123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295 |
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- -- ghc --make EditDistViz.hs -main-is EditDistViz.main
- module EditDistViz where
- import Data.Array
- import Data.List (intersperse)
- import Control.Arrow ((***))
- import qualified Data.Set as S
- -- write file
- import System.IO
- data Cell a = Val {val::Int, reasons::[Reason a]}
- deriving (Show)
- data Reason a = Init | X a | Y a | Eq a | Neq a
- deriving (Show)
- data SVG = SVG {mainElement::XMLElement}
- data XMLString = XMLString {unescaped::String}
- data XMLAttribute = Attr {attrName::XMLString, attrValue::XMLString}
- data XMLElement = Tag {tagName::XMLString, attributes::[XMLAttribute], content::[Either XMLElement XMLString]}
- instance Show XMLString where
- show (XMLString unescaped) = concatMap f unescaped
- where f '<' = "<"
- f '>' = ">"
- f '&' = "&"
- f '\'' = "'"
- f '"' = """
- f x = [x]
- mkTag x a =
- Tag
- (XMLString x)
- (map (uncurry Attr . (XMLString *** XMLString)) a)
- rgb r g b =
- "rgb(" ++ show (255 * r) ++
- "," ++ show (255 * g) ++
- "," ++ show (255 * b) ++ ")"
- red = rgb 1 0 0
- yello = rgb 1 1 0
- green = rgb 0 1 0
- cyan = rgb 0 1 1
- blu = rgb 0 0 1
- purpl = rgb 1 0 1
- {- trace successful path back from (m,n) point to origin -}
- successpath table =
- let (_, (m,n)) = bounds table
- aux' (0,0) = []
- -- arbitrary preference? no, let's show all successful paths.
- aux' (i,j) =
- let diag = any (\x -> case x of (Eq _) -> True ; (Neq _) -> True ; _ -> False) (reasons (table ! (i,j)))
- horz = any (\x -> case x of (X _) -> True ; _ -> False) (reasons (table ! (i,j)))
- vert = any (\x -> case x of (Y _) -> True ; _ -> False) (reasons (table ! (i,j)))
- in
- [(i-1,j-1) | diag] ++ [(i-1,j) | horz] ++ [(i,j-1) | vert]
- aux front accum =
- case S.minView front of
- Nothing -> accum
- Just ((i,j), s) ->
- let contributions = aux' (i,j)
- in
- aux (S.union s (S.fromList contributions))
- (S.union accum (S.fromList (map (\x -> (x, (i,j))) contributions)))
- in
- aux (S.fromList [(m,n)]) (S.empty)
- toSVG :: Array (Int,Int) (Cell Char) -> SVG
- toSVG table =
- let (_, (m,n)) = bounds table
- -- square edge width
- sqmeasure = 50.0 :: Float
- rmeasure = 5.0
- -- stroke line width:
- smeasure = 1.0
- width = sqmeasure * fromIntegral m
- height = sqmeasure * fromIntegral n
- valmaxf = fromIntegral $ maximum (map val (elems table))
- palette = cycle [red, yello, green, cyan, blu, purpl]
- s_path = S.toList (successpath table)
- in
- SVG $
- mkTag "svg"
- [("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ("width", show width), ("height", show height)
- ,("viewBox", show (-0.5*sqmeasure) ++ " " ++ show (-0.5*sqmeasure) ++ " " ++ show (width + 1*sqmeasure) ++ " " ++ show (height + 1*sqmeasure))
- ]
- $
- -- white background
- [ Left (mkTag "rect" [("x", show $ -0.5*sqmeasure),
- ("y", show $ -0.5*sqmeasure),
- ("width", show $ width + 1*sqmeasure),
- ("height", show $ height + 1*sqmeasure),
- ("fill", "white")
- ] [])]
- ++
- -- horizontal lettering
- [ Left (mkTag "text"
- [("x", show x), ("y", show (-sqmeasure/4)),
- ("fill", rgb 0.0 0.0 0.0)
- ]
- [Right $ XMLString c])
- | i <- [1..m]
- , let c = case reasons (table ! (i, 0)) of [X c] -> [c] ; _ -> ""
- , let x = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure - 0.5 * sqmeasure ]
- ++
- -- vertical lettering
- [ Left (mkTag "text"
- [("y", show y), ("x", show (-sqmeasure/4)),
- ("fill", rgb 0.0 0.0 0.0)
- ]
- [Right $ XMLString c])
- | j <- [1..n]
- , let c = case reasons (table ! (0, j)) of [Y c] -> [c] ; _ -> ""
- , let y = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure - 0.5 * sqmeasure ]
- ++
- -- little square tiles
- [ Left (mkTag "rect"
- [("x", show rx), ("y", show ry),
- ("width", show sqmeasure),
- ("height", show sqmeasure),
- ("fill", color),
- ("fill-opacity", show 1.0),
- ("stroke", color),
- ("stroke-width", show smeasure)
- ] [])
- | i <- [0..m-1], j <- [0..n-1]
- , let rx = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let ry = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let vf = fromIntegral $ val (table ! (i+1,j+1))
- , let shade = vf / valmaxf
- , let color = rgb shade shade shade ]
- ++
- -- highlight successful path(s)
- [ Left (mkTag "line"
- [("x1", show x1)
- ,("y1", show y1)
- ,("x2", show x2)
- ,("y2", show y2)
- ,("stroke", color)
- ,("stroke-width", show s'measure)]
- [])
- | ((i',j'), (i,j)) <- s_path
- -- a nice possibility: draw a thicker line first
