sshd-bad-protocol.conf 1.0 KB

  1. # sshd bad protocol ban
  2. ## Note: used the default sshd.conf as a template.
  4. # Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from
  5. # common.local
  6. before = common.conf
  7. [DEFAULT]
  8. _daemon = sshd
  9. # optional prefix (logged from several ssh versions) like "error: ", "error: PAM: " or "fatal: "
  10. __pref = (?:(?:error|fatal): (?:PAM: )?)?
  11. # optional suffix (logged from several ssh versions) like " [preauth]"
  12. __suff = (?: \[preauth\])?\s*
  13. __on_port_opt = (?: port \d+)?(?: on \S+(?: port \d+)?)?
  14. # for all possible (also future) forms of "no matching (cipher|mac|MAC|compression method|key exchange method|host key type) found",
  15. # see ssherr.c for all possible SSH_ERR_..._ALG_MATCH errors.
  16. __alg_match = (?:(?:\w+ (?!found\b)){0,2}\w+)
  17. [Definition]
  18. prefregex = ^<F-MLFID>%(__prefix_line)s</F-MLFID>%(__pref)s<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$
  19. failregex = ^%(__prefix_line)sBad protocol version identification '.*' from <HOST> port \d+\s*$
  20. ^%(__prefix_line)sDid not receive identification string from <HOST>\s*$
  21. #ignoreregex =