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  26. <h1 id="site">Freedoom</h1>
  27. <h2 id="page">Download</h2>
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  31. <div id="contents" class="nav">
  32. <h3>Contents</h3>
  33. <ul>
  34. <li><a href="index.html">Home Page</a></li>
  35. <li><a href="about.html">What is Freedoom?</a></li>
  36. <li><a href="screenshots.html">Screenshots</a></li>
  37. <li><a href="download.html">Download</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="help.html">Help Freedoom!</a></li>
  39. <li><hr /></li>
  40. <li><a href="">Report Issues</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="">Discuss on the Forum</a></li>
  42. <li><a href="">Talk on Discord</a></li>
  43. <li><hr /></li>
  44. <li><a href="using.html">Other Projects</a></li>
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  52. <div id="main">
  53. <div class="sect1">
  54. <h2 id="_game_data">Game data</h2>
  55. <div class="sectionbody">
  56. <div class="paragraph"><p><em>Freedoom</em> is available in two versions, the first of which is a
  57. single-player focused game, split in two parts, each of which is
  58. compatible with different versions of the classic <em>Doom</em> franchise
  59. from id Software. The second is a multiplayer-focused experience for
  60. the popular &#8220;deathmatch&#8221; game mode.</p></div>
  61. <div class="hdlist"><table>
  62. <tr>
  63. <td class="hdlist1">
  64. <a href="">Freedoom: Phase 1+2</a>
  65. <br>
  66. </td>
  67. <td class="hdlist2">
  68. <p style="margin-top: 0;">
  69. <em>Phase 1</em> is the first part of the single-player game, containing
  70. four episodes which are nine levels each, smoothly paced for
  71. beginner players. It is compatible with mods for the original
  72. <em>Doom</em> and <em>The Ultimate Doom</em>.
  73. <br>
  74. <br>
  75. <em>Phase 2</em> is the second major part of the single-player game, a
  76. massive 32-level episode expanding upon the same concepts present
  77. in <em>Phase 1</em>, as well as containing additional monsters and the
  78. double-barreled shotgun! The levels in this game tend to demand
  79. more skillful play than the previous episodes. It is compatible
  80. with mods for <em>Doom II</em>.
  81. </p>
  82. </td>
  83. </tr>
  84. <tr>
  85. <td class="hdlist1">
  86. <a href="">FreeDM</a>
  87. <br>
  88. </td>
  89. <td class="hdlist2">
  90. <p style="margin-top: 0;">
  91. <em>FreeDM</em> is a fast-paced competitive deathmatch game, part of the
  92. Freedoom project. Rather than the usual single-player focused
  93. levels, these contain no monsters and are intended for deathmatch
  94. only. It is compatible with mods for <em>Doom II</em>.
  95. </p>
  96. </td>
  97. </tr>
  98. </table></div>
  99. <div class="paragraph"><p>To verify the ZIP files linked to above check out the assets attached to <a href="">the release</a>, which includes the digital signatures and checksums / hashes.</p></div>
  100. <div class="paragraph"><p><br></p></div>
  101. </div>
  102. </div>
  103. <div class="sect1">
  104. <h2 id="_engine">Engine</h2>
  105. <div class="sectionbody">
  106. <div class="paragraph"><p><em>Freedoom</em> requires the additional download of a game engine to
  107. play. The following engines are recommended by the <em>Freedoom</em> project:</p></div>
  108. <div class="hdlist"><table>
  109. <tr>
  110. <td class="hdlist1">
  111. <a href="">Crispy Doom</a>
  112. <br>
  113. </td>
  114. <td class="hdlist2">
  115. <p style="margin-top: 0;">
  116. Crispy Doom preserves most of the original <em>Doom</em> engine&#8217;s classic
  117. look and feel while adding many quality-of-life modernizations.
  118. Its parent project, <a href="">Chocolate Doom</a>,
  119. is much more faithful to the original DOS <em>Doom</em> but is not recommended
  120. for ordinary use as it replicates some unstable behavior.
  121. </p>
  122. </td>
  123. </tr>
  124. <tr>
  125. <td class="hdlist1">
  126. <a href="">Eternity Engine</a>
  127. <br>
  128. </td>
  129. <td class="hdlist2">
  130. <p style="margin-top: 0;">
  131. Eternity Engine is a feature-rich engine with a significant amount of
  132. customizability for more advanced level and gameplay modifications.
  133. </p>
  134. </td>
  135. </tr>
  136. <tr>
  137. <td class="hdlist1">
  138. <a href="">GZDoom</a>
  139. <br>
  140. </td>
  141. <td class="hdlist2">
  142. <p style="margin-top: 0;">
  143. GZDoom is an advanced <em>Doom</em>-engine-based general game development platform
  144. with enormous customizability for both authors and players. Many mods
  145. released for <em>Doom</em> and <em>Freedoom</em> have been developed around its unique
  146. features. It does, however, deviate significantly from the original Doom
  147. gameplay and aesthetics and cannot play any gameplay recordings (&#8220;demos&#8221;)
  148. that would otherwise work with the <em>Doom</em> engine.
  149. </p>
  150. </td>
  151. </tr>
  152. </table></div>
  153. <div class="paragraph"><p>These engines, and <a href="">many others</a>,
  154. are made possible thanks to the <em>Doom</em> engine being released as
  155. <a href="">free software</a> in 1997.</p></div>
  156. <div class="sect2">
  157. <h3 id="_android">Android</h3>
  158. <div class="paragraph"><p>The <em>Freedoom</em> project does not officially support any engines nor
  159. forks, though we would like to note for convenience that there is a
  160. packaged version with GZDoom available for Android devices. It is
  161. available either on the
  162. <a href="">Google
  163. Play Store</a>, or as an installable
  164. <a href="">APK</a>.</p></div>
  165. </div>
  166. </div>
  167. </div>
  168. <div class="sect1">
  169. <h2 id="_development_snapshots">Development snapshots</h2>
  170. <div class="sectionbody">
  171. <div class="paragraph"><p>Freedoom is a project with constant, active development. If you would
  172. like to check out the current progress of the project, you may want to
  173. see an automated <a href="">build of the latest
  174. version in Git</a>.</p></div>
  175. </div>
  176. </div>
  177. <div class="sect1">
  178. <h2 id="_previous_releases">Previous releases</h2>
  179. <div class="sectionbody">
  180. <div class="paragraph"><p>Freedoom is an old project with many past releases, you may find some
  181. of them on the <a href="">GitHub
  182. release page</a>. Unfortunately, many old releases have been officially
  183. pulled due to copyright violations discovered in the source tree, so
  184. we can only provide as back as far as 0.6.4.</p></div>
  185. </div>
  186. </div>
  187. <p></p>
  188. <hr />
  189. <p>
  190. Copyright 2001 - <script type="text/javascript">
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  194. </script> by contributors of the Freedoom project. Freedoom and this website is <a href="">licensed under an open-license</a>. We have an <a href="feed.xml">RSS feed that you can follow</a>.</p>
  195. </div>
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