Awesome C
A curated list of C good stuff. This list contains only free software for code, and sellers who aren't evil for physical resources.
This is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, without invariants or a cover - its text is provided in the LICENSE file.
Build Systems
These are tools to automate the building and testing of projects in C.
- aimake - A build tool designed to avoid complex configurations. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Autoconf - An extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. Part of the Autotools. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Automake - A tool for automatically generating
files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. Requires the use of Autoconf. Part of the Autotools. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Jam - A build system, designed to be easier than make. Understands C build rules implicitly. Jam License.
- Libtool - A generic library support script. Part of the Autotools. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Meson - An extremely fast, user-friendly build system. Based on Ninja. Apache2.0.
- Clang - A C compiler for LLVM. Supports C11. NCSA.
- CompCert - A fully-verified C compiler. Supports almost all of C89. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- GCC - Provides a C compiler as part of its compiler set. Supports C11 and OpenMP. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- PCC - A venerable C compiler. Supports C99. Various licenses, all free.
- TCC - Tiny C Compiler; a small, fast C compiler. Supports C99 (except complex types). GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
This lists databases and data stores with C APIs.
- BerkeleyDB - A library for a high-performance embedded database for key-value data. GNU AGPLv3 only.
- Hiredis - A minimalistic client library for Redis. 3-clause BSD.
- LMDB - An ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store. newOpenLDAP.
- MariaDB - A robust, scalable and reliable SQL server, designed to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL. 3-clause BSD.
- mongo-c-driver - A high-performance client library for MongoDB. Apache2.0.
- PostgreSQL - A powerful object-relational database system. PostgreSQL licence.
- recutils - A set of tools and a C library for accessing human-editable, plaintext database files called recfiles. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Redis - An advanced key-value store. 3-clause BSD.
- sophia - A modern, embeddable key-value database. FreeBSD.
- SQLite - A self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine with a C interface. Public domain.
- UnQLite - A self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL engine with a C interface. FreeBSD.
Documentation Generation
- Cxref - Generates documentation of C programs in either LaTeX, HTML, RTF or SGML. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- DocOnce - A modestly-tagged markup language that can be used to generate a range of formats. 3-clause BSD.
- Doxygen - The de-facto standard tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Can generate a large range of formats. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- GTK-Doc - A tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Has support for the Autotools. GNU GPLv2.1 only (code), GNU FDL1.1 only.
These are specifically fancier, IDE-type editors. If you want a programmer's text editor, look elsewhere. Besides, whatever choice you make most likely supports C anyway.
This is a list of technologies designed to bring Windows into the 21st century with respect to support for C.
This section has big libraries that provide data structures and other stuff you expect of a 'modern' standard library.
- APR - Apache Portable Runtime; another library of cross-platform utility functions. Apache2.0.
- C Algorithms - A collection of common algorithms and data structures for C. ISC.
- CPL - The Common Pipeline Library; a set of libraries designed to be a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- EFL - A large collection of useful data structures and functions. Various licenses, all free.
- GLib - A library of utility functions and structures, designed to be portable, efficient and powerful. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- GIO - A modern and easy-to-use VFS API. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- GObject - An object-oriented system and object model for C. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- libnih - A lightweight library of C functions and structures. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- libU - A small library of basic utilities, including memory allocation, string manipulation and logging. 3-clause BSD.
- PBL - A large library of utilities, featuring data structures, among other things. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later (library), GNU GPLv2.1 or later (test code).
- qlibc - A simple and powerful C library, designed as a replacement for GLib while focusing on being small and light. qLib license (similar to FreeBSD).
- stb - A range of single-file libraries for C. Public domain.
Game Programming
These are provided as examples of C game programming code.
These are libraries of all sorts that are useful for game programming.
- Allegro - A cross-platform, video game development and multimedia library. zlib.
- Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library. Expat.
- CSFML - A binding for SFML in C. zlib.
- FreeGLUT - An alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit. Allows the creation and management of windows with OpenGL contexts. X11.
- GLFW - A multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts. zlib.
- libao - A cross-platform audio library with a wide variety of outputs. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- RetroArch - The reference frontend for libretro. GNU GPLv3 only.
- SDL - A cross-platform library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics hardware via OpenGL. zlib.
- SDL2- A a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL. This is the most current version. zlib
Generic Programming
- klib - Small and lightweight implementations of common algorithms and data structures. Expat.
- SGLIB - A simple generic library for C. Any OSI-approved license.
Graphical User Interface
These are specifically widget toolkits.
