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  87. <h1 class="p-name">Craft with free will</h1>
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  89. <section data-field="subtitle" class="p-summary">
  90. It feels so surreal after all isn’t it, when the world conjures around us. The meaning of existence or unknown
  91. remains a mystery for…
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  100. <h3 name="8c82" id="8c82" class="graf graf--h3 graf--leading graf--title">Craft with free will</h3>
  101. <p name="778d" id="778d" class="graf graf--p graf-after--h3">It feels so surreal after all isn’t it, when
  102. the world conjures around us. The meaning of existence or the unknown remains a mystery, for unless sought with
  103. a true soul, remains unraveled. They say that the interplay of words catches the attention of the
  104. wandering eye. When it sounds more than just what it is.</p>
  105. <p name="4fa7" id="4fa7" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">Rhyming, rhythmic, alliterations and metaphors
  106. are the literary devices they use. Isn’t it just hard to write coherently with a steady train of thoughts?
  107. There shall be detours, poems encapsulated somewhere. Some quotes shall be uttered which seem original or
  108. a word or two in the air. Some may be obvious whereas some genius.</p>
  109. <p name="cc74" id="cc74" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">It is so unique indeed that we have this
  110. capability to be whatever we chose to be. <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">Free will</em> as a central
  111. problem of philosophy still enchants the mankind — with growing technological advents and socio-economic
  112. vicissitudes.</p>
  113. <p name="5772" id="5772" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">The question still persists “Has making life
  114. easier with the choices made in past, made it easier in its true actuality?” The answer to this seems to
  115. be a — ‘No’. It hasn’t. We have just been a prisoner of our creations all along. The captives of our
  116. identities. Getting out of it <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">is</em> possible only when we stop
  117. visualising this entire realm of negativity.</p>
  118. <p name="1ac1" id="1ac1" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">The perspective of this creation has to change.
  119. Every choice made has its share of merits and perils. The merits should make us stronger and keep us
  120. manifested — never pull ourselves down, come what may. Saying this with conviction is sometimes seen as
  121. gaudy with mindless optimism or even as an arrogant and pompous demeanour.</p>
  122. <p name="8523" id="8523" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">The movement (or purpose as one may see at least
  123. in general) is to be more freer. Freer than before, both in our minds as well as our actions. Money is a way
  124. of freedom. Allows us with the choice of every possibility that can be dreamt of in this society that we
  125. have built. The more valuable we are, the more prominence we gain and become irreplaceable (at least in
  126. near future).</p>
  127. <p name="4afb" id="4afb" class="graf graf--p graf-after--p">Some charted ways of becoming free is to
  128. practice finesse in our craft. The craft shall never betray us. For betrayal is something beings are
  129. capable of. We are harnessing the craft, the skill to be our individual best, every time we deliver.
  130. Ensure due care, address qualms, gentle and tender we care — hone and caress to build a monogamous and
  131. infidel relationship with our craft.</p>
  132. <figure name="32a5" id="32a5" class="graf graf--figure graf-after--p graf--trailing">
  133. <div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked" style="max-width: 480px; max-height: 360px;">
  134. <div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder-fill" style="padding-bottom: 75%;"></div><img class="graf-image"
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  136. data-is-featured="true" src="assets/img/craftWithFreeWill.jpeg">
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  138. <figcaption class="imageCaption">Photo courtesy: Alex Jones in Waking Life by Richard Linklater
  139. </figcaption>
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