tor_stream_isolation.feature 2.7 KB

  1. @product @check_tor_leaks
  2. Feature: Tor stream isolation is effective
  3. As a Tails user
  4. I want my Torified sessions to be sensibly isolated from each other to prevent identity correlation
  5. Background:
  6. Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected
  7. Scenario: tails-security-check is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
  8. When I monitor the network connections of tails-security-check
  9. And I re-run tails-security-check
  10. Then I see that tails-security-check is properly stream isolated
  11. Scenario: htpdate is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
  12. When I monitor the network connections of htpdate
  13. And I re-run htpdate
  14. Then I see that htpdate is properly stream isolated
  15. Scenario: tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper is using the Tails-specific SocksPort
  16. When I monitor the network connections of tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper
  17. And I re-run tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper
  18. Then I see that tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper is properly stream isolated
  19. #11592
  20. @fragile
  21. Scenario: The Tor Browser is using the web browser-specific SocksPort
  22. When I monitor the network connections of Tor Browser
  23. And I start the Tor Browser
  24. And the Tor Browser has started and loaded the startup page
  25. Then I see that Tor Browser is properly stream isolated
  26. @fragile
  27. Scenario: Gobby is using the default SocksPort
  28. When I monitor the network connections of Gobby
  29. And I start "Gobby" via the GNOME "Internet" applications menu
  30. And I connect Gobby to ""
  31. Then I see that Gobby is properly stream isolated
  32. Scenario: SSH is using the default SocksPort
  33. When I monitor the network connections of SSH
  34. And I run "ssh" in GNOME Terminal
  35. And I see "SSHAuthVerification.png" after at most 60 seconds
  36. Then I see that SSH is properly stream isolated
  37. Scenario: whois lookups use the default SocksPort
  38. When I monitor the network connections of whois
  39. And I query the whois directory service for ""
  40. And the whois command is successful
  41. Then I see that whois is properly stream isolated
  42. @fragile
  43. Scenario: Explicitly torify-wrapped applications are using the default SocksPort
  44. When I monitor the network connections of Gobby
  45. And I run "torify /usr/bin/gobby-0.5" in GNOME Terminal
  46. And I connect Gobby to ""
  47. Then I see that Gobby is properly stream isolated
  48. @fragile
  49. Scenario: Explicitly torsocks-wrapped applications are using the default SocksPort
  50. When I monitor the network connections of Gobby
  51. And I run "torsocks /usr/bin/gobby-0.5" in GNOME Terminal
  52. And I connect Gobby to ""
  53. Then I see that Gobby is properly stream isolated