Simple color library for Common Lisp

Masataro Asai 98cc355b95 README: testing instructions 3 years ago
.gitignore 755504ba35 gitignore 3 years ago
COPYING 915d7a9015 - added license file. 6 years ago
Makefile 89cbb7b24e - added parsing of color names having spaces; 5 years ago 98cc355b95 README: testing instructions 3 years ago
cl-colors2.asd 6c54deda7f loading the test system runs the test automatically. test-system on cl-colors2 works 3 years ago
colornames-svg.lisp 6d67230655 svg color names 3 years ago
colornames-x11.lisp 527941de95 renamed: colornames -> colornames-x11 3 years ago
colors.lisp f0f7bac59b compiler macro for as-hsv 3 years ago
hexcolors.lisp 795aedee59 - [BREAKS API] changed package name from cl-color to cl-colors2 4 years ago
introduction.txt 52f6b91372 first commit 15 years ago
package-template.lisp 795aedee59 - [BREAKS API] changed package name from cl-color to cl-colors2 4 years ago
package.lisp 6d67230655 svg color names 3 years ago
parse-x11-colors.lisp 795aedee59 - [BREAKS API] changed package name from cl-color to cl-colors2 4 years ago
test.lisp 6c54deda7f loading the test system runs the test automatically. test-system on cl-colors2 works 3 years ago

cl-colors: a simple color library for Common Lisp

This is a very simple color library for Common Lisp, providing:

  1. Types for representing colors in HSV and RGB spaces.
  2. Simple conversion functions between the above types (and also
  3. hexadecimal representation for RGB).
  4. Some predefined colors an association list of names and RGB values.
  5. [][X11 color names]] as *x11-color-list*
  6. [][SVG basic color names]] as *svg-colors-list*
  7. [][SVG extended color names]] as *svg-extended-colors-list*
  8. Example: (("lightgreen" . +LIGHTGREEN+) ("light-green" . +LIGHT-GREEN+) ("darkred" . +DARKRED+)...


(let ((color1 (hsv 107 62/100 52/100))  ; greenish
      (color2 (rgb 14/15 26/51 14/15))  ; = violet from X11
      (color3 (as-rgb "ff9e00")))       ; from hexadecimal
  (list                                 ;
   (as-rgb color1)                      ; converting to RGB
   (rgb-combination color1 +blue+ 0.4)  ; HSV autoconverted to RGB
   (hsv-combination color2 +blue+ 0.4)  ; RGB autoconverted to HSV

evaluates to

'(#S(RGB :RED 20059/75000 :GREEN 13/25 :BLUE 247/1250)
  #S(RGB :RED 0.160472 :GREEN 0.312 :BLUE 0.51856) ; observe float contagion
  #S(HSV :HUE 60.0 :SATURATION 0.6722689 :VALUE 0.96000004)
  #S(RGB :RED 1 :GREEN 158/255 :BLUE 0))

Observe the float contagion: cl-colors functions don't care about the type of the numbers as long as they are a subtype of real and within the right range.


This library is so simple that it does not need a lot of documentation --- just look at the docsstrings in colors.lisp.


Run (ql:quickload :cl-colors2/tests).

Regeneration of the X11 color names

Normally you should not need to do this, the sources already contain the autogenerated file colornames.lisp. However, if for some reason you need to regenerate this, you can use make. Even though the library itself does not depend on X11, regenerating this file will require the appropriate file in X11.

Bugs and issues

Please report them on Notabug.


This is a fork of, the original author marked it as unsupported.