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how to read this book

I may have to actually re-read this book several times to really soak up the information

I could turn it into a game. I owe someone a dime or a nickel every time that I violate a principle

I could have a weekly review process. Review what I did right, and what I did wrong each week.

I also need to apply this material to learn it. Every opportunity I can, I should be applying this material.

I should read each chapter before going onto the next chapter

review the book each month

apply the principles at every possibility

Rule 1: Don't criticize, condemn, or complain

This will be an ever lasting growing process, that could really transform my interactions with people. chapter 1 Criticism is bad & people think they are good

Every "bad" person has always thought that what they are doing is the good thing. They almost never believe they are doing it because they are a bad person.

Criticism is futile. It puts the person on the defensive, and they try really hard to justify their actions.

Criticism is dangerous. It hurts a person's pride, hurts his sense of self-importance, and arouses resentment.

People are more likely to learn rapidly by praising than by criticizing. When you criticize someone, you wound their feelings and rarely correct the bad behavior.

Learn from Lincoln. Lincoln once wrote a anonymous letter to a local newspaper that ridiculed a local politician. The whole town thought it was hilarious. The politician challenged Lincoln to a duel. Lincoln almost had to fight this duel, but their seconds had them stand down at the last minute. From this lesson Lincoln learned to never criticize someone.

Any fool can critique anybody, but wise men never do. "A great man shows his gentleness by the way he treats little men."