- , let s'measure = 5.0
- , let x1 = fromIntegral i' * sqmeasure
- , let y1 = fromIntegral j' * sqmeasure
- , let x2 = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let y2 = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let color = rgb 0.0 0.0 1.0 ]
- ++
- -- dashed lines for same letter
- [ Left (mkTag "line"
- [("x1", show x1)
- ,("y1", show y1)
- ,("x2", show x2)
- ,("y2", show y2)
- ,("stroke", color)
- ,("stroke-width", show s'measure)
- ,("stroke-dasharray", show 5)]
- [])
- | i <- [0..m-1], j <- [0..n-1]
- , let s'measure = smeasure
- , let x1 = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let y1 = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let x2 = fromIntegral (i+1) * sqmeasure
- , let y2 = fromIntegral (j+1) * sqmeasure
- , let rr = reasons (table ! (i+1,j+1))
- , any (\x -> case x of (Eq _) -> True ; _ -> False) rr
- , let color = palette !! val (table ! (i, j)) ]
- ++
- -- horizontal
- [ Left (mkTag "line"
- [("x1", show x1)
- ,("y1", show y1)
- ,("x2", show x2)
- ,("y2", show y2)
- ,("stroke", color)
- ,("stroke-width", show s'measure)]
- [])
- | i <- [0..m-1], j <- [0..n-1]
- , let s'measure = smeasure
- , let x1 = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let y1 = fromIntegral (j+1) * sqmeasure
- , let x2 = fromIntegral (i+1) * sqmeasure
- , let y2 = fromIntegral (j+1) * sqmeasure
- , let rr = reasons (table ! (i+1,j+1))
- , any (\x -> case x of (X _) -> True ; _ -> False) rr
- , let color = palette !! val (table ! (i, j)) ]
- ++
- -- vertical
- [ Left (mkTag "line"
- [("x1", show x1)
- ,("y1", show y1)
- ,("x2", show x2)
- ,("y2", show y2)
- ,("stroke", color)
- ,("stroke-width", show s'measure)]
- [])
- | i <- [0..m-1], j <- [0..n-1]
- , let s'measure = smeasure
- , let x1 = fromIntegral (i+1) * sqmeasure
- , let y1 = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let x2 = fromIntegral (i+1) * sqmeasure
- , let y2 = fromIntegral (j+1) * sqmeasure
- , let rr = reasons (table ! (i+1,j+1))
- , any (\x -> case x of (Y _) -> True ; _ -> False) rr
- , let color = palette !! val (table ! (i, j))]
- ++
- -- diagonal, different letter
- [ Left (mkTag "line"
- [("x1", show x1)
- ,("y1", show y1)
- ,("x2", show x2)
- ,("y2", show y2)
- ,("stroke", color)
- ,("stroke-width", show s'measure)]
- [])
- | i <- [0..m-1], j <- [0..n-1]
- , let s'measure = smeasure
- , let x1 = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let y1 = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let x2 = fromIntegral (i+1) * sqmeasure
- , let y2 = fromIntegral (j+1) * sqmeasure
- , let rr = reasons (table ! (i+1,j+1))
- , any (\x -> case x of (Neq _) -> True ; _ -> False) rr
- , let color = palette !! val (table ! (i, j)) ]
- ++
- [ Left (mkTag "circle"
- [("cx", show cx), ("cy", show cy), ("r", show rmeasure),
- ("fill", rgb 0.0 0.0 (vf / valmaxf)),
- ("fill-opacity", show 1)
- ] [])
- | i <- [0..m], j <- [0..n]
- , let cx = fromIntegral i * sqmeasure
- , let cy = fromIntegral j * sqmeasure
- , let vf = fromIntegral $ val (table ! (i,j)) ]
- instance Show SVG where
- show (SVG elt) = show elt
- instance Show XMLElement where
- show (Tag name attrs content) =
- concat $ ["<", show name] ++
- [" "| not (null attrs)] ++
- intersperse " " (map show attrs) ++ ["/>" | null content] ++
- [">" | not (null content)] ++
- [case c of
- Left c -> show c
- Right c -> show c | c <- content] ++
- ["</" ++ show name ++ ">" | not (null content)]
- instance Show XMLAttribute where
- show (Attr name value) =
- concat [show name, "=\"", show value, "\""]
- edtable :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Array (Int, Int) (Cell a)
- edtable v w =
- let res = array ((0,0), (length v , length w)) $
- [((0,0), Val 0 [Init])] ++
- [((x,0), Val x [X vx]) | (x,vx) <- zip [1..] v] ++
- [((0,y), Val y [Y wy]) | (y,wy) <- zip [1..] w] ++
- [((x,y), k)
- | (x,vx) <- zip [1..] v
- , (y,wy) <- zip [1..] w
- , let nx = 1 + val (res ! (x-1, y))
- ny = 1 + val (res ! (x, y-1))
- nd = (if vx == wy then 0 else 1) + val(res ! (x-1, y-1))
- n = minimum [nx, ny, nd]
- , let k = Val n $
- [X vx | n == nx] ++
- [Y wy | n == ny] ++
- [Eq vx | n == nd, vx == wy] ++
- [Neq vx | n == nd, vx /= wy]
- ]
- in res
- -- (s1,s2) = ("preternatural", "unintentional")
- (s1,s2) = ("efghabcd", "abcdefgh")
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- (pathOfTempFile, h) <- openTempFile "/tmp" "edtable.svg"
- putStrLn ("Writing to " ++ pathOfTempFile)
- hPutStr h $ show $ toSVG (edtable s1 s2)
- hClose h