pandocref.txt 1.3 KB

  1. # .txt to .html
  2. pandoc -o output.html input.txt
  3. pandoc -s -o output.html input.txt
  4. # .html to Markdown
  5. pandoc -f html -t markdown file.html
  6. # Markdown to .html
  7. pandoc -o file.html
  8. # RMarkdown to .html
  9. pandoc -o file.html file.Rmd
  10. # markdown to latex
  11. pandoc -o output.tex input.txt
  12. # .txt to .pdf (production of a PDF requires that a LaTeX engine be installed)
  13. pandoc input.txt -o output.pdf
  14. --verbose
  15. --version # print version
  16. --help # show usage message
  17. --preserve-tabs # preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces (the default)
  18. --tab-stop=NUMBER # specify the number of spaces per tab (default is 4)
  19. --extract-media=DIR #
  20. --dpi=NUMBER # specify the dpi (dots per inch) (default is 96dpi)
  21. --no-highlight # disables syntax highlighting for code bloks and inlines
  22. --hightlight-style=STYLE # specifies the coloring style to be used in source code
  23. --html-q-tags # use <q> tags for quotes in HTML
  24. --ascii # use only ascii characters in output (only for HTML output)
  25. --reference-links # use reference-style links, rather than inline links
  26. # To get a complete list of supported programming languages, you can run the command
  27. pandoc --list-highlight-languages