123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734 |
- import hashlib
- import base64
- import random
- import json
- import time
- import uuid
- from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
- from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List
- from datetime import (
- datetime,
- timedelta,
- timezone
- )
- from .har_file import RequestConfig
- cores = [16, 24, 32]
- screens = [3000, 4000, 6000]
- maxAttempts = 500000
- navigator_keys = [
- "registerProtocolHandler−function registerProtocolHandler() { [native code] }",
- "storage−[object StorageManager]",
- "locks−[object LockManager]",
- "appCodeName−Mozilla",
- "permissions−[object Permissions]",
- "appVersion−5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "share−function share() { [native code] }",
- "webdriver−false",
- "managed−[object NavigatorManagedData]",
- "canShare−function canShare() { [native code] }",
- "vendor−Google Inc.",
- "vendor−Google Inc.",
- "mediaDevices−[object MediaDevices]",
- "vibrate−function vibrate() { [native code] }",
- "storageBuckets−[object StorageBucketManager]",
- "mediaCapabilities−[object MediaCapabilities]",
- "getGamepads−function getGamepads() { [native code] }",
- "bluetooth−[object Bluetooth]",
- "share−function share() { [native code] }",
- "cookieEnabled−true",
- "virtualKeyboard−[object VirtualKeyboard]",
- "product−Gecko",
- "mediaDevices−[object MediaDevices]",
- "canShare−function canShare() { [native code] }",
- "getGamepads−function getGamepads() { [native code] }",
- "product−Gecko",
- "xr−[object XRSystem]",
- "clipboard−[object Clipboard]",
- "storageBuckets−[object StorageBucketManager]",
- "unregisterProtocolHandler−function unregisterProtocolHandler() { [native code] }",
- "productSub−20030107",
- "login−[object NavigatorLogin]",
- "vendorSub−",
- "login−[object NavigatorLogin]",
- "userAgent−Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "getInstalledRelatedApps−function getInstalledRelatedApps() { [native code] }",
- "userAgent−Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "mediaDevices−[object MediaDevices]",
- "locks−[object LockManager]",
- "webkitGetUserMedia−function webkitGetUserMedia() { [native code] }",
- "vendor−Google Inc.",
- "xr−[object XRSystem]",
- "mediaDevices−[object MediaDevices]",
- "virtualKeyboard−[object VirtualKeyboard]",
- "userAgent−Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "virtualKeyboard−[object VirtualKeyboard]",
- "appName−Netscape",
- "storageBuckets−[object StorageBucketManager]",
- "presentation−[object Presentation]",
- "onLine−true",
- "mimeTypes−[object MimeTypeArray]",
- "credentials−[object CredentialsContainer]",
- "presentation−[object Presentation]",
- "getGamepads−function getGamepads() { [native code] }",
- "vendorSub−",
- "virtualKeyboard−[object VirtualKeyboard]",
- "serviceWorker−[object ServiceWorkerContainer]",
- "xr−[object XRSystem]",
- "product−Gecko",
- "keyboard−[object Keyboard]",
- "gpu−[object GPU]",
- "getInstalledRelatedApps−function getInstalledRelatedApps() { [native code] }",
- "webkitPersistentStorage−[object DeprecatedStorageQuota]",
- "doNotTrack",
- "clearAppBadge−function clearAppBadge() { [native code] }",
- "presentation−[object Presentation]",
- "serial−[object Serial]",
- "locks−[object LockManager]",
- "requestMIDIAccess−function requestMIDIAccess() { [native code] }",
- "locks−[object LockManager]",
- "requestMediaKeySystemAccess−function requestMediaKeySystemAccess() { [native code] }",
- "vendor−Google Inc.",
