video.tpl 8.4 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  3. <head>
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  6. <title>{$titulo} | {$videoTitle}</title>
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  46. <div class="contenedor">
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  48. <a class="drm-free" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank"></a>
  49. <h2>{$videoTitle}</h2>
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  53. <button type="submit" value="Search" class="search-button">Query</button>
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  56. <section class="libreyt">
  57. <div class="contenedor">
  58. <div class="row">
  59. <div class="imageyt">
  60. <img alt='{$videoTitle}' src="{$videoThumbURL}"/>
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  62. <div class="features">
  63. <h6 class="yt-titulo">Canal</h6>
  64. <h6>{$videoAuthor}</h6>
  65. <h6 class="yt-titulo">Duración</h6>
  66. <h6>{$videoDuration}</h6>
  67. <h6 class="yt-titulo">Vistas</h6>
  68. <h6>{$videoViews}</h6>
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  74. {if $islive == false }
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  76. <video id="player"
  77. poster="{$videoThumbURL}"
  78. controls
  79. playsinline
  80. onmouseleave='{$videoTitle}'
  81. oncontextmenu='{$videoTitle}'
  82. onmouseenter='{$videoTitle}'
  83. title='{$videoTitle}'>
  84. {foreach $streamFormats as $stream}
  85. <source data-res="{trim($stream['resolution'], 'p')}" src="{$stream['url']}" type='{$stream['type']}'/>
  86. {/foreach}
  87. </video>
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  92. const player = new Plyr(document.getElementById('player'), {
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  94. quality: { default: 360 },
  95. controls: [
  96. 'play-large',
  97. 'play',
  98. 'progress',
  99. 'current-time',
  100. 'mute',
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  117. {$download['format']}
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  120. {/foreach}
  121. {if $streamExtra == TRUE}
  122. {foreach $streamFormatsExtra as $download}
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  124. <a class="boton-descarga" href="{$download['url']}">
  125. {$download['format']}
  126. </a>
  127. </li>
  128. {/foreach}
  129. {/if}
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  131. </details>
  132. {else}
  133. <p>I sorry not live support for now.</p>
  134. {/if}
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  137. <code>{$url_query}</code>
  138. <code>
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