1. //#define DEBUG // shows all windows
  2. typedef unsigned char byte;
  3. typedef struct
  4. {
  5. int x; // xcoord of radio
  6. int y; // ycoord of radio
  7. int value; // value to match
  8. } radio_t;
  9. typedef struct
  10. {
  11. radio_t *radios; // start of radio buttons
  12. int amount; // # of radio buttons
  13. int *master; // master value that radios must match
  14. int fgcolor; // text color
  15. int bgcolor; // background color
  16. } radiogroup_t;
  17. typedef struct
  18. {
  19. short pup_id;
  20. char width;
  21. char height;
  22. char x;
  23. char y;
  24. short mystery1;
  25. short mystery2;
  26. } pup_t;
  27. typedef enum
  28. {
  29. normal,
  30. stringdraw,
  31. repeat
  32. } pup_e;
  34. extern pup_t far askpres, far cmodem, far consel, far control, far cserial,
  35. far cwarp, far gusirqer, far idcard, far idjoysel, far idkeysel, far idmain2,
  36. far idmousel, far irqerr, far macros, far mcard, far midiport, far modemchs,
  37. far modsave, far mousentr, far mouspres, far netplay, far netplay2,
  38. far netsave, far netserr, far netwk2, far numdig, far phonelst, far quitwin,
  39. far sbdma, far sbirq, far sbport, far sersave, far show, far sockerr,
  40. far title;
  41. #ifndef FRENCH
  42. extern pup_t far entrnmbr; // No entering phone numbers for frogs!
  43. #endif
  44. #define MAXLAYERS 5 // max amount of screens to save
  45. void SaveScreen(void);
  46. void RestoreScreen(void);
  47. void DrawRadios(radiogroup_t *rg);
  48. void DrawPup(pup_t far *pup);
  49. #ifdef DEBUG
  50. void ShowAllPups(void);
  51. #endif
  52. extern char errorstring[80];
  53. void Error(char *string);
  54. extern char **myargv;
  55. extern int myargc;