- "pdfViewerEnabled−true",
- "language−zh-CN",
- "setAppBadge−function setAppBadge() { [native code] }",
- "geolocation−[object Geolocation]",
- "userAgentData−[object NavigatorUAData]",
- "mediaCapabilities−[object MediaCapabilities]",
- "requestMIDIAccess−function requestMIDIAccess() { [native code] }",
- "getUserMedia−function getUserMedia() { [native code] }",
- "mediaDevices−[object MediaDevices]",
- "webkitPersistentStorage−[object DeprecatedStorageQuota]",
- "userAgent−Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "sendBeacon−function sendBeacon() { [native code] }",
- "hardwareConcurrency−32",
- "appVersion−5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "credentials−[object CredentialsContainer]",
- "storage−[object StorageManager]",
- "cookieEnabled−true",
- "pdfViewerEnabled−true",
- "windowControlsOverlay−[object WindowControlsOverlay]",
- "scheduling−[object Scheduling]",
- "pdfViewerEnabled−true",
- "hardwareConcurrency−32",
- "xr−[object XRSystem]",
- "userAgent−Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/",
- "webdriver−false",
- "getInstalledRelatedApps−function getInstalledRelatedApps() { [native code] }",
- "getInstalledRelatedApps−function getInstalledRelatedApps() { [native code] }",
- "bluetooth−[object Bluetooth]"
- ]
- window_keys = [
- "0",
- "window",
- "self",
- "document",
- "name",
- "location",
- "customElements",
- "history",
- "navigation",
- "locationbar",
- "menubar",
- "personalbar",
- "scrollbars",
- "statusbar",
- "toolbar",
- "status",
- "closed",
- "frames",
- "length",
- "top",
- "opener",
- "parent",
- "frameElement",
- "navigator",
- "origin",
- "external",
- "screen",
- "innerWidth",
- "innerHeight",
- "scrollX",
- "pageXOffset",
- "scrollY",
- "pageYOffset",
- "visualViewport",
- "screenX",
- "screenY",
- "outerWidth",
- "outerHeight",
- "devicePixelRatio",
- "clientInformation",
- "screenLeft",
- "screenTop",
- "styleMedia",
- "onsearch",
- "isSecureContext",
- "trustedTypes",
- "performance",
- "onappinstalled",
- "onbeforeinstallprompt",
- "crypto",
- "indexedDB",
- "sessionStorage",
- "localStorage",
- "onbeforexrselect",
- "onabort",
- "onbeforeinput",
- "onbeforematch",
- "onbeforetoggle",
- "onblur",
- "oncancel",
- "oncanplay",
- "oncanplaythrough",
- "onchange",
- "onclick",
- "onclose",
- "oncontentvisibilityautostatechange",
- "oncontextlost",
- "oncontextmenu",
- "oncontextrestored",
- "oncuechange",
- "ondblclick",
- "ondrag",
- "ondragend",
- "ondragenter",
- "ondragleave",
- "ondragover",
- "ondragstart",
- "ondrop",
- "ondurationchange",
- "onemptied",
- "onended",
- "onerror",
- "onfocus",
- "onformdata",
- "oninput",
- "oninvalid",
- "onkeydown",
- "onkeypress",
- "onkeyup",
- "onload",
- "onloadeddata",
- "onloadedmetadata",
- "onloadstart",
- "onmousedown",
- "onmouseenter",
- "onmouseleave",
- "onmousemove",
- "onmouseout",
- "onmouseover",
- "onmouseup",
- "onmousewheel",
- "onpause",
- "onplay",
- "onplaying",
- "onprogress",
- "onratechange",
- "onreset",
- "onresize",
- "onscroll",
- "onsecuritypolicyviolation",
- "onseeked",
- "onseeking",
- "onselect",
- "onslotchange",
- "onstalled",
- "onsubmit",
- "onsuspend",
- "ontimeupdate",
- "ontoggle",
- "onvolumechange",
- "onwaiting",
- "onwebkitanimationend",
- "onwebkitanimationiteration",
- "onwebkitanimationstart",
- "onwebkittransitionend",
- "onwheel",
- "onauxclick",
- "ongotpointercapture",
- "onlostpointercapture",
- "onpointerdown",
- "onpointermove",
- "onpointerrawupdate",
- "onpointerup",
- "onpointercancel",
- "onpointerover",