- Jansson - A C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON. Expat.
- jsmn - A minimalistic JSON parser. Expat.
- json-c - A library for working with JSON. Expat.
- WJElement - Advanced JSON manipulation library, with support for JSON Schema. LGPL, any version.
- YAJL - A fast C JSON streaming parser library. ISC
Learning, Reference and Tutorials
This is a list of resources for learning C programming in general, or something useful relating to C programming.
Self-study courses
Networking and Internet
- asnlc - A compiler of ASN.1 specifications into C source code. FreeBSD.
- czmq - A high-level binding for ZeroMQ. MPL2.0
- GNU adns - An advanced, easy-to-use, asynch-capable DNS client library and utilities. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- GNU SASL - An implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer and a few common SASL mechanism. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- GnuTLS - A secure communication library, implementing SSL, TLS and DTLS. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later.
- gumbo-parser - An HTML5 parsing library in C99. Apache2.0.
- http-parser - An HTTP request/response parser. Expat.
- ldns - A library to simplify DNS programming. 3-clause BSD.
- libcurl - A client-side URL transfer library, supporting a wide range of formats. curl license
- LibEtPan - A mail library providing an efficient network for IMAP, SMTP, POP and NNTP. 3-clause BSD.
- libev - Yet another event loop. FreeBSD.
- libevent - An event loop replacement for network servers. 3-clause BSD.
- libgss - Generic Security Service. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- libhttpd - A library to add basic web server capabilities to an application or embedded device. GNU GPL2 only.
- libidn - An implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- libmicrohttpd - A small C library that makes it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later.
- libsoup - A GNOME HTTP client/server library. Uses GObject. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- lwan - An experimental, scalable, high-performance HTTP server. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- mongoose - Embedded web server for C. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- nanomsg - A C-based implementation of ZeroMQ. Expat.
- onion - HTTP server library, designed to be easy to use. Apache2.0.
- OpenSSL - Implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols, and also includes a cryptography library. Dual Licensed under the OpenSSL License and the SSLeay License
- oSip - A SIP implementation in C without additional dependencies. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later.
- s2n - A C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols, designed to be simple, fast and with security as a priority. Apache2.0.
- socket99 - A C99 wrapper for the BSD sockets API. ISC.
- Tox - A communication platform, designed to be a Skype-killer. GNU GPLv3 only.
- twitc - A mini C library for interacting with the Twitter OAuth API. Expat.
Web Frameworks
- apophenia - A library for statistical and scientific computing. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- ATLAS - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software. 3-clause BSD.
- BLAS - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms; a set of routines that provide vector and matrix operations. BLAS license
- Cuba - A library for multidimensional numerical integration. GNU LGPLv3 only.
- FFTW - The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West; a highly-optimized fast Fourier transform routine. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- FLINT - Fast Library for Number Theory; a library supporting arithmetic with numbers, polynomials, power series and matrices, among others. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- GLPK - GNU Linear Programming Kit; a package designed for solving large-scale linear programming, mixed integer programming and other related problems. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- GMP - GNU Multple Precision Arithmetic Library; a library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. Dual-licensed GNU GPLv2.1 only and GNU LGPLv3 only.
- GNU MPC - A library for complex number arithmetic. GNU LGPLv3 or later.
- GNU MPFR - A library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic. GNU LGPLv3 or later (most recent versions), GNU LGPLv2.1 or later (until version 2.4.x).
- GNU MPRIA - A portable mathematics library for multi-precision rational interval arithmetic. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- GSL - The GNU Scientific Library; a sophisticated numerical library. GNU GPLv3 only.
- KISS FFT - A very simple fast Fourier transform library. 3-clause BSD.
- LAPACKE - A C interface to LAPACK. 3-clause BSD.
- PARI/GP - A computer algebra system for number theory; includes a compiler to C. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- PETSc - A suite of data structures and routines for scalable parallel solution of scientific applications modelled by partial differential equations. FreeBSD.
- SLEPc - A software library for the solution of large, sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers. GNU LGPLv3 only.
- Yeppp! - Very fast, SIMD-optimized mathematical library. 3-clause BSD.
Parallel Programming
- cchan - A small library for channel constructs for inter-thread communication. Public domain.
- ck - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures. FreeBSD.
- mill - Go-style concurrency in C. X11.
- MPICH - Another implementation of MPI. MPICH licence.
- OpenMP - A set of C pragmas designed to allow for easy parallelization of code. Standard (licensing not applicable).
