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#+TITLE:SQL Cheatsheat # DO NOT add this file to git! It has private underage names in it. I need to use my own fake database to demonstrate # these queries # The next lines says that I can make 10 levels of headlines, and org will treat those headlines as how to structure the book into # chapters, then sections, then subsections, then sub-sub-sections, etc. #+OPTIONS: H:10 * DataTypes MySQL comes with 4 groups of data types: - Numbers - Text - Date and Time - Defined groups ** The Numbers group has 1 group called integers. These numbers can be used to utilize MySQL’s math functions: You can find this table online at | DataType | Storage required | Minimum Value | Maximum Value | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | | | Signed/Unsigned | Signed/Unsigned | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | TINYINT | 1 byte | -128 | 127 | | TINYINT | | 0 | 255 | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | SmallINT | 2 bytes | -32768 | 32,767 | | | | 0 | 65,535 | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | MediumINT | 3 bytes | -8388608 | 8,388,607 | | | | 0 | 16,777,215 | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | INT | 4 bytes | -214,748,3648 | 2,147,483,647 | | | | 0 | 4,294,967,295 | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| | Big Int | 8 bytes | | | |-----------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------| SMALLINT (-32,000 - 32,000) or (0 - 65,000) MEDIUMINT (-8 million- 8 million) or (0 - 16 million) INT BIGINT Any of those types can be signed up unsigned. *Signed* means the integer can be hold negative of or positive values. *Unsigned* means the integer can only be positive. MySQL also supports Numeric and Decimal data Types, which are data types that store numbers, but once stored cannot be changed. This is a safety feature. Suppose you want to store valuable numerical data, but do not want someone accidentally changed via a MySQL’s mathematical function. Float and double are also there. They are for numbers like 5.23409348. For comparision of equality of numbers, float is the best option. ** Representing Text Text has a couple of ways to be put in a MySQL database. - Char (a contstant length of a string, that will next change. It can be between 1-255 characters long). - varchar (a string that might change. It can be between 1-255 characters long). - text (a long string that might change) - blob (a long string that might change) With both char and varchar, you can specify an upper limit of what the string might be. For example, you can specify that for all of your varchars in a particuar table are only going to store the news headlines that are not quite finished as articles. The title may change, but you will probably not ever see a title that is 255 chars long. You could make the maximum to be 70 chars long. You can also do the same for a char, and specify the longest it will ever be in a table as well. This speeds up access time! Blob types are case sensitive. So MySQL will order Johnny, jOhnny, joHnny, johNny, johnNy, johnnY a very certain way, but text types will see no differance between those names. You can choose from - tinytext and tinyblob - text and blob - mediumtext and mediumblob - longtext and longblob ** time and date in MySQL here in the format: -- -- ** Set ond enum types These are like structs in C. You can group several different types inside on thing. * Inserting data into tables - INSERT ... VALUES -- INSERT INTO [[,column_name2, ...] VALUES [, ,...]; INSERT INTO duck_title VALUES (1, ’Mr.’), (2, ’Ms.’), (3, ’Mrs.’); - INSERT ... SET -- INSERT INTO SET =[, =,...]; - INSERT ... SELECT -- INSERT INTO [column_name1[, column_name2,...] SELECT FROM ; - LOAD DATA INFILE - CREATE TABLE copy-table SELECT * FROM original-table * showing all databases show databases; * drop a database drop ; * create a database: create database wordpress; * COMMENT getting information from tables - SELECT * from table-name; - SELECT column1.table-name, column2.table-name[, column3.table-name...]; - SELECT * from table-name LIMIT number; the number, limits how many results you get - SELECT [DISTINCT] column-name FROM table-name This ensures that there are no two of the same values returned for column-name - SELECT car.length, car.color FROM car WHERE car_color=“green” AND car.length>72; - SELECT person.fname, person.age FROM person WHERE“John” OR person.age>10; - SELECT * FROM toys WHERE toys.color IS - SELECT * FROM dolls WHERE price.dolls>10 ORDER BY name.dolls; - SELECT SUM(house-points), AVG (student-tests) FROM hogwardsGryffendor; - SELECT rent FROM apt; - SELECT ROUND (going-out-to-eat) FROM expenses; - SELECT fname, mname, lname FROM person; - SELECT fname, lname FROM students GROUB BY lname; This groups the output by last name. This