torified_git.feature 1.0 KB

  1. @product @check_tor_leaks
  2. Feature: Cloning a Git repository
  3. As a Tails user
  4. when I clone a Git repository
  5. all Internet traffic should flow only through Tor
  6. Background:
  7. Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected
  8. #11563
  9. @fragile
  10. Scenario: Cloning a Git repository anonymously over HTTPS
  11. When I clone the Git repository "" in GNOME Terminal
  12. Then the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully
  13. Scenario: Cloning a Git repository anonymously over the Git protocol
  14. When I clone the Git repository "git://" in GNOME Terminal
  15. Then the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully
  16. Scenario: Cloning git repository over SSH
  17. Given I have the SSH key pair for a Git repository
  18. When I clone the Git repository "" in GNOME Terminal
  19. Then the Git repository "testing" has been cloned successfully