- OpenMPI - A message passing interface implementation. 3-clause BSD.
- PETSc - A suite of data structures and routines for scalable parallel solution of scientific applications modelled by partial differential equations. FreeBSD.
- pth - A portable implementation for non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- pthreads - The POSIX thread library. Standard (no license applicable).
- SLEPc - A software library for the solution of large, sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers. GNU LGPLv3 only.
- TinyCThread - A portable, small implementation of the C11 threads API. zlib.
"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use regular expressions'. Now they have two problems." - Jamie Zawinski.
- PCRE - An implementation of regexes identical to that of Perl 5. 3-clause BSD.
- SLRE - Super Light Regular Expression library; a very small implementation of a subset of Perl regex syntax. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- TRE - A POSIX-compliant, feature-full regex library. FreeBSD.
- c-capnproto - An implementation of the Cap'n Proto serialization protocol. Expat.
- cmp - An implementation of the MessagePack serialization protocol. Expat.
- libavro - A C implementation of the Avro data serialization system. Apache2.0.
- mpack - Another implementation of the MessagePack serialization protocol. Expat.
- protobuf-c - An implementation of Google Protocol Buffer in C. FreeBSD.
- xdr - External Data Representation; a standard for data serialization. Standard (no license applicable).
Source Code Collections
This contains collections of small source code. If you want something big and integrated, check the Frameworks section.
- CCAN - Modelled after Perl's CPAN, this is a big collection of C code that does stuff. The full list is here. Various licenses, all free.
- clib - Something of a package manager for C. Comes with a bunch of libraries of its own. Expat.
- gnulib - A collection of common GNU code. Various licenses, all free.
- libdjb - A collection of libraries doing various things. (Apparently) public domain.
Standard Libraries
This contains standard C libraries.
- Bionic - Google's C standard library, developed for Android. 3-clause BSD.
- dietlibc - A C standard library designed for the smallest possible binaries. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- glibc - The GNU C Library; an implementation of the C standard library. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- musl - A standard C library, compatible with POSIX 2008 and C11. Designed for static linking. Expat.
String Manipulation
Text Editor Extensions
While practically any decent programmer's text editor supports C, there are some extensions that make it more pleasant. This is categorized by editor.
- CEDET - Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools; designed to provide IDE-like features to Emacs. Built-in. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Flycheck - Modern syntax checking. For C, it can use either GCC or Clang as a back-end. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Yasnippet - A template system, with C templates for common code snippets. GNU GPLv3 or later.
This is a list of useful programs to help you write and debug C code which are not editors, libraries or compilers.
- adlint - A static analyzer. Supports all of C89 and part of C99. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Artistic Style - A fast and small automatic source code formatter that supports C. GNU LGPLv3 only.
- address-sanitizer - A fast memory error detector. Apache2.0.
- biicode - A modern dependency manager for C. Expat.
- c - Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go on the command line. Also has shebang support. Expat.
- c99sh - Run C files using hash-bang. FreeBSD.
- CBMC - C Bounded Model Checker; a tool for verification of array bounds, pointer safety and user-specified assertions. Original BSD.
- cdecl - An online service to translate C declarations into English and vice versa. Public domain.
- cinclude2dot - Graphs include dependencies in a C project using Graphviz. Any GNU GPL version (due to underspecification in the file).
- Complexity - A tool for measuring the complexity of C source code. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- DDD - A graphical front-end for a range of command-line debuggers. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- fab - A build system that helps build optimally every time. GNU GPLv3 only.
- GDB - The GNU Project debugger; a debugger for C. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Glade - A RAD tool to enable quick development of GTK+ GUIs. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- GMSL - GNU Make Standard Library; a collection of additional functionality for GNU Make. 3-clause BSD.
- GNU Global - A source code tagging tool which works with C. GNU GPLv3 only.
- gprof - A performance analysis tool. Part of GNU binutils. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Highlight - Converts source code to formatted text with nice highlighting. GNU GPLv3 only.
- include-what-you-use - Helps find unecessary inclusions and make suggestions for fixing them. Based on LLVM/Clang (and only works with it). NCSA.
- indent - Formats C source code automatically to make it easier to read. Also converts from one style of source to another. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- Make - A tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program. GNU GPLv3 or later (link to the GNU implementation).
- qo - A build system that works without a separate config file. Expat.
- rr - A debugger that records non-deterministic executions to allow for deterministic debugging. FreeBSD.
- tup - A very fast, file-based, cross-platform build system. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- unifdef - Removes #ifdef and #if directives with their delimited text without touching any other part of the file. 3-clause BSD and FreeBSD.