- "onpointerout",
- "onpointerenter",
- "onpointerleave",
- "onselectstart",
- "onselectionchange",
- "onanimationend",
- "onanimationiteration",
- "onanimationstart",
- "ontransitionrun",
- "ontransitionstart",
- "ontransitionend",
- "ontransitioncancel",
- "onafterprint",
- "onbeforeprint",
- "onbeforeunload",
- "onhashchange",
- "onlanguagechange",
- "onmessage",
- "onmessageerror",
- "onoffline",
- "ononline",
- "onpagehide",
- "onpageshow",
- "onpopstate",
- "onrejectionhandled",
- "onstorage",
- "onunhandledrejection",
- "onunload",
- "crossOriginIsolated",
- "scheduler",
- "alert",
- "atob",
- "blur",
- "btoa",
- "cancelAnimationFrame",
- "cancelIdleCallback",
- "captureEvents",
- "clearInterval",
- "clearTimeout",
- "close",
- "confirm",
- "createImageBitmap",
- "fetch",
- "find",
- "focus",
- "getComputedStyle",
- "getSelection",
- "matchMedia",
- "moveBy",
- "moveTo",
- "open",
- "postMessage",
- "print",
- "prompt",
- "queueMicrotask",
- "releaseEvents",
- "reportError",
- "requestAnimationFrame",
- "requestIdleCallback",
- "resizeBy",
- "resizeTo",
- "scroll",
- "scrollBy",
- "scrollTo",
- "setInterval",
- "setTimeout",
- "stop",
- "structuredClone",
- "webkitCancelAnimationFrame",
- "webkitRequestAnimationFrame",
- "chrome",
- "g_opr",
- "opr",
- "ethereum",
- "caches",
- "cookieStore",
- "ondevicemotion",
- "ondeviceorientation",
- "ondeviceorientationabsolute",
- "launchQueue",
- "documentPictureInPicture",
- "getScreenDetails",
- "queryLocalFonts",
- "showDirectoryPicker",
- "showOpenFilePicker",
- "showSaveFilePicker",
- "originAgentCluster",
- "credentialless",
- "speechSynthesis",
- "onscrollend",
- "webkitRequestFileSystem",
- "webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL",
- "__remixContext",
- "__oai_SSR_TTI",
- "__remixManifest",
- "__reactRouterVersion",
- "DD_RUM",
- "filterCSS",
- "filterXSS",
- "DD_LOGS",
- "regeneratorRuntime",
- "_g",
- "__remixRouteModules",
- "__remixRouter",
- "__STATSIG_SDK__",
- "_oaiHandleSessionExpired"
- ]
- def get_parse_time():
- now = datetime.now(timezone(timedelta(hours=-5)))
- return now.strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S") + " GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)"
- def get_config(user_agent):
- core = random.choice(cores)
- screen = random.choice(screens)
- # partially hardcoded config
- config = [
- core + screen,
- get_parse_time(),
- None,
- random.random(),
- user_agent,
- None,
- RequestConfig.data_build, #document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-build"),
- "en-US",
- "en-US,es-US,en,es",
- 0,
- random.choice(navigator_keys),
- 'location',
- random.choice(window_keys),
- time.perf_counter(),
- str(uuid.uuid4()),
- "",
- 8,
- int(time.time()),
- ]
- return config
- def get_answer_token(seed, diff, config):
- answer, solved = generate_answer(seed, diff, config)
- if solved:
- return "gAAAAAB" + answer
- else:
- raise Exception("Failed to solve 'gAAAAAB' challenge")
- def generate_answer(seed, diff, config):
- diff_len = len(diff)
- seed_encoded = seed.encode()
- p1 = (json.dumps(config[:3], separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)[:-1] + ',').encode()
- p2 = (',' + json.dumps(config[4:9], separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)[1:-1] + ',').encode()
- p3 = (',' + json.dumps(config[10:], separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)[1:]).encode()
- target_diff = bytes.fromhex(diff)
- for i in range(maxAttempts):
- d1 = str(i).encode()
- d2 = str(i >> 1).encode()
- string = (
- p1
- + d1
