123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237 |
- .. _doc_android_library:
- Godot Android library
- =====================
- The Godot Engine for Android platforms is designed to be used as an `Android library <https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/android-library>`_.
- This architecture enables several key features on Android platforms:
- - Ability to integrate the Gradle build system within the Godot Editor, which provides the ability to leverage more components from the Android ecosystem such as libraries and tools
- - Ability to make the engine portable and embeddable:
- - Key in enabling the port of the Godot Editor to Android and mobile XR devices
- - Key in allowing the integration and reuse of Godot's capabilities within existing codebase
- Below we describe some of the use-cases and scenarios this architecture enables.
- Using the Godot Android library
- -------------------------------
- The Godot Android library is packaged as an AAR archive file and hosted on `MavenCentral <https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/org.godotengine/godot>`_ along with `its documentation <https://javadoc.io/doc/org.godotengine/godot/latest/index.html>`_.
- It provides access to Godot APIs and capabilities on Android platforms for the following non-exhaustive use-cases.
- Godot Android plugins
- ---------------------
- Android plugins are powerful tools to extend the capabilities of the Godot Engine
- by tapping into the functionality provided by Android platforms and ecosystem.
- An Android plugin is an Android library with a dependency on the Godot Android library
- which the plugin uses to integrate into the engine's lifecycle and to access Godot APIs,
- granting it powerful capabilities such as GDExtension support which allows to update / mod the engine behavior as needed.
- For more information, see :ref:`Godot Android plugins <doc_android_plugin>`.
- Embedding Godot in existing Android projects
- --------------------------------------------
- The Godot Engine can be embedded within existing Android applications or libraries,
- allowing developers to leverage mature and battle-tested code and libraries better suited to a specific task.
- The hosting component is responsible for driving the engine lifecycle via Godot's Android APIs.
- These APIs can also be used to provide bidirectional communication between the host and the embedded
- Godot instance allowing for greater control over the desired experience.
- We showcase how this is done using a sample Android app that embeds the Godot Engine as an Android view,
- and uses it to render 3D glTF models.
- The `GLTF Viewer <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/tree/master/apps/gltf_viewer>`_ sample app uses an `Android RecyclerView component <https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/layout/recyclerview>`_ to create
- a list of glTF items, populated from `Kenney's Food Kit pack <https://kenney.nl/assets/food-kit>`_.
- When an item on the list is selected, the app's logic interacts with the embedded Godot Engine to render the selected glTF item as a 3D model.
- .. image:: img/gltf_viewer_sample_app_screenshot.webp
- The sample app source code can be found `on GitHub <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/tree/master/apps/gltf_viewer>`_.
- Follow the instructions on `its README <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/README.md>`_ to build and install it.
- Below we break-down the steps used to create the GLTF Viewer app.
- .. warning::
- Currently only a single instance of the Godot Engine is supported per process.
- You can configure the process the Android Activity runs under using the `android:process attribute <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#proc>`_.
- .. warning::
- Automatic resizing / orientation configuration events are not supported and may cause a crash.
- You can disable those events:
- - By locking to a specific orientation using the `android:screenOrientation attribute <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#screen>`_.
- - By declaring that the Activity will handle these configuration events using the `android:configChanges attribute <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#config>`_.
- 1. Create the Android app
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- .. note::
- The Android sample app was created using `Android Studio <https://developer.android.com/studio>`_
- and using `Gradle <https://developer.android.com/build>`_ as the build system.
- The Android ecosystem provides multiple tools, IDEs, build systems for creating Android apps
- so feel free to use what you're familiar with, and update the steps below accordingly (contributions to this documentation are welcomed as well!).
- - Set up an Android application project. It may be a brand new empty project, or an existing project
- - Add the `maven dependency for the Godot Android library <https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/org.godotengine/godot>`_
- - If using ``gradle``, add the following to the ``dependency`` section of the app's gradle build file. Make sure to update ``<version>`` to the latest version of the Godot Android library:
- .. code-block:: kotlin
- implementation("org.godotengine:godot:<version>")
- - If using ``gradle``, include the following ``aaptOptions`` configuration under the ``android > defaultConfig`` section of the app's gradle build file. Doing so allows ``gradle`` to include Godot's hidden directories when building the app binary.
- - If your build system does not support including hidden directories, you can `configure the Godot project to not use hidden directories <https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_projectsettings.html#class-projectsettings-property-application-config-use-hidden-project-data-directory>`_ by deselecting ``Project Settings... > Application > Config > Use Hidden Project Data Directory``.
- .. code-block:: groovy
- android {
- defaultConfig {
- // The default ignore pattern for the 'assets' directory includes hidden files and
- // directories which are used by Godot projects, so we override it with the following.
- aaptOptions {
- ignoreAssetsPattern "!.svn:!.git:!.gitignore:!.ds_store:!*.scc:<dir>_*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"
- }
- ...
- - Create / update the application's Activity that will be hosting the Godot Engine instance. For the sample app, this is `MainActivity <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/java/fhuyakou/godot/app/android/gltfviewer/MainActivity.kt>`_
- - The host Activity should implement the `GodotHost interface <https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/GodotHost.java>`_
- - The sample app uses `Fragments <https://developer.android.com/guide/fragments>`_ to organize its UI, so it uses `GodotFragment <https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/GodotFragment.java>`_, a fragment component provided by the Godot Android library to automatically host and manage the Godot Engine instance.