- Valgrind - A range of dynamic analysis tools, including a leak checker. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
This is a 'catch-all' category for anything that doesn't fit well anywhere else.
- ApeTagLibs - A C library for working with APEv2 tags. Expat.
- bfd - A library for manipulating binary object files. Part of GNU binutils. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- ccv - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision library; modern computer vision. 3-clause BSD.
- cf4ocl - The C Framework for OpenCL; a cross-platform object-oriented framework for developing and benchmarking OpenCL projects. GNU LGPLv3 only (library), GNU GPLv3 or later (other code).
- CommonMark - A C implementation of the CommonMark spec. Variety of licenses, all free.
- CException - A C implementation of exceptions. Expat.
- dlx - An implementation of Knuth's Algorithm X, with example solvers. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- docopt.c - A C implementation of a command-line option parser. Expat.
- dyncall - Another foreign function interface library. Expat.
- FANN - Fast Artifical Neural Network library; an implementation of neural networks. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- Firm - A C library that provides a graph-based intermediate representation, optimizations and assembly code generation suitable for use in compilers. Comes with an example C front-end under the same license. GNU LGPLv2.1 only.
- gjrand - A library of random-number generation routines. GNU GPLv2.1 only or GNU GPLv3 only (user's choice).
- GNU FreeIPMI - An in-band and out-of-band IPMI implementation. GNU GPLv3 only.
- GNU gperf - A perfect hash function generator, given a list of strings. Outputs C code. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- GNU Libffcall - A collection of libraries for building foreign function interfaces. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- gperftools - A collection of utilities for measuring and improving performance. 3-clause BSD.
- hammer - Parser combinators for binary formats. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- Hans Boehm GC - Garbage collection for C? Don't mind if I do! Various licenses, all free.
- huffandpuff - A minimal Huffman encoder and decoder. Public domain.
- iniparser - A parser for .ini files. Expat.
- jemalloc - A malloc implementation that emphasizes avoidance of fragmentation and scalable concurrency support. FreeBSD.
- jwHash - A fast hashtable implementation. Apache2.0.
- kdtree - A simple library for working with KD-trees. 3-clause BSD.
- Kitsune - An efficient, general-purpose framework for dynamic software updating. GNU LGPLv3 or later.
- libavl - A library containing a range of self-balancing binary trees. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- libbson - A BSON utility library. Apache2.0.
- libCello - A library introducing higher-level programming to C. 3-clause BSD.
- libcox - A library which permits cross-platform system calls and standard utilities across different operating systems. FreeBSD.
- libcsv - A simple, streaming CSV parser. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later.
- libffi - A portable foreign-function interface library. Expat.
- libgit2 - Pure C implementation of Git. GNU GPL2 only, with a linking exception.
- libimobiledevice - A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iThings. GNU LGPLv2.1 or later (library), GNU GPLv2.1 or later (tools).
- libmpv - A music-playing library. Compile with
./waf configure --disable-cplayer --enable-libmpv-shared
to not have the music player. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- libnfc - A platform-independent Near-Field Communication library. GNU LGPLv3 only.
- libPhenom - An eventing framework for building high-scalability and high-performance systems. Apache2.0.
- libsoundio - A library for cross-platform, real-time audio input and output. Has a range of back-ends. Expat.
- libucl - A universal configuration library parser. FreeBSD.
- libudp - An implementation of the Universal Design Pattern in C. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- libuv - Cross-platform asynchronous I/O. Expat.
- libYAML - A YAML 1.1 parser and emitter. Expat.
- lzo - A very fast data compression library. GNU GPLv2.1 or later.
- mpc - A parser combinator library. FreeBSD.
- ncurses - Coloured terminal UI library. GNU GPLv3 or later.
- nope.c - A C-language-based, ultra-light software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications (think node.js for C programmers). GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- pbc - A protocol buffers library. Expat.
- rabbitmq-c - A client library for RabbitMQ. Expat.
- Ragel - A DSL for state machines that compiles to C. GNU GPLv2.1 only.
- uthash - A hash table implementation, allowing existing structures to be stored in a hash table easily. 1-clause BSD
- Viola - A simplification of libCello. Expat.
- zlib - A massively-spiffy yet delicately-unobtrusive compression library. 3-clause BSD.
"XML is crap. Really. There are no excuses. XML is nasty to parse for humans, and it's a disaster to parse even for computers. There's just no reason for that horrible crap to exist." - Linus Torvalds