would be a decent way to determine if you had any siblings at your school. - SELECT fname, lname, score FROM students GROUB BY lname HAVING score>=200; * * * select a database to use USE * show all tables in database show tables; * Sub Queries :PROPERTIES: :engine: mysql :dbhost: :dbuser: setyourw_admin :dbpassword: ]#am!6QDxdkK :database: setyourw_ihsb :END: A sub query is running a query inside another query. It has the syntax #+BEGIN_SRC sql (select first from users limit 5) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | first | |--------| | Steve | | Jim | | Fake | | Rhonda | | Greg | For example one might do something like this. If you only know a bowler's ID how can I get their region? Easy: You do a regular select query with the user's ID. In that query you combine a mysql variable. #+BEGIN_SRC sql SELECT users.first, users.last, users.ID, users.level,, images.ID as sig, conference.region, @schoolID := schools.schoolID as schoolID, @groupID := (SELECT groupID FROM schools WHERE schoolID = @schoolID) as groupID, (SELECT region FROM conference WHERE groupID = @groupID) as region FROM users LEFT JOIN schools ON users.schoolID=schools.schoolID LEFT JOIN images ON users.ID=images.ID LEFT join conference on users.schoolID = conference.groupID WHERE (level = '6' OR level = '3') limit 2 #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | first | last | ID | level | name | sig | region | schoolID | groupID | region | |---------+-----------+----+-------+-------------------------------------+-----+--------+----------+---------+---------------------| | Linda | Olszewski | 95 | 3 | This school is for testing purposes | 95 | NULL | 714 | 955 | Testing Conference | | Derrick | Bohn | 99 | 3 | Clark | 99 | NULL | 109 | 50 | Greater Lake County | * database engines - innodb when you apply foreign key, any transactions delete write or update will check the integrity you can't accidentally delete everything You can insert new data w/o doing integrity checks, because innodb does that stuff for you. - myisam You can put new data in, and it will not sanity check it for you. * backing up local/remote database entire local db #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports both $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql #+END_SRC remote #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports both $ mysqldump -P 3306 -h [ip_address] -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql #+END_SRC To then populate a local database with the resulting file, #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :exports both $ mysql database -u username -p < db_backup.sql #+END_SRC * finding the largest table in a database You first have to select the database, but then run this query: #+BEGIN_SRC sql :results replace :exports both SELECT CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name), CONCAT(ROUND(table_rows / 1000000, 2), 'M') rows, CONCAT(ROUND(data_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G') DATA, CONCAT(ROUND(index_length / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G') idx, CONCAT(ROUND(( data_length + index_length ) / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2), 'G') total_size, ROUND(index_length / data_length, 2) idxfrac FROM information_schema.TABLES ORDER BY data_length + index_length DESC LIMIT 10; #+END_SRC * left joins * Good Practice Question How would you implement a database that stores users posts and a system of tags? POSTS |-------------+-----------+-----------| | primary key | | | |-------------+-----------+-----------| | postID | content | title | |-------------+-----------+-----------| | 1 | blah blah | The Title | | | | | |-------------+-----------+-----------| Tags |-----------------------------------+--------+-------| | primary key but is really useless | | | |-----------------------------------+--------+-------| | ID | postID | tagID | |-----------------------------------+--------+-------| | 1 | 1 | 5 | | 2 | 1 | 4 | | 3 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 2 | 5 | | 5 | 3 | 4 | | | | | TagsIDs | primary key | | |-------------+----------| | TagID | Tag name | |-------------+----------| | 1 | Cool | | 2 | Awesome | | 3 | Emacs | | 4 | Blog | | 5 | CNN | One solution is to have three tables. Suppose you wish to discover how many tags a post has, you would take the PostID, and run a query like: SELECT postID, DISTINCT(tagID), from Tags WHERE postID = '3'. This would return a result like: | ID | tagID | | 1 | 3 | | 1 | 4 | | 1 | 6 | You would then query the TagsIDs table and find all the tags that match 3, 4, 6. SELECT TagID, `Tag Name` from TagsIDs WHERE TagID = '3' or TagID = '4' or TagID = '6' It would return something like | 3 | Emacs | | 4 | Blog | | 6 | Vim | * logging into the database mysql -u username -p log into a remote database mysql -u fooUser -p -h