data and template interface

gearsix 2750e20741 project: updated TODO; updated CHANGELOG 7 months ago
cmd 869ef50010 Overhaul to README docs; update to the `-h` for the dati binary. 7 months ago
examples 9e9f19905a v1 changes; removed DEPRECIATED code and a few fixes 1 year ago 2750e20741 project: updated TODO; updated CHANGELOG 7 months ago
LICENSE a4fdfd4c88 added GPLv3 license; added mustache support 3 years ago 869ef50010 Overhaul to README docs; update to the `-h` for the dati binary. 7 months ago 2750e20741 project: updated TODO; updated CHANGELOG 7 months ago
data.go abca941a73 bugfix: data & template ReadLanguage major fix 7 months ago
data_test.go c8e489bd45 test: fixes to data_test & template_test 7 months ago
file.go e0ca51e79c minor improvements, better variable names, updated LICENSE dates, etc 1 year ago
file_test.go e0ca51e79c minor improvements, better variable names, updated LICENSE dates, etc 1 year ago
go.mod 912752f46b REBRAND to 'dati - data and template interface' 2 years ago
go.sum bb46d788e3 go.sum update 3 years ago
template.go abca941a73 bugfix: data & template ReadLanguage major fix 7 months ago
template_test.go c8e489bd45 test: fixes to data_test & template_test 7 months ago


dati provides a single unified interface for data-serialization and template languages. Ideally it supports any language that you need! If it doesn't, let me know or feel free to add support and submit a patch.

It can be used as a Go library or a binary for excuting data against templates, it was built as a library first but works well in both forms:

  • The Go library allows you to easily parse data-serialization and template languages using a single interface (removing the need to learn a seperate library for each). This allows much better coherence and readability in your own software.
  • The binary was originally intended to showcase what can be done with the library. It works well as its own data-template executioner though.


Load data files without dati:

package example


func ParseDataFile(path string) (data map[string]any, err error) {
	var file *os.File
	if file, err = os.Open(path); err != nil {

	var filedata []byte
	if filedata, err = io.ReadAll(file); err != nil {

	switch filepath.Ext(path) {
	case ".yaml":
		err = yaml.Unmarshal(filedata, &data)
	case ".toml":
		err = toml.Unmarshal(filedata, &data)
	case ".json":
		err = json.Unmarshal(filedata, &data)
		err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported filetype: '%s'", filepath.Ext(path))


Load any data file with dati:

package example

import ("")

func ParseDataFile(path string) (data map[string]any, err error) {
	err = dati.LoadDataFile(path, &data)

And this doesn't even begin to demonstrate the relief dati provides when libraries have different interfaces (the template libraries are much worse for this)!


Go library documentation

Binary documentation

Supported Languages

Supported Data-Serialization Languages

Supported Template Language


All of these libraries do the hard work, dati just combines them together - so thanks to the authors. Also here for reference.


  • gearsix