HCAR-gitit.tex 1.7 KB

  1. % gitit-Jg.tex
  2. \begin{hcarentry}[updated]{gitit}
  3. \label{gitit}
  4. \report{John MacFarlane}%11/10
  5. \participants{Gwern Branwen, Simon Michael, Henry Laxen, Anton
  6. van Straaten, Robin Green, Thomas Hartman, Justin Bogner, Kohei Ozaki,
  7. Dmitry Golubovsky, Anton Tayanovskyy, Dan Cook, Jinjing Wang}
  8. \status{active development}
  9. \makeheader
  10. Gitit is a wiki built on Happstack~\cref{happstack} and backed by a git, darcs, or mercurial
  11. filestore. Pages and uploaded files can be modified either directly
  12. via the VCS's command-line tools or through the wiki's web interface.
  13. Pandoc~\cref{pandoc} is used for markup processing, so pages may be written in
  14. (extended) markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, HTML, or literate Haskell,
  15. and exported in thirteen different formats, including LaTeX, ConTeXt,
  16. DocBook, RTF, OpenOffice ODT, MediaWiki markup, EPUB, and PDF.
  17. Notable features of gitit include:
  18. \begin{compactitem}
  19. \item
  20. Plugins: users can write their own dynamically loaded page transformations,
  21. which operate directly on the abstract syntax tree.
  22. \item
  23. Math support: LaTeX inline and display math is automatically converted
  24. to MathML, using the \texttt{texmath} library.
  25. \item
  26. Highlighting: Any git, darcs, or mercurial repository can be made a gitit wiki.
  27. Directories can be browsed, and source code files are
  28. automatically syntax-highlighted. Code snippets in wiki pages
  29. can also be highlighted.
  30. \item
  31. Library: Gitit now exports a library, \texttt{Network.Gitit}, that makes it
  32. easy to include a gitit wiki (or wikis) in any Happstack application.
  33. \item
  34. Literate Haskell: Pages can be written directly in literate Haskell.
  35. \end{compactitem}
  36. \FurtherReading
  37. \url{http://gitit.net} (itself
  38. a running demo of gitit)
  39. \end{hcarentry}