- + p2
- + d2
- + p3
- )
- base_encode = base64.b64encode(string)
- hash_value = hashlib.new("sha3_512", seed_encoded + base_encode).digest()
- if hash_value[:diff_len] <= target_diff:
- return base_encode.decode(), True
- return 'wQ8Lk5FbGpA2NcR9dShT6gYjU7VxZ4D' + base64.b64encode(f'"{seed}"'.encode()).decode(), False
- def get_requirements_token(config):
- require, solved = generate_answer(format(random.random()), "0fffff", config)
- if solved:
- return 'gAAAAAC' + require
- else:
- raise Exception("Failed to solve 'gAAAAAC' challenge")
- ### processing turnstile token
- class OrderedMap:
- def __init__(self):
- self.map = OrderedDict()
- def add(self, key: str, value: Any):
- self.map[key] = value
- def to_json(self):
- return json.dumps(self.map)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.to_json()
- TurnTokenList = List[List[Any]]
- FloatMap = Dict[float, Any]
- StringMap = Dict[str, Any]
- FuncType = Callable[..., Any]
- start_time = time.time()
- def get_turnstile_token(dx: str, p: str) -> str:
- decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(dx)
- return process_turnstile_token(decoded_bytes.decode(), p)
- def process_turnstile_token(dx: str, p: str) -> str:
- result = []
- p_length = len(p)
- if p_length != 0:
- for i, r in enumerate(dx):
- result.append(chr(ord(r) ^ ord(p[i % p_length])))
- else:
- result = list(dx)
- return "".join(result)
- def is_slice(input_val: Any) -> bool:
- return isinstance(input_val, (list, tuple))
- def is_float(input_val: Any) -> bool:
- return isinstance(input_val, float)
- def is_string(input_val: Any) -> bool:
- return isinstance(input_val, str)
- def to_str(input_val: Any) -> str:
- if input_val is None:
- return "undefined"
- elif is_float(input_val):
- return f"{input_val:.16g}"
- elif is_string(input_val):
- special_cases = {
- "window.Math": "[object Math]",
- "window.Reflect": "[object Reflect]",
- "window.performance": "[object Performance]",
- "window.localStorage": "[object Storage]",
- "window.Object": "function Object() { [native code] }",
- "window.Reflect.set": "function set() { [native code] }",
- "window.performance.now": "function () { [native code] }",
- "window.Object.create": "function create() { [native code] }",
- "window.Object.keys": "function keys() { [native code] }",
- "window.Math.random": "function random() { [native code] }",
- }
- return special_cases.get(input_val, input_val)
- elif isinstance(input_val, list) and all(
- isinstance(item, str) for item in input_val
- ):
- return ",".join(input_val)
- else:
- # print(f"Type of input is: {type(input_val)}")
- return str(input_val)
- def get_func_map() -> FloatMap:
- process_map: FloatMap = defaultdict(lambda: None)
- def func_1(e: float, t: float):
- e_str = to_str(process_map[e])
- t_str = to_str(process_map[t])
- if e_str is not None and t_str is not None:
- res = process_turnstile_token(e_str, t_str)
- process_map[e] = res
- else:
- pass
- # print(f"Warning: Unable to process func_1 for e={e}, t={t}")
- def func_2(e: float, t: Any):
- process_map[e] = t
- def func_5(e: float, t: float):
- n = process_map[e]
- tres = process_map[t]
- if n is None:
- process_map[e] = tres
- elif is_slice(n):
- nt = n + [tres] if tres is not None else n
- process_map[e] = nt
- else:
- if is_string(n) or is_string(tres):
- res = to_str(n) + to_str(tres)
- elif is_float(n) and is_float(tres):
- res = n + tres
- else:
- res = "NaN"
- process_map[e] = res
- def func_6(e: float, t: float, n: float):
- tv = process_map[t]
- nv = process_map[n]
