control 735 B

  1. Source: offpunk
  2. Section: net
  3. Priority: optional
  4. Maintainer: Iván Ruvalcaba <>
  5. Build-Depends:
  6. debhelper-compat (= 13),
  7. python3-all,
  8. Build-Depends-Indep:
  9. dh-python,
  10. Rules-Requires-Root: no
  11. Standards-Version: 4.6.0
  12. Homepage:
  13. Package: offpunk
  14. Architecture: all
  15. Depends:
  16. less,
  17. file,
  18. xdg-utils,
  19. python3-cryptography,
  20. python3-feedparser,
  21. python3-requests,
  22. python3-bs4,
  23. ${misc:Depends},
  24. ${python3:Depends}
  25. Suggests: xsel, python3-setproctitle, python3-readability, ripgrep, chafa (>= 1.10.0), python3-pil
  26. Description: Offpunk is an offline-first browser for the smolnet
  27. A command-line and offline-first smolnet browser/feed reader for Gemini,
  28. Gopher, Spartan and Web.