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  87. <h1 class="p-name">Existential experiences</h1>
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  89. <section data-field="subtitle" class="p-summary">
  90. There are only so many things to be envious about. Countable. The existence for one is a malady when the
  91. perception is defected. It’s so…
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  100. <h3 name="0862" id="0862" class="graf graf--h3 graf--leading graf--title">Existential being</h3>
  101. <p name="ecb4" id="ecb4" class="graf graf--p graf-after--h3">There are only so many things to be envious
  102. about. Countable. The existence for one is a malady when the perception is defected. It’s so hard to cope
  103. with rejection isn’t it? As if the entirety of life depended on it. Aloneness, is so dreaded that even the
  104. spell checker is underlining it in red!</p>
  105. <p name="ae22" id="ae22" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">We are constantly overwhelmed by our
  106. surroundings with beings. Happiness is overrated. So is optimism. We’re continuously being conditioned.
  107. Conditioning with idealistic propaganda and narcissism. The imagery of our being is so profound that
  108. subtleties of reality are often overshadowed. The human perception is often hazy. The eagerness to discern
  109. and categorize thoughts and experiences is habitual exercise of the mind. A constant repetitive phenomenon
  110. with no scope for newness.</p>
  111. <p name="f6a5" id="f6a5" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">It’s true that we are living in the past. Our
  112. memories are deeply rooted and are the reasons for determining the present action. Evolutionary memory
  113. takes care of the survival. Every human cell is memory in its own way. Replication and cessation are
  114. innate in them. It takes effort to allow the memory to be ignored. Ignoring memory allows for the
  115. possibility to see the new. If the memory fails in classifying it, then it is a new occurrence. Every
  116. little change is a new occurrence. The leaves on the branch of a tree that was there a day ago may not be,
  117. an unseen bird starts cooing, which wasn’t there before. These are barely noticed and perhaps never seen
  118. as a change or a new occurrence in existence. We are confined by our limitations of sensory perception. We
  119. can’t feel the change that the planet we live on completed a rotation about its axis in a day or the cells
  120. in our body have died and replicated in the past hour. Every moment is new and it’s slightly different
  121. from the previous. Therefore, change happens.</p>
  122. <p name="0d2a" id="0d2a" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">Our mind is something that differentiates us
  123. from other organisms on this planet. Consciousness is considered as a product of mind. What makes us
  124. conscious is our ability to think. Thoughts which carry memory of the past and imagery of future
  125. expectations. One lives in a world of thoughts. Does thought have a physical existence? as it does shape
  126. the way we act. It flows just like a stream of water. Although, we can’t touch it, we still can experience
  127. it. Memory would be like a sea formed with these streams of thoughts.</p>
  128. <figure name="15f1" id="15f1" class="graf graf--figure graf-after--p">
  129. <div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 700px; max-height: 424px;">
  130. <div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder-fill" style="padding-bottom: 60.5%;"></div><img class="graf-image"
  131. data-image-id="1*I8HbCN3Sme9VLcboNdUF-w.png" data-width="2018" data-height="1221"
  132. data-is-featured="true" src="assets/img/abstract.jpeg">
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  134. <figcaption class="imageCaption">Artwork by me - “Our thoughts and memory”. Made using GIMP.</figcaption>
  135. </figure>
  136. <p name="45c6" id="45c6" class="graf graf--p graf-after--figure graf--trailing">Sometimes, thought and
  137. emotion dictates the way we are. It may be more than just ‘sometimes’. Our way of sensing the environment,
  138. beings and events has been a function of its pleasantness. As we continue to drag ourselves through this
  139. endless saga of succumbing to fantasies (a product of thought and memory) and the lust of senses, we find
  140. hopelessness, desperation and misery. Our aim would have been to seek maximum pleasure out of life and
  141. satiate our every materialistic craving but there were very few occasions when we have truly risen above
  142. all these, immaculately. Certain things may be guaranteed, no matter what, as they are existential and
  143. real. Inaction has no impact on them. The craving of human is certainly an instrument of bondage and
  144. appeasement. Never a penchant for freedom. Isn’t it strange that we all carry these feelings, emotions,
  145. desires and deep rooted notions all along and even let them perpetuate endlessly. The fact that we may
  146. remain unfulfilled happens to be a certain outcome with an outrageously high probability. Thus, only the
  147. truth can set us free.</p>
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