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Screen, stylus and trackpoint rotation

This folder contains the following bash script:


Its purpose is to rotate the screen and/or Wacom stylus and/or trackpoint orientation for more comfortable drawing and writing on a touch screen. To use them your system should have the commands xrandr and xsetwacom available.


Save the script to your home folder, for example /home/admin if your username is admin. Next, make it executable, chmod +x /home/admin/ Then use your desktop environment's shortcut tool run the command /home/admin/ -spt where one or more of the options s, p and t are used (see below). You might need to experiment with which of the three options are needed.

  • This can be done in Trisquel 9.0 with the MATE desktop by Trisquel icon > System > Preferences > Hardware > Keyboard Shortcuts and clicking Add.


The script accepts three command line options

  • -s Rotates the screen 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  • -p Sets the stylus input orientation to the same as the screen orientation.

  • -t Sets the trackpoint orientation to the same as the screen orientation.

These can be combined, for example with -stp for rotating everything. The order of the options does not matter. The script will make sure that the screen is rotated first, and then sets the correct input device orientations.

Why so many options?

Different desktop environments do different things automatically. For example on the MATE-desktop in Parabola, pressing the bezel rotation button will always rotate the screen (but not the stylus), even when not using this script. Hence you could use -pt to fix the pen (stylus) and trackpoint orientations.

On other systems the desktop environment might automatically update the stylus orientation whenever the screen orientation changes. In this case it is enough to rotate only the screen by -s.

Lastly, if your desktop enviroment does absolutely nothing automatically, use -spt. This might be the case for example when useing LXDE.

Conditions for redistribution

Copyright (C) 2021 Emilia L.K. Blåsten

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the the file COPYING for more details.