- if is_string(tv) and is_string(nv):
- res = f"{tv}.{nv}"
- if res == "window.document.location":
- process_map[e] = "https://chatgpt.com/"
- else:
- process_map[e] = res
- else:
- pass
- # print("func type 6 error")
- def func_24(e: float, t: float, n: float):
- tv = process_map[t]
- nv = process_map[n]
- if is_string(tv) and is_string(nv):
- process_map[e] = f"{tv}.{nv}"
- else:
- pass
- # print("func type 24 error")
- def func_7(e: float, *args):
- n = [process_map[arg] for arg in args]
- ev = process_map[e]
- if isinstance(ev, str):
- if ev == "window.Reflect.set":
- obj = n[0]
- key_str = str(n[1])
- val = n[2]
- obj.add(key_str, val)
- elif callable(ev):
- ev(*n)
- def func_17(e: float, t: float, *args):
- i = [process_map[arg] for arg in args]
- tv = process_map[t]
- res = None
- if isinstance(tv, str):
- if tv == "window.performance.now":
- current_time = time.time_ns()
- elapsed_ns = current_time - int(start_time * 1e9)
- res = (elapsed_ns + random.random()) / 1e6
- elif tv == "window.Object.create":
- res = OrderedMap()
- elif tv == "window.Object.keys":
- if isinstance(i[0], str) and i[0] == "window.localStorage":
- res = [
- "client-correlated-secret",
- "oai/apps/capExpiresAt",
- "oai-did",
- "UiState.isNavigationCollapsed.1",
- ]
- elif tv == "window.Math.random":
- res = random.random()
- elif callable(tv):
- res = tv(*i)
- process_map[e] = res
- def func_8(e: float, t: float):
- process_map[e] = process_map[t]
- def func_14(e: float, t: float):
- tv = process_map[t]
- if is_string(tv):
- try:
- token_list = json.loads(tv)
- process_map[e] = token_list
- except json.JSONDecodeError:
- # print(f"Warning: Unable to parse JSON for key {t}")
- process_map[e] = None
- else:
- # print(f"Warning: Value for key {t} is not a string")
- process_map[e] = None
- def func_15(e: float, t: float):
- tv = process_map[t]
- process_map[e] = json.dumps(tv)
- def func_18(e: float):
- ev = process_map[e]
- e_str = to_str(ev)
- decoded = base64.b64decode(e_str).decode()
- process_map[e] = decoded
- def func_19(e: float):
- ev = process_map[e]
- e_str = to_str(ev)
- encoded = base64.b64encode(e_str.encode()).decode()
- process_map[e] = encoded
- def func_20(e: float, t: float, n: float, *args):
- o = [process_map[arg] for arg in args]
- ev = process_map[e]
- tv = process_map[t]
- if ev == tv:
- nv = process_map[n]
- if callable(nv):
- nv(*o)
- else:
- pass
- # print("func type 20 error")
- def func_21(*args):
- pass
- def func_23(e: float, t: float, *args):
- i = list(args)
- ev = process_map[e]
- tv = process_map[t]
- if ev is not None and callable(tv):
- tv(*i)
- process_map.update(
- {
- 1: func_1,
- 2: func_2,
- 5: func_5,
- 6: func_6,
- 7: func_7,
- 8: func_8,
- 10: "window",
- 14: func_14,
- 15: func_15,
- 17: func_17,
- 18: func_18,
- 19: func_19,
- 20: func_20,
- 21: func_21,
- 23: func_23,
- 24: func_24,
- }
- )
- return process_map
- def process_turnstile(dx: str, p: str) -> str:
- tokens = get_turnstile_token(dx, p)
- res = ""
- token_list = json.loads(tokens)
- process_map = get_func_map()
- def func_3(e: str):
- nonlocal res
- res = base64.b64encode(e.encode()).decode()
- process_map[3] = func_3
- process_map[9] = token_list
- process_map[16] = p
- for token in token_list:
- try:
- e = token[0]
- t = token[1:]
- f = process_map.get(e)
- if callable(f):
- f(*t)
- else:
- pass
- # print(f"Warning: No function found for key {e}")
- except Exception as exc:
- raise Exception(f"Error processing token {token}: {exc}")
- # print(f"Error processing token {token}: {exc}")
- return res