@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Author: Esty Thomas
+# License: GPL v3.0
+# If the list of authors will return a search term
+# under 2048 characters, indep() will use this
+# which simply returns a string of the format
+# author:'name 1' OR author:'name 2' etc
+def indep_short(authl)
+ authors=authl.join("' OR author:'")
+ authors="author:'"+authors+"'"
+ return authors
+# If the list of authors will return a search term
+# over 2048 characters, indep() will use this
+# which recursively splits the list until each
+# separate output term will be under 2048 characters
+# and returns them in an array.
+# It's not the prettiest hack but it will do until
+# I start figuring out how to make this into a browser
+# extension or something.
+def indep_long(authl)
+ half = (authl.length/2).floor
+ authl1 = authl.take(half)
+ authl2 = authl.drop(half)
+ authors1 = "author:'"+authl1.join("' OR author:'")+"'"
+ authors2 = "author:'"+authl2.join("' OR author:'")+"'"
+ if (authors1.length>2048) && (authors2.length<2048)
+ return [indep_long(authl1), authors2] #split authl1
+ elsif (authors1.length<2048) && (authors2.length>2048)
+ return [authors1, indep_long(authl2)] #split authl2
+ elsif (authors1.length>2048) && (authors2.length>2048)
+ return [indep_long(authl1), indep_long(authl2)] #split both
+ else
+ return [authors1, authors2]
+ end
+# only use 'sort' when you have an author list like this:
+# "Last, First, First Last, First Last, and First Last"
+# it will give you the author list back like this:
+# "First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last"
+# so you can put it into 'indep'
+def sort(auth)
+ authl = auth.split(", ")
+ authl[1] = authl[1] + " " + authl[0]
+ authl = authl.drop(1)
+ last = authl[-1]
+ lastl = last.split(" ")
+ lastnew = lastl.drop(1).join(" ")
+ authl[-1] = lastnew
+ return authl.join(", ")
+# this will give you search terms you can use in Google Scholar
+# use this for author lists like this:
+# "First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last"
+# If the list starts "Last, First" and ends "and First Last"
+# put it into 'sort' and use the result
+def indep(auth)
+ authl = auth.split(", ")
+ if (auth.length+9+(authl.length-1)) < 2048
+ return indep_short(authl)
+ else
+ return indep_long(authl)
+ end