- .. code-block:: kotlin
- private var godotFragment: GodotFragment? = null
- override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
- setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
- val currentGodotFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.godot_fragment_container)
- if (currentGodotFragment is GodotFragment) {
- godotFragment = currentGodotFragment
- } else {
- godotFragment = GodotFragment()
- supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
- .replace(R.id.godot_fragment_container, godotFragment!!)
- .commitNowAllowingStateLoss()
- }
- ...
- .. note::
- The Godot Android library also provide `GodotActivity <https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/GodotActivity.kt>`_, an Activity component that can be extended to automatically host and manage the Godot Engine instance.
- Alternatively, applications can directly create a `Godot <https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/Godot.kt>`_ instance, host and manage it themselves.
- - Using `GodotHost#getHostPlugins(...) <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/0e3440f357f8be5b4c63a4fe75766793199a99d0/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/java/fhuyakou/godot/app/android/gltfviewer/MainActivity.kt#L55>`_, the sample app creates a `runtime GodotPlugin instance <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/java/fhuyakou/godot/app/android/gltfviewer/AppPlugin.kt>`_ that's used to send :ref:`signals <doc_signals>` to the ``gdscript`` logic
- - The runtime ``GodotPlugin`` can also be used by ``gdscript`` logic to access JVM methods. For more information, see :ref:`Godot Android plugins <doc_android_plugin>`.
- - Add any additional logic that will be used by your application
- - For the sample app, this includes adding the `ItemsSelectionFragment fragment <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/java/fhuyakou/godot/app/android/gltfviewer/ItemsSelectionFragment.kt>`_ (and related classes), a fragment used to build and show the list of glTF items
- - Open the ``AndroidManifest.xml`` file, and configure the orientation if needed using the `android:screenOrientation attribute <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#screen>`_
- - If needed, disable automatic resizing / orientation configuration changes using the `android:configChanges attribute <https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#config>`_
- .. code-block:: xml
- <activity android:name=".MainActivity"
- android:screenOrientation="fullUser"
- android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout"
- android:exported="true">
- ...
- </activity>
- 2. Create the Godot project
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- .. note::
- On Android, Godot's project files are exported to the ``assets`` directory of the generated ``apk`` binary.
- We leverage that architecture to bind our Android app and Godot project together by creating the Godot project in the Android app's ``assets`` directory.
- Note that it's also possible to create the Godot project in a separate directory and export it as a `PCK or ZIP file <https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/exporting_projects.html#pck-versus-zip-pack-file-formats>`_
- to the Android app's ``assets`` directory.
- Using this approach requires passing the ``--main-pack <pck_or_zip_filepath_relative_to_assets_dir>`` argument to the hosted Godot Engine instance using `GodotHost#getCommandLine() <https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/6916349697a4339216469e9bf5899b983d78db07/platform/android/java/lib/src/org/godotengine/godot/GodotHost.java#L45>`_.
- The instructions below and the sample app follow the first approach of creating the Godot project in the Android app's ``assets`` directory.
- - As mentioned in the **note** above, open the Godot Editor and create a Godot project directly (no subfolder) in the ``assets`` directory of the Android application project
- - See the sample app's `Godot project <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/tree/master/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/assets>`_ for reference
- - Configure the Godot project as desired
- - Make sure the `orientation <https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_projectsettings.html#class-projectsettings-property-display-window-handheld-orientation>`_ set for the Godot project matches the one set in the Android app's manifest
- - For Android, make sure `textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc <https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_projectsettings.html#class-projectsettings-property-rendering-textures-vram-compression-import-etc2-astc>`_ is set to `true`
- - Update the Godot project script logic as needed
- - For the sample app, the `script logic <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/src/main/assets/main.gd>`_ queries for the runtime ``GodotPlugin`` instance and uses it to register for signals fired by the app logic
- - The app logic fires a signal every time an item is selected in the list. The signal contains the filepath of the glTF model, which is used by the ``gdscript`` logic to render the model.
- .. code-block:: gdscript
- extends Node3D
- # Reference to the gltf model that's currently being shown.
- var current_gltf_node: Node3D = null
- func _ready():
- # Default asset to load when the app starts
- _load_gltf("res://gltfs/food_kit/turkey.glb")
- var appPlugin = Engine.get_singleton("AppPlugin")
- if appPlugin:
- print("App plugin is available")
- # Signal fired from the app logic to update the gltf model being shown
- appPlugin.connect("show_gltf", _load_gltf)
- else:
- print("App plugin is not available")
- # Load the gltf model specified by the given path
- func _load_gltf(gltf_path: String):
- if current_gltf_node != null:
- remove_child(current_gltf_node)
- current_gltf_node = load(gltf_path).instantiate()
- add_child(current_gltf_node)
- 3. Build and run the app
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Once you complete configuration of your Godot project, build and run the Android app.
- If set up correctly, the host Activity will initialize the embedded Godot Engine on startup.
- The Godot Engine will check the ``assets`` directory for project files to load (unless configured to look for a ``main pack``), and will proceed to run the project.
- While the app is running on device, you can check `Android logcat <https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/logcat>`_ to investigate any errors or crashes.
- For reference, check the `build and install instructions <https://github.com/m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples/blob/master/apps/gltf_viewer/README.md>`_ for the GLTF Viewer sample app.