu-bar% 

            _________|_________   |       |- popup-menu% 

            |                 |   | 

            |                 menu%


            |- selectable-menu-item<%>               

                |- menu-item%                        

                |- checkable-menu-item%

Geometry management of elements

Containers support vertical and horizontal stacking, which can be nested. With this support, most anything is doable.


| | an element | | | | | | another element | | | | | | | | | | | etc | | | | | |

These are like sub-containers or children. They each have these properties:

  • an immutable (unchangable) graphical minimum and vertical minimum, which is calculated at
  • creation time.
  • a requested graphical minimum and vertical minimum. If your
  • requested graphical minimum size is larger than the graphical minimum size, then at creation time, the requested minimum size is used.
  • a horizontal and vertical stretchability on or off. If it is
  • off, the containee always shrinks to it's minimum size
  • horizontal and vertical margins

containers have the following properties

A container arranges its children based on the four properties of all of its containees. When you create the containee, you specify its parent container. A window container can be hidden/deleted within its parent, and it's parent can be changed by reparenting!

  • a list of (non-deleted) children containees
  • a requested minimum width and requested minimum height
  • spacing used between the children
  • a border margin used around all of the children
  • horizontal and vertical stretchability (on or off)
  • an alignment setting for leftover space

racket gui easy stuff
